Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 109: Lin Ke’S Order Is Not Accepted! Feitan Is Already Dead! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Chrollo stared at the message on his phone. Although it only contained the words "Liao Liao", it shocked his heart.

He naturally knows who Lin Ke is.

But didn’t you expect that he would actually come to Youkejin?!

Is it a coincidence?


Coming for them?

Chrollo's clear eyes were filled with a layer of sadness.

Just from these few words, Chrollo could feel the critical situation they were in.

How else could it be possible? I only typed a few words...

Thinking again about the terrifying noise just now, Chrollo felt that maybe...

They lost three more companions.

Taking a chance, Chrollo quickly typed on his phone, trying to make sure Shalnark and the others were okay.

Then, as if he thought of something, Chrollo shouted to Silva and the two who were about to leave.

"You two, please wait a moment."

Silva and Geno paused, turned around slowly, looked at each other, and then Silva asked:

"Is there anything else? Your employer is dead, we won't attack you again, don't worry about that.

The Ten Old Men hired the Zoldyck family to deal with him, and Chrollo also hired the Zoldyck family to assassinate the Ten Old Men.

In the end, Chrollo won.

"I have a target to kill here. I wonder if you can accept this commission?"

Chrollo said word by word, even though he was calm in the past, now he also felt angry in his heart.

How long have you been here in Youke Chu City?

Four of my companions died!

Chrollo didn't know that Feitan had died before they could meet up, so there should be five of them.

With the experience of commissioning the assassination of the Ten Old Man, Chrollo's idea is to pay the Zoldyck family to kill Lin Ke!

"Tell me which goal, as long as you can afford it.

Seeing that Chrollo didn't look like he was joking, Silva asked.

"That person is currently in Youkexin City. You should have heard of his name."

"His name is 'Lin Ke'."

As soon as he finished speaking, Silva's pupils shrank and his originally confident expression darkened.

"You said Lin Ke!"

"Is it the legendary Lin Ke from Sky Arena?"

Glancing at Silva, who was silent, Geno, who had a gray beard and bent over, said slowly.

"Yes, how much does it cost to kill him? The sooner the better."

Now Chrollo is ready to hand over all the stolen treasures to the Zoldyck family.

After all, their fees are not low.

But as long as I can get revenge!

No matter how much you want!

“We will not accept this person’s commission!”

Looking coldly at Chrollo, Silva's expression was gloomy, and his voice unconsciously deepened.

Are you kidding me?

How dare they assassinate someone like Lin Ke!

That was the person who caused our ancestor Mahadu to suffer a disastrous defeat!

"Huh? Doesn't it mean that as long as the Zoldyck family has money, they can take orders from anyone?"

Chrollo was a little confused, why was it different from the rumors?

"That's normal."

"There is one exception!"

"The list related to Lin Ke, whether it is as big as an assassination or as small as personal information."

"We won't answer any questions!"

Seeing that Chrollo still wanted to let them assassinate Lin Ke, Silva flatly rejected him.

Now it was Chrollo's turn to be frightened.

Chrollo's expression was uncertain, and he still couldn't believe what Silva said.

What kind of person is Lin Ke?

How could the Zoldyck family, the number one killer in the world, be so secretive about it!

Seeing that Chrollo stopped talking, Silva and Geno turned around and left again.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, don't provoke Lin Ke"

"No matter who you offend! You can't offend him!"

Halfway through, Silva suddenly added two more words.

Staring blankly at the two people walking away, Chrollo stood there and murmured in a low voice.

"No matter who it is, it can't be him..."

After being stunned for a moment, Chrollo extinguished the last hope in his heart when he saw that Shalnark had not yet replied.

If you want to know what kind of information you usually get, Shalnark will reply in seconds.

In a sense, Shalnark and Pjorn are quite similar in that they both like electronic products such as mobile phones.

The respective Nen form factor is also related to the mobile phone.

It's just that Pjorn is used to explore information, and Envoy is used to control others.

Not long after, all the remaining members of the brigade received the message from the group leader.

"Emergency retreat! Gather in the abandoned building!"

What Chrollo has to do now is to gather the members and leave the city as quickly as possible.

Judging from the performance of the Zoldyck family and others, Lin Ke's strength may far exceed what he has shown.

Even Lin Ke is the only person in his family who refuses to accept any commissions.

Is it possible that Lin Ke is stronger than someone at the level of Hunter Association President?

While rushing towards the abandoned building, Chrollo thought about every word Silva just said in his mind.

Even the changes in his facial expressions are included in the analysis.

Finally Chrollo comes to a terrifying conclusion!

Lin Ke's strength definitely exceeds the limits of the Zoldyck family, and there is a high probability that it has been shown in front of them.

Perhaps it was because he once accepted a commission from him and suffered a big loss?

According to what Silva said, Lin Ke is the only target of the Zoldyck family who does not accept the commission.


Lin Ke's strength is already the strongest!

The more he analyzed it, the more uneasy Chrollo felt.

Their "Phantom Troupe" is about to face its greatest crisis!

One slight change will result in complete destruction!

After receiving Chrollo's message, the other members were a little confused, but they all followed the leader's orders.

While rushing on the road, they also vaguely felt that something was wrong, maybe something really happened!

Otherwise, how could the regiment leader let them retreat quickly?

You must know that they have the absolute upper hand, and those gangsters are completely vulnerable to them.

Among them, Machi felt the most uneasy. Her sixth sense told her that something bad had happened again!

The "Feitan" lurking inside the spider naturally also received Chrollo's notification and passed it directly to Lin Ke.

"Oh? Emergency evacuation?"

"Did you suddenly change like this because you knew something happened to Nobunaga and others?"

Lin Ke, who was staying in his room, also knew the spiders' retreat.

There is a high probability that Shalnark and others secretly conveyed some information to Chrollo earlier?

"Then, will you come back with revenge, or will you flee in a hurry?"

Lin Ke had an interesting smile on his face, curious about what they would decide next.

Inside an abandoned building,

"Captain, what happened? Why did you suddenly say that you need to gather urgently?"

The impatient Phinks shouted at Chrollo as soon as he arrived, he was in the mood for a fight.

Chrollo glanced around and saw that everyone was present and there were no more casualties, and he was relieved.

"Everyone is here, let me explain why we need to retreat urgently.

"Wait a minute, haven't Nobunaga and the others come back yet?"

Machi, whose premonition was getting stronger, couldn't hold it back and asked.

But a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Could it be.........

Chrollo raised his head and glanced at the moon in the sky, his eyes faintly saying:

"Nobunaga and the others...are dead!"

There was a dead silence on the field, and everyone was shocked by Chrollo's words.

"Are you kidding! Captain, this joke is not funny at all."

Phinks, whose sportswear was stained with a lot of blood, said angrily.

They already have a dead Uvogin!

According to what the leader said, wouldn't it mean that Nobunaga, Shalnark and Franklin were also killed?

"What kind of enemy must we encounter to defeat the three of them!"

Phinks looked like he didn't believe Chrollo's words. In his opinion, the gangsters were just idlers.

His body was covered in blood, making it look like he was seriously injured, but in fact it was all other people's blood splattered on him.

At most, there is a chainman who is pretty good, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat Nobunaga's three-man combination.

"Could it be that the Nobunaga family had anticipated this in advance and hired the Zoldyck family to deal with Nobunaga and the others?"

The relatively calm Pike Notan analyzed carefully, and it was naturally impossible for the group leader to make such a joke.

She felt that there was a high probability that they would pay to hire other strong men to deal with Nobunaga and the others.

"Nobunaga and the others are indeed dead! It was Lin Ke who killed them."

Seeing the mixed reactions from the members, Chrollo emphasized it again and also revealed who the murderer was.

"Lin Ke, I remember Shalnark said, he seems to be a very powerful person?"

Naturally dumbfounded, Shizuku was thoughtful, recalling that Shalnark had just repeated the information about Lin Ke yesterday.

【Is it Lin Ke!!!】

When he heard that familiar name, Machi's body suddenly shook, and a look of horror appeared on his cold face.

At this moment, Machi finally understood what his sixth sense was warning him about!

It’s an early warning to Lin Ke!

As early as the Sky Arena, she had a bad premonition about Lin Ke's powerful strength.

After arriving in Youkexin City, my sixth sense has almost never stopped.

It wasn't until Chrollo said that Lin Ke killed the three Nobunaga people that she suddenly realized.

It turns out that Lin Ke came to Youkexin City!

What is he doing here?

Machi recalled the day when he saw the introduction of Lin Ke on the poster——Star Bounty Hunter!

Everything seems clear.

Hisoka, who was hiding half of his body in the darkness, showed a sly smile that never changed.

[Hehehehe, we are a big step closer to our goal!]

【Uvogin, Nobunaga, Shalnark and Franklin are all dead!】

[But I really didn’t expect that it was Lin Ke who came]

Thinking of Lin Ke, Hisoka suddenly remembered that he still owed Lin Ke a piece of information about Dark Sonata.

The smile on his face stopped and became serious.

If you don't take it seriously, you may become Nobunaga and others today.

"Just now, I tried to entrust the Zoldyck family to assassinate Lin Ke.

Chrollo told what had just happened.

“In the end, they refused outright!”

"They said that only Lin Ke would never be able to accept any of his commissions.

Chrollo told everyone what Silva said, making them aware of Lin Ke's power.

After hearing this, several people stopped talking, but silently digested the amount of information in this sentence.

The world's number one assassin force claims to be able to take on anyone's mission as long as they can afford it.

0...Please give me flowers...

Today, he actually said that he would not be able to accept Lin Ke’s commission no matter how much money he paid!

what does that mean?!

It means that Lin Ke is an existence that they can't afford to offend!

"Are you so cautious? Did you scare them last time?"

Listen Chrollo

Then Lin Ke realized that he had planned to let Silva and others attack him.

This is quite reasonable.

But Lin Ke didn't expect Silva's refusal.

It seems that he is afraid that any action will make him unhappy.

But it is also understandable that those who are killers are cautious people.

"So, Commander, what should we do next?"

Machi looked gloomy and asked what everyone was most concerned about.

"Get out of here! Don't make any more moves in the next few years!"

Chrollo told everyone his plan.

Facing a potential enemy like Lin Ke, they have no choice but to escape!


Phinks spat, looking shocked, but said no more objections.

Although he was not in a good mood, he also knew that the gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves was indeed quite large.

Now is not the time to be emotional.

"Are you going to run away?"

"Yes, after all, so many people have died."

Lin Ke's tone plays with taste.

Now that they are all gone, the half-broken "Phantom Troupe" is of little use to him.

Let them finally experience the horror of the ever-changing monsters!

"This is the situation. Next, let's spread out and be careful not to make any big moves."

Chrollo reminded everyone again that he planned to go to Meteor Street after leaving to see if he could add a few more members.

This friend-customer operation has really resulted in heavy losses!

Their "Phantom Troupe" has never suffered such a big loss!

The most unpleasant thing is that they don't even have the ability to take revenge. The enemy's strength has far exceeded them.

Going rashly will only lead to death!

"Damn Lin Ke, you killed our friends and you can't get revenge!"

Phinks said fiercely, but in his heart he was thinking about whether he should go with Feitan to meet Lin Chen later.

He felt that the group leader was too cautious.

Just a few words from the two Zoldyck family members made them afraid to take action!

Just when he thought of this, Phinks saw a flash of light from the corner of his eye.

The sword was drawn out so fast that he couldn't react!

The target is your own neck!


Phinks' neck splattered with a large amount of blood, and he suddenly felt an extreme sense of powerlessness, and he fell to the ground.

Completely silent!

The pair of eyes reflected the figure of "Feitan", and their eyes were full of shock and confusion.

He couldn't figure out why Feitan wanted to kill him.

Unprepared, Phinks was directly choked by Feitan's sword!

The sudden change once again frightened several people around them, and they were speechless.

"Feitan! What are you doing!"

Pike Notan reacted quickly and scolded quickly.

Why do you want to attack Phinks who is your companion?

Others have the same idea. Haven't Feitan and Phinks always had a good relationship?

They often travel together.

Machi hurried to Phinks' side, wondering if he could use his mind thread to save him.

However, there is no way to save the day...

"Are you being controlled? Or... you are not Feitan at all!"

Chrollo, the most rational person, seemed to realize something and asked in a cold tone.

"Bah bang bang, you are worthy of being the leader of the "Phantom Troupe", your reaction is quick."

"Feitan" applauded Chrollo for his quick response, but they sounded so sarcastic.

"You are right, I am not Feitan."

Chrollo's hands trembled slightly, and his brain began to work, thinking about when Feitan was dropped.

"What about the real Feitan?!"

The furious Pikenotan spoke again. She just wanted to know if another partner had left them.


"It shouldn't be okay, right?"

"Feitan" showed a strange smile and said in a faint tone.

Although he didn't say it accurately, everyone knew it. dead!

"If I guessed correctly, you should have replaced Feitan before gathering in the reception room.

It was obviously a question, but Chrollo said it in an affirmative tone.

"Yes, the real Feitan has died a long time ago. During this period of time in Youkexin, I have been staying by your side."

"Feitan" raised his eyebrows, confirming Chrollo's statement.

Chrollo clenched his fists and looked extremely gloomy. Even Feitan was dead!

"Who are you? What's the purpose of lurking in?"

After taking a deep breath, Chrollo asked again.

"I follow the master's order and come here to monitor you."

"My master's name is——Lin Ke!"

After saying these last words, the Variety Monster disappeared in place, as if he had never appeared before.

But the sensation they caused before leaving was anything but ordinary. .

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