Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

091 The support work is completed perfectly, and the security section is expanded

Originally, after the news was sent out, the personnel department would just wait for someone to come to the door, but what Qi Zhe did not expect was that the person in charge of the personnel department came to the door shortly after it was sent out.

When the assistant said that the person in charge of the personnel department was outside, Qi Zhe let him in directly.

After they came in, the person in charge of the personnel department told Qi Zhe that they had been contacted by the Binhai Veterans Resettlement Office. She could not decide this matter, so Qi Zhe had to make the decision herself.

After listening to him, Qi Zhe was also a little puzzled. The security section of the Zhongzhe Power Group is officially established. It is a member of the Zhongzhe Power Group, not an outsourced employee, and the treatment is also in the past, not in Binhai. Too high, but other benefits are good enough, night shifts and night shift subsidies are unmatched by other ordinary security guards.

What's more, where is the reputation of Zhongzhe Power Group, this can be regarded as a decent job.

Why did this Binhai official unit come to the door?

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe directly asked her to send her the phone number, and then personally called someone from the relevant department to come to the Zhongzhe office building to discuss the matter face-to-face.

In the afternoon, two cadres in military uniforms got out of the car and went directly to the building of Zhongzhe Power "240" Group, and then came to a meeting room to wait.

"Hello, two of us, our President Qi will be here soon."

The attitude of the two people was also very good, nodded to show that they were not in a hurry, and then sat there and waited.

A few minutes later, Qi Zhe came from the office to the living room, and after taking a look outside, Qi Zhe basically ruled out the swindlers who pretended to be soldiers, and the two people sat there with an aura.

He is upright and his back is quite straight. At first glance, he looks like a genuine soldier.

After opening the door and entering, Qi Zhe also smiled and said hello.

"Hello, I'm Qi Zhe from Zhongzhe Power Group. I couldn't make it clear on the phone, so I specially asked you to come and talk.

Then the three of them chatted for a while. Both of them are officials of the Binhai Veterans Resettlement Office. They came here this time because they actually saw the recruitment announcement of the Zhongzhe Power Group.

I saw that Zhongzhe Power asked the veterans of the Security Section to enter.

Now the placement work is getting worse and worse, after all, the job vacancies in the market are limited.

But for those soldiers who have worked hard in the army for so long, they basically have to be placed in jobs, which is worthy of their efforts and guaranteed for their lives.

So this time they came here to talk to Qi Zhe, whether this matter can be directly handed over to their placement office, which can be regarded as supporting their work and providing more jobs for veterans.

After hearing what they said, Qi Zhe also showed a smile. This is a good thing. In this way, there is no need to deal with the personnel department, and the resettlement center is full of soldiers who have just been discharged from the army. .

It can also benefit the society, and it is also a good thing done by Zhongzhe Electric Power, which can be linked to the official side.

So without hesitation, Qi Zhe picked up the phone and informed the personnel department in front of the two to take down the recruitment announcement.

"The two of you, then we've settled on this. This time, 30 security guard posts will be borne by the people from your placement office. The treatment is as stated in the announcement. If there is any need in the future, I will also send someone to take the lead. Contact you soon."5

After getting Qi Zhe's consent, the two cadres were also overjoyed, and they stood up and gave Qi Zhe a standard military salute.

"Thank you Mr. Qi for his contribution to us, thank you."

In fact, they will not be able to contact the company, but large companies are generally very stingy with positions in this area, and may only give a few indicators at a time.

But they didn't expect that Zhongzhe Electric Power was so powerful that the security department would be able to contact them in the future, which made them overjoyed. After all, the problem of placement of thirty people could be solved in this way.

"No thanks, corporate responsibility is here, as it should be.

With the official participation, it has to be said that the efficiency is very fast. Thirty veterans who met Qi Zhe's requirements came to the Zhongzhe Power Group one day later.

Although there is no need for the personnel department to apply for the job, the procedures that should be taken still have to go through, such as physical examination and certificate inspection.

After confirming that there are no problems with the 30 people, all of them are directly assigned to the Security Section.

At present, there are more than 50 people in the security department of Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai. They are responsible for the monitoring of the building and the power plant behind it, as well as night patrols and access control.

After the security section is done, the operations department is not idle.

I have to say that it was a good choice for Qi Zhe to bring Li Jian over from Pingyang to be the head of the operation department.

Under his management, the entire operation department is in good order, and the work efficiency is very high. In just four days, a list of early users has been sorted out.

All the users on this list are the next target of Zhongzhe Power Group, because these users are "swing users" of other power plants, and they are easier to win.

It's just because the communities and companies on the list have had some problems with the companies they supply now, such as sudden power outages, and some line problems that haven't been resolved.

To put it bluntly, the users on these lists are basically not very satisfied with the current power supply company, so Qi Zhe asked Li Jian to sort out the list, so that it is easier to "take them down one by one".

Accumulated step by step in the market, let these users who are easy to sign up for Zhongzhe Power sign up first, and then deal with the difficult bones.

A week has passed, and news has also come from Shudi. Basically, the power problem has been solved under the official deployment, and the weather forecast shows that Shudi will finally usher in rain in three days.

As the temperature gradually drops, the support work can also come to an end.

The current power reserve can also be left to Shudi and Shancheng without considering it, and it can be completely self-reserved and then develop the market.

Therefore, Qi Zhe also estimated the time. All the employees of Zhongzhe Power Group who support Shudi and Shancheng will withdraw to Binhai tomorrow, leaving them two days of vacation. Then they will start the circuit laying and maintenance work for new contract users. Time is available.

Therefore, Qi Zhe also directly issued an order to let Li Jian take the people from the operation department to run the customer in advance, and it is best to sign the contract. After a few days, the circuit will be laid directly and the circuit company will be replaced...

In the afternoon of the next day, at the Rongcheng Railway Station, officials from the officials came to express condolences to the employees of Zhongzhe Power Group, and then some people sent garlands and so on.

When they came here before, it was a special train allocated by the Binhai Railway Bureau for free, but when they went back this time, it was a special train specially allocated by the Rongcheng Railway Bureau.

"Thank you, Zhongzhe Power, for your hard work. 35

"You have worked hard for more than a week!"9


"Rongcheng Railway Station reminds you that the K-3065 train from Rongcheng to Binhai is about to leave. This train will transport the employees from Zhongzhe Power Group back to Binhai. Let us people in Shu thank them for their contributions. And wish them the best of luck.”

With the reminder from the train station broadcast, more people gathered and spontaneously said goodbye to these employees of Zhongzhe Power.

And they also entered the platform with a goodbye and boarded the train home.

The K-3065 train that returned to Binhai that night arrived at Shancheng. The team supporting Shancheng also boarded the train with the warm farewell of the locals and returned to Binhai together.

Although it was already night, the excitement of the people in the carriage did not subside.

"Damn it, you didn't know how enthusiastic the fellows in the town I went to at the time were. I thought I had nowhere to eat and could only eat instant noodles, but during this time I took turns eating at various fellows' homes."

"Haha, me too, I originally thought I had to buy and eat, and the fellows took turns to cook, but I was afraid that we would be embarrassed, and they came to deliver us meals every day.

"Che, what are you guys, we are in Qingshi Town, we eat fish today and eat duck every day and then stew chicken the next day, every day, there is no heavy pattern, we can't stop it, it's too enthusiastic.

"That's right, we're all embarrassed, but they insisted that it wasn't that our chickens, ducks, fish, etc. had to be heated to death, and they had to be made for us to eat.

"This trip is a worthwhile trip, and after we go back, we will always have subsidies." 1.0

"So the choice was too correct at the beginning. We, Zhongzhe Electric Power Co., Ltd. are just like Niubi, and I won't change the position in tobacco industry for me. 35

"Haha, just blow it. Tobacco is still easy and rich. It's not easy for us here, but no matter how much work Mr. Qi does, it's not bad for us. I'm content. 39

"I'll tell you the truth, it's better to work in Zhongzhe if you go there to eat and wait for your death. Life will have meaning, and you will earn a lot of money, and the benefits are also good.

The next morning, after arriving at the company, Qi Zhe first checked the progress of the K-3065 special train, and expected to return to Binhai in the afternoon, when they would drive back directly to the company's mobile power supply vehicle.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe decided to express it, so that the cohesion of the group can be strengthened, and this period of time is really hard enough. Once the users are in place in two days, they have to continue to work.

Not only to prepare the largest auditorium in the office building, but also to come up with some ingenious method to reflect the pattern and style of Zhongzhe Power Group.

ps: Thanks for the monthly passes of the three big bosses, "A hundred flowers bloom in a dream", "Love is waiting for a lifetime" and "ZHIMINGG".

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