Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 102 The Intimate Relationship With Menqi! The Replaced Spider! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

the next morning,

Lin Ke and Menqi woke up at the same time, smiled at each other and got up from the bed.

The relationship between the two of them was natural, so they didn't feel any suddenness to each other.

It seems that nothing has changed, but in fact the relationship between the two has taken a big step forward.

Truly become an intimate presence for the other person.

The occasional actions are also quite intimate.

In the next few days, Lin Ke was immersed in the gentle countryside and delicious food, until the day when the results of the food competition were announced.

It was still the venue where the contestants were having their cooking session, and the three judges were still sitting on the stage.

The big screen behind the three people displayed the winners of the food competition and the corresponding total scores.

Only the top ten will be ranked, which means if your team does not rank in the top ten, there will be no prizes.

Almost all the contestants gathered on the field and quietly watched the rankings announced on the screen.

Except for Lin Ke and Men Qi, who already knew their rankings, they were too lazy to come.

Everyone looked up from the bottom to the top in unison, hoping that they would be on the list.

Tenth place: Team 53 (Monica and Khufu), total score 98

Ninth place: Team 80 (Yasuo and Brook), total score 101

There is no problem with the following, people continue to look up until

Second place: Team 96 (Jon and Snow), total score 124

First place: Team 66 (Lin Ke and Men Qi), total score 150


Suddenly, large question marks appeared above people's heads.


Isn’t that a perfect score?

"Hey, hey, is it true?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"How can anyone get perfect marks?"

All of a sudden, the players were talking about everything.

Just like the wet market, it becomes noisy, but it can be summarized.

They have doubts about this first place score!

"As expected of them~"

Gel's beautiful eyes stared at the first place displayed on the big screen, slightly lost in thought, and murmured subconsciously.

"Oh, even though I was mentally prepared in advance, it still surprised me."

"I really didn't expect that it would reach a perfect score. I thought it would be around 140 points."

Rika on the side also lamented that as a gourmet hunter, she knew better than Gel what the first place meant.

This is the only team that has achieved 26 perfect scores so far in the food competition.

There is even a high probability that there will not be another perfect team in the future.

This requires extremely strong strength——hunting for ingredients.

With superb skills - cooking delicious food.

Both are indispensable!

She and Gel's Team 67 were the fourth.

This is because her space system can preserve the food to a certain extent.

Otherwise, it might not be that high.

Seeing that the players in the audience were talking a lot, and they all expressed their objections to the score of the first place, Lin Nie did not explain too much.

Instead, he pressed the button, and then the big screen started playing a video of Menqi starting to cook.

This venue is equipped with monitors, and each contestant's cooking process will be recorded.

When the big screen started playing the video, the players also understood that this was a replay of the scene at that time.

So they all watched every move inside attentively, if they could see something was wrong.

They must be designated by the authorities to compensate them!

How can anyone get perfect marks?

It wasn't until they saw Gengar vomiting out a lot of ingredients that they changed their minds.

"Space system Nen!"

one contestant exclaimed, voicing everyone's inner thoughts.

However, this was only the beginning, what shocked them was yet to come.

With the emergence of whitening caviar, dream tuna, diamond meat and other top ingredients.

The whole place was silent, and everyone seemed to have lost their souls and could only watch Menqi cooking blankly.

Now they seem to know how the perfect score came...

A whole set of delicacies are all cooked with top-notch ingredients. It's impossible not to win first place!

As for the perfect score, it seems that it is not nonsense...

The contestants who originally looked unhappy looked like defeated roosters, becoming dejected.

But they wanted to see Menqi cooking top-notch ingredients, so after some struggle, they still recognized their achievements.

I have to accept this!

The video stopped abruptly when the three judges announced a perfect score.

After the video was played, no one raised any doubts anymore, and everyone was so impressed that they fell into admiration.

The names of Lin Ke and Men Qi were also remembered by them, and they quickly spread among the food hunters.

The first team in history to achieve perfect scores in the food competition!

This is a supreme honor!

The food competition ended in an unexpected ending, but the aftermath is still spreading.

A few days later, Lin Ke and Men Qi received a gift from Lin Nie.

When I opened it, I saw that it was a delicacy specially made by Lin Nie, which was a celebration for the two of them for winning first place.

The prizes for the food competition are given by the referee.

This gift was given by her as the elder of the two.

The same delicious food made with top-notch ingredients!

It even tastes better than what Menqi made that day!

This made Lin Ke's strength soar again.

A few months later,

After some training in the sky arena, the duo of Gon and Killua chose to return to Gon's hometown "Whale Island" to see his family.

On Whale Island, the two obtained the Greedy Island memory card left by Jin and recorded the conversation with Jin.

So the idea of ​​playing Greedy Island came up.

So I went to Youkexin City, where the Greedy Island game console will be auctioned next.

In the dark corner,

Machi's back was against the wall, and the dim light from the screen of the mobile phone she was holding illuminated her cold face.

A few lines of words were written on the screen -

All members must gather at Friendship Market before noon on August 30th!

"What about the long-lost gathering..."

Machi's pair of blue eyes stared at the slightly bright screen and whispered softly.

But recalling what happened before, she had a bad feeling for no reason.

One-star bounty Hunter, Lin Ke, Youke Xinshi gather...

Pursing his lips, Machi walked in a certain direction.

I hope she's overthinking it.


"Are we gathering at the end of August?"

"The spiders are about to take action again~"

Hisoka gently placed the last playing card on top. At this point, the playing card pyramid is completely completed!

Next to the pyramid is a mobile phone with a bright screen, and the words on it are telling him to gather!

Recalling Chrollo who had also prepared one of the fruits for him, Hisoka trembled all over and his mouth curled up unconsciously.

The coquettish face was even more frightening, and the whole person's emotions seemed to have reached their peak. The pink and black thought energy filled his body, making it even more terrifying.

"Hehehe, Chrollo!"

Licking his lips, Hisoka felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.

After experiencing the disappointment of Hua Shi Dou Lang and Mian Ying, his desire to fight is particularly high now.

He couldn't wait any longer...and wanted to fight Chrollo!

Hisoka's emotions slowly calmed down after thinking of a certain blond boy who had reached a cooperation with her.

Now is not the time!

He had to wait until the two of them cooperated to remove some of the spider's legs that would hinder him from writing Chrollo's battle.

I hope that boy named Kurapika can achieve his goal~

A strange smile appeared in Hisoka's charming eyes.

"Then I'll go first, remember to take care of yourself."

Ruston is the closest port city to Foodie Paradise.

Lin Ke took the airship here. Calculating the time, it was almost time to arrive at the Fa Ke Bi incident.

He has not forgotten that he has an agreement with Kurapika.

Pokémon from Yokoxin City!

A Pokémon from the Kuruta clan!

He wants them all!

"Be careful on the road. If you want to eat, you can call me anytime~"

Menqi said reluctantly, letting Lin Ke call him at any time.

After waving his hands at the end, Lin Ke disappeared from Menqi's sight.

After several months of continuous eating in the foodie paradise, a lot of top-notch delicacies have entered his stomach.

Because of this, Lin Ke's strength has reached an extremely high level.

After a while, Lin Ke came to Yake City.

This is the city where the Nosla family, which has become famous recently, is located.

Since Kurapika will be working here, drop by and see him.

Maybe a Pokémon could be born here?

Despite thinking so, Lin Ke still felt that it was unlikely.

Although the original work has two episodes in the Nosla family, Lin Ke still feels that they will be divided into the same city of Youkexin.

That is to say, I came with the mentality of giving it a try.

What Lin Ke didn't expect was that instead of seeing Kurapika, he saw an unexpected person first.

Looking at the little man in the distance with his hands in his pockets, dressed in black and wearing a skull mask, half of his face was covered.

A look of surprise flashed in Lin Ke's eyes.

I really didn’t expect to encounter a spider in advance~


After thinking about it, Lin Ke felt that it would not be strange to meet Feitan here.

Although Feitan and Phinks often travel together.

But in the anime, Phinks arrived in Youkexin City before Feitan.

Feitan came to join Machi, Nobunaga, and Franklin, a total of four people.


Feitan should be on his way to meet up with Machi and others now?

Or maybe take an airship, arrive at Youkexin City, and then the four of you will meet up and then go to the specific assembly point?

Slowly gathering his thoughts, Lin Ke's mouth showed a trace of amusement. He has a good point.

"Really, I came here because I heard that the out-of-print "Candy and the Taste of Pain" will be sold here!"

"It turned out to be nothing at all!"

Feitan cursed fiercely, a pair of sharp and narrow eyes seemed to be shining with cold light, and a fierce murderous aura emerged from him.


"That guy is...Mian Ying?!"

Feitan was walking on the path when he accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar figure walking into the woods nearby.

He couldn't help but froze his murderous aura, and let out an exclamation of disbelief.

After all, according to the previous news, Mianying should have been killed by the new member!

What is going on?

Feitan cursed secretly in his heart, his body flashed, and disappeared in the next second.

in the dim woods,

Tracking the direction in which the "shadow" disappeared, moving quickly, leaving a trail in the woods.

Not long after, Feitan came to a clearing in the forest, and in front of him stood a "face" facing him.

"It's true! Please tell me the truth!"

"Mian Ying! In the end

What’s going on! Did you deceive the members?!”

Feitan stared at the "face" in front of him, scolding him in an extremely cold tone, as if he would stab him at the next moment.

Who would have thought that what happened next would shock him even more.

"Answer me! As expected, you still need to be tortured..."

Feitan's words stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately took out the umbrella sword he carried with him.

The body of "Mian Ying" suddenly twisted and turned into another appearance in a very short period of time.

Became like him!!

"Damn it! What's going on! Who are you?"

Feitan stared straight at the creature in front of him that was exactly the same as himself, and his tone became deeper and deeper.

This is what he does when he's angry.

"What are you talking about? He is Feitan~"

Lin Ke slowly walked out of the forest behind the Variety Monster, with an interesting smile on his face.

It was he who had just turned the Variety Monster into a shadow and lured Feitan into this forest.

The confused expression was very much in line with Lin Ke's expectations. It would have been better if he was a little more scared.

"Oh, I forgot, not yet, but it doesn't matter."

"He'll be the real Feitan later!"

Speaking of this, Lin Ke patted the Variety Monster on the shoulder and spoke pointedly to the increasingly angry Feitan.

"Are you kidding?! Kill you!!"

Seeing that Lin Ke looked down on him so much, why did he say that this unknown stranger would become him next?

You put me there 210?!

The pale face is even more distorted, and the narrow eyes reveal a fierce gaze.

"I'm going to cut off your flesh piece by piece, and I won't let you die so easily!"

After finishing speaking, Feitan rushed towards Lin Ke with his fast movement speed. He wanted this arrogant guy to die in extreme pain!

Looking at Feitan rushing towards him, Lin Ke didn't even bother to raise his eyes.

Feitan is very fast, which is indeed worthy of praise. What he relies on most is speed.

However, after so many delicious food improvements, Lin Ke's strength has been raised to almost S-level.

So in his opinion, Feitan's speed is just that.

There are still people much faster than him!

Maybe it should be said to be a dragon!

An orange flash of light descended from the sky, with a strong thought energy wrapped in his right hand!

Dragon skill——Dragon Claw!


A burst of noise caused quite a stir in this quiet forest. Many birds and beasts were frightened and began to stay away from here.

A large pit suddenly appeared in the original open space, and in the center of the pit stood the innocent Kuailong.

And Feitan, who was almost crushed into foam!

"There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world~"

"Be careful in the next life...if you have a next life!"

Dispersing the drifting smoke and dust, Lin Ke glanced at Feitan, who was almost invisible, and said softly.

After dealing with the original owner, Lin Ke turned to look at Feitan, who had transformed into a Variety Monster, and warned:

"Next, just follow his original arrangements and report to me if there is any situation.

"Feitan" nodded, turned and walked towards the outside of the forest.

According to his memory, he was going to take an airship to Youkexin City, meet up with Machi and others first, and then go to the abandoned building together.

"It's so convenient, but it's a pity it's only one page.

Looking at the back of "Feitan" leaving, Lin Ke couldn't help but sigh.

The shapeshifter characteristics of the Variety Monster are really useful. Except for the fact that his mind energy is only half of the original owner's, everything else is exactly the same.

Even memories can be inherited!

After all, the puppets made by the mask can also have the memories of the original owner, so the Variety Monster is quite reasonable.

In addition, Pokémon can communicate with their own souls, no matter how far apart they are.

It’s more convenient. Lin Ke can install an internal response to monitor the spiders’ every move!

Overall, Lin Ke is very satisfied with the Variety Monsters. His only regret is that there are not enough Variety Monsters.

If there are a few more, Lin Ke can let the spiders experience the charm of "sitting and forgetting".

Imagine that Chrollo discovers that all his friends are all strange and strange, but he is the only one who is real.

The others have long since disappeared!

It's interesting to think about.

"Then...after dealing with the unexpected surprise, we can go to the current Kurapika in Zhongzhong.

"I wonder what kind of Pokémon will be born from the Youkexin incident?"

Lin Ke turned over and sat on Kuailong, and disappeared in place after a moment, leaving only an inaudible muttering to himself.

The spiders in action don't know yet, but one of their companions died before they gathered together!

It was even replaced by someone else's fake one!

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