Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 113 The Sacred Words In The Cave! Disaster: Gold And Silver Ingots! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

“But it would be better if we try it again ourselves.

After a moment of pause, Jin added another sentence.

After saying that, Jin went into the woods nearby, and the remaining two people roughly knew what he was doing.

A few breaths later, Jin came back holding a hare, still alive and kicking.

"It's useless to just test dead things. It's better to try them directly with living things."

Seeing that Jin successfully brought the prey back, Lin Ke asked Gardevoir next to him to put a "mysterious guard" on the hare without him having to say anything.

If the hare is not protected, it will die as soon as it enters, and there is no way to test it.

With the sound of "Boom", the hare was completely shrouded in mysterious protection.

Jin waved lightly and threw the rabbit in his hand into the hole.

All three of them clearly saw that when the rabbit touched the film, a ripple appeared around it, and then it passed through.

This scene couldn't help but remind Lin Ke of the ruins of the Kuluta tribe that he had just visited.

The membrane of this cave is very much like the entrance to a secret realm.

But it is different, because the entrance to the secret realm cannot be seen from the outside at all.

But in this cave, one can see through the film the strange thoughts of death inside.

While Lin Ke was thinking, both Jin and Pyorn focused on the rabbit.

A hare allows them to test two problems at the same time.

First, can Lin Ke's barrier block the thought of death?

Second, can living things come out of it?

Soon they knew the answer.

The moment the rabbit entered the cave, countless thoughts of death seemed to change from bloodthirsty wolves to terrified sheep.

He quickly backed up, fearing that he would touch the mysterious guardian at all.

In an instant, a "safe place" appeared around Rabbit, with no trace of death thoughts at all.

Apparently Lin Ke's barrier is very effective.

After the hare was thrown into the cave, it was not disturbed by the thought of death.

But the beast’s early warning of the crisis told it that it must leave here

This perception is correct, because as long as Gardevoir does not continue to maintain its mysterious protection, it will die inside in an instant.

Then the three of them saw the hare jumping out of the cave again and jumping towards the forest next to it.

"As expected of the strongest mind-killer!"

"This title is well deserved!"

Jin ignored the hare that ran away; its use was gone.

Now Jin is lamenting Lin Ke's removal of Nen.

In the past, I only heard about it and never witnessed it with my own eyes.

The danger of death thoughts in the cave in front of him was so great that even he who had been exploring the ruins for many years was astonished by it.

But Lin Ke can still remain undisturbed.

Lin Ke was born to be a Relic Hunter!

This removal of Nen is too important for Relic Hunter.

While praising Lin Ke, Jin also glanced at Gengar next to Gardevoir, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

The one just now has shown the ability to block the thought of death, but what about this one?

According to what Saci said before, this one should be the mind beast that can swallow the mind of death?

So can such a terrifying thought of death be accomplished by a beast alone?

"Confirmed, creatures can come in and out, now we can go in with confidence."

Pyonn breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of excitement appeared on his fair face.

She also looks forward to exploring unknown ruins.

Logically speaking, as a B-level person, she should not be here.

However, as a Hunter, if she is afraid because of this, she is not worthy of being called a Hunter.

The most important point is that the people traveling with us are Jin and Linkou

It is no exaggeration to say that these two people are the ceiling of combat power in the six continents!

With two people like him accompanying him, what else could Pyorn dare not do?

Besides, she is only a support staff and has no intention of being a center forward.

Their three-person team is quite balanced, with each having a clear division of labor.

Pyorn is responsible for detecting intelligence and can reduce the information gap.

Jin is responsible for the charge and can take the lead in any danger.

Lin Ke can be said to be a snake oil character, whose main task is to eliminate thoughts.

At the same time, it can also perform a series of tasks such as treatment, transportation, escape, and combat.

It can be said that Lin Ke alone is equivalent to a top team of experts.

Jin was the first to enter, followed by Lin Ke and Pyoern.

As layers of ripples appeared on the film, the three of them also arrived in the cave.

Like the hares before, the three people were surrounded by a "forbidden area", and no one dared to approach them with any thoughts of death.

Gardevoir and Gengar also wore mysterious guards and followed Lin Ke in.

The moment he entered the cave, a brand new pregnancy bar appeared in Lin Ke's mind.

After entering, the first thing the three of them cared about was not the thought of death, but the surrounding stone walls.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with this stone wall."

"Otherwise V5 wouldn't be able to get in."

Jin looked at the strange stone wall next to him and said in a low voice.

The reason why I deliberately lowered my voice was to prevent attracting any danger.

It turns out that V5 has tried it before, not entering through the hole, but drilling another hole to see if it can be entered.

The result is no!

The stone wall is extremely hard, and even a powerful Ninja cannot cause damage.

Now it seems that it is caused by the pattern on the stone wall.

Lin Ke looked at the pattern on it carefully and suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"This should be a divine word."

Pjorn next to him had a solemn expression as he revealed the news about the pattern.

As an ancient document hunter, she also has a certain understanding of things like divine literature.

So even without using Nen, she could still be categorically sure that it was a divine word.

"Is it really a sacred text..."

Jin frowned, then relaxed.

The presence of divine words indicates that things are not simple here!

It has been determined that this place is related to the Dark Continent.

【Is it originally a sacred text? 】

After hearing the two people's words, Lin Ke finally recalled why he felt that this pattern looked familiar.

The sword used by Tatsuo Nei in the original work has a similar pattern on it, and it is a weapon blessed with divine characters.

Divine characters reveal little information in the original work and are common.

Roughly speaking, it is a kind of text that has been circulated for a long time. Different texts will have their own unique abilities.

Perhaps it was the writing created by humans as early as in the Dark Continent before they came to the current six continents.

For example, the sword of Tatsuo Nei should be engraved with a god who has the effect of sharpness.

As for the sacred words on the stone wall, maybe it has something to do with sturdiness?

For King and Pyorn, this rare sacred text is very important.

But for Lin Ke, these seemingly endless thoughts of death are the most important thing

A white light flickered in the dark cave, attracting the two people who were studying the divine words.

In the blink of an eye, a short, dark purple Pokémon holding a large ruby ​​appeared next to Lin Ke.

【Is it Lin Ke’s Nian Beast? 】

Jin and Pyorn were thinking about it, especially Pyorn, who vaguely thought about what Lin Ke wanted to do.

The super seductive eye and Gengar seemed to have a clear understanding of each other, and began to absorb the thoughts of death from all over the sky!

Countless thoughts of death were like swallows returning to their nests, divided into two parts, and one part ran to Geng Gui's mouth.

The other part is running into the large ruby ​​​​of the super enchanting eye.

The super seductive eye is different from Gengar. The way to swallow the death thoughts is to use the ruby ​​in the hand.

But it's understandable, after all, the ruby ​​in the hands of the Super Soul Eye is the same gem that was embedded in its chest before it evolved.

Suddenly, all the thoughts of death in the cave rushed towards the two thought beasts, and Lin Ke also felt that their experience points were increasing.

【I really made a lot of money coming here this time!】

The thought of death that others were afraid to avoid was so kind in Lin Ke's eyes.


Jin's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and he didn't know what to say.

I didn’t expect that such a terrifying thought of death could really be swallowed up.

And isn’t it a mind beast?

Why is there another mind beast with this ability?

Compared to Jin, who saw such a scene for the first time, Pyorn seemed much calmer, but he was still surprised.


Looking away from the two mind beasts, Jin's face was solemn and his eyes were staring into the dim depths.

Something is coming!

The movement caused by Gengar and Super Soul Eye attracted the attention of some creatures.

【What could it be?】

The corners of Jin's mouth curled up slightly, excited about the unknown challenge, and a dazzling cold air surged on his hands.

He craves novelty and likes to explore the unknown.

This is also the reason why he is so persistent in the Dark Continent.

Within the six continents, there were very few things that could excite him.

There are only a few ruins related to the Dark Continent that he can enjoy.

This is one of the reasons why he became a Relic Hunter.

There are not many things related to the Dark Continent among the six continents, and most of them are blocked by V5.

What's left falls roughly into three categories:

The first is the ruins, a few ruins are related to the dark continent.

The second is disasters. The five-day disasters in the Six Continents were brought back from the Dark Continent.

The third is items, such as the strange items inside some ruins, which may have been passed down from the Dark Continent.

Jin, who is very interested in the Dark Continent, now faces an unknown crisis and his first reaction is to be on guard.

Then comes the excitement!

However, what appeared really shocked a few people.

I saw a few vague figures running towards here deep in the cave.

Only when they got closer did the three of them see their specific appearances.

0...Please give me flowers...

The clothes on his body are in tatters, but it can still be seen that he must be an explorer who came in not long ago.

The most striking thing is their heads, which are no longer normal human heads.

Instead, it was replaced by a small silver-white sphere, with emerald green branches vaguely wrapped around the surface of the sphere.

The silver-white sphere vaguely exudes a bright metallic luster in the dim cave room, making people shudder.

Although the aura on their bodies was not strong, it caused a huge stir in people's hearts.

"This...this is a gold and silver ingot!"

"One of the five major disasters is the plant weapon gold and silver ingot!"

The knowledgeable Pyoern looked shocked and shouted slightly.

At the same time, Lin Ke also recognized that the thing in front of him was indeed very similar to the gold and silver ingots seen in the original work.

In the ancient labyrinth of the Dark Continent, there is a herb that can cure all diseases, but there are plant weapons "gold and silver ingots" guarding this uninhabited city.

This is the introduction in the original work.

But why did this gold and silver ingot appear here?

Lin Ke feels that maybe they will get the answer when they go deeper.

At the same time, Lin Ke also used the picture book ability to confirm again.

Name: Gold and silver ingot (silver type)

Strength: B (just converted)


Source: A creature from the Dark Continent, known as one of the five major disasters in the six continents.

It is a monster formed after humans are parasitized by certain mineral plants and combined with the original body.

This mineral plant is highly aggressive. If a creature approaches, it will control the parasitized object to attack.

The strength of the gold and silver ingot is not only related to the body, but also related to the original strength of the parasite.


This mineral plant has the ability to attack before it matures and will actively parasitize humans.

After finding the parasite, the plant will replace the original brain and direct the body's actions.

But when it matures, it no longer has the ability to be parasitic or offensive, but becomes a herb that cures diseases.

Gold and silver ingots are divided into two types: gold form and silver form. The gold form is good at long-range attacks, and the silver form is good at melee attacks.

The illustration ability listed most of the relevant information about gold and silver ingots, which also surprised Lin Ke.

Gold and silver ingots are the product of certain plants parasitic on humans. There is no problem with this. You can guess it from the appearance.

But this latter point surprised Lin Ke.

This parasitic plant turns out to be the so-called herb that can cure all diseases!

Before maturity, it is a very scary parasitic plant.

When mature, it is a herb that can cure all diseases.

Should it be said that it is worthy of being a plant of the Dark Continent?

It's really magical.

As for gold and silver ingots being divided into two forms: gold and silver, this is quite understandable.

Just when Lin Ke was analyzing the information, Jin had already rushed forward to face the gold and silver ingot.

This batch came with three gold and silver ingots, all of which were in silver form.

And since he was parasitized not long ago, his current strength is B level.

In front of Jin, who was an S-class strongman, he was naturally vulnerable. The head, which was as solid as silver, was shattered by Jin's punch like paper.

With a "click" sound, the head of a gold and silver ingot was completely shattered by gold.

The originally smooth sphere turned into countless large and small fragments scattered on the ground.

Suddenly, the golden figure appeared in front of the other two gold and silver ingots in a flash, moving as fast as a phantom.

The thought energy in his hands did not gather too much, and it seemed that it was not worthy of his status as an S-class strongman.

Jin also knew that the strength of these gold and silver ingots was not high, so he controlled the power to be just right enough to kill with one hit.

For a strong person of this level, the consumption of controlled thought energy has reached a very precise level.

Not a single moment of thought will be wasted!

In an instant, huge fist pits appeared on the heads of the two gold and silver ingots.

Then, as if some mechanism was triggered, a small crack quietly appeared from the middle.

Like a chain reaction, the tiny crack quickly spread to the surroundings, and in an instant the entire sphere was covered with spider web-like cracks.


Two crisp sounds sounded at the same time, and the heads of the two gold and silver ingots shattered in response, completely shattered.


The two bodies fell together, making a heavy sound, and fell to the ground as if their backbones had been ripped away, kicking up waves of decaying dust.

After the metal ball on the outside was broken open, the appearance inside was also exposed to the three people.

It’s a messy mess of branches!

He had been completely beaten to death by Jin's punch and could no longer move.

Jin's attack was not just as simple as smashing the sphere, but also hit the parasitic plants inside with considerable force.

As early as the first sight of gold and silver ingots, Jin knew that the head was definitely the focus, especially the inside!

Just like animals, they often have a hard shell to protect the important parts inside.

The experienced Jin then took advantage of the situation and smashed the contents inside. .

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