Hearing Zhang Zhe’s words, Sun Peng couldn’t help but feel a little suspicious.

From the conversation just now, it can be seen that Zhang Zhe should not have much contact with the hotel and real estate industries, or at least not very familiar with them.

But after listening to his explanation, Zhang Zhe directly asked about the price. This was not just curiosity.

Who would care how much something is worth if they are not interested in it?

Sun Peng had a few thoughts flashing through his mind, and asked directly:

“Mr. Zhang is also optimistic about the Bulgari Hotel?”

“I am indeed interested. I have been staying at the Bulgari Hotel for some time, and the experience is still very good. It just so happens that I have the idea of ​​investing recently.”

Zhang Zhe briefly explained and replied:

“Of course, if Mr. Sun is not convenient to say, forget it, I can contact it myself.”

“This is not an industry secret. You can find out with a little inquiry. There is nothing inconvenient.”

Sun Peng waved his hand and replied:

“Mr. Zhang, the offer given by Bulgari is 2.4 billion. I personally feel that the premium is a bit high. About 2.2 billion is a more appropriate price range.”

“However, the financial situation of Bulgari’s parent company seems to be good, and the intention to sell is not very strong. I negotiated with the other party twice, but they were not willing to give in on the price…”

“2.4 billion?”

Zhang Zhe was not very surprised by this price.

After all, it is in the Bund where every inch of land is worth a lot of money. Even if the decoration and brand of the hotel are not taken into account, the property rights of the hotel itself are worth a lot of money.

Zhang Zhe waved to Bai Lu, who was standing not far away and had been paying attention to this side. Bai Lu immediately walked over quickly and asked with a bow:

“Mr. Zhang, how can I help you?”

Zhang Zhe directly ordered:

“Tomorrow, please arrange a detailed price evaluation of the Bulgari Hotel.”

“Okay, Mr. Zhang!”

Bai Lu immediately responded:

“Excuse me, do you have any other instructions?”

“For now.”

Seeing this scene, a flash of horror flashed in the eyes of several people around.

From the time Zhang Zhe heard the news that Bulgari was interested in selling to now, it has only been two or three minutes, right?

Has the decision been made so quickly?

Even if the price evaluation is done, it is not certain to buy it. Later, it may be like Sun Peng’s client, who may give up because of reasons such as failure to reach an agreement on the price.

But this at least shows one thing…

Zhang Zhe can come up with, and can even come up with 2.4 billion in funds relatively easily!

Although everyone present knows that Zhang Zhe is very rich, he is one of the few people who has a cash flow of tens of digits among all the guests present tonight.

But there are differences between tens of digits.

Because of Zhang Zhe’s age, everyone subconsciously thinks that his cash flow should have just reached 1 billion, at most about 2 billion.

But now after hearing that Bulgari Hotel quoted 2.4 billion, Zhang Zhe did not even blink, and asked his secretary to do a price evaluation.

Sun Peng, Qin Zhengyang, Wang Shichong and others couldn’t help but have a thought in their hearts at the same time…

How rich is Zhang Zhe? !

“Mr. Zhang is indeed a man of swift action!”

After Bai Lu left, Sun Peng could not help but sigh:

“When I first came here, Lao Xu said that Mr. Zhang was very courageous. I had no idea at the time, but now I have really seen it!”

As the chairman of a listed securities company, Sun Peng is also well-informed.

Hongda Securities has handled acquisition and merger projects worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

But as long as the amount is hundreds of millions, which one will not consider it repeatedly and make a decision after careful consideration?

It is the first time he has seen someone like Zhang Zhe who can easily decide the direction of an acquisition worth tens of billions.

“Mr. Sun is too kind. I just happen to be interested.” Zhang Zhe replied with a smile.

Sun Peng did not say much, and asked carefully:

“Mr. Zhang, can I ask you if you are just for investment?”

“Because of the client’s entrustment, I have been paying attention to the luxury hotel brands that are ready to be listed for sale in China recently, and I have some understanding of them.”

“Although Bulgari is at the forefront of luxury hotels in the entire Magic City, this price is indeed not cheap, and the cost performance is lower than that of several other brands.”

“If you have related acquisition needs in the future, our Hongda is happy to serve you…”

When Zhang Zhe acquired Mi Tao Media, he directly asked Bai Lu to be responsible for it, and it only took two days in total.

But Mi Tao Media is a transaction between individuals. As long as both parties are satisfied with the price, the procedure is relatively simple.

However, the acquisition of enterprises is much more complicated. The basic business of banks is financial services, and there is no professional enterprise acquisition.personnel.

Even if Zhang Zhe entrusted them to handle it, it would eventually be outsourced to a cooperating unit, so it is better to hand it over directly to Hongda Securities.

Moreover, Zhang Zhe did not suddenly want to acquire the Bulgari Hotel just because of a whim.

Recently, when he had nothing to do, Zhang Zhe was also thinking about his future path.

When his net worth just exceeded 100 million, Zhang Zhe was indeed very excited, but as the amount of money he spent increased, he gradually lost the excitement at the beginning.

After all, the speed at which he spent money was far slower than the speed at which he spent money.

Anyway, it can’t be spent all, so what’s the difference if there are 100 million, 1 billion or even 10 billion in the card?

Money is only valuable when it is circulated, and it is just a number in the card.

Moreover, in this society, having money can indeed solve many problems, but the best resources cannot be obtained simply by having money.

Since he has a steady stream of funds, he might as well convert them into other assets, such as acquiring some physical industries.

This will not only enhance his social influence, but also allow him to experiment from more aspects and how to open the second system privilege.

I just happened to hear that the Bulgari Hotel wanted to be sold, so I planned to start here first, and I would inevitably acquire other companies in the future.

Before building my own team, I really need a partner with enough strength and experience.

In response to Sun Peng’s self-recommendation, Zhang Zhe directly replied:

“Okay, then I guess I’ll have to trouble Mr. Sun often in the future.”

“How is this a trouble? This is you taking care of our Hongda!”

Sun Peng quickly replied:

“Mr. Zhang, you trust Hongda so much, I must treat you to a meal, but it’s a little late today, and I just heard from Mr. Zhang that you have an appointment in the past two days.”

“How about next week? I will contact you in advance and ask Lao Xu to come and accompany you…”

“Mr. Sun, we will inevitably cooperate in the future, so don’t be so polite.”

Zhang Zhe smiled and replied:

“Forget the banquet, but eating is fine.”

Sun Peng immediately understood that Zhang Zhe didn’t like this kind of courtesy, and smiled and replied:

“Hahaha, then let’s get together privately.”

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