Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

095Zhongzhe expanded rapidly, and six power plants jointly came to the door for peace talks

However, before Boss Chen's construction team arrives in Binhai, Qi Zhe still needs to take precautions. There are now 13 Zhongzhe Electric Power Business Halls in Binhai, and this number is now a bit too much.

When the power plant in Xipu District is opened, and the power consumption market of the whole Binhai can be won with full force, the number of business halls of Zhongzhe Power Group must be expanded.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe pressed the paging button on the desktop, and after a while, the assistant came over.

"Mr. Qi, what are your orders?

I have to say that this assistant, Qi Zhe, is quite comfortable to use. The assistant to the president earns 10,000 yuan a month, and she is fully worthy of this salary. On weekdays, Qi Zhe drinks coffee and calls people to take documents. .

Although she is no more than two years older than her, Qi Zhe still habitually calls her Xiao Li.

"Little Li, inform the heads of all the departments of the group to have a meeting and ask the scheduling room to prepare a conference room.

"Okay, Mr. Qi, I'll arrange it now. How many minutes do you plan to have the meeting?"

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe decided that half an hour would be enough for some busy department heads to handle the task at hand~.

Half an hour later, after the heads of all departments arrived at the conference room, Qi Zhe also appeared in the main seat of the conference room, and the assistant had already put down the coffee that Qi Zhe had been drinking for a long time.

After picking up the water glass and taking a sip, Qi Zhe spoke.

After about half an hour, the decision was finally made. There are currently 16 districts in Binhai, of which 8 are the main urban areas, which are also the scope of power supply of Zhongzhe Power Group.

Therefore, Qi Zhe decided that each of the eight main urban areas must have at least five Zhongzhe Electric Power Group business offices as addresses for users to pay bills and open accounts.

There are five business halls in each district of the eight main urban areas, a total of forty business halls of Zhongzhe Power Group, and now there are only thirteen, and another twenty-seven business halls of Zhongzhe Power Group need to be added.

After the decision was made, Qi Zhe also immediately made arrangements to let the person in charge of the department in charge of this matter find a suitable store, then rent it and renovate it according to a unified format, etc.

Then, the personnel department also needs to recruit another wave of employees, mainly the employees of the newly built Zhongzhe Electric Power Group's business hall, and the personnel of Li Jian's operation department.

As the "Stand" of Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai became larger and larger, the manpower of Li Jian's operation department became more and more stretched.

They need a wave of staffing.

After spending another ten minutes talking about some points that should be noted, Qi Zhe ended the meeting.

Three days later, Boss Chen's Pingyang Construction Engineering was stationed in Binhai again, and the power plant project of Zhongzhe Power Group in Xipu District officially started construction, and the users of Zhongzhe Power Group are still increasing.

In half a month, the daily power supply of Zhongzhe Power Group once again exceeded the threshold of 40 million and reached 41 million.

Now Qi Zhe has to let Uncle Liu temporarily deploy two heavy-duty trucks to carry "miniature batteries" back and forth between Binhai and Pingyang.

Because now the power supply pressure of Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai has reached more than 41 million kWh per day, and the daily power generation of Qidu District Power Plant is only 40 million kWh.

Therefore, Qi Zhe needs to allocate 5 million electricity from the second power plant in Binh Duong Industrial Park every day to meet the daily and reserve electricity demand.

Fortunately, Boss Chen's side still maintains the "speed" of Pingyang Construction. Qi Zhe took the time to see it a few times. The power plant has already seen the model for the first time, and it will be completed and put into use in less than a month.

Moreover, the construction cost this time is much lower than that of the power plant in Qidu District, with a cost of only 60 million yuan.

While waiting for the completion of the construction of the power plant in Xipu District of Zhongzhe Power Group, Zhongzhe Power Group has developed more than 6,300 communities and more than 3,000 enterprises to supply power, with a daily power supply of 43 million.

At this time, Qi Zhe had to ask Li Jian and the others to suspend their progress. Before the power plant in Xipu District was completed and put into use, they did not dare to expand any further.

At this moment, the six remaining power plants in Binhai came to the door.

Zhongzhe Power is gradually eroding the power market of Binhai, one has completely overturned a Lanfeng Power Plant, and now the news that Zhongzhe is building the second power plant in Xipu District has also spread out.

They can't sit still.

On weekdays, it’s okay to fight against each other, but now that Zhongzhe Power is building the second power plant in Xipu District, it makes it clear that it will continue to put into operation and win all the Binhai market.

Therefore, they have formed a so-called alliance temporarily, and they want to jointly fight against the increasingly full-bodied "behemoth" of Zhongzhe Power.

The leader among them is the former Binhai Power Plant, Xiaoshan Power Group.

Xiaoshan Electric Power Group is one of the top electric power companies in the country. Their stores are basically covered in coastal areas, and many cities have their subordinate electric power companies.

Binhai is a major source of revenue for Xiaoshan Electric Power Enterprises.

After all, as a super city, Binhai ranks among the top in terms of population density and industrial number. Their Xiaoshan Electric Power Company has been playing steadily in Binhai, and has a stable share.

However, the appearance of Zhongzhe Power was seen to mean "fighting the old master", when the Lanfeng Power Plant collapsed.

The person in charge of Binhai, an electric power company in Xiaoshan, had this idea, and now he is forced to take the road.

In the end, they discussed it unanimously. They should talk first. It is best if they can talk.

So in the afternoon of that day, all the vice presidents of the six electric power companies, mainly Xiaoshan Electric Power Company, came to the office in person and came to the Binhai Office Building of Zhongzhe Electric Power.

These six vice presidents are all the second-in-command of the remaining six large and small power plants, and their specifications are already very high.

And Qi Zhe also adhered to the principle of "the visitor is the guest", and directly arranged the assistant to let them sit in the living room, and then there was no shortage of tea.

Qi Zhe finally appeared in the living room after letting them do it for more than ten minutes.

The assistant said that when they came to the door, Qi Zhe knew that this was a "big battle", and whether the Binhai market could eat it all depends on this time.


"Hello, all bosses, I was delayed in the office just now, and I'm late. 35

This Qi Zhe really didn't mean to despise them perfunctorily. Qi Zhe really had something to delay. He just started a game and played it for more than ten minutes.

Although they were upset, there was no sign of impatience on the faces of these six people. After all, the situation is stronger than others. Zhongzhe Power Group is changing every day.

"Where is Mr. Qi, so busy is because we disturbed him."

"Hehe, that is, President Qi must be very busy with daily management of all machines.""

Qi Zhe also sighed in his heart after listening to where a few people were going down the stairs for himself. He just came to Binhai two months ago. If he came to see them, he would have to make an appointment. Such a gesture appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, you have to work harder and go higher, so that others will not despise you, and you will be able to look down on others.


Qi Zhe didn't bother to say those boring "certain words" to them, and after lighting a cigarette, he directly asked them why they came here.

The vice presidents who were accustomed to the so-called "worldliness" and wanted to chat for a while were also embarrassed when they heard Qi Zhe being so direct.

But soon someone took the initiative to play a rounder.

"Since President Qi said it, let's talk about it, President Lin, tell me."

Then Mr. Lin, represented by Xiaoshan Power Group, also stood up and told Qi Zhe the purpose of their visit this time.

Just want to stop the expansion of Zhongzhe Power Group. Zhongzhe Power has already killed a Lanfeng Power Plant. As the second largest power plant in Binhai, the customers of Lanfeng Power Plant are basically taken by Zhongzhe.

If it goes on like this, they have already started to endanger themselves, so this time, I hope that Zhongzhe Power will stop expanding, and everyone will maintain the current situation. Zhongzhe Power Group occupies the majority, and their six power plants account for the small.

Everyone makes money with anger and develops harmoniously in Binhai together.

Qi Zhe chuckled lightly after hearing them say these "righteous" words, then took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

The power market in Binhai is not built in a day. On the day when the power marketization was decided, which one of the power plants I was sitting in had clean hands? Which one did not step on the top of other power plants.

When they were competing in the market to snatch users, what methods did they not try?

And now I want to develop myself, and I use this kind of formal action to attract customers, develop customers, and move their cakes. At this time, I came here to put on a show of "harmony is the most precious"?

Really shameless.

Although he despised in his heart, Qi Zhe's expression was still indifferent.

Qi Zhe opened his mouth after gently squeezing out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

"Everyone seems to have misunderstood the word "expansion" Signing a contract with Zhongzhe Power and choosing us to supply power, what's the problem?" Ten.

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