Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 107 The Death Of Uvogin! Let Lin Ke Be My Son-In-Law! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Uvogin looked at Lin Ke beside him with wide eyes. He didn't expect that he said he wanted to see him not long ago.

It didn't take long before it really appeared in front of me.

In fact, it was Lin Ke who just broke Machi's mind line.

"Great, untie me quickly, I want to have a fight with you!"

Uvogin is like a martial arts idiot in martial arts novels, only interested in fighting.

He is so nervous that even now he is thinking about a showdown with the famous Lin Ke.

"Do you want to challenge me..."

"I hope you can maintain this idea later."

Faced with Uvogin's invitation to fight, Lin Ke did not directly accept it, but replied with a meaningful sentence.

What's the meaning?

Uvogin is not sure what Lin Ke said.

It didn't take long for Kurapika to drive the vehicle to a deserted open space.

It is similar to the environment during the battle between Kurapika and Uvogin in the original work.

There is no Lin Ke in the plot, Kurapika is transporting Uvogin back to the Nosla family's premises at the request of Dazoane.

Due to poor information, Kurapika and others at that time did not know that the auction goods had been transferred by Xiao in advance.

He also thought about torturing Uvogin and asking him where the goods had been moved.

As a result, they were overheard by gangsters controlled by Shalnark, and the members of the brigade went straight to rescue Uvogin.

Now Lin Ke directly asked Kurapika to take Uvogin away and cut off the thread of thought.

Therefore, the members of the brigade will not be able to find out who the enemy is for a while.

Uvogin didn't know yet that he was about to die.


"Get down here!"

With a louder brake, Kurapika couldn't wait to drag Uvogin out of the car.

"Today, this is your burial place!"

Kurapika's emotions reached their peak at this moment, which can be seen from the blazing red eyes.

"Hey, that one named Lin Ke, give me some time to recover, I want to fight you!"

Uvogin ignored Kurapika's angry words and turned to continue talking to Lin Ke.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Lin Ke raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly.

"Of course, I heard that you are quite powerful, so I would like to...

Uvogin was only halfway through his words when his voice suddenly became serious.

That rough face like a savage showed horror visible to the naked eye!

Under the dim night, in the empty and silent open space, two thoughts, one yellow and one orange, suddenly spread out in all directions with Lin Ke as the center.

Strong fluctuations swept through the open space where the three of them were, and the hard rocks on the ground shattered, as if they could not withstand the powerful pressure.

Two chilling figures appeared behind Lin Ke, and the breath came from them!

This is the combined pressure of two S-class powerhouses!

With a body over two meters high, and with such aura, Uvogin seemed to see two mountains that were impossible to climb even in his lifetime.

Fearless, Uvogin finally felt what it means to be extremely powerful, and felt the emotion of fear for the first time!

This is the innate fear of crisis that every living thing has!

The two figures focused their attention on Uvogin, and those indifferent eyes without emotion made Ying Hui feel like an ant that was easily crushed to death!

In the past, others had felt this way when facing him, but this was the first time he had felt this way.

Is this...the legendary Lin Ke?!!

Uvogin's throat moved slightly. He wanted to speak but couldn't make a sound. He could only stare at Lin Chen with wide eyes.

This is the real strong man!

Like his face, Uvogin's heart was also filled with turmoil, filled with fear of Lin Ke's strength.

At this moment, he finally understood what Lin Ke said just now...

The next second, the two breaths were swept away, and the originally heavy and solid atmosphere returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

However, Uvogin, who was still arrogant before, now looks like he just came out of swimming, and his body is covered with water drops.

That's cold sweat!

Seeing that Uvogin, who had been so eager to fight just now, suddenly became taciturn, Lin Ke also lost interest and waved his hand to indicate that Kurapika could take action.

Watching Kurapika walking towards him step by step, Uvogin's mind went blank and he didn't know what to say.

He no longer thinks about his friends coming to save him...

He just wanted to say one thing to them.


This is an enemy that their spiders can never face!

Uvogin now is as full of despair as he was furious back then!

Uvogin, who was suffering from severe nerve poison, could not move, and was even entangled in Kurapika's chains.

This is much more powerful than the previous earthworm entanglement.

The chain is a powerful "restriction and oath" made by Kurapika that can only deal with "Phantom Troupe".

As long as he uses this ability against others, he will be killed on the spot!

Extremely strict restrictions were exchanged for powerful Puyue

"Go to hell and repent!!"

The sharp chain head glowed coldly at night, extremely sharp.

In Kurapika's angry eyes, Uvogin was stabbed directly into the chest by the chain head, directly piercing the heart.

At the same time, an attack that Kurapika could not detect quietly fell on Uvogin.

The originally strong heart stopped beating, wisps of blood flowed from the corners of Uvogin's mouth, and his huge head suddenly pulled down.


Seeing that after many years, she was finally able to kill her enemy with her own hands, Kurapika was moved and shed two lines of tears.

Over the years, the deaths of his people have been lingering in his heart, and he dare not forget them.

This is just the first one!

His revenge has just begun!

Standing behind Kurapika, Lin Ke slowly smiled. The extra attack just now was done by Gardevoir.

Kurapika returns. Kurapika takes revenge. He does not deserve this experience.

"Okay, it's almost time for you to come out, right? What do you want to do by following me?"

Lin Ke said calmly to the empty ground, waking up Kurapika who was immersed in emotion next to her.

"Is the "Phantom Troupe" chasing us?"

Kurapika held the chain in her hand and looked firmly along Lin Ke's line of sight.

He thought he was being chased by his fellow brigade members.

The person who turned up was beyond his expectation.

"As expected of Master Lin Ke, he is still so powerful."

The Yin beast earthworm suddenly emerged from the ground, its ugly and embarrassing face full of fanaticism.

"Is it the Yin Beast Earthworm?"

Kurapika slowly put down the chain on her hand, and her excited red eyes returned to calm.

Apart from the captured owl, the only remaining members of the Yin Beast army were earthworms who ran away when the situation was bad.

Even so, the situation on the earthworms is not good now. Bullet holes the size of walnuts appear on the earthworms' bodies.

But surprisingly, no blood flowed from it, and the bullet hole was gradually shrinking.

Apparently earthworms have good self-healing abilities, and they can also control their body muscles to prevent blood from flowing out.

The breath on his body was sluggish, and there was only a weak thin layer of air-conditioning around him.

"Tell me, why did you come here?"

Lin Ke looked at the earthworm with burning eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable, and asked quickly, asking him to speak quickly and leave quickly.

If you are a beautiful woman, looking like this will make you feel happy.

But you look like this... let's forget it.

"I want to be with Master Lin Ke!"

Earthworm said in a sincere tone.

The Yin Beast Army has ceased to exist in name only, and now he wants to be with the only one in his heart - Master Lin Ke.

Lin Ke didn't say a word, looked at the enthusiastic earthworm, then looked at the confused Kurapika, and sighed slightly.

Finally the earthworm left.

After all, Lin Ke doesn't need a person with low strength, average ability, and good looks to follow him.

But Lin Ke did not waste this resource and decided to let the earthworm go back to being a Yin beast.

With a high status in the gang and a dark beast, he can convey some important information to himself.

Earthworm is also somewhat self-aware, and after hearing this, he agrees to Lin Ke's plan and becomes a "glorious" spy.

Anyway, they are all doing things for Lord Lin Ke, anything is fine.

This is how the earthworm comforts itself.

After burying Uvogin casually, the two returned to the hotel where they lived.

Unlike Kurapika who is in a high mood, in "Phantom Troupe" everyone is now shrouded in a dark cloud and their faces are gloomy.

In an abandoned building,

"Has Uvogin been taken away..."

Chrollo was in a dark corner, with only a candle burning quietly beside him, providing a faint light.

Thinking back to what Shalnark reported just now, he couldn't help but murmured subconsciously.

Even though Uvogin was captured, Chrollo was only a little worried and not too panicked.

According to his analysis, Uvogin is unlikely to be killed even if he is captured.

First of all, even if Uvogin is tied up and unable to move under the influence of poison, he is not someone who can be killed casually.

In the original work, Tatsuochi slashed at Uvogin with an enhanced knife, but the knife broke and Uvogin was fine.

Only Kurapika's chains can pose a threat to Uvogin.

Secondly, as the murderers who destroyed the auction this time, the gangsters should want to capture them alive and then hand them over to the old man as a reward.

In the end, Chrollo had confidence in his companions and believed that Shalnark and the others could rescue Uvogin.

Every analysis by Chrollo is very reasonable, and the original work also develops in this way.

However, he did not expect that Lin Ke's appearance would change everything.

In a certain room in Youkexin City,

The enemy that countless gangsters are looking for stays here.

Shalnark was operating frantically in front of a computer. With his rapid movements, his hands even appeared as phantoms.


Machi on the other side was leaning against the wall, looking sideways at the streets with flashing neon lights.

Even though it was late at night, due to the commotion at the auction, there were still many gangsters patrolling the city in their cars.

Under the moonlight, his cold face revealed a deep sadness in his eyes.

Although Uvogin has not yet been found, it is not certain what the situation is.

Everyone also believed the team leader's analysis and did not think Uvogin's life would be in danger.

Except Machi…

Her sixth sense told her that nest

Probably dead.

Since there was no report from Dazoane to the top gangsters, he wanted to hand Uvogin over to them.

Therefore, Shalnark has no source of information and cannot pinpoint the exact identity of the chain.

The only thing that can be determined is that the chainman should belong to a certain gangster family in Youkexin.

But there are almost all the big and small gang families from the six continents gathered in Youke Xinnei. To find it is undoubtedly to find a needle in a haystack!

In the end, it was Shalnark who carefully checked each one.

Target all the gangster families who sent people to the Gode Desert between the time they took the hot air balloon and when Uvogin was kidnapped.

There are a dozen families, large and small.

The most he can do is this step, and the next step is to go to the door one by one to investigate.

Among them, surprisingly

Including the Nosra family!

When the entire list was obtained, a glimmer of light appeared on the horizon.

It was already dawn.

At Chrollo's order, the members of the brigade went in pairs to those suspected gang families to search for Uvogin's whereabouts.

Working in pairs is also for safety reasons, in case more people are ambushing in secret.

It was said that they were in a group of two, but it was because there were other members such as Kubi and Leif who were standing next to Chrollo.

So in the end, the four groups of members split up.

However, each gangster family owns several properties, and some of their younger brothers don't know much information, so they have to travel to a few more places.

The hotel where Kurapika and others are staying.

"..."Are you saying that the auction will continue?"

Dazuo Nie said with a look of disbelief. He didn't expect that the old man would still want to hold an auction after everything was like this.

"Yes, this is the decision from above."

"The auction is the face of the world's gangs. Being disrupted like this is equivalent to a slap in their face. Naturally, it will continue to be held."

Letnosla threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray and said calmly.

"But the opposite side is the infamous "Phantom Troupe", even the Yin Beast...

Dazuo Nie still feels that it is not reasonable. It is not that he despises it. Now there is no one in the entire gang who can deal with the spider.

Except Lin Ke next to me!

Thinking of this, Da Zuo Nei glanced at Lin Ke, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, and felt a sense of security in his heart.

It seems that Lin Ke is synonymous with "invincible", as long as he is there, any difficulty will be solved.

Wright (Okay) Nosla also knew this and thanked Lin Ke with a grateful face:

"We would also like to thank Mr. Lin Ke for being willing to stay here, which makes us feel honored."

"It's just a little effort."

Lin Ke said indifferently, now he pays more attention to the pregnancy bar in his mind.

New Pokémon are coming!

Looking at Lin Ke who exuded the temperament of a strong man, Letnosla glanced at her daughter Nyong who was curious about Lin Ke next to her.

A good idea flashed into his mind.

Wouldn't it be great if a strong man like Mr. Lin Ke could be allowed to marry Ni Weng?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Letnosla became. He seemed to have seen himself becoming a ten-year-old man with the help of Lin Ke.

No, with a son-in-law like Lin Ke, how could he be just a mere old man?

Maybe the entire gang of the world will be his own voice!

The whimsical Letnosla's mind wandered, thinking about completely impossible things.

Ni Weng, who had a cute face on the side, was curious about Lin Ke, and kept looking at him with a pair of jewel-like eyes.

It took a long time for Letnosla to calm down and continue to answer Da Da's doubts.

"The main ones taking action this time are not gangsters. Professional matters must be left to professionals."

"It is said that the Ten Old Men specially spent a lot of money to deal with "Phantom Troupe" this time."

Dazuo Ni seemed to have thought of something, his pupils dilated slightly, and he asked softly:

"Could it be that..."

"That's right, this time the ten old men specially invited the world's number one killer force, members of the Zoldyck family!"

"I heard that two people came at the same time, including the family member Wang of this generation.

Letnosla lit another cigarette and said with a leisurely look.

He felt that since he had done this, "Phantom Troupe" would probably not be able to escape.

While Wright was talking, the pregnancy map in Lin Ke's mind also reached its end.

A look of surprise flashed in Lin Ke's eyes.

Didn't expect it to be it!.

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