Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 105: Earthworm, Long Time No See! The Yin Beast With Improved Strength! (1/2, Please Subscri

After many gangsters patrolled the area, they finally discovered the hot air balloon floating in the sky.

"The enemy is not in an airship! It's a hot air balloon!"

"They are going to the Gode Desert! Chase them!"

Affiliated members of each family drove the same standard car and chased in the direction of the hot air balloon.

Kurapika and others who belong to the Nosra family are no exception.

Dazoane and Skuvara, who were originally responsible for taking care of Niong, also drove out from the hotel, following closely behind the gang members' vehicles.

On the Kurapika side, Basho drives.

The watermelon-headed Linxian sat in the passenger seat, and Lin Ke took the place of Melody.

Melody's current strength was obviously not suitable to stay here anymore, so he quit early after explaining the situation to the colonel.

Melody also exchanged contact information with Lin Ke and Kurapika before leaving.

Especially Lin Ke, you can call her at any time if you need her help.

Even though the perception ability is greatly reduced, Melody's use of air conditioning does not have much impact.

As long as you don't cause trouble, you can still leave here safely.

gode desert,

It is located in the suburbs of Youkexin City.

There are sand dunes and rocks everywhere, and a fierce conflict is taking place in a certain canyon.

At the bottom of the canyon, Uvogin was surrounded by a group of gang members armed with guns, looking like he was "alone".

However, as Uvogin's partners, Machi and the others just stood aside and watched quietly, with no intention of taking action.

This puzzled the gang members.

Ordinary people who have not been exposed to Nian think that the guns in their hands are invincible.

I don’t understand the horror of “reading” at all!

"go to hell!"


With the sound of a gunshot, the shooter's expression changed from anger to "150" to horror!

Uvogin spit out the bullets in his mouth casually, and opened his ferocious mouth that could crush steel.

Before the man could react, a big hand like a leaf fan suddenly slapped his head and knocked it off.

"Before the dinner starts, let me warm up first!"

Uvogin is like a thirsty wild wolf rushing into the weak sheep.

Kill all around!

Even the sniper rifle that could penetrate the steel plate and the rocket launcher that could destroy the tank failed to cause any damage to him.

Amid people's wails, groups of people who came over were wiped out by Uvogin.

The huge venue was littered with corpses and dripping with blood, like a hell-like ginseng.

"That's... a spider!"

At the other corner, Da Zuo Ni and others also came here.

Kurapika held the telescope and stared at the unhappy Uvogin with her fiery red eyes.

"What! Is it that "Phantom Troupe"?"

Dazoane took Kurapika's telescope and looked at the various people in the canyon with a tense face.

There are savages who look like gorillas, baby-faced guys, and strong men who look like Frankenstein.

"I didn't expect that the person who attacked the auction this time would be the famous Class A criminal!"

Dazuopo said with a trembling tone.

The same goes for the surrounding plantains and skuvaras.

After witnessing the destruction of a large group of gangsters armed with high-power guns, they unconsciously felt fear in their hearts.

They are also Nen, but far from the level of Uvogin.

Such a thing as resisting a rocket launcher is simply a fantasy.


There is someone around us who can do it!

Thinking of this, Inzuo turned his head and looked at Lin Ke sitting in the car.

The restless heart suddenly calmed down.

They have Lin Ke here!

As one of Lin Ke's fans, Inzuo is naturally aware of Lin Ke's deeds.

Lin Ke is a one-star bounty hunter who killed S-class criminals and members of the "Seven Deadly Sins"!

Different from the retreat in the original work, now that Lin Ke is by his side, the people around him are inevitably a little scared.

But I still dare to stand here and wait quietly for things to develop.

"Huh? Is it a Yin beast..."

Lin Ke, who was sitting in the vehicle with his eyes closed and concentrating, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and felt four fairly good auras coming towards him.

It seems that after cooperating with "Seven Deadly Sins", the strength of these Yin Beast members seems to have improved a lot?

"I am the earthworm of the Yin Beast."

"Which force do you belong to?"

Without the reminder of the melody, Kurapika and others didn't notice him until the earthworm came out from behind.

They saw an extremely ugly creature with a slender body, black-purple skin, and no hair on its body standing in front of them.

【Come from underground? 】

Kurapika looked at a raised mark on the ground and was surprised that she didn't even notice a trace of breath.

"We are bodyguards employed by the Nosla family."

After a moment of surprise, Dazuo Ni honestly revealed the identities of himself and others.

After all, since they are members of the Yin Beast, they belong to the same battle.

"I see."

"Seeing that you can also read, it's better to give up."

The Yin Beast in the original book didn't think that a few people were strong enough to fight against the enemy, especially now that he has been strengthened.

"That's right, they are not ordinary thieves!"

As he spoke, members of the Yin Beasts walked out of the dark corners one after another.

Kurapika was shocked when he saw it. If these four people had not taken the initiative to expose themselves, he would not have sensed each other's aura.

Except for Earthworm, who appeared first, the remaining three were sick dogs with thin bodies and mean faces.

Fat leeches, and porcupines that look hairless but are actually tucked away.

The auras of the four people are obviously much stronger than in the original work!

Lin Ke also wants to see how much the earthworms have grown compared to the last time they met.

The illustrated ability is activated!

Name: Earthworm

Strength: B+ (cannot be improved)

Nen: Underground mobility, Enhancer

He can walk freely underground, he can eliminate his aura in the soil, and he can exert greater power and speed than on the ground.

When on the verge of death, you can reach infinitely close to level A, which lasts for one minute.

After reading the information about the four Yin Beast members one by one, it was Earthworm's change that surprised him the most.

In a few months, from B-level to B+ level, the effect of Nen has also been slightly improved, and the life-saving ability has been enhanced.

On the other hand, the other three are relatively poor. Sick Dog and Leech have reached B+ level, but Nen has not changed much.

Porcupine is B-level, but Nen has been modified and has the ability to shoot hair out.

The only thing that is the same is that the strength column of the four people all has the description "cannot be improved".

It seems that they were promoted to this level at the expense of their potential.

As for Earthworm's highest improvement, maybe it's because his potential is higher than the others?

What Lin Ke didn't know was that the reason why Earthworm improved the most was because after seeing his strength, his heart was full of desire for power.

He is the most dedicated person in the experiment, and he has endured the pain of surpassing other members to achieve today's promotion.

Regarding this improvement method, Lin Ke feels that it is also useful, but it cannot be said that it is completely useless.

It seems that they have sacrificed their potential, cut off the future path, and only focused on the current strength, which seems a bit short-sighted.

But for people like Yin Beast, who have relatively low potential, there is a high probability that they will not reach A level in their lifetime.

Through experimentation, sacrifice the little useless potential in exchange for a powerful boost that can be obtained in a short time.

It's quite a good choice for them.

While Lin Ke was thinking, the earthworm, which was most sensitive to smells, found that there seemed to be another person in the car, so he spread out his "circle" to explore.

"Earthworm, what's wrong with you?"

The sick dog next to them wondered, they were about to go over to meet the enemy, but why did the earthworm suddenly stop in place?

Earthworm did not respond to the sick dog's question, but looked at the vehicle next to him in shock.

It seems like there is something terrifying inside!

It made him tremble all over, and he couldn't help but recall what happened that day!

Could it be that...that person is here?!

"Is... is it Mr. Lin Ke?"

Earthworm asked hesitantly, with an extremely humble tone, like a lowly servant greeting his master.

"long time no see."


A familiar calm noise came from inside the car, and Earthworm was now absolutely sure that the person sitting inside was Lin Ke!

"You said Lin Ke, is he the one who killed "The Seven Deadly Sins"...

The sick dog's pupils shrank, looked towards the vehicle, and murmured to himself.

For a moment, the reactions of the four Yin Beasts were surprisingly unanimous, and they all looked at the vehicle in awe.

Although they couldn't see Lin Ke from this angle, they still subconsciously held him in awe.

"Even the Yin Beast..."

There was a hint of surprise in Dazuo Ni's eyes. As the captain of the Nosla family's guard, he knew very well the status of the Yin Beast in the gang.

That is the secret army of the top leader-Ten Old Men!

Possessing extremely strong strength!

At least that's how it works for him.

However, it is the existence of this stock that treats Lin Ke with as much respect as a human being.

But after thinking about it, it seems quite reasonable. After all, every deed of Lin Ke is not small, and he is obviously a being whose strength far exceeds that of the Yin Beast.

"Please take my words to pride."

Lin Ke suddenly remembered what he had told him about earthworms last time, so he took the opportunity to ask now.

"Yes! I have accurately conveyed what the adults said!"

Earthworm's face was solemn and his tone was extremely sincere, as if it was his honor to be able to help Lin Ke.

"Very well, I'll give you a piece of advice."

"You are facing the A-class criminal "Phantom Troupe". Remember to be careful and don't even think about keeping your hands...

Lin Ke said pointedly, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he thought of some fun scene.

In the original work, several people only realized it was "Phantom Troupe" when they saw Uvogin's spider tattoo, so they warned themselves in advance.

I didn’t have much expectations at first, but now it seems that maybe the Yin Beast can really pose some threat to Uvogin?


The four Yin Beasts shouted in unison, with a trace of fear flashing in their eyes.

I didn't expect that the enemy was actually the A-level "Phantom Troupe". If I had held on to my original arrogance, I might have really suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, Master Lin Ke reminded me.

"Oh, are there people coming to die again?"

Uvogin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the three sick dogs with solemn expressions, and found that they seemed different from those ordinary people.

"The main meal is finally here, hahahaha, but it's a pity that we haven't even warmed up yet."

Feeling the breath fluctuations of the three people, Uvogin began to get a little excited, hoping that these people could give him some fun!

"What did you do to the guests? Spider!"

The sick dog questioned Uvogin, who only wanted to fight, and at the same time glanced at the six members of the brigade watching the show without leaving any trace.

If it's the "Phantom Troupe", then they

Four is probably not enough.

Fortunately, when Master Lin Ke reminded him just now, he notified the remaining Yin Beast members to come together.

Only by working together can we win!

"Huh? Of course I'll kill them all!"

Uvogin picked his ears and said nonchalantly, they are just a bunch of trash, just kill them.

It seems that for spiders, human life is a very indifferent matter.

In fact, they also value life, but after the experience of Meteor Street, they only value the lives of their partners.

Others are dispensable!


The sick dog spat. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, he didn't expect to kill them all.

Unable to wait, Uvogin's muscles began to tighten, and his rough face was full of enthusiasm for fighting.

However, something unexpected happened before taking action.


Earthworms that had been lurking underground suddenly emerged from under Uvogin's feet.

The usually soft body is now extremely strong, holding Uvogin in place like a python wrapping around it!

This posture is usually used by pythons when hunting larger prey, so that they can better utilize their body's strength.

Now Uvogin was really caught up in earthworms for a moment.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation on the field, Machi and others, who were originally bored and playing cards, suddenly focused on Uvogin.


The sick dog secretly thought in his heart, stepped forward with an arrow, and disappeared in an instant!


Uvogin was shocked.

When the sick dog appeared again, a large wound appeared on Uvogin's shoulder, and blood was constantly flowing out.

"Did you escape?"

The sick dog's face darkened and he spoke in a low voice.

Unlike the underestimation of the enemy in the original work, this time he directly aimed at 3.4 Uvogin's throat and bit it.

Unexpectedly, Uvogin, who had been immobilized, escaped fatal injuries.

"Can you actually break Uvogin's defense? It's really amazing! What a pity, if I aim at the neck and bite it, it might be difficult for Uvogin.

The baby-faced Shalnark still teased the sick dog, thinking that he underestimated the enemy.

"No! He did aim to bite the neck just now, but Uvogin used a lot of mental energy to forcefully dodge it!"

Nobunaga, who is more powerful, can see it more clearly than Shalnark. That person has no intention of underestimating the enemy!

Nobunaga's pair of dead fish eyes became serious. He looked at several Yin beasts carefully and put his hand on the knife handle unconsciously.

The Yin looks like it has two brushes.

After hearing Nobunaga's explanation, several members of Shalnark who were more auxiliary and whose strength was relatively unsuitable came to their senses.

Glancing at the wound that continued to bleed, Uvogin also felt waves of other objects affecting his internal organs.

"My nerve poison has been strengthened and can immobilize a person's body in a short period of time!"

The sick dog said proudly, but a flash of pity flashed in his eyes.

If I had known that I would face the "Phantom Troupe", I should have switched to lethal poison.

Fortunately, the situation is now under control.

"Hahahaha, I'm really underestimated!"

Uvogin suddenly exerted his strength, and a large amount of thought energy continued to emerge from the body, and the bulging muscles seemed to contain infinite power.

This is felt most deeply by the earthworms that are entangled in Uvogin!


Seeing that Uvogin's power was about to break his body, the earthworm quickly put away his body and quickly burrowed into the soil.

Uvogin took this opportunity to gather a large amount of mental energy in his hand and punched him straight.

Nen - super destructive punch!

"Die to me! Disgusting guy!".

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