Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 111: Mega Evolved PokéMon! Golden Invitation! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

After saying the prayer with a sincere face, Kurapika's mood gradually calmed down.

Looking at the cemetery, the last touch of sadness in his eyes passed away, replaced by a look of determination.

After finishing her own business, Kurapika took Lin Ke to visit again.

In a relatively intact house somewhere,

Kurapika walked in with a nostalgic look, looked at the no longer familiar environment, and felt the cruel reality again.

Lin Ke is more interested in the bookshelf next to her.

Although some were damaged and some have begun to weather, there are still several well-preserved books.

Taking a closer look, the text written on the cover is not the text of the Six Continents, but is similar to the text on the previous stone tablet.

"This is a book from our Kuluta tribe. The words on it are incomprehensible to outsiders. They are the unique words of our tribe.

Noticing Lin Ke's curiosity, Kurapika walked slowly to him and explained to him.

"This is the house of our elders, and most of the clan's books are gathered here."

"The books here are basically all written in my clan's script, and there are basically no scripts written in the Six Continents."

Kurapika looked at the bookshelf that had not been touched for a long time. The books on it were covered with a thick layer of dust.

When he was a child, he often came here to read books.


Lin Ke remembered that a Kurapika elder did appear in Kurapika's memories.

He is an old man with a thick beard, a scar on his forehead, and a short and fat build.

And he is the only person in the village who has a mobile phone.

As for why there are no outside books here, Lin Ke also roughly understands.

In Kurapika's memories, he obtained two books from Hirana who accidentally entered here.

It is a book about Hunter written in Six Continent scripts.

Then it was confiscated after being discovered by the elders.

From this point of view, it seems that the elders do not want the clan members to have too much contact with the outside world.

But they also allowed the tribesmen to learn the scripts of the Six Continents.

It can only be said that although the elder does not want to contact the outside world, due to daily needs, the tribesmen have to go shopping occasionally.

Learning the scripts of the Six Continents is also a necessity in life.

It's not easy to go out for shopping. You need to pass a special test before you are qualified to go out.

In the original work, Kurapika is yearning for the outside world, and goes out to explore after working hard to pass the test.

As a result, not long after leaving, news spread around the world that the Kuluta tribe had been exterminated.

Kurapika escaped this disaster by accidentally hitting her.

Simply having Kurapika, a ready-made tool, next to him, Lin Ke asked him to translate the above content a little.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

The above content is either about prayer or common sense about the six continents.

Listening to Kurapika's translation, Lin Ke always felt that something was not quite right.

The people of the Kuluta tribe basically have flaming eyes, which gives them a cheat-like bonus for practicing Nen.

So there should be many people practicing mindfulness.

But I didn't see a single book here that introduced Nian or taught how to practice the order.

Is it because the number of people is small, so the teachings are all by word of mouth?

There is not much relevant information, Lin Ke can only think this way.

Thanks to Kurapika's dedicated translation, Lin Ke also learned a lot of the Kurapika language.

Somehow, he had a hunch that these words might be used in the future.


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

After visiting these special books, the pregnancy bar in Lin Ke's mind also came to an end.

It is strange to say that this Pokémon from the Kuluta clan can be conceived so quickly.

With his thoughts immersed in his mind, Lin Ke couldn't help but shrink his pupils. He had never seen this Pokémon before.

Or should I say I have seen something that looks similar, but not exactly the same.

The Pokémon has a dark purple body and is relatively short. It is a small man.

Has a pair of magnificent ruby ​​eyes.

This is not an exaggeration, but its eyes are really a pair of rubies.

Next to it stood a large ruby ​​that was larger than its body, emitting a strange gem light.

This ruby ​​is made of a unique material that reflects the Conjurer's skills.

This is the origin of its magic mirror properties!

It turned out to be a super seductive eye!

Lin Ke was really shocked for a moment. This was the first time he had given birth to a mega-type Pokémon!

Could it be possible to breed Mega Evolved Pokémon?

And it doesn’t require props such as keystones like the Pokémon world. It is directly born in the form of super evolution.

Although he was shocked, Lin Ke also roughly understood that this kind of super-evolved Pokémon was definitely not that easy to obtain.

The requirements for the location of gestation are definitely more stringent.

What's special here?

The ruins of the Kuluta tribe?

Lin Ke feels that it is not just because of this, the Kuluta clan ruins should be said to determine that the Pokémon is Soul Eye.

Because some of the characteristics of the Seductive Eye are similar to the current Kuluta tribe ruins.

For example, the cemetery and the thoughts of death in the sky make it reasonable for the ghost-type ecstasy to be born.

In addition, some of the skills of the Ecstasy Eye are also released through his own gem eyes.

Especially after the super evolution, the pair of eyes turned into ruby ​​color, more similar to the flaming eyes of the Kuluta tribe.

The Elf Guide’s introduction to the Soul Eye is:

Will live quietly deep in the cave.

People are very afraid of it, thinking that its eyes will absorb people's souls when they emit strange light in the dark.

This also fits well with the Kuluta tribe who live in seclusion in the secret realm.

But it is decided that the Pokémon is in a Mega Evolved form, Lin Ke thinks it should be related to the fact that this place is in a secret realm!

Perhaps in a similar magical secret realm, there is a chance of giving birth to a Pokémon in a super evolved form?

While Lin Ke was walking around with Kurapika, he was mentally restricting and restricting the super enchanting eyes.

Name:Super seductive eyes

Features: Magic Mirror

Attributes: evil, ghost


Skills: Black Gaze, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Deception...

The strength of the seductive eye is not high. Even in its super evolved form, and strengthened by restrictions and oaths, it is only B+ level.

Lin Ke feels that he roughly understands the rules of strength division.

It should be related to the Pokémon's racial value.

Quasi-god Pokémon that reach a racial value of 600, such as Bangira and Dragonite, will be upgraded to S-level.

Gengar who reaches 500 racial values ​​will be upgraded to A-level.

The racial value of the super seductive eye is 480, which has not yet reached 500, so it will only be B+ level after the upgrade.

It should roughly be divided like this.

However, this method can only be used to reach the quasi-god level at most. Otherwise, what about those mythical beasts with a racial value of 600?

Obviously their strength will be higher than that of Quasi-God Pokémon.

So it will definitely be higher by then.

Although he obtained a Pokémon that was of little use to him, Lin Ke did not feel unhappy.

On the contrary, it is more exciting.

Because I learned "the information that you can breed Mega Evolved Pokémon!"

And the super enchanting eye is not really useless, for example, its characteristic-magic mirror.

Sometimes it works wonders.

This secret place is not that big. After visiting one by one, Kurapika has taken Lin Ke almost everywhere.

Even though many years have passed, some traces of life can still be seen here.

For example, the flower pot placed on the windowsill can be seen that the owner likes it very much, and there are small graffiti on it.

It seems to be a painting of a family of three, with mom and dad, and myself in the middle.

People who want to paint should be young.

Another example is the bottles and jars in the kitchen, which show that the owner loves cooking, and there is also a small book of notes recorded in the Kuluta language.

After being translated by Kurapika, Lin Ke realized that everything written above is about cooking techniques.

These are just some of the countless traces left behind.

Just from this sentence, we can see the peaceful and happy life in the past.

But now it is like a ruthless bubble, completely dissipated!

No matter male, female, old or young, no one survives!

Before his death, he suffered countless tortures just to get the pair of fiery red eyes known as "the tenth of the seven beauties in the world".

Only Kurapika survived.

This is why Lin Ke's feelings when he first saw Kurapika's fiery red eyes were different from his thoughts when he saw Shui Liuli.

Fiery red eyes were beautiful, but he didn't want to have them.

Because behind this are countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

Each pair of fiery red eyes symbolizes the life of each Kuluta tribe member.

After seeing that it was almost done, and the Pokémon had been conceived, Lin Ke proposed to leave.

Kurapika also happily agreed. After all, he had completed his mission when he came back this time - to pay homage to his tribe.

Ripples appeared out of thin air between the gap between the big tree and the rock, and Lin Ke took the lead to step out of it.

Lin Ke is okay, after all, he is very strong.

In addition, Gardevoir's teleportation feels similar to this, so I have gotten used to it.

Kurapika was relatively worse. After coming out, I had to slow down a little and felt dizzy.

Only then did Lin realize that someone had called him just now.

I guess it was because I was in a secret place that I couldn't receive the call.

After all, it is a secret realm, so it is normal to have no signal.

It seems that although the elder has a mobile phone, he needs to go through the entrance and come outside every time he makes a call.

Originally, Lin Ke thought it was Men Qi calling him, but when he saw it, he found that it was a phone number he didn't recognize.

Who is the one?

Not many people have their own phone number.

Moreover, this person only made one call. When he saw that he did not answer the call, he stopped and did not continue to call.

It can be seen that this person should be a person with a relatively delicate mind and a high emotional intelligence.

You can also be a person who does things neatly and without procrastination.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ke called back.


The phone rang just twice before it was answered by the other party.

"Hey, who are you?"

Lin Ke was slightly curious and said that he had given someone his phone number and he also knew the other person's phone number.

They all exchange contact information with each other.

But this phone number does not belong to any of them, which means that this person most likely does not know him.

So why did you find yourself?

"Hahaha, I finally contacted you, Lin Ke."

A cheerful voice came from the microphone.

Kurapika saw Lin Ke talking on the phone, so she stayed nearby and waited for him.

"In our first conversation, let me introduce myself. My name is Jin."

"Golden Freecss."

Hearing this, Lin Ke's eyes showed a look of surprise.

Is it actually gold?

"I know you, Gon's father, right, the protagonist of Gon's search for his father.

Lin Ke's tone was playful, teasing Jin on the other end of the phone.

Lin Ke’s teasing frightened her

Go to Kurapika next to it.


Lin talking to Gon's father?

Kurapika looked at Lin Ke in shock. She didn't expect that the father Gon was looking for was actually talking to Lin Ke.

""Hahaha, I made you laugh. "

After Jin paused for a moment, he laughed freely again.

In just a few moments, he recalled that Lin Ke seemed to be in the same Hunter exam period as Gon, and it was normal for the two to know each other.

Now Lin Ke also understood who had called before. It turned out to be Jin.

Indeed, Jin is considered to be in line with his previously predicted character.

Jin is a rather peculiar person. He seems to have a carefree and informal personality.

In fact, he pays great attention to many details and is a bold and careful person.

He is usually very unreliable and often gives people a sense of irresponsibility.

Although this is close to the truth.

But at critical moments, he is still quite reliable.

As one of the five great sages in the world, Jin is not only very powerful, but also has a high IQ.

It's just that his personality is out of touch and seems "mean", which is why many people in the Hunter Association don't like Jin very much.

This can be seen from how he treats his son Gon.

On the surface, he is indifferent to his son, as if he is letting him live or die.

But the cultivation path of "Island of Greed" was arranged for Gon.

Apart from his interest in making games with his friends, it can almost be said that Jin made a game specifically for his son.

It is mentioned in the original book that any novice who is new to Nian should just follow the arrangements of "Greed Island" step by step.

You can almost become a powerful nen.

Therefore, Jin is not as bad as he appears on the surface, and he is considered a person who can make friends.

Otherwise, Saci, who was originally seeking fame and reputation, would not have been affected by Jin's personality charm and become the reliable person he is now.

From this point of view, perhaps Jin got his contact information from Sats.

Just be careful, you might be tricked into working as a hard worker one day.

People like Dwun, Lister and others are still working on Greed Island.

"Are you finally done?"

Jin spoke again and asked Lin Ke if it was convenient to talk now.

When he called earlier, Lin Ke didn't answer.

And it does not belong to the busy tone type, but it shows that it is not in the service area.

It means that Lin Ke is either in a deep mountain forest or in some special place like a ruins.

Now that I have called (Zhao Qian Zhao), it means that Lin Ke should have left that place and dialed back after seeing his missed call.

Jin pays great attention to every detail and can analyze the facts from all kinds of clues.

"Yes, I wonder what you want to see me for?"

Lin Ke's response once again confirmed Jin's thoughts, and then asked him what was the purpose of calling him specifically?

"Actually, I have something to ask you for help."

Jin did not hesitate and explained his purpose directly.

Being secretive will only make people feel that you are not sincere enough. There is no need for people at their level to talk like that.

No one is stupid, and speaking vaguely will only affect others' evaluation of themselves.

Only sincerity can replace sincerity.

Jin called to ask for help?

Lin Ke never thought about this.

Lin Ke didn't think there was anything in the six continents that would require Jin to find someone to help.


Lin Ke suddenly remembered that he had a skill that matched his identity as a Golden Relic Hunter.

At the same time, it is exactly what he lacks!

"I have a strange ruin here and I need your help."

"Everywhere here is filled with strong thoughts of death. Only you can deal with it in the entire six continents."


The help Jin meant was to ask himself to clean up a ruins so that he could explore it better.

Jin's words are not exaggerated at all. Only Lin Ke can do this in the entire six continents.

This is a feat that no other Nian Master can ever achieve.

Now Lin Ke completely understood why Jin came to find him.

It turns out that I want to eliminate my thoughts!

This seems to be an invitation that can be accepted. After all, the thought of death is also helpful to Geng Gui's strength.

And... paper...

"The ruins that can make Jindu specifically ask me for help won't be that simple, right?"

Lin Ke did not agree directly, but asked Jin instead.

A smile appeared in Jin's eyes. It seemed that Lin Ke was quite cautious.

This is a good thing.

No Relics Hunter will hope that his companion will be a careless person. .

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