Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 119: Super Evolved Gengar! Earthworm’S Call!

Gold and silver ingots provide a lot of experience points, even if it is divided equally between Bangila and the three evil dragons.

Still, the three evil dragons are only one step away from S-level.

Good things come in pairs.

Gengar, who has been absorbing the thoughts of death, has absorbed almost everything in the ancient labyrinth city.

Finally reached S- level from the original A+ level!

Crossed this huge threshold and successfully became an S-class powerhouse!

It is also Lin Ke’s fourth S-level Pokémon!

Lin Ke had a premonition when he learned about Gengar's ability to absorb death thoughts.

Gengar will probably be the first Pokémon to be upgraded from A to S level!

Facts have proved that Lin Ke’s idea was correct.

With the massive amount of death thoughts in the ancient labyrinth city, Gengar finally successfully reached S-level.

The next message Gengar delivered shocked Lin even more.

After Gengar was promoted to S-level, he gained an additional ability.

That is the ability of super evolution!

Gengar can activate the mega evolution form, but the disadvantage is that it can only last for a period of time, just like the Pokémon setting.

Because the Super Soul-Educing Eye was born with this appearance, it can be fixed in the super evolved form.

Originally, Lin Ke thought that Pokémon like Gengar might not have the chance to Mega Evolve.

Unexpectedly, when the strength increases to a certain level, the mega evolution form can be awakened.

Despite the time limit, it was pretty good.

Perhaps when A-level Pokémon such as Gardevoir and Lucario are promoted to S-level, they should also be able to have mega-evolved forms?

As for why Bangira can't super evolve?

Lin Ke thinks that this ability should be awakened only when the strength reaches a certain level.

As a quasi-god Pokémon, Bangira has higher potential and needs to be raised to a higher strength before it can super evolve.

According to the fact that Gengar only awakens after reaching the S-level range, Bangira should only be able to reach the SS-level range.

But Lin Ke thinks that you don’t need to go that high, maybe you can wait until level 9+ to super evolve.

It felt so right to accept Kim's invitation this time.

The first is to give birth to "Grass Steel" nut dumbbells.

Second, a large number of gold and silver ingots provide Pokémon with a lot of experience.

The third is the "Hope" vanilla that will be available next.

The last one is to provide a lot of death thoughts and successfully help Gengar rise to S-level.

And also discovered the rules of Pokémon's Mega Evolution.

It just so happens that there are still some remaining thoughts of death in the ruins, so let him see what Gengar looks like after super evolution!


Jin was about to walk to the stone wall and pick off the herbs on it, when Yi Ran turned his head and looked at Gengar, who had a strange smell.

Gengar, who was still opening his mouth wide and drinking the thought of death like "drinking soup", now stopped.

The breath is constantly fluctuating and getting higher.

Just the aura exposed now has reached that level!

Jin stared blankly at Gengar, who was surrounded by white light, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Do you actually hide a mind beast of the same level?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Lin Chen without any trace.

How much more are you hiding?!

"Is this... about to transform?"

Pyorn blinked his eyes, staring at the changing shape of the white light, and said in a surprised tone.

When the white light dissipated, a more terrifying aura burst out from Gengar, and the dust that had just settled was stirred up again.

No, it should be called Super Gengar!

Super Gengar is now much larger than before, with sharp thorns on its back.

The two short hands have also changed into a shape similar to a spiked hammer. The most eye-catching thing is the golden pattern on the head.


Super Gengar let out his first roar after his super evolution.

It sounded deeper and more horrifying than before the transformation.

Immediately, Super Gengar didn't even need to open his mouth, and countless thoughts of death spontaneously converged on it.

When the weird and dark thought of death touches the surface of Super Gengar, it is like snow touching the warm sun, and it is melted directly.

It was completely absorbed by Super Gengar and turned into a part of his own strength.

The absorption range is so large that it can cover most of the ancient labyrinth city area.

Countless thoughts of death hidden in the building were also sucked out and flew straight towards Super Gengar.

Name: Gengar (Super Evolution)

Features: Shadow stepping

Attributes: Ghost, Poison


Skills: Shadow Ball, Wave of Evil, Sludge Wave, Hypnosis, Misfortunes never come singly...

Gengar has indeed turned into a super evolved form!

S-level Gengar has also been upgraded to S-level strength under the super evolution!

The characteristics have also changed from the original cursed body to shadow-trampling.

The shadow-trampling feature is also very useful, as it can prevent the opponent from escaping.

Looking at Gengar, who was huge and exuded an aura that was like falling into an ice cellar, Jin remained silent.

The already powerful aura suddenly increased a lot after the transformation.

Jin, whose eyelids were twitching wildly, suddenly thought of an extremely scary thing.

If each of Lin Ke's mind beasts had this transformation ability, wouldn't it be...

【Absolutely not against Lin Ke!】

Jin said firmly in his heart.

Gengar's super evolution frightened the two people next to him again.

Lin Ke is like a bottomless black hole, others never know how much is hidden inside.

When you marvel at what he reveals, don’t hide much more behind the scenes!

After the super evolution, the last remaining thoughts of death were wiped away by Super Gengar.

Make sure not to waste any thoughts of death, and turn them all into rations for Geng Gui's promotion.

With continuous absorption, the color of Gengar's body becomes more condensed and filled with a strange aura like an abyss.

If President Netero and other old people saw it, their first thought would be to think that it was something from the Dark Continent.

After a while, after all the thoughts of death were absorbed, Lin Ke took back Super Gengar.

According to Gengar, as long as the strength is improved more, the time that the super evolution can be maintained will be longer.

Maybe when your strength reaches a very high level in the future, you can maintain the super evolved appearance?

The scary noise finally disappeared.

The venue that has "experienced wind and frost" has finally returned to peace.

The three of them also came to the stone wall and began to appreciate the harvest of their trip.

The aftermath of the battle left a layer of dust on the surface of the intertwined plants.

From the original emerald green to a dull khaki.

But the truly precious vanilla was not harmed.

It is still firmly rooted there, and it seems that no wind or rain can shake it.

The fragrance that can be smelled originally becomes more intense after getting closer.

It was a smell full of life, and the fresh fragrance seemed to soothe people's souls.

Compared with this legendary vanilla, the special apple King Kong just ate pales in comparison.

The number of herbs was not too much, but Song distributed it to the master more than enough.

Pyoern, who felt that he had paid too little, took a smaller portion, and the rest was shared equally between Jin and Lin Ke.

Even so everyone can get several.

You must know that this vanilla, let alone one plant, even a piece, or even less than half, is an extremely precious treasure.

The gains more than offset the challenges they experienced.

Jin put his own herbs into a small cloth bag so that they could be better preserved.

After all, no one can guarantee that if the vanilla is picked, the effect will continue to be lost.

And Lin Ke naturally summoned his own exclusive warehouse——Gengar!

Watching Gengar suddenly open his mouth and swallow so many herbs, Jin felt that he was already numb.

After so many surprises, I feel that no matter what abilities Lin Ke emerges from, it won't be too shocking.

For example, Jin was not overly surprised by the newly revealed space system Nen.

As for Pyonn, who had already seen Gengar's abilities, even less so.

Because unlike Jin and Lin Ke, they have their own space storage method.

So Pyorn chose to store his vanilla with Lin Ke first, and just ask him to get it when needed.

Judging from being together for so long, Pjorn believes that Lin Ke is definitely not the kind of person who will swallow things for himself.

Even vanilla symbolizes "hope".

After collecting the biggest gain of this trip, the three of them explored this "ancient labyrinth city" again.

See if there is anything missing.

According to King and Pjorn's hypothesis, there may be some records here that can indicate previous experiences.

For example, some kind of text, or some kind of book.

For these two people, who are Hunters of Ancient Documents and Hunters of Ruins, these things are equally precious.

However, after a search, still nothing was found.

Maybe it was destroyed in the battle, or maybe it was weathered away over time.

In the end, no other information was available.

It seems that only one type of writing, divine writing, remains here.

After leaving the cave, the three people also attracted the attention of the V5 personnel left behind.

"You actually managed to come out??"

The man in the suit is still on duty at the checkpoint.

Seeing the three people coming out of the cave intact, they exclaimed as if they had seen a ghost.

With the lessons learned from many people, the man in the suit's impression of this cave was that it was a forbidden place!

It is a place that must not be entered.

However, the three people in front of them easily accomplished what others could not do.

Wouldn't it be that you stay in a safe place after entering and then come out after a while?

As soon as this idea came up, it was immediately killed by the man in the suit.

Thoughts of death were everywhere inside, and there was no safe place for them to rest.

If the man in the suit went to the door of the cave at this moment, he would find that through the film, the thought of death inside had disappeared.

"What? Surprised?"

Jin said with a smirk on his face, but he just didn't want to tell how they did it.

After being choked by Jin, the man in the suit looked a little unnatural, but then he thought of another thing.

Did these three people find out what happened inside?

Since I was able to come out safe and sound, I should have found out some information even if I didn't find out everything completely.

"What's going on inside?"

Faced with the questioning tone of the man in the suit, Jin raised his eyebrows, stopped Pyohn who was about to say something, and slowly spoke:

"The thoughts of death inside are gone. If you want to know anything, just go in and see for yourself."

Hearing this, the man in the suit was a little angry at first, but then his attention was attracted by Jin's words.

He said......

All thoughts of death are gone?

How can this be!

When the man in the suit came to his senses again, the three of them had already walked some distance away.

Seeing this, he ignored the three people and turned around to arrange for the lurking personnel to take a look at the cave.

The results came out quickly. Standing outside the cave, you can clearly see the conditions inside.

There is no longer a strong thought of death blocking the sight!

After learning of the change, V5 once again sent out troops to find out.

Facing them there is neither danger nor gain, only one

An empty "ancient labyrinth city".

Other than that, there are only extremely obvious traces of battle.

Scorch marks can be seen everywhere and there is a big crater from time to time. It seems that there have been several battles.

After the three people carried out a "carpet-like" sweep, there was nothing useful left inside.

Even the body of Jin Yin Ding was completely burned by Feng Su Gou's fire for Lin Ke's safety.

The plants on the stone walls are basically ordinary plants, only a few are mature parasitic plants.

After being picked off by Lin Ke, there was absolutely nothing useful left.

V5 spent a lot of time mobilizing, but in the end nothing was gained.

Finally, after many comparisons, it was roughly guessed that this should be something like an "ancient labyrinth city".

No further information is known.

Not long after leaving, the three of them went their separate ways.

Jin and Pyorn are going back to the Hunter Association.

Pyorn's main purpose was to record this experience and keep it in a confidential file within the association.

Jin wanted to meet President Netero, have a chat with him, and tell him about this incident.

Lin Ke’s destination is a foodie paradise.

After getting this herb that is said to "cure all diseases", the first thing Lin Ke thought of was Lin Yan.

He was particularly impressed by the appearance of someone who was seriously ill and surrounded by the aura of death.

Lin Nie is Menqi's senior and a good friend of President Netero, and he is also good to him.

After he and Menqi won the food competition, he specially prepared delicious food for them.

At the same time, Lin Ke can also try the effect of vanilla on Lin Nie. He is curious whether it is so powerful.

Through the special example of Lin Nie, Lin Ke can also test the effect of vanilla.

Also see if it's useful for Dark Continent diseases.

And when you go back, you can also see Menqi, whom you haven't seen for a while. (Wang Qianhao)

So Lin Ke plans to go back to the Foodie Paradise first.


Just when Lin Ke was thinking this, the phone rang without warning.

The caller was someone who was a little surprised by Lin Ke.

"Earthworm, do you have any retribution?"

On the other end of the phone was the earthworm that Lin Ke had just sent as an undercover agent!

As he asked, Lin Ke was still thinking about what information the earthworms would bring.

"Sir Lin Ke, I have extremely important information to inform you this time."

Earthworm faced Lin Ke with the same enthusiastic tone.

The earthworm who understood Lin Ke's temperament did not procrastinate, but went straight to the point.

"The arrogance of "The Seven Deadly Sins" has successfully become the boss!"

After a long time, Lin Ke hung up the phone, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"Ten old men..."

It turns out that in the Youkexin incident, the previous ten old men had been killed by Yi Mi hired by Chrollo.

How could the highest position in governing the world's gangs remain vacant?

Usually, people from the respective families of the ten old men fill the vacant positions.

However, because of Lin Ke's butterfly effect, Arrogance agreed to cooperate with the world's gangsters.

The other side even offered a condition of being arrogant and becoming the ten old man.

Originally, the ten old men just planned to make a blank check and had no intention of realizing it.

But after the Friends and Customers incident, all ten old men were wiped out, and the strength of the world's gangs was greatly reduced.

Even the Yin Beast who was entrusted with the important task was left with only one earthworm left.

Even they didn’t know that “even this remaining earthworm was an undercover agent arranged by Lin Dou.

Faced with this situation, they naturally could no longer offend the arrogance of "The Seven Deadly Sins".

Although "The Seven Deadly Sins" has lost its former prestige, it is still untouchable.

It just so happened that the original ten old men died, leaving a spot for Arrogance.

He directly made "The Seven Deadly Sins" his own and added some strength.

This is the information Earthworm specially informed. .

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