Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

092 The highest courtesy, pass the water gate for the "Triumph" team!

After all, this batch of workers who rushed to the aid of Shu will be followed by a large-scale market development after a two-day break. One is to make them feel that this work is more meaningful and continue to work hard in the next work.

Another thing Qi Zhe wants is "motivation". This time, Zhongzhe Power Group welcomes its "warriors" to go home. Effect.

However, as a young man, Qi Zhe doesn't want to be like the older generation, and the "rusty" way of gaining attention is just spending money.

The public's eyeballs must be blogged by themselves! But they must be in style, so that people don't feel ordinary and tacky.

Qi Zhe had been thinking about this all morning, and at noon when he was about to get off work, Qi Zhe still had no idea.

What's the matter, can't we just let these people have a meeting in the auditorium at that time, and then say a few words to praise them? Then how can you get attention and make news?

Thinking of this Qi Zhe was a little distressed, grabbed the cigarette case on the table, took out one and lit one, Qi Zhe walked to the window and stood.

Qi Zhe's office, Boss Chen, was originally designed according to the standard of a luxury office. It is not only a large office, but also a reception area and even a rest room.

The windows outside are also all floor-to-ceiling windows, facing the scenery outside the window, and the lighting is good.

Just as Qi Zhe was smoking a smouldering smoke, the sky suddenly passed a passenger plane. After seeing this picture, Qi Zhe suddenly thought of a solution.

That's "Crossing the Watergate!"

"Crossing the water gate" is generally to use the high-pressure water guns of fire trucks to spray each other, artificially create a water curtain, and then fly 14 aircraft slowly through the water mist, and the water mist washes away the dust on the plane.

This is the highest courtesy of air travel in the world. Generally, only major actions will be set up to show respect and courtesy.

For example, after the first flight and landing of the route, there will be an airport arrangement for "passing the water gate", or the first "service" or "retirement" of the aircraft, the last flight of the captain with a relatively high reputation, etc. Only then will there be "crossing the water gate"

If the weather is good, the water curtain will form a rainbow, and the plane will slowly pass through the rainbow, which looks very spectacular.

This time, Zhongzhe Power Group dispatched more than 500 staff and 200 mobile power supply vehicles. They went from Binhai to Shudi and Shancheng to carry out support operations under the sweltering heat. This operation itself is a good thing of great significance. .

These people deserve higher courtesy.

Although "passing the water gate" is a kind of courtesy and respect that is unique to airplanes, it is not impossible for me to learn from it, and directly at the gate of Zhongzhe Power Group, give the car and the employees on the "return of triumph" a "passing the water gate". "

In this way, the scene is shocking enough, and it is not out of the ordinary, but shows the pattern of Zhongzhe Power Group. When the time comes, some media will be found, and they will definitely be interested in this.

It is also estimated that there will be a lot of news reports, and netizens will watch it lively, and this incident will be quickly spread in Binhai through the Internet.

At that time, the reputation of Zhongzhe Power Group will rise a lot, and it will be easier for the market to continue to seize those customers.

Thinking of this, Qi Zhe immediately threw away the cigarette butt, and this matter was decided.

These self-employed employees and vehicles who have returned from dust and dust must come to a "water gate"!

Although it is possible to ask the fire department to cooperate and let them dispatch two fire trucks, Qi Zhe decided to urgently buy two high-pressure water guns and connect them to the water pipes of the building after thinking about it.

After all, there are two sides to the Internet nowadays, and if you don't pay attention, you will be attacked by public opinion.

In case someone shouts that Zhongzhe Power Group is wasting public resources, it will be bad, so it must be clean and beautiful, and do not give words to those who do good things.

"Master Wang, yes, take a few people to buy two high-pressure water guns, the ones that spray more than 50 meters away, yes, hurry up and do it."

After explaining this matter, Qi Zhe immediately called Li Jian again, and then told him to arrange for the vehicles and personnel returning from Shu to "pass the water gate", and asked him to contact various media in Binhai immediately and tell them. This news.

After hearing this, Li Jian was a little excited. It was "passing the water gate". The scene must be beautiful and spectacular. He was also happy that it was so long in the face of Zhongzhe Power Group.

"I understand Mr. Qi, I'll do it right away."

Those media are more active in their pursuit of hot spots than the old aunts and aunts who love to watch the excitement on the street.

No one has ever done such a thing as "passing the water gate" for the team, and they probably would have liked to come here to record and then create a "hot spot".

After these two things were explained clearly, Qi Zhe turned on the computer and took a look at the dynamic picture of the K-3065 special train. According to the distance above, it was estimated that he should arrive at Binhai in a few hours.

Although the time is tight, it is still in time.

After a long sigh of relief, Qi Zhe felt that his idea was quite good, at least he had to get a hot search or something, otherwise he would be sorry for this scene.

It doesn't cost much, but the lineup is plentiful.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Master Wang brought back two high-pressure water guns and special water pipes with a few people in the computer room. These things are quite expensive. One is more than 6,000, and the two add up to more than 10,000.

After connecting the water gun to the water room, Qi Zhe tried it out. Good guy, the huge pressure in the water almost didn't shake Qi Zhe out of his hands.

In the afternoon, when the team came back to "pass the water gate", the time would definitely last for a while. This person could not hold it firmly, and he had to fix the whole thing. Qi Zhe also handed over this matter to Master Wang and the others.

They will arrange for someone to find something to fix the two water guns, and they will be left and right at the gate of the Zhongzhe Electric Power Building. At that time, they will "spray" each other to create a "water gate".

When Qi Zhe thought about it, he was afraid that the water pressure would not be enough and the "water gate" he created would not be spectacular enough, so Qi Zhe directly asked his assistants to notify the heads of each department and told each other in their respective work groups.

"Because of the company's needs, the building is about to stop water in 20 minutes, and it is expected to return to normal in the afternoon."

That's right, Qi Zhe directly intends to let the master of the water room stop all the water in the building, so that all the water pressure can be concentrated on the two high-pressure water guns, and the water curtain sprayed by the water guns with sufficient water pressure will be more dense. more spectacular.

After all this was settled, Qi Zhe glanced at it, it was almost time, and the K-3065 special train was about to arrive at Binhai.

So Qi Zhe took out his mobile phone, and then asked his assistant to inform him again that all the employees in the group building could put down all the work at hand, and came to the bottom of the building to gather to welcome the brothers who came back from Shu this time.

Since Li Jian disclosed the news, some media have come to the vicinity of Zhongzhe Power Group from time to time to set up cameras and cameras.

Even if this "water gate" is not enough, some people will come here and wait to take some photos. After all, Zhongzhe Power has attracted a lot of attention when it came to the aid of Shu this time. At this time, when I returned to Binhai to issue a press release, I could still gain something. A wave of traffic.

And now they are even more interested when they learn that Zhongzhe Power Group is going to arrange "passing the water gate" for the team, and they have to shoot!

On the other side, the radio at the Binhai Railway Station also rang.

"Welcome the K-3065 special train from Rongcheng to Binhai, the train has stopped at the platform, and Binhai Railway Station is here to say 'welcome home' to all the returning employees of Zhongzhe Power Group.

This time, they received much less attention than when they arrived in Shancheng and Shudi before.

After all, the tasks have been completed and they have come back, and the public's interest in a certain thing, especially something that does not concern themselves, dissipates very quickly.

Also, most of the media gave up the train station after they got the news, and stood guard directly at the gate of Zhongzhe Power Group.

So basically no one pays attention to the railway station, only the official care of the railway bureau, and the official iron riders outside are waiting.

After getting off the train, everyone took their belongings and returned to the mobile power supply car on the train one by one. This time, they all wanted to drive "home".

After driving from the 240-meter "green channel" specially opened by the railway station, the Binhai Railway has been clearing the road in front, while the Zhongzhe Power Group has arranged for the two cars to stand side by side, forming a width of two cars. A fleet of one hundred cars.

The team's driving on the main road of Binhai also attracted a lot of attention, and even some people who paid attention to this matter took the initiative to say hello and say "hard work" from afar.

On the other side, at the gate of Zhongzhe Power Group, Qi Zhe and the remaining 400 employees of the company are all looking forward to it.

After taking a look at the news, Qi Zhe found out that the convoy would be coming over in ten minutes. Qi Zhe found Master Wang again to confirm that there was nothing wrong with their water room, and there was no problem with the high-pressure water gun.

After getting the definite answer, Qi Zhe was relieved, and then stood in the middle of the team with a smile.

There is no way, the media's long guns and short guns are all staring at it. As the president of Zhongzhe Power, Qi Zhe represents the corporate image.

But fortunately, a few minutes later, the siren was heard, and then the Zhongzhe Electric Power Group motorcade, which had been cleared by iron cavalry, slowly drove over.

"Open the sluice, go through the water gate! 35

Following Qi Zhe's order, Master Wang, who had been prepared for a long time, also released the sluice gate, and then two water columns rose into the sky and formed a "water gate". A rainbow.

At this moment, those in the media were stunned, but after quickly reacting, the shutter just kept pressing.

The front cavalry also realized that this was "crossing the water gate", which was a ceremony prepared by Zhongzhe Power Group for its own team, so they immediately dispersed to both sides, and the leading car of Zhongzhe Power Group, as the front, slowly approached "Watergate"

ps: Thanks to the "2001DXR" boss for his five reminder tickets and monthly tickets, thanks to the "fleeting nian" boss for his support for another reminder ticket, and thanks to the "Ningmeng is mine" and "Ihm151.." for the monthly ticket support .


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