Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 108: The PokéMon All Appear Together! It’S Lin Ke! Run! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Time passed bit by bit, and it was not until evening that the spiders made any progress.

A certain property owned by the Nosla family in Youkepan,

In a certain room, a fat bald man was forced against the wall by Nobunaga.

"Sir, I really don't know what is going on?"

"Our head of the family is actually just a wimp who wants to rise to power relying on his daughter's special abilities."

"How could it possibly affect you?"

His pig-headed head was covered with cold sweat, and he spoke in a trembling tone, while the fat on his body was still trembling under his body.

"Tell me, did you gain anything while chasing the enemy yesterday?"

"Or do you have anyone in your organization who uses chains to attack?"

Nobunaga put the long knife glowing with cold light against his neck, and there were faint drops of blood coming out.

"I, I, I..."

Feeling the pain coming from his neck, the bald head was so frightened that he almost peed. He still had a great time to enjoy!

How could he die like this!

That pig brain started to work quickly, thinking about every suspicious news in the past few days.

After pondering for a moment, the bald head recalled a rumor he heard by chance and quickly said:

"Well, it seems there is a recently recruited bodyguard, and he attacks with chains!"

"Very good! So did you get anything back from yesterday?"

Nobunaga's weathered face showed joy. After searching all day, he finally found his target.

"There seems to be one. It seems that one of them will be killed directly after being caught...

Speaking of the latter part, the bald head seemed to realize something, as if there was something stuck in his throat, unable to speak a complete sentence.

At this moment, Nobunaga's smile in front of him froze, his weathered face completely froze, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

The room suddenly fell into deathly silence!


Shalnark behind Nobunaga did not have his usual relaxed smile, and his eyes were full of gloom.

Something happened after all!

Machi’s premonition came true!!

"My lord, I have told you everything I know, can you please let me go..."


In an instant, a dazzling sword light flashed through, illuminating Shalnark's gloomy eyes.

What appeared in Shalnark's eyes was a body without a head and bleeding profusely.

"Damn it!"


Nobunaga's eyes were scarlet red, and he was so angry that he continued to chop at the bald head.

Shalnark turned around, not looking at the horrific scene, and took out his mobile phone to report to the captain.

Inside an abandoned building,

Chrollo clutched his phone tightly, his usual confident face masked by a gloomy look.

I no longer have the mind to read, and it’s rare that I don’t have a book in my hand827.

" dead."

Chrollo's voice echoed in the messy hall, and the small noise reached everyone's ears clearly.

Leaning against the wall, Pike Notan, wearing a burgundy suit and short blond hair, looked solemn.

She stood up gently and turned to look at Chrollo.

Lev, who was still lying on the ruins with an enchanting posture, also sat up straight and looked at Kurolo.

Phinks, who was playing with his pharaoh's headdress, suddenly stood up and looked at Chrollo in disbelief.

Unlike the sadness and shock of most people, Hisoka, who was playing cards, showed a strange smile.

We are one step closer to challenging Chrollo~

After learning about Uvogin's thinking, both those staying at the base camp and the members responsible for the search outside were furious.

One of their comrades died!

Especially my good friend Nobunaga, who has decided to cut the chainman into pieces and then let him die!

Next, all spiders received orders from the leader——

Let’s make a scene!!

Give Uvogin a major funeral in this city of Youkesin!!

The night sky gradually darkens,

A head-on conflict between spiders and world gangs has begun!

Youkexin City, which is already chaotic on weekdays, has reached its peak today.

It seems that gangsters can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys besieging a spider.

However, they are all obviously one-sided situations.

The scantily clad Parker Notan held a gun and shot a gang member. No one could get close to her.

Regretful, Machi pulled the thread with both hands. Every time he moved his fingers, countless people were beheaded by the thread.

Phinks, who has no eyebrows, raises his fist as big as a sandbag and can knock down a large area with one punch.

Even the extremely hard chariot was like paper in front of him, and it would be split into two halves with a slight tug.

Countless gang members kept trying to attack him, but they were like moths flying into a flame, only to be wiped out.

"There's an emergency in the east! Come quickly for support!"

"Here in the west! Everyone is dead here!"

"The south side can't hold on anymore, please support!"

North, north.........Dududu․ ....."

Messages requesting support were sent to the central command office one after another. It could be said that it was so dense that it was impossible to hear one after another.

It seemed that they were all dead soon after the support arrived.

The commander in charge of the central government looked at the one-sided massacre in the streets (cidh) and alleys, with cold sweat breaking out in his clenched palms.

Their proud gang members are completely helpless against the spiders!

on top of the building,

Chrollo looked quietly into the distance, looking at the bustling city, holding a violin and playing.

The beautiful sound of the violin blends with explosions and wailing sounds from all directions.

Youkexin City has turned into a hell on earth!

This is what spiders give their companions.

A grand funeral!!

Even the pressure on the current gangsters is much weaker than in the original.

Because not all the spiders are here, there are three more who went to the Nosla family to get rid of the chain hand.

The first one to bear the brunt is Nobunaga, who has the strongest desire for revenge, followed by Shalnark, who originally acted together with Nobunaga.

In the end, Chrollo thought more carefully and sent Franklin, who was equally powerful.

They are enough to handle the world's gangs.

Although the chainman chose to take Uvogin away with a sneak attack, it was unclear whether there was any hidden strength.

And they can no longer afford to lose their partners!

Therefore, Nobunaga, Shalnark and Franklin are responsible for this revenge trip.

"Are you going to live here? I'm going to kill everyone in there!"

Nobunaga, who was like a madman, walked in front, with Shalnark and Franklin following behind him.

Countless thoughts as sharp as swords are lingering around Nobunaga. He has almost lost his mind and just wants revenge!

Upon hearing this, Shalnark glanced at the restless Nobunaga and said nothing.

Their anger needs to be vented!

But when they came to the building, they didn't meet Kurapika as they expected, but Lin Ke.

Lin Ke stood at the door of the building, looking at the menacing man with playful eyes.

Three more experiences have been pocketed.

"Boy, are you the chainman?"

Nobunaga suddenly pulled out his long knife and pointed the tip of the knife at Lin Ke. Even if he was not a chain hand, he would still chop him!

"Chain hand? I'm not."

"But if we really want to count, I killed all the nests. 11

Lin Ke raised the corners of his mouth slightly and spoke slowly word by word.

Nobunaga, who was already angry, became even more furious, and immediately decided to kill Lin Ke so that Uvogin, who was underground, could rest in peace.

"Wait a minute Nobunaga, he was able to kill Uvogin, which means his strength must be high, so be careful."

Shalnark was afraid that Nobunaga's underestimation would lead to another tragedy, so he quickly reminded him.

Franklin on the side also nodded, indicating that Shalnark's words made sense.

"And we also need to ask where Uvogin's body is [at least brought back]."

After thinking for a while, Shalnark added another sentence, which stopped Nobunaga's murderous intention.

He didn't listen to Shalnark's earnest persuasion, but it was because of the following words that he could hold back the murderous intention in his heart.

"Okay! Then capture him alive! If he doesn't tell, let Feitan interrogate him!"

After speaking, Nobunaga glared at Lin Ke fiercely, and decided his future in a few words.

None of the three people had the idea that "they can't resist this person". In their opinion, they could just be careful and not fall into any traps.

Want to defeat them head-on?

It's impossible for him to do it alone.

What a great idea~

Lin Ke couldn't help but applaud them. It was such a good idea to let his various monsters cut him to pieces.

"Do you want to capture me alive... I'm really looked down upon by others~"

Lin Ke shook his head and said helplessly.

"Yes, three evil dragons"

What three evil dragons?

The doubts of the three people did not last long, and they immediately understood what the man in front of them meant.

A huge figure suddenly appeared behind them, and the air around them seemed to be compressed and solidified in vain.

It's like being in a vacuum, making it impossible for them to breathe normally.

An extreme malice filled the entire venue, and there was solid black energy everywhere!

They were left unable to move, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end, as if they were being targeted by the most terrifying and evil being in the world.

Franklin, who was behind Nobunaga, reluctantly turned his body and saw the specific appearance of the figure from the corner of his eye.

It was a terrifying creature that had never been seen before.

The color of the body is mainly black and purple, and the huge body miraculously floats in the air without falling on the ground.

What's even more terrifying are the three ferocious heads. Except for the middle head, the other two heads seem to have replaced the hands.

It's a monster with no hands but three heads!

And I don’t know why, Franklin always feels that this monster should belong to a certain kind of dragon

【Is it a mind beast?!】

What appeared behind the three people was the Pokémon bred by Lin Ke in Youke Xin.

"Three-headed Dragon", one of the quasi-god Pokémon!

Name:Three evil dragons

Features: Floating

Attributes: evil, dragon


Skills: Trickery, Dragon Wave, Evil Wave, Meteor Swarm...

Another S-level Pokémon!

Lin Ke now has three Pokémon in the S-level range!

[Damn it, there is such a powerful mind beast! 】

Nobunaga stood there with a horrified expression.


The long knife in Nobunaga's hand suddenly fell to the ground, making a crisp sound in the silent field.

How could it be so powerful!

At this moment, the three of them seemed to have anticipated their own fate.

It was a coincidence that three people came, which happened to match the number of heads of the three evil dragons.

"Can't you move now?"

"Then how dare you say such big words before!"

Lin Ke stood there with his arms folded and said calmly.

The three of them thought that this was scary enough, but they didn't expect that what would shock them was still behind.

Suddenly, dazzling white lights flashed across the field


Suddenly, just the light from when the Pokémon appeared lit up the place.

After the white light dissipated, various auras of different colors appeared on the field!

Without exception, they all possess great strength

The pupils of the three people shrank, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their eyes scanned one figure after another!

Gardevoir has an elegant figure and looks like a lady!

There is a majestic wind speed dog that exudes unburned flames

There's Lucario in a fighting stance, with powerful waves in his body!

There is a Kirbymon with a strong body and a big belly!

What shocked them the most were the two strange beasts on the left and right.

One is completely orange and white, looks like a dragon-shaped monster, and is bursting with rich orange energy!

One was completely dark green, and its body seemed to be covered with hard armor, exuding a frightening metallic luster under the moonlight.

This is a steel behemoth!

Every time he exhales or inhales, there is tremendous pressure, as if the building in front of him can be shattered with just one movement!

The aura on it is even more powerful than the one behind the three of them!

These are the Pokémon that belong to Lin Ke!

What a luxurious lineup!!

These Pokémon alone can last for six days

Not to mention dealing with three little spiders!

Several Pokémon stood in various directions, surrounding the three of them.

What makes them despair is that no matter which side the aura comes from, any person -

"Are you still thinking of capturing me alive?!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Ke showed a hint of ridicule and said in a sarcastic tone.

After seeing one telekinesis after another, Shalnark suddenly recalled something, with a look of horror on his baby face.

"He is legendary..."

"He is the legendary Lin Ke!!"

Under tremendous pressure, the guest let out a sound full of despair.

Shalnark didn't pay much attention at first.

It wasn't until several iconic Pokémon appeared that he was sure that the person in front of him was the Lin Ke mentioned before.

At this time, Shalnark also thought of Lin Ke’s title——Star Bounty Hunter!

[He came to Youkexin for us!]

[Could it be that they are targeting our bounty? 】

Shalnark secretly guessed in his heart, but something felt wrong. Would such a person value their bounty?

Shalnark guessed Lin Ke's purpose by mistake, but it was just one of many purposes.

And the specific reason is not the so-called bounty, but their experience points.

But Shalnark couldn't have guessed this even if he wanted to.

In the past, I had only heard about it, and knew from information and deeds that Lin Ke was not low in strength.

I didn't expect it to reach this level!

He actually has so many terrifyingly powerful mind beasts!!!

This was the last thought in the minds of Shalnark and others.

The three heads of the three evil dragons glowed simultaneously, and three piercing light waves suddenly rushed towards the three people from their mouths.

Just one person!

Dragon type skill——Dragon Wave!


A loud and moving sound echoed through the sky!

Almost half of Youkexin City can hear the movement here!

A huge crater suddenly appeared in front of the building, as if a large meteorite had struck it.

As expected, all three of them had been bombarded to pieces, leaving no trace of the sun!

Chrollo, who had just finished fighting with Geno and Silva in the distance, suddenly looked towards the direction of the sound.

An uneasy feeling arose in my heart.

At this moment, he also saw a message that Shalnark tried his best to secretly pass on his mobile phone.

These were also his last words.

"It's Lin Ke! Run!".

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