Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 101 The Real Prize! Netero’S Fighting Spirit! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Lin Nie stared at the two people flying over, his cloudy eyes like an out-of-focus camera, blurry.


"Is the old man here too?"

Lin Ke, who was sitting on Kuailong, naturally saw the three referees, and Lin Nie naturally went without saying.

What Lin Ke didn't expect was that President Netero also came, but it was normal when he thought about it.

For an important food Hunter competition, it makes sense to invite the president of the Hunter Association.

As for the other bald referee, I haven't seen it before. He is probably a senior executive of the Foodie Paradise.

Lin Ke gathered his thoughts, and now Kuailong is landing in the cooking venue.

Seeing that they all had the same standard kitchen utensils, Menqi randomly picked a spot and prepared to start his work.

If Lin Ke is the main force in hunting, then cooking is the time for her to show her talents.

Lin Ke, who was doing nothing, looked at Netero and smiled.


Netero smiled and waved his right hand gently to say hello to Lin Ke.

Speaking of which, the two haven't seen each other for a while.

The last time Lin Ke met Netero was during the Hunter exam.

Instead, Netero met Lin Ke during the live broadcast of Sky Arena.

After a brief greeting, Lin Ke turned his attention to Menqi, preparing to silently admire her artistic cooking.

First, let Gengar take out all the ingredients.

Lin Nie's originally squinted eyes widened slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on Mr. Quan's face.

What are the abilities of the space system?......

I saw something like a black mist emerging from Lin Ke's shadow, with facial features on it.

Ingredients were spitting out from Gengar's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, a pile appeared on the mat that had been laid out in advance.

Even Gengar hasn't spit out all the ingredients at once.

It seems that the storage space is not small?

"860" Lin Xia thought to herself as she looked at Geng Gui who vomited out a bunch of things easily.

As a gourmet hunter, he has even been to the Dark Continent.

She knows all too well how important this ability is to Food Hunter!

Lin Ke’s Nian Beast is really not simple~

Recalling what happened in the food area before, Lin Nie sighed silently.

Menqi's dishes are divided into: appetizers, main dishes, salads, desserts, and drinks.

In order to improve efficiency and allow several things to be presented for scoring at the same time, Menqi has a sequence for these dishes.

The first is the appetizer, the main part is whitening caviar obtained in the ice field.

After some exquisite processing of seasonings and side dishes, the appetizers are freshly baked.

Next is the salad, which mainly consists of white cabbage and other condiments.

Colorful fruits are used to make desserts. The juice is squeezed first and then made into pudding shape.

Dream tuna is used to make soup, and comes with some ingredients hunted in the food area.

The most important thing is the main course, which contains three top ingredients this time.

They are diamond meat, star mushroom in sauce, and rose rock salt.

Under the surprised eyes of several people, Menqi started cooking the ingredients one after another.

Whitening caviar, dreamy tuna, diamond meat of gemstone mammoth...

Lin Nie stared blankly at each ingredient. Although he had expected it beforehand, he was still surprised.

These are all the top ingredients in the food section!

Generally speaking, other players cannot obtain even one of these.

Lin Ke and the two of them easily hunted down the top ingredients inside.

Lin Nie even thought that he could directly declare Lin Ke's team as the first place.

With these ingredients, as long as your cooking skills are not too bad, the food you make will not be much different.

Not to mention that she is also aware of Menqi's skills. Although she is young, her cooking skills have reached a very superb level.

Even the well-informed Lin Nie was shocked by Menqi's ingredients, not to mention the bald referee next to him.

The pair of wide-open eyes stared intently at the pile of ingredients that exuded gorgeous brilliance.

It felt like there was something stuck in my throat. I wanted to say something, but couldn't utter a single word.

The shock in his heart was like a huge wave, sweeping through his body.

Even he has never seen so many top-quality ingredients!

Among so many ingredients, the bald judge was only lucky enough to taste whitening caviar.

This alone is an experience he deserves to brag about.

Under the excessive blow, the bald referee found it difficult to accept the reality.

But when I thought about having a chance to taste it later, I felt excited again.

My heart was filled with gratitude to Lin Nie. If I hadn't come this time, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life!

Unlike the grateful bald referee, Netero was certainly interested in the ingredients.

But what he cares about most is Kuailong beside Lin Ke.

Another mind beast...

Netero's eyes flashed, this was a new order book he had never seen before.

No matter the previous information, I have never seen it in the Hunter exam or in the Sky Arena.

As far as Netero knows, Lin Ke owns a total of five mind beasts.

They are Gardevoir, Gengar and Bangira who appeared in the ruins of Moros.

A wind speed dog used as a mount in the Hunter exam.

Lucario fighting "Iron Man" Jim in the Sky Arena.

Kuailong was the first time he saw it.

This made him sigh, how many mind beasts does Lin Ke have~

This is probably the thought that everyone who has interacted with Lin Ke will have.

The mind beasts on Lin Ke seem to be endless, and there are always new ones appearing.

In particular, each one is very powerful and has its own special abilities!

Like this Nian beast that looks like a dragon in front of me...

Netero touched his long beard, which had grown into its original shape, and stroked his cute and cute dragon carefully.

Although Kuailong has a "harmless" expression, his plump belly adds a touch of cuteness.

But Netero still noticed some clues from the aura that Kuailong inadvertently revealed.

The strength of this dragon......

Definitely not below yourself!

Thinking of this, Netero looked at Lin Ke with a faint look.

There are two existences that are the same as himself, or even stronger, that are currently revealed.

What about behind the scenes?

Lin Ke, who didn't know that an old man had been hit by him again, was watching Menqi's cooking.

Although the organizers provided complete equipment to the players, Menqi still used his own Nen to cook.

The equipment is good, but they are just ordinary kitchen utensils and have no other effects.

The knives, forks, plates, etc. that Menqi created using his own tools have a certain effect on preserving the food.

This minimizes the loss of flavor during cooking.

Staring at Men Qi holding a knife and fork that exuded the wave of mental energy, Lin Ke suddenly thought of something.

Menqi uses embodied knives and forks to attack, which is very similar to Alu's ability in "The Prisoner of Food".

Gel's Nen is related to extreme poisons and can absorb and release heavy poisons.

This is very similar to Coco in "The Prisoner of Food".

What if there were two more Nin people who could control hair and create sound waves?

Corresponding to Sani and Zebra respectively.

Then we have gathered together the Four Heavenly Kings of Food in "Prisoners of Food".

Hunter X Hunter version of "Four Food Kings"?

Unknown to Lin Ke, Menqi, who was thinking wildly next to her, was concentrating on cooking delicious food.

In her opinion, the top-notch ingredients obtained must be cooked as well as possible in order to live up to Lin Ke's efforts.

Lin Ke has done his best in his task, and she can't hold him back!

So under Menqi's full firepower, exquisite and tempting delicacies were prepared.

Looking at the dazzling plates of delicious food in front of him, Lin Ke suddenly felt as if he was not in the world of Hunter X Hunter.

It's more like traveling to the spiritual world of Shichichi. Otherwise, how could these delicacies shine so brightly?

Menqi divided each dish into five plates, three of which were scored by three judges.

The remaining two dishes are for themselves.

Deng Deng..."

Menqi walked onto the ring and placed the food in front of the three judges.

A stream of aroma came to their nostrils, as if they were turning into naughty elves teasing them at the tip of their noses.

Suddenly, the mouths of the three of them were filled with saliva, and they swallowed subconsciously.

Even Lin Nie is the same!

This is honesty and respect for food!

The three of them had not made an appointment, but they reached out to eat the appetizers at the same time.

Lin Nie gently scooped a spoonful of whitening caviar and stuffed it into his mouth. The rich milky flavor bloomed with the cool taste.

The white and tender caviar is like tofu. It melts in your mouth with just one sip and slides into your stomach like a clear stream.

This whitening caviar is like a key, completely opening the door called "appetite", making people want to eat more.

That’s why Menchi serves whitening caviar as an appetizer.

The purpose of setting appetizers is to whet the appetite of guests and pave the way for a better enjoyment of the main courses that follow.

Lin Nie raised his eyebrows, carefully felt the appetizers, and finally came to a conclusion.

The same ingredients can only be served better than Qi unless they are cooked for her.

It wouldn't be possible if it were anyone else!

This means that Menqi’s cooking has made great progress this time!

Even just below Lin Nie!

Lin Nie and Netero were doing well. The bald referee next to him was so moved that he almost cried.

This is the smell that haunts him and makes him think about it day and night!

Even better than the whitening caviar he had eaten many years ago!

After calming down, the three referees all picked up the scoreboard next to them.

It says 10 points clearly on it!

After eating each dish, the judges will score it...

0 points is the lowest and 10 points is the highest.

In other words, a dish can get up to 30 points, and the theoretical maximum score for a complete set is 150 points.

But since the food competition has been held for so many times, there has never been a team with perfect scores.

Lin Nie secretly thought, maybe today the first perfect team in history will appear!

Maybe it’s the last one?!

It is really difficult to gather Lin Ke and Men Qi, two people with strong strength and superb cooking abilities, to form a team.

The latter is easier to say. A being with incredible strength like Lin Ke is really rare.

After the appetizer was rated, the three of them turned their attention to the next dish.

Regarding the three people's scores, Men Qi was quite happy and smiled with satisfaction.

Lin Ke doesn't have much fluctuation. After all, with top-notch ingredients and top-notch chefs, it's reasonable to get a perfect score.

Now he is preparing to enjoy his delicious food.

After eating the whitening caviar, as expected, Lin Ke's physical condition and mental energy soared again.

Seeing this, Lin Ke was secretly stunned. He wouldn't wait until he left the gourmet paradise and his physical strength could reach S level, right?

Under Menqi's care, the delicacies in front of him can be regarded as the top delicacies in the six continents!

The improvement brought to Lin Ke by each step is extremely huge!

Strength is like riding a rocket,

Climbing fast!

As each bite of delicious food is eaten, thoughts and energy are developing non-stop from the vast "lake" to the boundless "ocean"!

Seeing Lin Ke eating happily, Menqi on the side also smiled.

As a gourmet hunter, what I love most is satisfying others with my gourmet food.

Not to mention that the person who is satisfied is the person you like!

As each dish was scored, the final total score did not surprise anyone present.

But as it should be!

Team 77 (Lin Ke and Men Qi), final score 150——full score!

When the announcement was made, the bald referee thought the total score was too low. He thought it should be an infinite number!

It's a bit sad to say it, but the fact is - he will never eat better food in his life!

No score is too high!

Finally, with the unanimous approval of the three judges, Lin Ke and Men Qi were awarded the first place in this gourmet kiln!

Give them the first place award directly on the spot.

According to the rules, you should wait until the one-week deadline and all contestants have scored before ranking.

However, Lin Ke's team's results are really great.

Not to mention that it is impossible for anyone to replicate their results. Even if they could, they would not be able to tie for first place.

The first place prize can be distributed again at that time.

Of course, everyone knows that there will no longer be a perfect team.

The three judges gave different prizes, and the bald judge gave two A-grade ingredients.

Although it is a little lower than top ingredients such as whitening caviar and dream tuna, it is also a high-end ingredient from the six continents.

The prize given by Lin Nie was rather unique. It was a land deed, giving him his own 4.7 piece of land on the Food Island.

It can be used to open a shop or live in.

Perhaps because of Lin Nie's ingenuity, the location of this land deed is right next to "Menqi's Shop".

Finally, there is President Netero.

The landing given also matches his status as the president of the Hunter Association.

Give Lin Ke the title of one-star food hunter!

As for Menqi, she is already a one-star Food Hunter, so it is for her to accumulate merit.

In fact, it is a disguised form of promotion to a two-star Food Hunter.

As long as Menqi makes some casual contributions later, he can easily be promoted to a two-star food hunter.

The rewards for the three people are given in three aspects: food ingredients, territory and titles.

Lin Ke and Men Qi are both very satisfied with this.

The majority of the two people who participated in this food competition have already received it, and it is not these rewards.

It’s top quality food carefully prepared!

As well as a large number of rare ingredients in Gengar’s belly that cannot be seen by the outside world!

Lin Ke believes that these two points are the real “prizes” of this food competition!

Of course, the rewards given by the three referees were quite good, and the two of them happily accepted them.

Watching the two men disappearing into the horizon while riding a fast dragon, the three referees had different thoughts in their minds.

The bald referee was recalling the wonderful taste just now, and at the same time, he lost some expectations for the next player's work.

After tasting such top-notch delicacies, he was worried that he might not be able to eat ordinary dishes...

Lin Nie is happy to see the growth of the two juniors, and is especially pleased that Men Qi has found a good partner.

President Netero had different ideas from the first two. He stared at the fast-flying dragon.

I was thinking about when to make an appointment with Lin Ke to have another discussion?


Maybe it would be better if I put on that "heart" T-shirt?

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