Jiang Chuan and Jiang He came to the first floor of the teaching building, and the latter suddenly reacted:

"Oops! I forgot to ask the principal where the academy building of the Destiny Sect is!"

"So I don't have to report today? Come on, Xiaochuanzi, let's go back and enjoy our last fun game night!"

Jiang He immediately wanted to pull Jiang Chuan back and run back, but found that there was no pull.

She turned to look at Jiang Chuan suspiciously, very shocked!

According to the previous urine behavior, the other party will definitely accompany her back without hesitation at this time!

"Xiaohehe, stop messing around, we have to go to Vice President Chen quickly, you start studying one day earlier, and get rid of the curse sooner!"

Jiang Chuan seemed to have matured suddenly, and his tone became serious.

Jiang He's expression instantly lost, woo woo woo his boy is not good!

But she couldn't refute, because the other party was right!

Jiang Chuan originally wanted to go upstairs again to ask his cheap teacher for a map, but he was afraid of disturbing her meeting with the red-haired kid, so he gave up.

Then he planned to drag Jiang He along the road to find a teacher or senior to ask for directions!

When he was about to leave, Jiang Chuan felt resistance from his arm——Jiang He held his hand and refused to let him go.

Jiang Chuan thought that Jiang He would continue to be self-willed, and was ready to reason with her, but turned around and saw the map in Jiang He's hand.

The beautiful girl's face was still pouting, she was obviously still unhappy!

The originally condensed gaze softened in an instant, and he couldn't help but praise:

"If you want me to say it's our Xiaohehehui Zhilanxin, when did you get the map?"

"Ask them for what they want at the reception place for freshmen before, and I knew you would definitely not take it!"

Although Jiang He had a reluctance on his face, he still answered Jiang Chuan's question in a low voice.

After hearing the words "our family", her anger has disappeared!

But she also knows that she can't give a man a good face so quickly, otherwise the man will easily go to the house to expose the tiles!

Jiang Chuan took the map, confirmed the location of the Destiny Sect, and pulled Jiang He to start.

Jiang He, who was in a better mood, naturally followed with a happy little jump.

Whenever Jiang Chuan felt a little vibration behind him and looked back, Jiang He would put on a pouting face of "I'm still angry".

The two came to the ground floor of the academy building of the fate faction.

The floor is not high, only two floors.

Entering the interior, the two of them felt as if they were in a starry sky palace, as if they saw a sky full of stars, each of which gave people a complicated feeling.

It seems that there is a story hidden in every star!

"Who are you looking for?"

An elegant voice broke the atmosphere of their immersion in the starry sky.

When the two came back to their senses, there was a well-proportioned young man in a white suit and trousers standing opposite him.

His long hair is slightly curly and his face is feminine, which doesn't seem to match his voice.

Seems like a student here?

"Senior, we are here to find Vice Principal Chen Jing."

Jiang Chuan explained his purpose.

The "youth" on the opposite side was silent for a while, staring at the two of them back and forth twice.

Seeing that the other party really didn't recognize her, his expression was obviously a little unnatural, and he said:

"I am."

Jiang Chuan:...

Jiang He:...

They never expected that the man-like senior in front of them would be a woman!

Chen Jing was very helpless in her heart.

Where did these two stunned young men come from, who hadn't even heard of her name?


Jiang Chuan tried to relieve the embarrassment by coughing, and he continued:

"Vice President Chen, I brought this student to join you!"

It seemed to be a little nervous, Jiang Chuan's inappropriate words made Chen Jing dumbfounded:

"How do you make it sound like my place is a den of bandits?"

Jiang Chuan quickly waved his hands:

"That was not what I meant!"

Chen Jing raised her hand and waved it casually twice, signaling that she didn't care.

But Chen Jing was a little surprised to hear that it was the principal who asked her to accept Jiang He.

The fate faction accepts very few students every year, because there are too few people with the talent of the fate faction!

Coupled with the fact that many people are more inclined to other popular factions, some students are not willing to join the Destiny Academy.

Now, he happened to meet a student who was willing to join the Destiny Academy, and something went wrong!

Chen Jing looked warily and said:

"I'm afraid it's not that simple for this girl to join Fate Academy?"

Jiang Chuan smiled freely:

"You were discovered by Vice President Chen, Xiao Hehe's talent is a curse! I need your guidance to help her break through to the Marquis Realm faster!"

Chen Jing understood.

That's it, no wonder I need her help!

Not to mention that no one in the whole country is more aware of the talent of Chu Ming's fate faction than her, but in the classification of fate factions in several top universities, she is definitely one of the best!

Her strength may not be the strongest, but in the field of fate, if she takes second place, no one will dare to say number one!

After all, she has been immersed in this way for many years, and with the talent of SS-level star officials, she is the king of the destiny faction!

As for Jiang He's cursed catastrophe, she had heard about it a long time ago. This talent itself is an inescapable curse!

A few years ago, there was a student from the Cursed Calamity who joined their university, but he did not choose the fate faction because of his arrogance.

In addition, Liu Xuanya didn't personally help him seal it at that time, and she died under the curse after only entering the academy for half a year!

She walked around Jiang He, bobbing her head up and down as if scanning, but she didn't know what she saw.

After a while, she slowly walked up to her, stretched out her hand and said:

"Welcome to Destiny Academy, we will work together in the next year!"

Jiang He stretched out his catkin to shake hands with Chen Jing in a cute way, which was also a little inconceivable.

The vice principal in front of her agreed to join her without asking anything!

"No, didn't the principal say two years?"

Jiang Chuan heard the loopholes in Chen Jing's words, and the principal's speaking time was cut in half!

"What's wrong? The calamity of the curse can only be sealed, there is no way to eradicate it!

Even if I use my star official ability to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and find countless ways to help Jiang He avoid the curse, she will survive for more than a year at most!

two years? Absolutely impossible! "

As if feeling that her professionalism had been insulted, Chen Jing spoke with a heavy tone when she said these words.

"The principal said that she used her original power and used her ability to help Jiang He seal the curse talent in her body.

Let her study hard with you in the next two years, so that she can be promoted to the Marquis Realm as soon as possible, and have the capital to resist the catastrophe of the curse! "

Jiang Chuan explained in detail.

Listening to what Jiang Chuan said, Chen Jing's eyes became more and more shocked.

She could tell that the boy in front of her was not lying!

The principal really helped the girl in front of her seal her talent!

She pondered for a moment, and said seriously:

"I see! You can go back, and she will stay by my side for the next two years!"

Hearing this answer, Jiang Chuan's eyelids twitched. Miss Hyuna didn't lie to him!

The four-year cohabitation plan between him and Xiao Hehe was cut in half in an instant! It's really chilling...

From now on, if I want to play games in the middle of the night, I won’t be able to find a playmate!

Jiang Chuan walked towards the dormitory area for special students without interest.

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