Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 115 Ancient Labyrinth City? Unreasonable Creature! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Moving forward, the three of them did not encounter gold or silver ingots, but instead the bodies of parasitic plants.

On the stone wall in the depths, there are no longer only profound sacred words, but some messy vine-type plants crawling on them.

Even the originally bare ground has an abrupt layer of grass growing on it, which makes people feel that something is wrong at first sight.

It was also covered with a layer of black stains, which looked like the blood had been exposed to the air for too long.

"It seems that this is where the incident occurred."

Jin looked directly at the blood stains on the grass, then glanced at the vines on the wall, thinking thoughtfully.

"This should be the body of the gold and silver ingot, what it looked like before it was parasitized."

After checking with the illustration ability, Lin Ke confirmed that this was the parasitic plant itself.

At the same time, I also noticed that the illustration showed that it was an immature parasitic plant, which meant that it must be aggressive.

If we talk about mature parasitic plants, they are herbs that can cure all kinds of diseases.

"Then let's see if we can burn them."

In the face of unknown dangers, taking the initiative to take risks is obviously an unwise choice.

So I asked Wind Speed ​​Dog to test it out using long-range skills.

What Lin Ke didn't expect was that the plant itself was surprisingly sensitive.

Before the Wind Speed ​​Dog's jet flames could be fired, the vines on the wall began to move.

In an instant, countless dark green vegetables with barbs came towards the wind speed dog.

There is also a faint metallic luster on the surface of the vine, making its attack even more powerful.

Jin just noticed this and made a guess in his mind.

Vines of different shapes kept rushing here, intertwining with each other to form a large airtight net, seeming to capture the Wind Speed ​​Dog directly.

At the same time, the weeds on the ground have also changed significantly.

Wishes of yellow-green powder are released from it. As long as people smell it, they will collapse on the spot and fall into coma.

Parasitic plants on the ground are responsible for adding negative effects.

The parasitic plants on the wall are responsible for the frontal attack.

From this point of view, the main body is similar to gold and silver ingots, both of which are divided into two forms.

Facing the sudden attack, Wind Speed ​​Dog reacted extremely quickly, and suddenly launched a violent jet of flames.

Then, just to be on the safe side, Wind Speed ​​Dog retreated a short distance quickly and came to Lin Ke's side.

After the jet flames encountered the vines, the parasitic plant that continued to press forward finally suffered a big loss.

The large woven net suddenly ignited with blazing flames, covering all the vegetables with bright flames.

Just when Lin Ke thought that the flames could keep spreading until the vines were burned out, the vines suddenly broke!

And it only cuts off those places with flames, which looks like a gecko cutting off its tail to survive.

"Can I still disconnect proactively?"

Upon seeing this, Jin murmured in a low voice, becoming more and more interested in this parasitic plant.

Lin Ke frowned slightly, but in this case there was no need to hold back.

After all, judging from the illustration, this parasitic plant is far from mature and is almost useless to me.

At most, take a section and keep it for then.

So in the surprised eyes of Jin and Pyorn, Gengar, Gardevoir and Wind Speed ​​Dog lined up.

One after another began to display their skills.


Gardevoir - Magical Flame!

Wind Speed ​​Dog——Spray flames!

Suddenly, the entire cave was filled with dazzling firelight.

There are strange flames as black as ink.

There are bright fluorescent flames.

There is an extremely hot columnar flame.

The three flame attacks rotated counterclockwise and hit the front, blooming with brilliant sparks.

If this were to win the Pokémon World's Gorgeous Contest, he would definitely get a high score.

Under such a terrifying fire attack, even parasitic plants that can cut off their tails to survive can't resist it.

Almost all of them were burned, and even if you tried to cut off the tail, you couldn't cut it off. It could only be completely burned in silence.

Whether on the walls or on the ground, these parasitic plants were all wiped out.

"Can anyone actually use fire-based abilities?"?"

Jin was startled by the joint attack of the three Pokémon. He really didn't expect that all three of them could use fire.

Forget about the big orange dog, the other two don't look like they can catch fire, right?

Looking at the road that had been cleared of threats, Jin couldn't help but sigh again.

Inviting Lin Ke here was the right choice!

It seems that as long as Lin Ke is around, any problem can be solved

Of course Jin himself can pass here, but he can't do it as easily as Lin Ke.

After clearing the obstacles again, the three of them were finally able to reach the depths of the cave.

"This is...a stone door?"

What appeared in front of the three people was a half-open stone door, with divine characters engraved on it that emitted a faint light.

Divine characters have many functions, and they are usually painted on objects to add some effect.

The Greedy Island memory card and other things left by Jin in the original work were stored inside an iron box with divine words engraved on it.

"Judging from the previous situation, this divine character should be blocking them from coming out."

"I don't know why, but the door was opened."

"That's when the parasitic plant came out, and then V5 sent people in, and it was parasitized into gold and silver ingots.

Jin connected every detail together to come up with an extremely convincing explanation.

The only thing that didn't make sense was why the stone door carved with divine characters was open.

Jin also had some vague suspicions about this.

Recalling the use of sacred characters in the original work, Lin Ke had an idea and he probably understood why.

"It must be insufficient energy."

Lin Ke speaks his mind directly.

Divine characters should require the stimulation of thought energy, which is equivalent to the role of fuel, in order to exert its effect.

Gon just put his mind energy into the iron bar box engraved with divine words. This time, the iron bars spread out and he was able to get the contents inside.

Tatsuo Nei's knife also requires the concentration of mental energy on the knife in order to exert the effect of the divine words.

"Yes, it must have been too long, and it is no longer enough for the divine words to continue to maintain their effect."

Pyoern, who has some knowledge of divine writing, also agrees with Lin Ke's statement.

"So, I wonder what's in it?"

Full of expectations, the three of them entered through the stone door one after another, and finally saw the secret in the depths!

I saw a huge space inside, with sacred words engraved on the stone walls everywhere, emitting light.

Divine characters like ravines are imprinted all around, and the carved marks exude a reassuring atmosphere.

There are also unknown plants on the top, which look like light bulbs, providing light to people.

These are not the real reasons that surprised a few people.

What comes into view are small buildings, which look relatively simple in appearance.

At least it is quite different from the style of the Six Continents.

There is an obvious metallic luster everywhere on the wall, which looks somewhat similar to the head of a gold and silver ingot.

A building made of a special hard mineral material.

Maybe that's why these buildings are still standing.

It is also full of thoughts of death, so that Gengar and Super Soul Eye can continue to feast.

The overall area here is not large, at least three people can see it at a glance.

The buildings inside are so confusing that it looks like a maze.

It looks like a defective product that deliberately imitates a certain type of terrain!

"This is...ancient labyrinth city?!"

"No, perhaps it should be said to be a small ancient labyrinth city."

Pyorn exclaimed and then denied his statement. After all, this place is much smaller than the recorded ancient labyrinth city.

If we say that the place on the dark continent is called "ancient labyrinth city".

Then the one in front of her should be called "Ancient Labyrinth Village".

But what is worth confirming is that this place must be closely related to the "ancient labyrinth city"!

"It's true! With the appearance of gold and silver ingots, it is understandable that the ancient labyrinth city is mentioned here.

Jin figured out some of the problems and also roughly understood the origin of this place.

It is not an imagined product brought back from the dark continent by humans.

Rather, it was a small ancient labyrinth city built by ancient humans a long time ago.

Perhaps because the population is not large, the scale of construction here is not large.

And because the building is built inside the mountain, there is no need to build large walls like the "ancient labyrinth city" on the dark continent.

All you need to do is to carve the "sturdiness" effect of the sacred characters inside.

Unfortunately, it was still invaded by parasitic plants, which caused the place to fall.

"From this point of view, the number of gold and silver ingots inside is still a mystery. No one knows how many there are."

As if to confirm Jin's statement, the three of them saw several gold and silver ingots coming towards them in the blink of an eye.

The gold and silver ingots that were originally wandering next to the building seemed to suddenly rush towards it because they sensed the stranger's aura.

It was obviously a large movement range, but there was no obvious sound.

The movement speed is much faster than outside, and he will rush in front of Jin in a few breaths.

Jin narrowed his eyes and stared straight at the gold and silver ingots, finding that they were somewhat different from those he had encountered before.

First is the breath!

The smell of this batch is obviously much stronger than the ones outside!

The second is the appearance, especially the head which is very big.

According to the previous estimates, these gold and silver ingots should have been transformed by ancient humans.

Lin Ke next to him also noticed something was wrong with these gold and silver ingots [their strength almost reached A+ level.

From this point of view, there may be S-class enemies emerging from behind.

Seeing that he finally had some interesting enemies, Jin took the lead in taking action against the gold and silver ingots.

He clenched his hands into fists, and the flame-like thought energy gathered in his hands, and then hit the gold and silver dings on the head.

It turns out that Jin also has a fire-like attack method!

Jin stepped lightly on the ground, but his body rushed out at a speed that was inconsistent with his movements.

The fists with blazing flames hit his head, which was glowing with cold light, and Yi Ping was about to be beaten into pieces.

The next second, the situation suddenly changed!

The gold and silver ingots were like Bucky who had eaten a fruit that had been split into pieces. The smooth spheres suddenly split open and spread out in the shape of petals.

Just exposing a large space in the middle, allowing them to avoid Jin's fire fist.

【This is?!】

Jin was startled and followed the momentum to stay behind the gold and silver ingots, thinking to himself.

I saw that the heads that were scattered just now were reunited again and embedded together accurately.

The outside is extremely smooth and flat, and there are no gaps that could split it.

"`々It should be that the parasitic plants inside can be separated through the branches and controlled by the outer metal shell."

"In this way, you can avoid many attacks and protect the most important head.

Lin Ke analyzed it carefully, feeling a little surprised.

The previous gold and silver ingots have never shown this ability.

Is it too late to show it, or is there a difference between the two?

At this moment, Jin also roughly thought of a countermeasure.

Gold and silver ingots can control splitting of the head

The speed is so fast that you can avoid attacks in advance.

Jin's eyes flashed with light, this was exactly the challenge he wanted!

With an arrow step forward, Jin suddenly appeared in front of the gold and silver ingots, and his fists filled with flames suddenly hit their chests.

The chest that could not be broken shattered into a big hole under this punch, and the body fell down in response.

However, other gold and silver ingots took this opportunity and headed straight for Jin Gong.

Every attack of gold and silver ingots should not be underestimated. The powerful attack caused bursts of sound, and it seemed that it was about to fall on Jin.

Suddenly, several small balls hit the bodies of the gold and silver ingots, and the violent impact also broke big holes in their chests.

Nen: Nen Ball Game, Transmuter

Let the mind that covers the whole body protrude a small mind ball, and then let it move slowly. Move the mind ball while increasing the number of mind balls.

And change the size and shape of the mind ball, or change the moving speed and direction of the different balls, etc.

Gangjin just makes the mind ball revolve around itself. As long as the gold and silver ingots come close to each other, they will automatically be attacked.

This was originally a very useless Nen, but under Jin's development, it also has excellent effects.

A big hole was opened in the chest, but the important head was not injured, so the gold and silver ingots could still move.

It's just that Jin's attack was not casual, but deliberately aimed at the chest.

The parasitic target of gold and silver ingots is humans, which certainly increases its potential, but it also has to face other weaknesses.

In the case of being directly penetrated, the backbone of the gold and silver ingot as a human body has been interrupted.

The gold and silver ingots that couldn't get up could only roll on the ground.

Streams of red and purple blood flowed out from it. Surprisingly, it turned out to be corrosive when it fell to the ground.

It can be seen that the parasitic plant only occupies the head, and the rest of the body is still a normal human body.

As for the toxins in the blood, they should be caused by parasitic plants.

It should only parasitize the head, which is the most cost-effective and does not need to waste extra branches in other places.

Just when Jin thought that the matter was over, as long as he repaired the damage to his head, it would be over.

What happened next made Jin completely understand how unreasonable the creatures from the dark continent were!

A gold and silver ingot that couldn't stand up suddenly pushed the ground with both hands, and the ground suddenly shattered, opening up a huge crack like a spider web.

His whole body jumped into the air and rushed towards Jin.

Those powerful and heavy fists hit Jin directly in the face.

At the same time, several other gold and silver ingots took this time to repair themselves.

Branches extended from the inside of the sphere to the chest where the hole was opened.

The originally empty chest was suddenly filled with countless branches, and the hole could not be filled in the blink of an eye.

It actually made them stand up again!

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