Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 106: Far Inferior To Master Lin Ke! Don’T You Want To See Me? (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"Damn it!"

Sick Dog and the others cursed angrily, feeling the impact of the devastating punch hitting the ground.

He quickly stepped on the ground and flew away quickly, just to avoid the aftermath of Uvogin's super destructive punch.

Uvogin's body is surrounded by strong energy fluctuations. As long as he gets closer, he will feel the same horror as being stared at by countless beasts.

With the use of "Ning" by others, the originally dark canyon was instantly illuminated, and the thought energy on Uvogin's body was as dazzling as day.

The originally hard ground turned into pieces of stone flying around under the impact of the missile-like fist.

A deep pit centered on Uvogin suddenly took shape.


"There's not even a scum left! He must be dead!"

When Uvogin saw that there was no trace of the earthworm, he immediately concluded that he had been beaten into foam by his own super-destroying punch.

Sick Dog and the others stared indifferently at Uvogin, who was roaring to the sky, without commenting on his words.

Unfortunately, it was not as good as he imagined.

In the original work, after facing Uvogin directly, the earthworm still has a breath left.

He waited for Machi and others to chase Uvogin before he came out of the underground.

Then with his last breath, he conveyed the message "The enemy is the "Phantom Troupe", everyone is coming together".

Not to mention the earthworms that have been strengthened now, and they have even gone underground in advance.

The earthworm suddenly came out from beside the sick dog and slapped Uvogin hard in the face.

Inevitably, the earthworm also has several flaws, but it is obviously much better than before the strengthening of the sky.

"Shout, you slippery guy is so disgusting! Can't you kill me even if you do this?"

Uvogin's beast-like eyes stared intently at the still-moving earthworm, and his emotions became visibly angry.

He's going to get serious!

"Hehehe, do you still want to kill me with such an attack?"

"I have seen attacks countless times more powerful than your fist! And I still survived!"

Earthworm said proudly [After experiencing the aftermath of a blow from the two S-class powerhouses, Bangila and Kuailong.

It completely broadened his horizons, even Uvogin's super destructive fist did just that.

"Compared with that Master Lin Ke!"

"You "Phantom Troupe" are just little spiders that can be crushed to death easily!"

Speaking of the latter part, Earthworm's tone became more and more high-spirited, and the awe in his eyes became more intense, quite like a fanatical believer!

The more he improves his strength, the more Earthworm can appreciate Lin Ke's strength!

The two figures that were as powerful as blocking out the sky were deeply imprinted in his heart, and he could recall them in his dreams from time to time.

Master Lin Ke is the strongest existence!!

Earthworm firmly believes in this

"Feitan"'s narrow eyes flashed with satisfaction. This earthworm was a bit ugly, but his thoughts were quite correct and worthy of encouragement.

Lin Ke, who was paying attention here, was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the earthworm to respect him so much.

Even...seeing him, Lin Ke thought of a word - fanatical believer!

Inexplicably, I have a fanatical believer?

"Lin Ke...are you referring to Lin Ke, the legend of Sky Arena?"

Machi above heard the familiar name, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he quickly asked coldly.

"Hehehe, that's right! It's the strongest building owner of the Sky Arena - Lord Lin Fan!"

Earthworm raised his head and looked directly at Machi, responding in a feverish tone.

In his opinion, it is normal for Machi to know Lin Ke's name, and people like him should remember him!

"Is it the legendary Lin Ke? Speaking of which, I've heard of his name too."

Shalnark, who has a wealth of knowledge, also remembered Lin Ke's deeds and responded.

"Is that a very powerful person? I've never heard of him?"

Shizuku, who doesn't pay attention to current affairs and has short tendencies, raised his eyes and looked confused.

Why does everyone seem to know this person named "Lin Ke"?

Seeing this, Shalnark, who plays a think tank role, introduced Lin Ke's deeds in public.

"Speaking of Lin Ke, he is indeed a powerful character.

“It was last year that I first came to prominence and became famous.”

"Lin Ke, who was originally not famous, suddenly did two major things in the Moros ruins."

"Firstly, the death thought that wiped out the entire ruins by one person was the rage and jealousy that killed the S-class criminal "Seven Deadly Sins"!"

"It was also revealed later that the ruins of Harimu that were earlier were also removed by Lin Ke."

"In other words, Lin Ke has had several more titles within this year."

"The strongest mind-buster in the world!"

"The nemesis of S-class criminals "The Seven Deadly Sins"!"

"Two-star ruins Hunter! One-star bounty Hunter!"

"The strongest poster in Sky Arena!"

Shalnark raised his finger and recounted every detail of Lin Ke's story like a treasure trove.

With every word she spoke, Machi's face became more and more ugly, and her sixth sense continued to warn her.

Something bad will happen!

Lin Ke's information also made other members who originally didn't care start to pay attention to it.

Although they are very arrogant, they still understand that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world.

Obviously this Lin Ke falls into the category of "there are people outside of others"!

"Hahaha, according to that, there is nothing wrong with what you guys said.

"I'm really looking forward to it. It would be great if I could fight with a different character."

Uvogin gritted his teeth and began to look forward to seeing the guy named Lin Ke one day.

"Hehehe, maybe there is no chance..."

Earthworm laughed eerily twice, as if there was something behind his words but he didn't say them directly.

This made Machi, who was already irritable, feel even worse.

"So Lin...has so many names?"

Kurapika's fiery red eyes were filled with confusion. She subconsciously turned her head to look at Lin Ke in the vehicle and murmured to herself.

Shalnark's voice was quite loud, and it was heard by several people hiding in the corner and peeking.

Dazoane swallowed his saliva nervously. Like Kurapika, even several other people acted in surprisingly consistent ways, all looking at the vehicle.

Even if he is a fan of Lin Ke, he only knows some of his deeds and does not fully understand them.

in the vehicle,

Lin Ke had a strange feeling.

This kind of behavior of staying in the dark and listening to a lot of people marveling at me always feels weird.

Fortunately, this emotion comes and goes quickly.

Because Lin Ke felt that there were a few more breaths on the field!

"Then, let me see how far you can go?"

Lin Ke's angular face showed a hint of playfulness.

All fully strengthened Yin Beast members VS half of the "Phantom Troupe" members.

This is much more interesting than the overwhelming battle in the original work!

Of course, Lin Ke doesn't think that the Yin Beast side can win, after all, the strength gap is there.

Even Uvogin suffered from carelessness, otherwise no Yin beast would be able to resist his two punches.

That is to say, the super destructive punch hits the ground. If it hits the body, except for the earthworm, it may be better.

If it were any other Yin beast, it still wouldn't be able to withstand a punch!


Nobunaga and the others above seemed to notice something and cast their own light towards the top of the hill on the other side.

Six figures in different costumes quietly appeared there!

"Four plus six, so are the Yin beasts gathered together?"

Naturally dumbfounded, Shizuku counted the number and confirmed that all the Yin Beasts were here.

"What, earthworms, what did you do, did it take so long to control someone?"

An equally ugly-looking Yin beast with a pair of wings behind his back asked loudly.

"Bat, stop talking, they are facing the "Phantom Troupe", and they have already done a good job.

As the leader of the Yin Beast, Xiao opened his mouth to stop the members from quarreling among themselves. Now was not the time for a quarrel.

Although Xiao's strength is inferior to other Yin beasts, he has a high IQ, so he is responsible for commanding the Yin beasts.

When the boss spoke, the ugly bat stopped talking.

In the blink of an eye, the Yin Beast members who were still standing above suddenly appeared next to Sick Dog and others.

Ten people lined up to face Uvogin!

At that moment, Wo really felt a sense of pressure.

The main reason is that as time passed, the nerve poison in his body had already taken effect.

Apart from barely speaking a few words, I couldn't move any other parts of my body.

Upon seeing this, Nobunaga and others put away their contempt, stopped making sarcastic remarks, and spontaneously came to Suo Jin's side to protect him.

It's obvious.

Uvogin alone can no longer control the situation!

"Damn it! If it wasn't for that guy!"

The angry Uvogin was still furious and scolded the sick dog for using poison as a despicable method.

In the mind of Uvogin, who is like a barbarian, fighting should be upright and head-on, rather than rely on heresy.

Speaking of Hunter X Hunter world, recalculation is a good offensive method.

In the original work, there are many descriptions of strong men being threatened by poisonous poisons.

For example, the poison Chrollo put on the knife made the powerful Silva pay attention to it.

Another example is that the ant king who devoured two guards was still killed by the poison that filled the air after the "Poverty Rose" exploded.

Maybe I should get some poison-type Pokémon?

Lin Ke looked thoughtful, thinking about where in the six continents poison-type Pokémon might be born.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Ke finally settled on Meteor Street!

As early as when he first came to the world of Hunter

Meteor Street is known as the "Abandoned Place of the World" and is filled with countless garbage thrown from all over the world.

People there have no status, and the lower-class people make a living by picking up garbage.

The senior elders are doing even more disgusting things with underground rats like gangsters.

Burning, killing and looting can be said to be all kinds of evil.

Lin Ke believes that Meteor Street has a high probability of breeding poison-type Pokémon.

But Lin Ke doesn't really want to go to that kind of place. No one likes to stay in a place full of garbage.

Just when Lin Ke was thinking, the two sides were already fighting each other on the field.

Shizuku was the first to call out the "Bull-Eyed Fish Vacuum Cleaner", intending to suck out the toxins from Uvogin's wounds.

But he was bitten by Xiao, who had no intention of defeating Shizuku. Even if Shizuku was a support staff, he couldn't deal with it.

Xiao just wanted to prevent Shizuku from treating Uvogin.

Under the obstruction of "convenient wrappers", Xiao Buzhen was unable to treat Uvogin properly.

Other members of the brigade were also picked up by the Yin beasts. On average, two Yin beasts faced one brigade member.

It seems that the Yin Beasts are outnumbered and "Phantom Troupe" is at a disadvantage. In fact, everyone knows it from the beginning.

Still vulnerable!

The so-called enhancement of the Yin Beast, for Nobunaga and other martial arts factions, is just a one-hit kill, or at most a two-hit kill!

Under Nobunaga's extreme speed, the first death among the Yin Beast appeared!

This is the bat who was so arrogant when he first appeared on the scene!

The bat was the first to die, but definitely not the last.

"Da da da da da..."

Franklin's two fingers have dark holes, which are like gun muzzles.

Shoot out a series of thought bombs.

He knocked down a Yin beast that looked like a rhinoceros to the ground, with blood flowing all over the ground and honeycomb-like pits everywhere on his body.

After just a few rounds of fighting, the Yin Beast suffered heavy damage!

The death of the bat triggered a chain reaction like a domino, and then the Yin Beast died faster and faster.


The tired and panting owl on the side saw the spiders surrounding him, and his eyes were full of shock!

How long have they been here to provide support?

In the blink of an eye, he was the only one left?!

In fact, in addition to owls, there are also earthworms alive.

After being hit by Franklin's two-handed machine gun, the dying earthworm triggered the Nen effect and immediately got into the soil and escaped.

Even though I have endured so many experiments and experienced so much pain, am I still no match for those truly strong people?

At this moment, Xiao Xiao lost all hope.

Hard work is important, but talent is unreasonable.

Seeing that Nobunaga was about to cut off the rest, Shalnark quickly said:

"Don't kill this one yet. Judging from his Nen, he has manifested himself into a wrapped skin. It is most likely the Yin Beast that moved the goods."

The knife that was originally unsheathed was taken back by Nobunaga. Shalnark looked at "Feitan" again and said softly.

"I might have to trouble Feitan to interrogate him later."

"Feitan" nodded slightly, indicating understanding.

In fact, Xiao's use value is not only 500 points, his Nen is quite convenient, especially suitable for thieves like them.

So Chrollo also stole Xiao Xiao's Nen. In the original book, he is most likely the only one among the Yin Beasts to survive.

Because Chrollo's Nen requires that if the person who stole it dies, the stolen Nen will also disappear.

Only in rare cases will it remain.

A few people decided Xiao Xiao's whereabouts in just a few words, which made Xiao even more frightened.

Is this the Class A criminal "Phantom Troupe"?!

In vain, Xiao thought about another aspect, that A-class criminals are so powerful.

So how great would it be to work with them on "The Seven Deadly Sins"?

What a powerful being Lin Ke is who can make "Seven Deadly Sins" repeatedly frustrated!

The owl was surrounded by people, and Shizuku also exhaled, planning to treat Uvogin.

However, one wave has not subsided and another wave has arisen.

A chain emitting fluctuations of mental energy fell from the sky, tightly binding Uvogin, who was at a loss and unable to move.

Then he flew into the sky like a claw machine and disappeared in front of everyone.

A series of actions were carried out in one go, so that others who were focusing on Xiao Xiao had no time to react.

Only the thoughtful Machi casually planted a thread of thought on Uvogin to locate him.

"What? Are there any Yin Beast members?"

"No, there are only ten people who can deal with the Yin Beast, maybe other gang members."

"Damn it, while we're distracted."

The spiders were like a frying pan, and they all complained with stomachache.

"It's still too late to catch up now. I used 'hidden' to hide my thoughts, so there shouldn't be..."

Before Machi could finish speaking, he felt his thoughts being cut off, and fell into silence without saying a word.

On the other side, Kurapika was driving like crazy in a direction away from the spiders.

Sitting next to Lin Ke was Uvogin who was tied up.

"Boy, how about you let me go? I will spare your life."

Uvogin didn't realize the importance of the matter at the moment, so he believed that his companions could come over and tease Kurapika.

"Shut up!"

Kurapika turned back suddenly, with ten pairs of fiery red eyes filled with anger that seemed to destroy everything.

A large amount of thought energy flows along the fingers to the chains on Uvogin's body, and a huge force twists Uvogin's body.

【Such a powerful force! Damn it!】

Uvogin's face became ferocious.

"Okay, Kurapika, watch the road carefully."

After hearing Lin Ke's words, Kurapika regained her composure and showed a sinister smile.

Different from the plot, Kurapika is now ready to take Uvogin directly to death

After finally catching his breath, Uvogin looked at Lin Ke who had just "spoke for him" and said carelessly:

"Boy, you're not bad. I can let you go after I escape.

"Oh? I still have to thank you?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to see me earlier?"

"Now here I am."

Lin Ke said to Uvogin with a smile, his tone full of fun.

"Could it be that you are!"

"Lin Ke?!!".

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