"Is he an sss-level spiritual talent awakener?"

Li Mengyan thought of a possibility and brought it up.

Seeing the puzzled expression of her first student, Liu Xuanya felt very interesting!

Immediately stated Jiang Chuan's brief introduction clearly:

"Your junior is Su Yu's provincial champion, but he only has the talent of flesh armor, rank f!"

The expression on Li Mengyan's delicate and lovely face gradually froze.

If this is the case, then Jiang Chuan must be an extremely determined person!

Or people with very deep obsessions can do this too!

I just don't know whether my apprentice belongs to obsession or will?

But... meat armor talents can now win the provincial champion?

It's not that Li Mengyan looks down on the meat armor talent, but that there are too many outstanding abilities than this talent!

As if feeling a little suffocated, she took a deep breath of the fragrant air in the office, trying to calm herself down.

"Then you accepted him as a student because of this? Provincial champion? There are so many provincial champions in Hongxia, and you actually accept a champion with flesh armor talent?"

Li Mengyan's tone obviously changed.

She is also the number one scholar, even the number one scholar in the imperial capital!

After the teacher accepted her as an apprentice, she never disgraced the teacher once!

He even stole the limelight in various school competitions with his outstanding results, raising the standard of Icefield University by himself!

But now that she is a junior with a talent for flesh armor, how to improve in the future is a problem. How will Icefield University maintain its position in the top ten in the future?

Their college has always been the goalkeeper of top universities, and the standard of students has declined in recent years.

If the teacher hadn't accepted her last year, Icefield University might have fallen out of the top ten universities!

You must know that the resource gradient supported by Hongxia Country is completely different between the top10 universities and the universities behind!

Liu Xuanya remembered Jiang Chuan's deeds from the principal and the person in charge of the Education Bureau, and smiled:

"How is it possible, he is still a person with a strong character, who values ​​love and righteousness!"

"How do you say it?"

Li Mengyan raised her petite eyebrows, seeming to be interested.

"Being beaten for three months in the gymnasium raised the armor to a level that ordinary people dare not imagine. This is a character of perseverance!

For the sake of the partners around her, she did not blindly accept the invitation of Emperor University and insisted on taking the college entrance examination. "

There are also some characteristics that Liu Xuanya didn't mention, because she was the only one who saw Jiang Chuan's performance in the dungeon before, and Li Mengyan didn't experience it personally.

The latter had no way to feel the astonishment of that scene at that time!

"Then it seems that the junior is indeed a good seedling."

"But even so, teacher, you can just bring him to school! Why do you still have to tutor him yourself?"

Even though her junior has a good character and strong willpower, Li Mengyan still feels that as long as Teacher Xuan Ya brings him back, it is already the best of benevolence.

But after thinking about it, Teacher Hyuna was originally a relatively casual person, so it was not surprising immediately, and continued:

"By the way, teacher, what is the student's serial number?"

Li Mengyan asked curiously, she vaguely remembered that when she was specially recruited to Icefield University, she had such a ranking!

So she was a little concerned about Jiang Chuan's ranking among the specially recruited freshmen.

"Number 001!"

Liu Xuanya resumed her previous casualness, grabbed the snack boy, unpacked it and ate it.

Li Mengyan:! ! !

She just came out of the deep realm, but how long has it been?

How do you feel like something big has happened in the world you live in?

Why did I not only have an extra junior when I came out.

This junior also unreasonably took the position of the first freshman recruited by virtue of his talent in meat armor?

"Didn't I hear that many provincial champions came to our university this time?"

"Sichuan and Guangdong provinces, the capital city, and even the champion of the imperial capital seem to have come to us!"

Generally speaking, it should be difficult for Su Yu to enter the top five with the strength of the provincial champion!

Liu Xuanya nodded and said:

"Indeed, many champions this year are following you!"

"As for why he was placed in sequence No. 001, you will know after watching this video."

Liu Xuanya took out her mobile phone and found Jiang Chuan's pass video of the copy of the college entrance examination on the virtual light screen.

After the red-haired little loli fast-forwarded, she also sighed:

"This year, Su Yu's question is completely beyond the standard! No wonder the junior can become the 001 sequence!"

She is also a master now, and it can be seen that Jiang Chuan's performance in the copy of the college entrance examination deserves to be the first among freshmen!

But then she worried:

"But he can indeed be regarded as the first freshman right now, but what about a month later?"

"He only has the talent of meat armor, the more this ability gets to the back, the more tasteless it is!

And his attack looks very strong now, but after a month of talent development, his attack method and strength will become weak! "

"It's troublesome if there are too many champions. Everyone is the proud son of heaven. No one accepts the other. I don't know if the junior in the 001 sequence will harm him?"

As the No. 1 Scholar in the imperial capital of the previous year, Li Mengyan could see Jiang Chuan's problems at a glance!

The flesh armor can resist, but it can only resist physical attacks, and its toughness is too obvious compared to the defensive talent on the body.

He was now able to block the knife and resist punches in the dungeon, but he also left a wound.

The junior seems to have a very good healing skill, but if he encounters the ability to open wounds, he will fall into a passive position!

As for Jiang Chuan's attack methods, Li Mengyan only saw three or four.

There are too many fancy attack skills in the hands of those champions, and Jiang Chuan's methods are simply a skill desert compared with them!

The strength seems to be enough now, but others will have a way to deal with it!

Moreover, after freshmen join Icefield University, a clear direction will be set for resource allocation and strength improvement, and their strength will usher in a qualitative leap!

The improvement in the next month may be greater than their own improvement in high school for half a year!

At that time, Jiang Chuan, who has been ranked first for a long time, may be targeted by everyone.

Everyone is the pride of heaven, how can a flesh armor occupy the first position?

"The default ranking for admission is originally determined by the comprehensive college entrance examination. Jiang Chuan's performance in the college entrance examination should be the first among freshmen. Who made this year's subject for Su Yu's province be given by Lao Cai?"

"Even if he falls from the No. 1 position after a month, it's because he has not improved as fast as others, and he can't blame others!"

"Besides, since I insist on accepting him as a student, I naturally believe that with his ability, I can keep this first place."

There was a strange look in Liu Xuanya's eyes, as if she was recalling the elegant demeanor of seeing Jiang Chuan's ring of fire for the first time.

"Then let us wait and see!"

Li Mengyan seemed to feel the teacher's mood swings, and she felt a little tasteless.

I am no longer a student who is favored alone...

However, Li Mengyan is also looking forward to Su Yu's performance in the provincial champion one month later!

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