Sky Arena, underground parking lot on the second floor below ground.

Although the Sky Arena is world-famous, few tourists come here by car. Most people enter directly by airship, so the underground parking lot is usually rarely visited.

Due to the low traffic volume, the maintenance rate of the infrastructure here is extremely low. Basically, more than 90% of the lighting lamps are damaged. No one cares and no one repairs them. The entire parking lot is pitch black with only sporadic lights dotted in the darkness.

In an open space in the southwest of the parking lot, Tianming and Hua Shidoulang stood opposite each other, and between them was Xi Suo with a smirk on his face.

Xi Suo introduced to the two people: "Few people come to this place, so some senior fighters who are familiar with the terrain will fight privately here. This place is very suitable as your battlefield.

But I have to remind you of one thing. Although most of the surveillance cameras here are broken, there are still some that can see the images. If you are seen by those cameras, someone will definitely come down to check. If you are caught, you will be disqualified from the competition. "

Hua Shi Doulang snorted coldly and said it didn't matter. At least it was certain that there were no cameras in the nearby area. All he had to do was kill Tian Ming in this area.

Tianming slowly closed his eyes, and then, under the surprised gaze of Xi Suo and Hua Shi Dou Lang, the surveillance cameras on the second floor of the underground parking lot exploded one after another.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of explosions continued to spread from afar towards this side, until the camera closest to Tianming and others exploded and shattered into debris on the ground, and Tianming opened his eyes.

"Don't worry about being seen by the camera, just go ahead and type."

Xi Suo laughed when he saw this. Although he didn't know how Tian Ming did it, he still reminded him, "No one would have noticed this place originally. After what you did, someone will probably come down to check the situation soon. You better make a quick decision."

After saying this, he released the mental energy that was stuck to the ground under his feet, and then he was freed from the battlefield like a cannonball by another mental energy that was stuck behind him.

The departure of the "referee" indicates that the battle has officially begun.

Seeing this, Hua Shi Doulang decisively took the initiative. He separated a stream of mental energy and left it in place, while his real body punched Tianming in the face.

The punch was so powerful that even Tianming felt a slight stinging pain on his face.

Feeling the power of the opponent's fist, Tian Ming did not dare to be careless. His mental energy instantly wrapped around his body and then he swung his right fist straight out, colliding with the opponent's fist.


The force of the fist impact spread like a wave throughout the underground garage, and a moment later a dull explosion echoed throughout the underground garage.

At the place where Tianming and Hua Shidoulang's fists collided, the ground cracked like a spider web and spread in all directions. After the two fists collided, both of them retreated at the same time.

Tianming retreated three steps and stomped hard on the ground to gain a firm footing, while Hua Shidoulang retreated dozens of meters and did several backflips before completely releasing the force.

After standing firmly on the ground, Hua Shidoulang looked at Tianming in shock. The opponent's strength was beyond his imagination, especially when his fists collided, the powerful energy in the opponent's body really made him tremble with fear.

He had never seen anyone with such a huge amount of telekinesis as the other party, but according to his observation, Tianming was not very proficient in controlling his telekinesis. It seemed that it was really as Hisoka said, that the other party was just a newcomer who had recently activated his telekinesis.

However, this huge amount of mental energy is enough to make up for the opponent's technical shortcomings. If he fights head-on, the only outcome is to be crushed.

Feeling the sharp pain in his right fist, Hua Shi Doulang decided that he could not fight head-on this time, but had to find a way to outsmart him.

Tianming discovered that Hua Shidoulang stood still after making a move and dared not attack again. He disappeared from the spot in a flash.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Hua Shi Dou Lang, stretched out his right fist and raised his index finger to stab the other party in the heart.

Hua Shidoulang was so frightened when he saw this that his scalp went numb. He stretched out his right hand and slapped Tianming's arm.

This palm strike was made hastily without using much force. Tian Ming's arm did not move at all and was not deflected by him at all.

However, Hua Shi Doulang's purpose was not to stop Tianming's attack. He just used the reaction force of hitting Tianming's arm to push his body to the side for a distance. Tianming's "finger gun" brushed past the cloak on his shoulder and pierced through.


The cloak that Hua Shi Dou Lang was wearing was torn into pieces, but he himself was not hurt. Instead, he took the opportunity to distance himself from Tian Ming.

After he stood firm, he was still frightened. Tianming moved too fast just now, and he was very sure that this was definitely some kind of skill, not the speed brought by the other party's physical fitness. Could it be that the other party's ability was to increase speed or something like that?

Of course, what Tianming used was not his mental ability, but the "Shave" style, one of the six styles that he had improved and activated with mental energy.

After traveling through time, Tianming has been studying how to reduce the damage caused by the Six Styles to the body. Before, the only method he could think of was to forcibly improve his physical fitness and use his physical fitness to offset the damage caused by the Six Styles to the body.

However, after mastering the Qi of Thought, he found that this energy was highly malleable. After experiments, he discovered that the Six Styles could be activated entirely by the Qi of Thought, and that the damage to the body caused by activating the Six Styles in this way would be very low, which could be said to be negligible for those who have been practicing the Qi of Thought for many years.

The only flaw is that the Six Styles consumes a lot of Nen energy, and ordinary Nen users cannot use it frequently. Only people like me who are born with extremely high energy can use it frequently in battle.

Looking at Hua Shi Dou Lang who was ready for battle, Tian Ming narrowed his eyes and felt a little disappointed.

It seems that it is just as Yun Gu said. If a user with enhanced telepathic ability uses his mind on other aspects, it will only reduce his combat effectiveness. Although his telepathic energy is much stronger than that of the opponent, the battle between users of telepathic ability is not simply a competition of telepathic energy.

If the opponent had focused all his attention on cultivating strengthening abilities, the palm strike just now might have been able to knock away his finger gun, and then he could have taken advantage of the opportunity when his skills failed to strike back at him. It seems that the theory of specializing in one area does make sense.

Just as he was thinking about the direction of building the strengthening system's abilities, a strong wind blew from behind.

Tian Ming frowned, concentrated his energy on his right fist and punched in the direction where the strong wind came from.


Tianming's fist collided with Hua Shidoulang's "Tiger Bite Fist". Feeling the power coming from the fist, he widened his eyes and his pupils contracted.

He was absolutely sure that the Hua Shi Dou Lang in front of him was just a clone. He had been paying attention to him since the other party released the clone just now.

He originally thought it was just a clone and wouldn't cause any trouble, but after exchanging punches with the other party, he realized something was wrong.

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