Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 110: The Disabled Spider! The Kuluta Tribe In A Secret Realm! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"It's gone~"

Hisoka held a clown card in his hand, covering it in front of him, and said pointedly.

Under the playing cards, there are extremely curved corners of the mouth, which are extremely scary.

Just hearing this tone makes people feel uncomfortable.

[I really didn’t expect that even Feitan was inserted by Lin Ke. He has so many abilities~]

Hisoka thought about what Feitan had just said, and her coquettish eyes showed a strong fear.

If you can only imitate a single person, that's fine.

But if anyone can imitate it, then this ability is very scary.

Especially suitable for work such as assassination.

No one knows whether the people around them are disguised by Lin Ke!

Hisoka's words also completely awakened the others.

"He just said...that he was sent by Lin Ke?"

Shizuku asked suddenly, a confused look appeared in her big eyes. She still couldn't figure out why it was Lin Ke.

"Is that so?"

Chrollo lowered his eyes, sat on the side, lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

“When we were eyeing the auction, we were already eyeing Lin Ke.

"I even replaced Feitan. I don't know how, but I can disguise it exactly the same!"

It seems that their fate has already been determined.

They were destined to receive this help long before they came to Youkexin.

It was the first time Chrollo felt like this. It was a feeling of powerlessness due to the huge gap between ourselves and the enemy.

Chrollo raised his head, looked at Machi who was still squatting next to Phinks, and asked softly:

"Machi, Phinks him...

Machi slowly stood up and didn't speak, just shook his head. "Three Eighty"

"Is that so?"

Chrollo was not surprised by this result.

Sighing deeply, Chrollo's eyes were filled with sadness.

The cost of this operation was really too high.

It can be said that the main attackers in the group were wiped out.

Uvogin, Nobunaga, Franklin, Shalnark, Feitan and Phinks, six people were dead.

Among the remaining people, it's unclear whether Hisoka is a companion.

The others are Shizuku, Machi, Pikenotan and Kubi, which are considered auxiliary members.

The strongest one is still Chrollo as the group leader, but his high-end combat power is almost gone.

There is only one left, Lev, who is considered the main attacker compared to other auxiliary personnel.

Facing a Lin Ke, just let them be completely disabled by "Phantom Troupe"!

There is no way to fight back.

At this moment, Chrollo realized more deeply what Silva said before.

Really can't compete with Lin Ke!

At least they definitely can’t do it now!

Removing half of the staff at once would, without exaggeration, even disband the "Phantom Troupe".

Next, his task became even more arduous, and he had to find six people to complete the team.

Let’s not talk about whether we can find enough people to fill it in.

Even if they are found, they are no longer the Uvogins who have been together for many years...

late at night,

One by one, the brigade members walked out of the abandoned building and left in different directions.

The only thing in common is that their faces are as gloomy as dark clouds, without a trace of smile.

There were 13 people when we arrived, and only one person was left when we left.

Except for a very satisfied Hisoka!

He is much happier now than in the original work, and is already planning how to force Chrollo to fight him.

But after calming down, Hisoka decided to prepare again.

Although many people in the brigade died this time, the guards around Chrollo remained unchanged.

When there are no missions in "Phantom Troupe", they are scattered across the six continents, doing what they like.

Among them, Feitan and Phinks are a duo who often travel together, but they only do business.

Chrollo has two members guarding him almost all the time.

Roughly speaking, two of these four people will be chosen to guard the side: Kubi, Shalnark, Peeling Lev, and Pyknotan.

So Hisoka's attempt to be strong still doesn't work, so he has to think of other means.

In any case, Lin Ke definitely helped him a lot.

In the original work, Chrollo also asked Kubi to copy the auction items in order to save trouble, and Yi Mi was responsible for controlling the live broadcast of the ten old men.

They even copied their fake corpses, temporarily making the gang members think that the "Phantom Troupe" was dead.

Now with Lin Ke hiding in the dark, they are in great danger every second they continue to stay in this city.

Naturally, I have no intention of doing this anymore.

An action in which the spiders reunited after a long separation completely killed half of the members and became a disabled spider.

It can be said that he returned with a great defeat!

The world's gangs are even worse. "Phantom Troupe" at least has auction items as a reward.

Not only did the gang lose their belongings, but they also lost their Japanese movies.

They spent a lot of money to hire people from the Zoldyck family to take action, but no one was killed.

Instead, their boss, Shi Old Man, was assassinated.

It can be said that this time both forces of Youkexin lost, and only one side won.

That's Lin Ke and Kurapika!

This operation made every brigade member deeply remember a name - Lin Ke!

In the next few days, the world's gangsters were still looking for traces of the "Phantom Troupe", but they seemed to have disappeared.

No one found where they went, as if they didn't want to be exposed.

People think they are afraid of the revenge of the world's gangs, but only a few people who know the truth know.

"Phantom Troupe" is hiding from Lin Ke!

The spiders were frightened by Linke's actions, but they didn't know that Linke had no interest in them at all.

All the experiences that should be harvested have been harvested.

There is only one left, Chrollo, whose strength is still good, so let's give it to Kurapika.

He is going to the long-awaited ruins of the Kuluta tribe!

Kuluta District,

There are many mountains and lush trees here, forming a sea of ​​trees, and the more famous Kuluta tribe lives here.

But that was the old almanac of the past.

After all, the Kuluta tribe has been exterminated.

After Lin Ke successfully helped Kurapika get her revenge, Kurapika was extremely grateful to Lin Ke for her help.

Immediately, he led Lin Ke to the ruins where he once lived.

It’s not that I can’t trust Lin Ke.

Mainly because he was worried that without his leadership, it would be difficult for Lin to find a place for them to live.

"Swish, swish, swish"

"It should be arriving soon, I remember it's nearby."

Kurapika said with a slightly excited tone as she shuttled through the woods.

This time I took Lin Ke on a tour so that he could pay homage to the deceased tribesmen.

Tell them that his revenge plan is half done.

When the time comes, I must thank Lin Ke for helping me, and this is how I succeeded.

Unlike Kurapika who is running hard, Lin Ke is still lying on the wind speed dog as a mount.

At this moment, it was just like the scene when he and Hisoka went to find the shadow.

It's so similar.

Lying on the wind speed dog, Lin Ke was thinking about the same as last time, whether there would be Pokémon in the ruins of the Kuluta clan?

If so, what kind of Pokémon would it be?

The guess this time was even harder than the one with Mian Ying.

For a moment, Lin Ke really couldn't imagine what kind of Pokémon the Kuluta clan should be able to breed.

Not long after, Kurapika stopped in front of a big tree and did not move forward.

"Is it finally here?"

Lin Ke got off the wind speed dog and looked at the surrounding environment.

Isn't this still in the forest?

I didn't see any vacant land or houses.

"The entrance is right here."

Kurapika walked forward. There was a big tree in front of her and a half-human-sized rock next to it.

The rocks are covered with moss and have some slight cracks, and they look like they have been weathered.

Kurapika walked straight towards the gap between the big tree and the rock. The space here was just enough to accommodate a person's body.

Seeing Kurapika walking towards the corner inexplicably, Lin Ke was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered something.

"Could it be that....."

Suddenly Kurapika seemed to touch something, and a layer of white ripples appeared out of thin air around his body.

In the blink of an eye, Kurapika's figure disappeared there, as if being swallowed.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ke also imitated Kurapika's actions and walked towards there.

After a while, Lin Ke felt his head dazzle, and then he came to another place.

If I have to say it, it feels almost like using Gardevoir to teleport.

Kurapika, standing in front of Lin Ke, explained softly:

“The reason why our Kuluta tribe can live in seclusion for a long time without being discovered by outsiders is because we do not live directly in the mountains.

"But he lives in a secret realm!"

Hearing this, Lin Ke secretly thought that indeed, this was completely consistent with what he had just thought!

Hunter X Hunter’s opening line is:

Monsters, precious beasts, treasures, secret treasures, demonic realms, secret realms, the magic emanating from the language called [Unknown]...

Let’s not talk about the first four for the time being. The last two magic realms and secret realms have almost never appeared..

When Lin Ke saw Kurapika disappear suddenly, these two words suddenly came to mind.

Sure enough, Kurapika said this is a secret place.

This can also explain why the Kuluta tribe can live in seclusion for so long without being discovered.

After all, flaming eyes are one of the seven beauties in the world. No matter how deep you hide in the mountains, you will definitely be found.

It is only possible to live in this secret realm with an extremely secret entrance.

If someone hadn't accidentally broken in, I'm afraid the Kuluta clan would never have been discovered.

At the same time, a brand new pregnancy bar appeared in Lin Ke's mind again.

This did not surprise Lin Ke, he was more curious about what kind of Pokémon it would be.

"Lin Ke, let me show you around."

Kurapika led Lin Ke to continue walking forward.

There are also trees everywhere, and the houses of the Kuluta people are built between the trees.

The architectural style of the Kuluta people is rather peculiar, and it does not look like ordinary houses, such as small bungalows and cabins.

It is a semicircular building similar to a yurt, with strange patterns on it.

Speaking of which, one thing that makes Lin Ke incredible is that the scenery here looks very strange.

Whether it's trees, grass, or the houses they live in, they all have circles-like patterns.

It looks a lot like the pattern on the Devil Fruit in the One Piece world.

"Kurapika, why do you have circles everywhere?"

Lin Ke, who couldn't figure it out, asked Kurapika, an aborigine, and he didn't know the reason either.

For as long as he can remember, this has been the scene around him.

As he approached the place where he lived, Lin Ke also saw some traces left behind.

Many houses were damaged, either with big holes or completely collapsed.

Just from these traces, it can be seen that there was a big battle here.

After seeing the place where she once lived, Kurapika came to a special place.

It is said to be special because it is filled with hills one after another.

Apparently, this is a pair of cemeteries.

Each hill represents a dead tribesman.

Because there were no tombstones, Lin Ke guessed that even Kurapika couldn't tell which body was whose.

There are 128 people in the Kuluta tribe.

The number is not too small.

And judging from the comics of Togashi Old Thief, it seems that many of the Kuluta people were beheaded directly while they were still alive.

Not to mention the countless scars on his body.

Everything is to ensure that the red eye is obtained smoothly.

There was no head, and the tribesmen were wearing the same clothes, which made it a very chaotic scene.

It was difficult for Kurapika to tell which body was whose.

He only knew that all his people were dead...

Even under "Ning"'s observation, Lin Ke saw many strange thoughts of death floating above the cemetery.

It should be said that these thoughts of death are relatively few.

In front of the many hills, there is also a larger stone monument.

There are lines of strange words carved on it.

At least Lin Ke can tell that it is not a common language in the six continents.

It is probably the writing of the Kuluta tribe themselves.

The words above should belong to the category of prayers.

Kurapika stood quietly in front of the big stone monument, a pair of fiery red eyes quietly emerged, and began to sing slowly

Sun in the sky, green trees on the ground

Our bodies are born on the earth

Our souls come from heaven

The sun and moon shine on our limbs

I wish I could share my sorrow with them

Please always praise the Kuluta people

Let's take the red flaming eye as proof

Kurapika was paying homage to his dead tribesmen, and his emotions seemed to take form at this moment.

The breeze that came from nowhere blew from Kurapika's side and onto the rolling hills.

Mixed with thoughts of death like a dark cloud.

It will linger for a long time!

Half of the great revenge has been avenged, and he will continue to work hard to let the murderers get the punishment they deserve!

The miraculous thing is that Kurapika obviously doesn't know how to get rid of her thoughts, but under this emotional prayer, the thoughts of death in the sky actually dissipated a lot.

The dark thoughts of death are slowly fading away. Although there are still a lot of them, they have been reduced visibly to the naked eye.

From this point of view, maybe after Kurapika gets rid of the remaining spiders, a lot of the thoughts of death can be removed. .

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