Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 114: Grass Steel PokéMon? Jin’S Incredible Talent! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"It seems to be the product of being parasitized by plants."

Jin looked at the branches scattered on the ground, scratched the white scarf on his head, and thought thoughtfully.

"And they should be a group of people who came in earlier and lost their lives after being parasitized."

"Their strength is obviously not high. Maybe they haven't completely controlled it after parasitism. The real strength of gold and silver ingots should be more than this.

"But I really didn't expect that gold and silver ingots, one of the five major disasters, would appear in this cave!"

Jin's tone became more solemn, but the excitement in his eyes was still beyond words.

Although the five major disasters in the six continents are "famous", not everyone can encounter them.

After finally having a chance to meet him, he naturally wanted to have a good meeting with him.

The man next to him took out his pink mobile phone as soon as the gold and silver ingot appeared, and Pyoern, who had been typing, also got new information.

Pyorn was originally wearing cute pink clothes.

When using Nen, there is a continuous flow of pink thought energy flowing into the embodied mobile phone in the hand.

The whole person is constantly glowing with pink light.

Even the rabbit ears decoration on the head is covered with a layer of pink light.

"As Jin said, these were parasitized not long ago, and it is confirmed that they are indeed gold and silver ingots."

Pjorn's Nen didn't have Lin Ke's illustration ability, so it took some time and energy to get some superficial information.

Her next task is to continue to dig out more information through Nen.

During this period of time, Super Soul Eye and Gengar have eaten most of the peripheral thoughts of death.

The surrounding scene suddenly became clearly visible, no longer covered by a mass of thoughts of death.

But there are still a lot of thoughts of death hidden in the depths, which are constantly flowing out like a tide.

No one knows how many crises there are in the depths!

"Two ninety" At this time, Jin cast an admiring look at Lin Ke, and he also understood another layer of Lin Ke's intention.

First of all, you can absorb the surrounding thoughts of death, so that you don't have to consume air conditioning to maintain the barrier.

Secondly, it can cause a little movement and attract some people in crisis to take the initiative.

They had just entered, and the cave exit was right behind them.

If it is confirmed that the crisis is unstoppable, you can retreat as soon as possible.

During this period of time, no thoughts of death or other things have come out, so it can be seen that they must have been blocked by the sacred words and the thin film.

Jin's idea was correct, and Lin Ke did think so.

A smile appeared on Jin's face.

【What a person worth getting to know!】

Lin Ke's performance in all aspects exceeded his expectations and was very to his liking.

Except for not eating his fruit.

In Jin's opinion, Lin Ke's only shortcoming is that she doesn't eat his food.

The best partner in other ways!

Through this movement, the three of them also understood that the crisis inside was gold and silver ingots, one of the five major disasters.

This seems to explain why all the people sent by V5 were wiped out.

While thinking a lot, Lin Ke suddenly thought of something and released the wind speed dog.

Suddenly, a big orange-red dog appeared in front of everyone. It looked very handsome with its majestic appearance.

【Another mind beast!】

Jin and Pyorn were used to Lin Ke releasing a mind beast at every turn.

The number of mind beasts he possesses will always be a mystery, as if they are endless.

Suddenly, except for the three people in the cave, there were only Pokémon.

There are super enchanting eyes and Gengar who are responsible for swallowing the thoughts of death.

There is Gardevoir who is responsible for using the mysterious guardian.

There is the wind speed dog that was just released.

Fortunately, this cave is quite big, and it can still fit even a few more Pokémon.

And according to the situation deep in the cave, it seems that the further inside, the wider the space will be.

I don’t know how many gold and silver ingots there will be inside?

Wind Speed ​​Dog came to the three gold and silver ingots that Jin had just smashed, and opened his mouth slightly to reveal the bright fangs inside.

A ball of fiery red flame spurted out from it, divided into small groups and fell accurately on the messy branches.

Fire skill——Spark!

In the blink of an eye, those branches were covered in flames and gradually turned into ashes.

"Is it a fire ability? It may indeed have miraculous effects on creatures like gold and silver ingots!"

Jin looked at Wind Speed ​​Dog's actions and immediately understood what Lin Ke was thinking. In layman's terms, it was "last strike."

Plant-type creatures are usually very tenacious, so burning them out with fire is the best option.

Lin Ke stared at the dwindling ashes of the fire, and a thought suddenly occurred to him.

This gold and silver ingot is the second dark continent creature I have encountered.

The last desire-dependent body - gas life body (angstrom) can be regarded as a ghost type.

It seems that the gold and silver ingots this time can be regarded as steel-type and grass-type creatures?

So as a fire-type wind speed dog, it is equivalent to four times the restraint!

At the same time, Lin Ke can probably guess which Pokémon will be conceived.

Grass type and steel type.

Naturally, it is the more famous "Grass Steel" among Pokémon!

"If you do well, you should really be cautious. This kind of plant seems to have the possibility of suspended animation. It is best to burn them.

Pjorn, who was still typing, had new information and also agreed with Lin Ke's move.

As a special plant in the Dark Continent, its life-saving ability goes without saying.

The vitality is much stronger than ordinary plants.

Several people don't have to worry about insufficient oxygen. Judging from the air flow, the film can transmit air.

The function of the film seems to be only to block things like thoughts of death and gold and silver ingots, but it does not block the air circulation and the entry and exit of foreign objects.

This film seems to be related to the sacred words on the wall?

In other words, there should be restrictions on the entry and exit of things related to the Dark Continent!

Lin Ke's performance also made Jin part of his interest in him. Jin was very curious about how many kinds of mind beasts Lin Ke had?

After glancing at Lin Ke, Jin set his sights deep in the cave again. The current main goal is to explore this place.

So the three began to move forward for the first time in the true sense.

The Super Soul Eye and Gengar are on the left and right, responsible for absorbing the thoughts of death in front of them.

Jin and Wind Speed ​​Dog walked side by side in the front, while Pyoen and Lin Ke walked in the back.

It didn't take long for them to encounter an unexpected crisis.

In the dark purple mist of death thoughts, several humanoid figures appeared again, and they moved very fast.

In the blink of an eye, it went from a small movement to a larger figure.

Jin's muscles tightened slightly, and a pair of eyes stared at the thick fog of death thoughts.

Those bright eyes are filled with strong thoughts, and under "Ning"'s observation, any tiny movement can be seen clearly.

All three of them clearly felt that there were gold and silver ingots of considerable strength coming this time!


As the wind speed dog roared, five gold and silver ingots appeared in front of everyone and rushed towards them quickly.

Among them, two are at level A and three are at level B.

What caught everyone's attention was not the A-level strength, but the distinctive head in the middle.

It's amazingly golden!

Name: Gold and silver ingot (gold form)



It is another form of gold that is different from the silver form!

The two A-grade gold and silver ingots have a clear division of labor, one is a melee silver type, and the other is a toy gold type.

"Golden sphere?"

Jin looked at the sphere with golden light, curiosity welling up in his heart.

How will it be different from those silver ones?

Soon Jin realized it.


The other silver ingots were still sprinting forward, but the gold ingot suddenly braked and stopped.

Then, just like the wind speed dog just now, a large amount of light green thought energy suddenly poured out from the surface of the golden sphere.

In an instant, these green thoughts gathered into the shape of a beam, and suddenly launched towards the three of them!

"Is it actually a long-range attack type?"

Jin was surprised. Judging from the attack methods of the three just now, he thought that the gold and silver ingots were all melee type.

It turns out that gold and silver ingots are divided into two types: gold and silver, and they also use two combat styles: long-range and melee.

Lin Ke seemed to see a beam of sunlight coming towards him, but the color was greener.

The rich green beam completely illuminated the dim cave, carrying a large amount of mental energy and impacting it!

Seeing this, Jin gathered his energy in his hands, preparing to resist the beam.

But before the green beam could hit Jin, it was intercepted in advance.


A pillar of blazing sun-like fire suddenly shot out from the side, colliding with the green beam of light in the middle.

Fire skills——Spray flames!

The collision between the two produced a loud explosion, which canceled each other out.

But you can still see that part of the jet flame continues to move forward, spraying directly onto the gold ingot, splashing little sparks.

All of a sudden, heavy burn marks appeared on his body, and a large black injury appeared on his body.

Lin Ke's eyes narrowed. It seemed that his guess was correct. The remaining attacks alone could cause considerable damage to the gold and silver ingots.

The powerful aftermath of the explosion even knocked the three silver ingots that were originally rushing forward into the stone wall next to them.

There were traces of being burned by the flames on his body, and he would not be able to get up for a while.

The stone wall with the divine words attached to it is indeed very hard, and such explosions did not have any impact on the stone wall.

Of the five gold and silver ingots, only the A-level silver ingot rushed in front of Jin.

But what is waiting for it is not victory, but an indomitable fist


There is no difference between grade A silver ingots and grade B silver ingots for gold...

It's all a matter of one punch.

However, Jin also noticed some differences. The A-level sphere was obviously larger than the B-level sphere by more than one circle.

From this point of view, the larger the sphere, the higher the strength.

After finishing the "actively suffering death" silver ingot, Jin casually took out a brightly colored apple from his arms.

He wiped it on his robe, then took a bite, and a rich fruity aroma suddenly bloomed in his mouth.

While eating the apple, Jin also discovered that another gold ingot had been solved by the wind speed dog.

The injured gold ingot could no longer emit a beam of sufficient power, and was completely taken away by the next jet of flames from the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The two powerful A-level ones have been eliminated, not to mention the remaining three B-level ones.

Under the flames of Feng Su Dog, these gold and silver ingots were burned completely.

However, greater movement attracted more gold and silver ingots.

"Jin, how many people did V5 send in before?"

Looking at the menacing gold and silver ingots, Pyonn couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and asked angrily.

If V5 hadn't sent a bunch of "parasitic bodies" with "good intentions", there wouldn't have been so many gold and silver ingots.

"I don't know the exact number, but there should be about twenty people, right?"

Looking at the gold and silver ingots rushing towards him, Jin didn't hold back anymore and ate the apples in his hand in a few seconds, ready to get serious.

It just so happens that he has an ability that he has only recently learned, so he can try his hand at this gold and silver ingot.


Seeing that there seemed to be some movement on Jin's side, Lin Ke looked there with interest.

The thought energy in Jin's body began to surge, like boiling water, boiling continuously.

Suddenly, Jin's hands suddenly lengthened and struck straight towards the gold and silver ingots that were coming.

In an instant, Jin was like a rubber man. He stretched his hand very long and hit the gold and silver ingots that were some distance away.

Nen:I am a rubber man, Enhancer

It can transform any part of the body into a rubber texture and can be stretched easily.

After being converted into rubber, the damage received by that part will be weakened, and at the same time, it will be immune to lightning-type abilities to a large extent.

After being hit by the stretched rubber hand, the damage to the gold and silver ingots was even greater than before from Jin's casual punch.

The entire sphere immediately collapsed and shattered into extremely tiny fragments.

Obviously, this is not Jin's own Nen, but his own talent!

Jin's talents are roughly divided into two types. One is language talent, which allows him to easily learn various languages.

The second point is that he is a wall-mounted talent in the world of Hunter X Hunter.

Nen, who is a strike type, can imitate the same person as long as he survives one attack.

In other words, as long as you hit him once, he can learn from others!

In the original work, Jin once suffered an attack from Leorio, and after suffering it, he analyzed Leorio's Nen characteristics.

Then Jin also developed it and created another way to use the projectile to hit the enemy on the other side of the object.

Jin believes that this ability is even harder to detect than Yuan.

To exaggerate, Jin can have unlimited Nen!

Of course it's Nen who is limited to the strike type.

For example, the "I am a rubber man" he used just now was something he learned by himself after being beaten.

Sometimes he would deliberately let others hit him so that he could better understand it and then imitate it.

Look at this incredible learning ability, he is completely worthy of being a wall hanging.

Under the continuous attacks of Jin and Wind Speed ​​Dog, the gold and silver ingots fell down one by one.

Under the continuous cleaning, the experience value of Wind Speed ​​Dog is also increasing, and finally reaches A+ level.

The super seductive eye that has been absorbing thoughts of death has reached A-level. Gengar is still at A+ level, so he is still some way away from being promoted.

After cleaning up the waves of gold and silver ingots, no more gold and silver ingots came over, which was exactly in line with the estimated number of people.

It seems that everyone who comes in has been parasitized into gold and silver ingots.

After death, he died again, which can be said to be very miserable.

It seems that there are parasitic plants in the cave, and people who come in are accidentally parasitized.

It causes a chain reaction, one after another.

Sounds a bit like zombies?

According to Lin Ke's estimation, the parasitic plant itself should have been quite strong before it was parasitized.

You must know that the Nin sent by V5 are not much weaker.

Seeing that no more gold and silver ingots appeared, the three of them were able to continue moving forward.

As they gradually deepened, Jin and Pyoen also had some expectations in their hearts.

Now that plant weapons "gold and silver ingots" have appeared, there is a high probability that herbs that can cure all diseases will also be available.

Except for Lin Ke, Jin and Pyorn still don't know that vanilla is actually what a parasitic plant looks like when it matures. .

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