After Qi Zhe said these words, the atmosphere in the living room immediately cooled down.

This tough rhetorical question is also a statement.

Although their faces are not very good-looking, the six vice presidents are calm. After all, now they can only choose to accept it passively, and they do not have the right to actively choose.

After coughing twice, the vice president of Xiaoshan Electric Power Company stood up again.

"Mr. Qi, in this way, we will each take a step back. In the entire Qidu District, Puxi District and Nanping District, all six of our power companies will withdraw and hand them over to you Zhongzhe Power Group, as well as all of your current Zhongzhe Power. We do not deal with users in the area, and then you stop expanding, how about we maintain the status quo?

Qidu District is an old coastal city with a large population, while Xipu District is an industrial area with numerous companies. These two districts are the largest consumers of electricity in the market, and Nanping District is not far behind.

They are willing to completely give up the market in these three districts, which can probably increase the daily power supply of Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai by more than 6 million kWh.

The electricity bill for more than 6 million kWh a day is more than 3.6 million, and the annual cost is more than 1 billion. This number is very large. This is what they call "sincerity". "mean.

Qi Zhe didn't have any expression fluctuations when listening to them talking about these numbers.

They are not philanthropists, although their profits are incomparable to Qi Zhe's, but with a turnover of more than one billion yuan a year, there is about one hundred million in profits for them.

100 million profit was given to Qi Zhe in vain, that is to make Zhongzhe break his feet and not expand.

Naturally, Qi Zhe will not agree to this verbal agreement. There is no need to hesitate between one billion a year and tens of billions a year. No one can stop himself from winning the entire Binhai power supply market.

"This is everyone's fault. A fair competition in the market is conducive to stability and development. I advise you to go back."

After speaking, Qi Zhe turned around and left the living room, and left another sentence after walking to the door.

"Of course, you can stay here if you want to stay. If you are short of tea, say hello and someone will deliver it."

Just drink tea, refill? That's impossible, and the assistant directly followed Qi Zhe out.

Only seven or eight people from the security department were left standing at the door. After all, how could six people come in without watching?

Therefore, they were all followed by people from the Security Section of Zhongzhe Power Group.

"Excuse me, this Qi Zhe is too good at pretending, it doesn't give me any face!"

One of the middle-aged men obviously felt that Qi Zhe, the "lad", did not give him face. After Qi Zhe left, he scolded him angrily, then picked up the water glass on the table and threw it on the ground.

Looking at the exposed middle-aged man, the vice president of Xiaoshan Electric Power Company sneered. In his opinion, apart from his own, the remaining five power plants are a mob. If it weren't for the current situation, he would not want to stand with them.

"Mr. Meng, don't be angry, let's go, it seems that we must confront Zhongzhe Power Group next.

Although I look down on these five in my heart, but after all, I have to face the Zhongzhe Power Group, so these "stinky fish and rotten shrimp" in his eyes have to be pulled. Death squad.

Now that the vice president of Xiaoshan Electric Power has spoken, the rest of the people also snorted coldly, then got up and walked out the door.

The people from the Security Section of the Zhongzhe Power Group followed the next few people and walked out, but when they reached the door, the intercom of the Security Section rang. After listening to the people, a captain of the Security Section stood up.

Stopped a few of them who were about to leave the building.

"What? Qi Zhe didn't let us go, did he?"

"What? You guys also want to play the black game? Let me tell you, this is what Lao Tzu played with and let Qi Zhe speak out.

It may be that they have never been treated like this before, and now they are a little embarrassed when they are stopped by the security guard.

Just when a few people were blushing and their necks were thick, the security captain spoke up.

"First of all, our President Qi is quite busy, and we don't have time to come down and talk to you about such a thing. I stopped you to ask, who broke the tea cup in the living room? The tea cup is forty-eight yuan, and an extra sixty yuan is added. The total cleaning fee for the carpet is one hundred and eighteen yuan, and we have said that we are all traveling together, just wipe a small amount and collect a hundred whole."

"Who do you think smashed the cup? Come out and settle the money?"

After the security guard said this, several people suddenly laughed in anger.

"Hahaha, well, this Qi Zhe has a kind."

"Tsk tsk, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, he doesn't know that this coastal water is deep.

After all, a person with a livid face took out his mobile phone and swept a hundred yuan from the finance department who came over before leaving the Zhongzhe Power Group Building.

And this scene was also clearly seen by Qi Zhe from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office on the top floor. I have to say, it was quite funny.

Why did he have to smash a water glass, and now he made dozens of dollars in vain.

They said it nicely one by one. They made it clear that they planned to join forces to deal with their own Zhongzhe Power Group. Then what else could they say? money?

After they left, Qi Zhe notified the people of the security department, and from today onwards, another shift will be added at night to conduct night security inspections.

When these old fritters were created from scratch, none of them were clean in hand, so one had to be careful.

Originally, the night shift of the Security Section of the Binhai Office Building of Zhongzhe Power Group consisted of four people who stood guard at the entrance and exit.

In the power plant behind, there are six people standing guard in the security booth, and the inspection work of the factory area is still in two groups, with a total of four groups of people patrolling back and forth.

At present, Qi Zhe has kept the number of guards on guard at night unchanged, the people who patrol the office building from two groups plus one group become three groups, and the factory area that is prone to troubles has changed from four groups to six renters directly.

In addition, a total of three security personnel in the monitoring room are monitoring around the clock, and it is necessary to ensure that there will not be any sudden security situation in the factory area and office building.

After doing this, Qi Zhe called Li Jian to the office again.

I have to say, through this period of time, Li Jian has become a right-hand man of Qi Zhe. He is very smart and very good at doing things...

Before the personnel department urgently recruited many employees, they were assigned to their operation department. Before, their operation department had about thirty or forty people, but now it has been expanded to more than 60 people.

After calling Li Jian in, Qi Zhe asked about their operation department's training for new employees. After learning that it was stable, Qi Zhe nodded, and then asked him to speed up the progress.

After the training is completed, these people may have to be put into the working state immediately.

Li Jian also heard about the fact that the vice presidents of the other six power plants in Binhai came to the office building of Zhongzhe. As a smart person, he understood that this was President Qi's decision to unify the power supply market in Binhai immediately.

Li Jian, who was slightly excited, nodded heavily.

"I understand Mr. Qi, I will try to finish the training within a few days."

Three days later, the six major power plants jointly issued a statement to reduce the electricity price. The statement said nothing, but said that the electricity price was lowered by 60 cents to 50 cents once.

The corners of Qi Zhe's mouth rose slightly after seeing this statement. Qi Zhe knows all their power plant costs. One kilowatt hour of electricity is less than a dime. profit.

If it is lowered to 50 cents once, it means giving up profits. Not only will there be no profits, but there will be more expenditures. After all, human and material resources are all about money.

Although they don't make money, they don't lose much either.

After it was lowered to 50 cents, they just wanted to pull themselves into the water. Their understanding of their own costs was still in the past, and after the purchase of this piece of land in Qidu District, it was also announced on the official website.

They know that they are buying land with a loan, and they think that the capital reserves of new and new enterprises are definitely not as good as those of the old-fashioned "landlords" who have been operating in Binhai for many years.

And coupled with the loan, if they think that as long as Zhongzhe Power Group accepts the recruit and accompanies them to fight the price war, it is Zhongzhe who will not be able to hold down in the end.

I have to say that their strategy is quite right 1.0, but unfortunately Qi Zhe is not an ordinary person, and Zhongzhe is not an ordinary enterprise.

Not to mention anything else, even if Qi Zhe takes over and accompanies them to fight the price war, he will be able to fight until the end of the world.

But this time Qi Zhe doesn't plan to "take over",

I had fought a "price war" with Diao Yi and the others at the beginning, and the situation was all too familiar to me, but Binhai and Pingyang couldn't be compared.

What Qi Zhe thinks more about is that in the future, the pattern of Zhongzhe is not only a super city of Binhai, but the price war can be fought.

If they pay fifty cents, they will be paid forty cents. If they dare to pay three cents a time, they will be charged two cents a time.

But that's not very respectable, the highest realm is to be defeated without a fight, not to mention that Binhai is too big, and the factors that are unstable to the base have increased. If you win by a price war, then At that time, when the original price is adjusted and restored, there will be many broken things.

This is unacceptable to Zhongzhe Power Group, which is getting bigger and bigger and pays more and more attention to word of mouth.

So this time, Qi Zhe intends to play a beautiful game with them.

ps: Thanks to "791.." for the monthly pass.

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