Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 118 Lin Ke Is Already The Strongest! Desert Tyrant Banjila! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

The Pokémon's body is mainly made of metal, and its surface exudes a steel-like metallic sheen.

The shape looks like a slightly flat durian with many thorns on it.

There are three long green appendages like vines on the side of the body, with spiked metal disks tilted above them.

It's exactly the Pokémon Lin Ke was thinking of - "Grass Steel" Nut Dumbbell!

After the restrictions and vows were strengthened, the message of the Nut Dumbbell was fully revealed.

Name: Nut dumbbells

Features: Iron Thorn

Attributes: grass type, steel type


Skills: Powerful Whip, Gyro Ball, Guard, Parasitic Seed, Poison...

The race value of Nut Dumbbell also does not reach 500, so it is at the B+ level like Super Eye.

It may seem that the strength of the Nut Dumbbell is not high, but the real strength of the Nut Dumbbell is defense.

As one of the protagonists of the team, Nut Dumbbell, like Happy Egg, is an existence that can make enemies feel numb.

The characteristic Iron Thorn, as long as someone else's attack touches the Nut Dumbbell, the blood will be deducted in the form of a percentage.

Enemies without any long-range attack capabilities may die before being hit a few times.

Then there is the matching of skills.

You can parasitize seeds to last, provide the enemy's blood to yourself, and win the victory in a matter of seconds.

Poison is used to continuously consume the opponent. As time goes by, the opponent's hope of winning becomes smaller.

Holding can prevent the opponent from jumping over the wall and directly block the big move.

When you need to output, you won't have any options. Powerful Whip and Gyro Ball are both good.

Lin Ke has added another member to his team!

Just when Lin Ke focused on the nut dumbbells, gold had already collided with gold and silver several times.

The result was still no damage, and all the results were repaired again by gold and silver ingots.

Lin Ke lowered his eyes and turned to look at the gold and silver ingot that seemed to be impossible to defeat.

Recalling the introduction in the previous illustration, I understood the difference between these gold and silver ingots.

The note on this gold and silver ingot is 'fusion'.

Look at the heads of the half gold ingot and the half silver ingot.

Obviously, it should be composed of gold ingots and silver chains.

In other words, there should be at least two parasitic plants in this gold and silver ingot!

06 Originally, a parasitic plant, in order to be the most cost-effective, would only occupy the head, and the rest of the body would be a normal human body.

But now there are two parasitic plants, so not only the head, but also the plants have spread to other parts of the body.

It's still a human body on the surface, but inside it's all intertwined branches!

This can also explain why this body is obviously much larger than a normal person.

"Jin, there should be more than one parasitic plant in this body."

"So the whole body is covered with branches, and the repair ability is surprisingly fast."

Pyorn, who had been typing since the beginning of the battle, also got some information and quickly informed Jin of the information.

The bunny ears that were originally standing up were also pulled down, and almost all the pink energy in his body was concentrated on the mobile phone.

A series of green numbers flowed on the screen of Rabbit's mobile phone.

In order to show his role, Pjorn has been working hard to decipher more information.


Jin crossed his arms in front of him and directly received the powerful punch from Jin Yin Ingot. He couldn't help but slide back.

The strong friction between the shoes and the ground made a harsh sound, and even two marks appeared on the ground.

Shaking his arms and staring coldly at the "unscathed" gold and silver ingots, Jin murmured in a low voice.

"So do we have to destroy the whole place at once?"

After these collisions, Jin also had a general guess, and Pyorn's information confirmed this.

Maybe there are more than two parasitic plants in this gold and silver ingot, and the recovery ability is really surprisingly fast.

Even once, under the attack of three gold ingots at the same time, gold and silver ingots were able to recover quickly even if half of their bodies were lost.


"It doesn't have to be this way!"

Keeping "condensed" at all times, Jin can see every change on the gold and silver ingots.

Although the recovery speed of gold and silver ingots is still very fast, the keen gold has discovered——

The recovery speed of gold and silver ingots is constantly decreasing!

It seems that this kind of high-intensity recovery will also consume a lot of energy in its body, and if it continues like this, its speed will only get slower and slower.

Unless it is replenished!

What can complement it?

Jin glanced at the herbs on the wall, and a tangled emotion flashed in his heart.

If his guess is correct, if it is pushed into a hurry, it is likely to take the initiative to eat the vanilla.

Although the effect of vanilla is to cure diseases, if the consumption of mind energy is too large, it will definitely have the effect of replenishing energy.

In other words, you still have to destroy all the gold and silver ingots in an instant, otherwise it may eat the vanilla.

Just as Jin was thinking, the head of the gold and silver ingot shone with light, and there was something vaguely flowing on it.

The next moment, a thick beam of light hit Jin directly, and it only took an instant from charging to launching.

Jin gathered his thoughts and looked at the incoming beam of light, still unmoved. It was too easy to dodge this attack.

The attacks of gold and silver ingots have almost no effect on gold. The real trouble lies in its incredible recovery ability.

Just when Jin was about to move to avoid the beam, another beam suddenly came from the side.

The color of this beam is very strange, consisting of three colors: red, yellow and blue.

There seems to be an invisible dividing line between the colors, dividing them

So the green light beam of the gold and silver ingot was intercepted by the three-color light beam halfway.

General skills——triple attack!


The collision of two powerful beams caused a huge noise that lingered throughout the ancient labyrinth city for a long time.

Thick smoke and dust rose into the sky, and for a while the field was covered with debris from ground stones and swept up dust.

"Cough cough cough......"

"Next time before changing people, can you tell me in advance?"

Jin stood beside Lin Ke with a disgraceful face, and said helplessly, looking at the three evil dragons that suddenly appeared out of the corner of his eye.

[Another mind beast that has reached this level! 】

Jin didn't even need to realize it. This mind beast had no hidden meaning and all its momentum suddenly burst out.

That is an extremely dark atmosphere!

You can feel the "evil" of this mind beast just from this breath of gold!

This new mind beast has a black and blue body and a head with a ferocious face.

What surprised Jin was that he always felt that the appearance of this mind beast was somewhat similar to that of a dragon.

So this is also a dragon-shaped mind beast?

With the same dragon-shaped appearance, Kuailong and the three evil dragons gave Jin completely different feelings.

The aura of the three evil dragons is more domineering!

"It's not that it's taking you a long time, but I really can't wait any longer."

Lin Ke smiled, not feeling guilty at all for taking the gold target.

He also saw the flaws of the gold and silver ingots, and it was obvious that Jin was about to solve the problem.

Not only Jin is paying attention to the changes in gold and silver ingots, Lin Ke also discovered the clues.

If he waited any longer, Jin might be able to use his ultimate move to kill the gold and silver ingots in one blow.

If you are a step slower, won’t your experience be lost?


The three heads raised their heads simultaneously [making ten terrifying dragon ton sounds at the same time.

The three dragon heads and six eyes were all staring at the gold and silver ingots, and the cruelty in their eyes became stronger and stronger.

Before the three evil dragons could make any move, strange changes suddenly occurred on the field.

Wisps of sand appeared on the ground out of thin air, slowly accumulating higher and higher, gradually covering the ground, forming small sand dunes.

Strong winds from nowhere blew up the sand, forming wildly dancing sandstorms.

Grains of sand hit the steel-like sphere of gold and silver ingots, making crisp sounds.

Seeing this familiar sight, Pjorn also stopped typing and stared straight at the field.

Could it be that!

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared on the field.

The metal body was like a heavy iron tower, with a dark green body and a pair of scarlet eyes that seemed to destroy everything.

It has sharp spikes on its body, looks like Godzilla, and exudes a domineering aura.


The giant beast suddenly stepped on the newly formed desert under its feet and let out a violent roar.

Desert tyrant——Banjira!

Lin Ke, who was worried that the damage was not enough, even released Bangila.

The purpose is to kill the gold and silver ingot with one blow!

Let's work together to turn every inch of the gold and silver ingot into nothing, making it impossible to recover.

If the three evil dragons give Jin the feeling of being the incarnation of evil in darkness.

Then Banjira is the monarch in the desert, a tyrant with incomparable power.

Looking at Bangila, whose aura was more domineering than the three evil dragons, Jin's fists clenched slightly, and a fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

Now he wants to have a battle with Lin Ke again.

But the fighting spirit disappeared just as quickly as it came.

After being stunned for a moment, Jin realized that Lin Ke had already displayed four strengths at the same level as himself.

If a fight breaks out, you will definitely be crushed!

He looked at Lin Ke next to him with a faint look, not knowing what to say.

Lin Ke gave him a big blow all of a sudden.

Judging from the current situation, Lin Ke's ability is definitely worthy of being called the strongest in the six continents!

This "strongest" is not the outdated "strongest" of Chairman Netero.

But truly, the strongest person in the six continents at the moment!

"Sure enough, you still have unexposed mind beasts. What do you call these?"

Jin slowly bent down and patted the robe that had been placed on the ground a few times, shaking off the dust on it.

While putting on his robe, he said to Lin Ke angrily.

Since Lin Ke planned to take action, he naturally had nothing to do with himself, so Jin put on his robe again.

Hearing this, Pyoern, who was absentminded next to him, also woke up and nodded, expressing his agreement with Jin's statement.

Is this more than just a little bit?

Not to mention that each one is very strong and has special abilities.

After finishing speaking, Jin took out another piece of fruit from the small cloth bag. Although it was also an apple, the feeling was very different.

This apple exudes the breath of life, and there is a faint golden light shining next to it.

It feels extraordinary at first glance.

Jin took a bite, and the sweet juice immediately poured into his mouth and flowed down his esophagus to his stomach.

The warm current turned into streams of pure thought energy, replenishing the consumption of King Kong's battle.

Ignoring Jin Anxin as an audience, Lin Ke once again set his sights on the gold and silver ingot, preparing to get its experience points.

The gold and silver ingot stood there motionless.

It probably took action when someone attacked it or wanted to seize the vanilla.

Otherwise, while they were talking, Gold and Silver Ingot could take advantage of this opportunity to attack.

The purpose is to not move even an inch

Protect vanilla from the ground and save your own energy consumption?

In order to be more secure, Lin Ke also asked Kuailong to stand by his side. As long as the gold and silver ingots could not be completely killed, he would let Kuailong take the last hit.

After everything is prepared, all that awaits the gold and silver ingots is the already decided ending.

In an instant, a question mark made of air-conditioning suddenly appeared on the heads of the three evil dragons.

After shaking for a moment, it dissipated, and the aura of the three evil dragons surged again.

Evil skill - trick!

The ferocious giant mouths of the three evil dragons emitted dazzling light at the same time, and powerful beams of light were gathering momentum.

Three bright red 443 energy balls suddenly appeared in the mouth, and then changed into a large glyph shape.

Three powerful flame light waves were launched simultaneously in the shape of the word "big"!

Fire skills————Explosive flames in big letters!!

Meanwhile Bangira is not lagging behind.

A sudden step on the ground caused the place to shake, as if it had experienced an earthquake.

Benjila's metallic shell was covered by a layer of rich yellow thought energy.

Banjira was suddenly filled with an aura as thick as the earth!

It seems that as long as he stands on the earth, he is invincible, and endless power emerges from his body.

Banjila rushed towards the gold and silver ingots with the force of a shooting star.

Ground skills - 100,000 horsepower!!

Time seems to have stopped at this moment!

S-level, strengthened by trickery, can suppress large-scale explosions by four times!

S-level ground skills can double the power of 100,000 horsepower!

Under the joint attack of the two powerful Pokémon, the three evil dragons and Bangira, it seemed as if even the space was about to be shattered.

Gold and Silver Ingot felt the crisis was coming, and did not sit still and seemed to gather all their energy.

A thicker dark green beam than last time suddenly took shape.

However, the large-character explosive flames far exceeded the dark green beam in terms of power and quantity.

The gold and silver ingot's "negative resistance" with all its strength is just to extend its miserable life for one more breath.

The horrifying attack fell on the gold and silver ingots in just the blink of an eye.


The gold and silver ingots suddenly turned into countless small pieces,

Crushing bones and scattering ashes, every inch of its branches and every piece of metal shell were reduced to nothing.

The gold and silver ingots made Jin feel that his troublesome recovery ability was not even given a chance to show off in front of the three evil dragons and Bangila.

Accompanied by countless crackling sounds, the ground suddenly cracked open [Ten air waves carried the dust and blew it away in all directions.

As a result, a large crater appeared in the originally empty field, which was no different from the scene where a meteorite fell.

The afterglow caused by the attack is still affecting the site, and countless plants on the stone wall are also dancing in the wind.

Even the herbs were swaying in the wind, but they were not damaged in any way.

When the dust settled, the figure of the gold and silver ingot was nowhere to be found, completely disappearing in front of the three people.

"I won't fight you no matter what you say in the future."

Jin, who had black lines all over his head, looked at this scene that looked like a natural disaster and murmured to himself.

Now he felt that his decision to put away his fighting spirit just now was too wise.

Playing against Lin Ke is just asking for trouble!

If you don't pay attention, you will be shattered to pieces.

Jin's idea is a bit exaggerated, but what is worthy of recognition is that he really no longer wants to fight Lin Ke.

This is just the simple use of Pokémon's skills.

If Jin Ti had experienced what Maha had experienced, I'm afraid this idea would be even more serious.

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