Hua Shi Dou Lang's clone condensed very slowly. Tian Ming observed it for a long time with his domineering power. It took a full ten seconds for the mental energy to penetrate the wall and gather into a human shape. With such a long condensation time, it must be released in advance in actual combat, otherwise it cannot be released during the battle.

However, the functions of this clone are exactly the same. At this time, Hua Shi Doulang's original body is still watching the changes in the room. There are no cameras or other equipment around, and the other party does not use the "circle", which means that the clone has the function of sharing vision with the original body.

Just as Tianming was observing carefully, Xi Suo on the side showed a weird smile.

"You still have such a hot temper, you seem to have forgotten the fear you felt when facing me."

"Xiso, stop talking nonsense!" Hua Shidoulang became angry and embarrassed.

"I did lose to you at the beginning, but I have never been afraid of you from beginning to end. Don't try to disturb my state of mind with such a small trick. This time I will definitely defeat you and wash away the shame you brought to me!"

Hisoka chuckled when he heard that, and although he didn't say anything, his eyes were full of contempt.

Hua Shidoulang was furious when he saw this, but he regained his composure after a moment, his breathing became steady but his tone was still cold.

"What on earth do you want to see me about?"

While speaking, he glanced at Tianming a few times out of the corner of his eye. He didn't know Xi Suo's purpose but he knew that the other party was insidious and cunning, and the people he brought with him were probably not good people either.

Hisoka smiled and said, "I came here to cancel our duel."

Hua Shi Doulang was shocked when he heard this, and even Tianming was stunned for a moment. Xi Suo had never mentioned to him that he wanted to cancel the duel. What was this guy up to?

"Hisoka, what do you mean? I have been preparing for revenge on you for a long time. Are you a coward and you want to run away when you can't win?"

Hua Shi Doulang's fists were clenched white. In order to defeat his opponent, he practiced day and night, fighting with countless enemies just to accumulate strength to take revenge on them.

More than a month ago, Hisoka finally agreed to fight with him. He finally had the chance to defeat him. How could he be willing to give up now?

This incident tormented him like a demon for two years, and he would not accept the other party's request to cancel the duel no matter what.

Thinking of this, Hua Shi Dou Lang said with a gloomy face: "Do you know how many people are betting on our game secretly? If you dare to escape from the battlefield, countless people will pay to buy your life, and assassins will assassinate you at any time. Even you will be exhausted and die in a deserted corner."

Hisoka smiled helplessly when he heard that. The opponent's threat really had no strength at all.

"Someone hired a killer to kill me before, but that killer kept trying to deal with me for more than a month. In the end, I found his employer first and killed him, ending the assassination. Speaking of which, I really miss the time when I was being hunted." Hisoka showed a nostalgic look as he spoke. It was obvious that Illumi's assassination left a deep impression on him.

With a flash of nostalgia, looking at Hua Shi Dou Lang who was glaring at him, Xi Suo shrugged and said, "You were indeed very talented before, and you were a rare and delicious fruit. Now two years have passed. I thought you would grow even more delicious, but I didn't expect you to become more and more sour. I have lost interest in you. Fruits like you are not worth tasting at all."

"I became dozens of times stronger in order to defeat you, and you say I am not worthy to fight you?"

Hua Shi Doulang's aura became stronger and stronger, his mental energy made his long hair fly everywhere like a devil from hell.

Tianming, who was watching from the sidelines, also understood what was going on at this moment. Xi Suo was deliberately provoking the other party to make him lose the ability to think calmly. It was probably a lie that he was giving up the fight. Xi Suo was a warmonger who liked to provoke fights without any grudges. How could he avoid fighting now?

As expected, seeing that the provocation method was almost over, Xi Suo pointed at Tianming and said, "His name is Zhao Tianming. It has only been two months since he started to learn Nen. His current strength is far superior to yours, and you have been learning Nen for two years but are still at this half-baked level. What qualifications do you have to challenge me?"

Hua Shi Doulang turned his gaze to Tianming. He did feel a vague sense of threat from Tianming, but he scoffed at Xi Suo's words.

"You surpassed me after only two months of training? Hisoka, do you think I'm a fool?

The cultivation of mind power is extremely difficult. I have fought against countless people and accumulated a wealth of experience in cultivation, which is why I have cultivated my strength to this level today. You think this stupid-looking guy can surpass me after only two months of cultivation? You..."

Before he could finish his words, Tianming and Xi Suo suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because it was just a clone, Hua Shi Doulang's reaction was a beat slow. After noticing the abnormality, he immediately jumped back to create some distance, and then he could see the situation in front of him clearly.

Tianming's fist stopped a few centimeters away from the position previously occupied by Hua Shi Dou Lang, while Xi Suo grabbed his wrist and signaled him to calm down.

Xi Suo said helplessly: "If you fight privately here, you will be disqualified. If you want to fight, find a place where there is no one. As long as no one finds you, no one will care how you fight."

While Xi Suo was speaking, his eyes were always observing Tian Ming's expression. He was startled when this guy suddenly rushed out just now. He really didn't know whether this guy was cooperating with him in acting or really wanted to fight Hua Shi Dou Lang here.

Tianming shook off Xi Suo's wrist and snorted coldly, "It's just a clone. Even if I blow him up, it won't cause any harm to the real body. This can't be considered a private fight. At most, it's just slapping a fly to death."

Hearing that Tianming actually compared himself to a fly, Hua Shidoulang's clone gritted his teeth and glared at him, then turned into pure mental energy and disappeared.

At the same time, the door was opened from inside the house, and Hua Shi Dou Lang's real body walked out with a gloomy face and said, "If I defeat this bastard, will you not cancel our duel?"

Hisoka had his back to Hua Shi Dou Lang at this time. Hearing this, in a corner where the other party couldn't see, he curled up the corner of his mouth to reveal a smile of success.

He turned around and said, "If you can defeat Tianming, I will not only agree to continue the duel with you, but also take out 10 billion Jinni as a bet. Do you dare to accept it?"

"I accept! But I have to be frank with you. If this is a private fight, I will not show mercy. If he is beaten to death by me, he deserves it."

When he said this, Hua Shi Dou Lang turned his gaze to Tian Ming and said in a leisurely tone: "Well, if you don't dare to fight, say it now. It will be too late to beg for mercy after the battle starts."

Of course Tianming agreed immediately. The purpose of his trip was to fight with Hua Shi Doulang to find a direction for building his own Nen ability, so there was naturally no reason for him to refuse.

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