Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 116 How Many Do You Have? The Cooperation Of PokéMon! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"Can you continue to do this?"

Faced with the coming attack, Jin did not feel horrified, but was curious that the gold and silver ingots could still repair himself.

Should it be said that it is worthy of being a creature of the dark continent?

With a slight beat, Jin swept aside the gold and silver ingots in front of him, and defused the terrifying attack with just a casual wave.

But just after being involved, the chests of the remaining gold and silver ingots have recovered, and there are no more "transparent" holes.

It's just that unlike the original flesh and blood body, it is now filled with densely packed dark green branches.

Although Jin will not understand the principle inside for a while.

But he didn't get too entangled, after all, he was a creature of the dark continent.

Even if the body except the head is broken, it can still be repaired, and Jin won't be too surprised.

The word "Dark Continent" represents endless possibilities.

On that continent, any kind of creature can exist.

That is to say, fish can fly in the sky and birds can swim in the water, and he can still believe it.

Seeing several gold and silver ingots surrounding him, Jin rolled up his sleeves and showed a satisfied smile.

Finally I can cheer him up a little!

It wasn’t even a warm-up before, but now it seems like I can stretch my muscles!

In an instant, a strong stream of thought energy flowed out from Jin's body.

The majestic thought energy made him shine as brightly as the sun, and the wind pressure made his clothes whistle.

Except for his hair, his whole body looked like he had transformed into a Super Saiyan, and there was an endless sense of oppression in every move he made.

This is his true strength as an S-class strongman!

Even this is not all his strength!

Suddenly, two figures suddenly appeared next to Jin. They were exactly the same as Jin in appearance, appearance, and even aura.

That is - Jin’s clone!

Nen:Double clone, Transmuter

You can form up to two clones that are exactly the same as yourself, and the energy consumption is three times the normal amount.

The clone and the main body can share the same perspective, and the clone can also use the main body's abilities.

In other words, the current gold and silver ingots are equivalent to facing three golds at the same time!

Three S-class warriors!


With the tacit cooperation of the three golds, even the gold and silver ingots that could scatter the head were still shot.

With the fall of the first gold and silver ingot, the fate of the other gold and silver ingots seems to have been determined.


Lin Ke, who was watching with gusto next to him, suddenly realized something and looked up suddenly.

"Is there anything?"

Pyoern, who was still typing, looked up when he saw this, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is!"

I saw a gold and silver ingot jumping out of the window of the building next to me.

The targets are Pyoern and Lin Ke!

Under the blessing of gravity, the gold and silver ingots rushed towards the two people quickly, and it seemed that it was not easy to avoid them.

A snap of the fingers.

An orange figure instantly appeared next to the gold and silver ingot, its huge fist burning with flames.

Fire skills——Flame Fist!


Raise your hand and punch it away.

The tattered body fell directly on the hard building, like a tattered doll, without any movement.

The silver-white head was also broken into pieces. After being burned by the flames, the parasitic plants inside were completely reduced to ashes.

In the next second, the orange figure will be beside Lin Ke.


It’s the powerful Kuailong!

At this time, Jin Ye happened to sweep away the gold and silver ingots around him and found Xin Lengyu next to Lin Ke.

【This mind beast!】

【The smell is quite strong!】

Even if Kuailong didn't deliberately emit aura, Jin could still feel that it was unusual.

This is an existence on the same level as myself!

【Do you have such strength at such a young age? 】

[No wonder the famous Seven Deadly Sins have been frustrated]


Jin looked at Kuailong carefully.

This orange-white skin, dragon-shaped appearance, and naive face.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't match up with the steel behemoth that Saji said?

[So he actually has two mind beasts like this? 】

Thinking of this, Jin's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and a feeling of shock surged in his heart.

Just from Lin Ke's currently exposed strength, there are three who have the same level of strength as him!

Himself, dragon-type telen beast, steel giant telen beast...

I don’t even know if there are any hidden ones that haven’t been exposed yet.

Jin was not alone. Also shocked was Pyoern next to Lin Ke.


How come after such a long time, such a powerful mind beast appears again!

Pyorn thought that he had become accustomed to Lin Ke's surprising features at every turn.

But it turned out that she was not used to it.

Every time she gets along with Lin Ke, she is always scared again and again.

There are only a few strong men in the entire six continents, but here in Lin Ke they are like wholesale, popping up one after another.

For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence, and both Jin and Pyorn looked at Kuailong in surprise.


Kuailong tilted his head. He didn't know why these two people were staring at him.

The silence did not last long. The commotion caused by the battle just attracted more gold and silver ingots.

On the streets, in the buildings...

It seems that gold and silver ingots can emerge from every corner and come towards me.

Lin Ke glanced casually and estimated that there should be twenty or thirty animals coming here.

Among them, silver ingots account for the majority, and a small part are gold ingots.

Lin Ke felt that the scene in front of him had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"Zombies" came from every corner one after another, just to turn the three of them into their "kinds"

Looking at it this way, it's quite similar.

It's just that the bloody and ugly zombies have been replaced by humans with metal ball heads.

It doesn't look that disgusting though.

But this is not much less scary.

The rest of the body is a normal human body, except for the head, which is a golden or silver metal ball.

No matter how you look at it, it feels scary.

Not to mention the strength gap between the two, gold and silver ingots are much stronger than zombies.

Just when Jin and Pyoen felt that they couldn't solve it for a while, Lin Ke chose to take the initiative.

Are you kidding me?

This is all valuable experience for his Pokémon!

In an instant, white lights appeared on the field.




Except for Dirk, Three-Headed Dragon and Bandera, Lin Ke released all other Pokémon.

The experience value of these gold and silver ingots is a bit low for S-level Pokémon, but just right for A-level Pokémon!

There are Super Eyes, Gengar, Kirby, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Gardevoir, Lucario, and Happy Egg on the field.

Several Pokémon lined up to form a protective circle, protecting the three people inside.

"This...this is all your mind beast?!"

Jin was stunned and shocked. Are there so many mind beasts?

"Lin Ke, how many Ham beasts do you have?"

Unable to accept it, Pjorn asked feebly, ignoring the question of politeness and impoliteness.

Even though she knew Lin Ke, she still didn't know most of these mind beasts!

Now Jin and Pyorn just want to know how many mind beasts Lin Ke has!

"Well, just a few hundred million."

After pondering for a moment, Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly and spoke an answer that left the two of them speechless.

During the conversation, the Pokémon who appeared were already facing the gold and silver ingots.

Lucario took the lead, with translucent swords surrounding him and then disappearing.

General skill——Sword Dance!

As soon as he stepped on the ground suddenly, a scorch mark appeared on the hard floor, as if it had been burned by fire.

Lucario's legs were ignited with flames, and he kicked directly towards the gold and silver ingots, with the momentum of kicking everything into pieces.

Fire skills——Flame Kick!

After being strengthened by the sword dance, the power is already powerful, coupled with the fire-based skills that are four times more restrained.


The gold and silver ingot that was kicked immediately fell into pieces, and it was so dead that it could no longer die!

Gardevoir and Gengar, who specialize in special attacks, are well positioned for turrets.

Attacks like magic flames hit the gold ingots behind.

Gardevoir and Gengar seemed to have endless energy, blasting powerful skills towards the opposite side one after another.

Each attack will make a loud explosion, swallowing up the gold and silver ingots behind it.

The gold and silver ingots were covered with broken marks after being bombed. It was too late to repair them, and another round of bombing ushered in.

Make it impossible for them to attack Lucario and other partners in front.

On the other side of Lucario is Kirbymon.

Facing the menacing gold and silver ingots, Kirbymon seemed not to wake up yet.

He patted his chubby belly casually and made a heavy grunting sound. It could be seen that the inside was solid.


The aura that was not weak at first suddenly increased several times!

General skills——Abdominal drum!


Kirbymon's huge fists were also ignited with fire, and it hit the gold and silver ingots with a heavy punch!

With the strong amplification of the abdominal drum, Kirbymon's flame fist seems to be able to destroy the world.


The heavy fists hit the gold and silver ingots with constantly dancing fireworks.

"Click! Click!"

Just two random punches smashed all the gold and silver ingots around into pieces, and there were stumps and pieces everywhere.

Even the ground was sunk into a large pit full of scorch marks.

The auxiliary Happy Egg also did not lag behind, and large rockfalls appeared out of thin air one after another.

Then it fell on every gold and silver ingot.

Coupled with that terrifying Tianen characteristic.

As a result, countless gold and silver ingots could only freeze in place, quietly letting the Pokémon's attacks fall on them.

Even because of the cowering state, even spreading the head to avoid fatal injuries was not possible.

The rockslides all over the sky were the last straw that broke the gold and silver ingots.

Not to mention the wind-speed dog that resembles the god of fire, it turned directly into a ball of fire, rolling back and forth among the gold and silver ingots.

Fire skills——Flame Wheel!

This is the home ground of Wind Speed ​​Dog, which is the most suitable place for it to appear!

Every time it rolls, a gold and silver ingot can be "burned with desire" and directly reduced to piles of ashes.

To put it in the Pokémon game, this is the best place to farm fire Pokémon.

"This is really amazing!"

0…Please give me flowers…………

Jin stared at the Pokémon with his eyes shining, these Nianlu were really too powerful.

The strength of each one is considered to be a first-class player in the outside world, which is extremely rare.

Coupled with their own special abilities, it would be even more terrifying.

His keen eyes can naturally see what abilities they use.

The first thing that surprised him seemed to be Lin Ke's thoughts

Do all beasts use fire abilities?

Then there is the fact that each mind beast has its own special abilities.

Either a powerful long-range attack, or an amplification ability that can double one's strength at once.

There are even rock-like attacks that can make the enemy stagnant and unable to move.

Under the attack of Lin Ke's Nian Beast, the originally huge army of gold and silver ingots is decreasing at an extremely fast rate!

Pokémon were blocking every side, and no gold or silver ingot was allowed to break through the blockade.

Here is Lin Ke’s Pokémon army!

The army of gold and silver ingots VS the army of Pokémon.

The result is clear at a glance, the situation is completely one-sided.

Even Lin Ke didn't release the dragon beside him to attack, in order to let other Pokémon gain more experience.

If Kuailong is allowed to take action, they won't have much experience points.

It’s not that the gold and silver ingots are too weak.

Theoretically, gold and silver ingots are at about the same level of strength as Pokémon, both in the A-level range.

Moreover, the number of gold and silver ingots is several times that of Pokémon.

The main thing is the perfect combination between Pokémon and the magical skill effects.

Battles between Pokémon are never just about hard power, but also about superb combinations.

Facing the collapse of the happy egg, the gold and silver ingots had no way to avoid the attack and could only become targets.

Lucario and Kirby both used amplification skills, and the power of each move far exceeded their own strength.


At the same time, when they attack, they use fire skills that are four times more powerful than gold and silver ingots.

The superposition of multiple effects resulted in a one-sided situation.

This is the beauty of Pokémon battles!

Jin saw that Lin Ke's mind beast was fighting so vigorously, and he wanted to join the battle and fight side by side.

But after looking around, he found that there was no room for him to use it.

Every side is surrounded by Pokémon, and this chilling army of gold and silver ingots is not even enough for them to defeat.

He took back the steps he had just taken, and after hesitating for a while, he decided to just be a spectator.

Just now it was Lin who was admiring his battle, and now it was Jin who was admiring the battle of Lin Ke's mind beasts.

With this thought, Jin also took out another fruit from his arms.

This time it was pears.

After wiping it on his robe, Jin Cai began to eat leisurely.

As long as you are careful, you will find that Jin's clothes have not been damaged at all.

What it was like when you came in is what it is now.

The battle so far has been easy for him, it's just a warm-up.

Gold and silver ingots are a little troublesome to handle, but only a little troublesome.

As a strong man at the top of the pyramid of the Six Continents, Jin would not worry about these gold and silver ingots.

As one of the five major disasters, gold and silver ingots are considered weak.

The hazard level classified by V5 is level B+.

Other disasters, such as "Ae", Hell Ringing, etc., are all Level A

It is worth mentioning that the danger level of chimera ants is level B.

This level of risk is derived from a comprehensive consideration of four aspects.

They are: brutality, quantity, reproductive ability and destructive power.

The real danger of gold and silver ingots lies in their pervasive parasitic ability and powerful destructive ability.

Gold and silver ingots have a strong reproductive capacity. As long as you give the parasitic plant enough humans, you can easily create a large group of gold and silver ingots.

At the same time, the rating of destructive power is higher than the reproductive ability.

The destructive power here mainly refers to the impact on the surrounding environment, not just the strength of the gold and silver ingots.

For example, if a gold and silver ingot suddenly appears in any city, many gold and silver ingots will multiply soon.

If you do it casually, you will end up with the destruction of the city.

If you don't pay attention, it will snowball, causing the army of gold and silver ingots to increase in number.

Gold and Silver Ingot's own strength should not be underestimated. This time it was facing Jin and Lin Ke, so it seemed vulnerable.

Anyone else might not be able to get out of here.

Just a small ancient maze city is so dangerous.

So what will happen to the real ancient labyrinth city on the dark continent?

As the last gold and silver ingot was knocked down by the wind speed dog, the field was already "strewn with corpses", and not a single gold and silver ingot was intact.

Without exception, there were traces of being burned by the flames on their bodies.

The opponent is completely destroyed!

The Pokémon only consumed some mental energy and suffered almost no damage.

After this "leveling up", the Pokémon also ushered in a collective upgrade.

First of all, Gardevoir, Kirbymon and Lucario have all been promoted from A level to A+ level.

Pokémon such as Winddog and Gengar, which are already A+ level, are also one step closer to the S level mark!

After this battle, every Pokémon gained a lot.

Lin Ke can't help but look forward to seeing more of this kind of good thing happen in the future.

But there is no need to force it, after all, this kind of thing will often happen after arriving in the Dark Continent.

There is no shortage of goals to gain experience there!.

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