Zhang Zhe was excited when he heard that he was going to the racetrack.

The reason for buying a supercar is not only because of its appearance, but also because of its violent performance.

Since buying the Koenigsegg Regera, Zhang Zhe has driven it several times, but he was very careful every time.

Even when the road was relatively empty, the speed never exceeded 80. In addition to the speed limit, it was also because it was really unsafe to drive fast.

After all, anything can happen on public roads. Zhang Zhe doesn’t want to put himself in danger because of a momentary rush.

But if you go to the racetrack, there will be no such concerns.

The spacious closed road will not be disturbed by pedestrians, and a car will not suddenly appear from nowhere.

Even if there is an accidental mistake, there is a long enough buffer zone, and there is basically no danger as long as you wear protection.

You can really experience how strong the acceleration and top speed of a supercar are.

But a few days ago, I made an appointment with Xia Wanxing and the others to go to Li Duo’s horse farm together on the weekend.

This afternoon, Xiao Wanxing sent a message to remind himself not to forget to go tomorrow, so Zhang Zhe had to reply:

“I am really interested in the track, but I have already made an appointment with a friend this week. I will not participate this time. How about I arrange it next time?”

“I just asked you today. The specific time has not been decided yet.”

Qin Zhengyang nodded and replied:

“Since you have something to do, let’s talk about it after you finish your work. After all, it will be boring if you don’t go.”

“Not really, you should have fun, don’t ruin your mood because of me alone.” Zhang Zhe waved his hand and replied.

“Haha, the main thing is that I’ve been eyeing the Regera for a long time. Now, apart from Fu Songyang, you’re the only one in China who owns one.”

Qin Zhengyang explained with a smile:

“I was thinking that when you’ve had enough fun, I’ll use my LaFerrari to experience a few laps with you.”

“No problem, I happen to like LaFerrari as well.”

Zhang Zhe replied:

“How about next week? I’ll have time next week.”

“Okay, next week then.”

Qin Zhengyang nodded and replied:

“I’ll contact the Shanghai International Circuit to see which day is appropriate.”

“Count me in then.” Wang Shichong said quickly.

A few days ago, Wang Shichong accidentally saw someone posting on Weibo that a Koenigsegg had rear-ended someone in Shanghai, and also attached a photo.

Wang Shichong likes supercars very much, and he recognized the car in the photo as the Koenigsegg Regera at a glance.

You should know that the Koenigsegg Regera is limited to 80 units worldwide and will only be delivered after the new year. There seem to be only two in China.

The owner of one of the cars is Fu Songyang, the general agent of Koenigsegg in China. The other one is said to be sent to the auto show next month for exhibition. Wang Shichong is also going to appreciate it at that time.

Although the photo only shows the side of the Koenigsegg Regera, the owner and the car in front are not visible, and it is also unclear whether the accident is serious.

But the car in the photo is black, obviously not the one owned by Fu Songyang. The only possibility is that the other one also has an owner.

At that time, Wang Shichong was a little curious about who was so generous and took the car in advance before the auto show. Unexpectedly, the owner turned out to be Zhang Zhe.

But thinking of Zhang Zhe’s financial resources, Wang Shichong was not surprised, and couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.

As expected of a person who controls a cash flow of tens of digits, he can buy a supercar worth tens of millions.

Although he also has several supercars, they are all regular models such as Ferrari 458 and Lamborghini Aventador. The best one is Porsche 918, which is priced at 15 million yuan.

Moreover, when he wanted to buy 918, Lao Wang hesitated for a long time before agreeing to it, and he has mentioned this matter many times in recent years.

In the eyes of outsiders, as the son of the former richest man, Wang Shichong should have endless money.

But family members know their own business. Although Lao Wang is worth hundreds of billions, it is all the value of shares. In fact, there is not much cash flow that can be used.

Even the 500 million startup funds rumored on the Internet were divided into many installments.

A few million less, 10 or 20 million more, and it took almost two and a half years to get 500 million.

It’s not that I don’t want to give it, but I can’t take out that much at one time.

And Zhang Zhe, who is obviously much younger than himself, has a cash flow of tens of digits…

Wang Shichong was in a daze, and Sun Peng, who had been chatting with Xu Che, suddenly looked at him and asked:

“Mr. Wang, I heard that Wanda Ruihua Hotel is going to be put up for sale?”


Wang Shichong came back to his senses and replied with a slightly hesitant look:

“Mr. Sun is really well-informed. I did hear about this from my father, but you also know that II don’t interfere with Wanda’s affairs, and I don’t know the specific situation…”

Sun Peng nodded and said:

“If Wanda Ruihua really intends to sell, I hope Mr. Wang can tell me in advance.”

“Mr. Sun, are you interested in entering the hotel industry?” Wang Shichong asked.

“How can I afford a hotel of this level?”

Sun Peng shook his head and explained:

“Among our Hongda customers, there are those who are more interested in luxury hotels. I talked to Bulgari a few days ago, but they offered a high price and we didn’t reach an agreement in the end…”

“Okay, if the sale is confirmed later, I will contact Mr. Sun. “Wang Shichong replied.

A hotel of this level will definitely be sold by auction in the end. It’s okay to tell Sun Peng in advance, but it will benefit both parties.

In this way, they can negotiate the price with the other party in advance and strive for the highest possible reserve price, and Sun Peng will have enough time to prepare funds.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhang Zhe asked:

“Mr. Sun, are you talking about the nearby Bulgari Hotel?”

“Yes, Mr. Zhang is also interested?”

“I’ve been living there recently, so I’m just a little curious.”

Zhang Zhe asked in confusion:

“I remember that Bulgari just opened not long ago, and it’s ready to sell now?”

“Mr. Zhang, you may not have paid attention to this.”

Sun Peng explained:

“This year, many financial industries have collapsed, and the real estate industry has a high debt ratio and has also been affected to a certain extent. As far as I know, many well-known real estate companies in China have begun to realize their assets such as hotels. ”

“After all, many star-rated hotels were built when the land was acquired, which can reduce some land costs. However, building a hotel not only takes a long time and requires a large investment, but also has a slow return. ”

“They didn’t lack money before. A luxury hotel can enhance brand influence to a certain extent and is a very high-quality asset. But now the capital chain of these real estate companies is extremely tight. Instead of continuing to hold it, it is better to sell it to recover funds…”

After hearing what he said, Zhang Zhe immediately understood.

Compared with housing, the transaction attributes of hotels and shopping malls are relatively weak, but they also belong to the scope of real estate.

For example, the two hotels, Wanda Ruihua and Bulgari, are doing well in business, and their monthly revenue is certainly not low.

But for a company of Wanda’s size, the profit of the hotel is not enough. What problems can profit solve?

Even if the hotel itself is a high-quality asset with a very high value, the value is just a number, and the money is in hand.

These companies have a high debt ratio, and it is basically difficult to borrow money from banks, so they can only choose to sell these assets.

As long as the money is in hand, whether it is used to relieve loan pressure or to develop new projects, the capital utilization rate will be far higher than continuing to hold the hotel.

Zhang Zhe suddenly became interested. How about buying a hotel for fun?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhe asked Sun Peng directly:

“Mr. Sun, how much is the Bulgari Hotel?”

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