Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 120 Lin Nie’S Promise! Jin And Netero’S Emotions! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"Now that I have become the Ten Old Man..."

"When the time comes for revenge, you should bring more people, right?"

Lin Ke murmured to himself.

I hope this arrogance can bring in more capable people.

Give his Pokémon more experience.

This is also one of the few uses.

"Don't let me down~"


Port of Gourmet Paradise,

An orange figure suddenly fell from the air to the ground. Lin Ke turned over and jumped off Kuailong's back.

The Bergeros United Nations is still far away from here, so Lin Ke took an airship to the nearby city of Ruston.

There, instead of driving a yacht like Menqi did, he took a Kuailong plane and flew directly to the gourmet paradise.

"Lin Ke!"

As soon as he touched the ground, a beautiful figure fell into his arms.

"Come on, I made a lot of food for you.

Men Qi hugged Lin Ke tightly and whispered softly.


Touching Menqi's smooth hair, Lin Ke also admired Menqi's craftsmanship.

after a while,

The top floor of the administrative building of Foodie Paradise,

This is the office belonging to Lin Nie, the top leader of Gourmet Paradise.

Lin Nie was sitting at his desk, his head slightly lowered and his eyes closed tightly, as if he was dozing off.

It seems that he is nostalgic for the past and laments that his life is short.


Lin Nie raised his eyelids slightly and looked in the direction of the door.

Under the "yuan" perception, she knew that the people outside the door were Men Qi and Lin Ke.

Why did they come?

After the usual pause, Men Qi gently turned the doorknob and brought Lin Ke in with him.

"Mother-in-law, good afternoon.

"Lin Ke has something to give to you today."

Want to get me something?

Lin Nie's condition was similar to the last time he saw him.

The cloudy eyes were like an out-of-focus camera, making people doubt whether they could see clearly.

The strange black aura lingered around his body as always, and his whole body exuded a strong aura of death.

Regardless of appearance or impression, Lin Xia is a dying old man.

Lin Nie felt quite satisfied in his heart, and it was not long before he came to see him again.

As for what Men Qi said, Lin Nie didn't take it seriously.

At her position, there is nothing she can't get.

What she can't get, the two of them probably can't get.

It would be great if the two of them have this intention.

This was her last thought.

I saw Lin Ke suddenly fish it out from the shadow, and soon a small 160 grass with a unique appearance appeared in his hand.

It was a piece of grass with a layered structure, with two or three pieces of grass fixed on each layer.

With the appearance of the grass, a very strong fragrance filled the whole room.

This smell was full of life, and Lin Nie felt much more relaxed just by smelling it twice.

The color of each piece is light yellow, and the main smell comes from above.

There is a faint shimmer on the surface of the grass, which is very conspicuous in the slightly dim room.

In Lin Nie's eyes, this was the hope of pulling her out of the abyss!

"This is!"

"The vanilla of that 'hope' one!"

Being overly surprised, even Lin Nie, who was seriously ill, couldn't help but exclaim.

This is the life-saving herb that she longs for every day!

Worried that he had seen it wrong, Lin Nie tilted his head slightly and compared the vanilla in Lin Ke's hand with the painting on the wall.

Lin Ke was surprised at first, but he didn't expect Lin Nie to recognize him immediately.

From this point of view, Lin Nie should have been paying attention to vanilla for a long time?

Noticing Lin Nie's actions, Lin Ke also focused on the paintings on the wall.

Last time, he just thought it was a randomly placed painting with unknown grass drawn on it.

This time he recognized it.

What’s painted above is clearly Vanilla, one of the “hopes”!

This painting is more realistic and 80% similar to the vanilla in my hand.

"Yes, this is the legendary herb that can cure all diseases."

Lin Ke nodded and made sure he had the vanilla in his hand.

"This is what Lin Ke plans to give to your mother-in-law."

Men Qi next to him agreed.

Lin Ke stepped forward and gently placed the precious vanilla on Lin Nie's table, indicating that she could use it as she pleased.

Lin Nie did not move directly, although she had wanted to get it for a long time.

But Lin Nie could still hold back his restless heart and looked at the gentle Lin Ke with complicated eyes.

"Do you know how precious it is?"

Lin Nie's voice became deeper and his tone trembled slightly.

For so many years, she has been unable to get her hands on even a small piece of vanilla.

Lin Ke is one of a kind as soon as he releases it!

The value here is completely immeasurable!

"I know, but I still have quite a few."

Lin Ke smiled slightly and let Yan eat it boldly and safely.

He got eight vanilla plants, and this time he took out the smallest one among them.

It's about half the size of other herbs.

Take this little vanilla, which is insignificant compared to others, in exchange for the knowledge of specific effects.

Lin Ke thinks it's quite a bargain.

Let him see if this herb of "hope" can cure diseases from the dark continent!

There is nothing ordinary in the Dark Continent.

Diseases in that place are not easy problems to solve.

Among the five major disasters, there is disease.

It is an immortal disease that deceives hope and plunges people into endless despair, "Baby AIDS"

Although he can be self-sufficient without eating, the patient can no longer be called a human being, but a monster!

I don’t know if vanilla can cure Zorba AIDS?

Hearing this, Lin Nie fell into silence again, staring at the vanilla in front of him with a pair of cloudy eyes.

Look at the smiling Lin Ke and Men Qi, they have no reluctance at all.

After a while, Lin Nie reacted.


Lin Nie slowly closed his eyes, recalling the years of suffering and his original will to die.

A burst of sadness came to my heart.

She had been very firm with Netero at the beginning, but the pain on her body would not be healed by will.

Just when she had resigned herself to her fate, hope finally appeared in front of her eyes.

Thank you, Lin Ke.

With full gratitude to Lin Ke, Lin Nie stretched out his skinny hand, slowly put a piece of vanilla into his mouth.

When the vanilla enters the mouth, it instantly turns into a warm current, flowing down the esophagus to the stomach.

The extremely rich aura of life was constantly counteracting the aura of death on Lin Nie's body.

The effect of the vanilla was taking effect, and the countless darkness in Lin Xia's body disappeared rapidly.

Lin Nie felt as if he was in spring when birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, and everything was full of vitality.

In the past, my body was as heavy as a mountain, but now it is constantly lightening, and a feeling of pleasure and comfort arises spontaneously.

In the eyes of Lin Ke and Lin Ke, Lin Yan's aura has changed greatly now.

There was only endless death energy before, but now there is a sudden burst of life, and it is continuing to expand.

Lin Nie's appearance also changed, from a bloodless pale face to gradually gaining some color.

More like a living person!

By the time Lin Nie was completely intact, the herbs on the table had been almost consumed.

Lin Nie suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed.

She has not felt this state for a long time!

Although the current state is still far from the state when I first got sick, it is still better than the state of dying at any time.

After suffering from illness for so long, coupled with the deterioration of functions due to old age, it is good to be able to continue to be like this.

"Are you completely healed?"

Seeing Lin Nie's change, Lin Ke thought thoughtfully.

Half a vanilla plant can eliminate the diseases that have troubled Lin Nie for many years. It seems that the effect is indeed good.

Moreover, vanilla is still effective against diseases in the Dark Continent.

This proves that after coming to the Dark Continent, Vanilla can save herself even if she accidentally gets some kind of disease.

But maybe your own Pokémon can also cure these diseases?

Like the professional counterpart Happy Egg, treatment is its main ability.

It seems necessary to try later to see if the Happy Egg has any effect on the negative effects of the Dark Continent.

Lin Ke feels that it is highly likely to be curable.

"Lin Ke, thank you so much. Without your help, I would never be able to recover until I die.

Lin Nie lowered his eyes and sighed.

The disease was completely cured. Lin Nie no longer had difficulty speaking and could speak normally.

"I promise that whenever you need me in the future, like making delicious food or something, I will be there at your call."

For this kind of "life-saving grace", the only reward Lin Nie can give is her most proud cooking skills.

Lin Nie's cooking skills are definitely the best in the six continents, and no one can even compare with her.

Having such a chef (agci) on call will be very helpful for Lin Ke to improve his strength in the future.

Now the two most powerful chefs in the six continents have become his personal chefs.

One is his own woman - Menqi.

Although he is young, his cooking skills have reached the peak, only inferior to Lin Xia.

The other one is Lin Nie, whom he has a "life-saving grace" for.

As the leader of Gourmet Paradise and the idol of all gourmet hunters, Lin Nie's cooking skills are already the strongest.

After a few more pleasantries, Lin Ke and Men Qi went back first, leaving Lin Fu to feel the changes in his body.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Nie made a call to President Netero.

While Lin Ke and others were talking, the conversation on the other side was also related to Lin Ke.

The highest level of the Hunter Association is the office of President Netero.

Jin picked up a cup of tea and drank it in one gulp.

"Old man, you don't know how powerful Lin Ke is."

Halfway through, Jindu felt scared unconsciously, and his scalp always felt numb when he was with Lin Ke.

A "surprise" is revealed every time, and Lin Ke's hidden strength will always be a mystery.

"Hoo ho ho, how could the butcher not know?"

President Netero gently picked up the tea cup, tasted it a little, and recalled what happened before.

"At that time, I was really beaten to the point where I had no power to fight back~"

"It was a total failure."

Netero stared at the reflection on the surface of the tea. There was nothing wrong with his beard now.

Anyone who looks at it probably won’t realize that Netero’s beard has been damaged before.

"Did the old man actually fight against Lin Ke?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Jin's eyes. He didn't expect that Netero had already fought with Lin Ke.

And according to what the old man said, he was still completely at a disadvantage.

"Yes, I still remember that it was a giant steel beast with a terrifying aura."

"As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a sky full of yellow sand. He was simply the king of the desert."

Netero gently stroked his beard,

A look of memory appeared on his face.

"Is that the one..."

Through Chairman Netero's description, Jin also realized which mind beast he was talking about.

It is undeniable that Bangila gave him the same feeling.

A completely born king.

"Do you only need one?"

"Old man, do you know that among the mind beasts Lin Ke showed this time, there are a total of four that have reached that level."

Netero's pupils shrank suddenly, and the hand that was stroking his beard couldn't help but twitch slightly, and he accidentally pulled out a few strands.

Jin said with a solemn expression. Just thinking back to the scene at that time was incredible.


President Netero let out a cry of pain. He was frightened by Jin's words just now, and a few strands of his already precious beard were missing.

But Netero ignored it at all and focused all his attention on Jin's words.

"There are actually four mind beasts like that?!"

Netero said in a faint tone, which suddenly gave the old man a huge blow.

He had only seen Bangila in the Hunter exam and Lin Ke in the fast dragon they rode in the food competition.

I didn't expect that besides these two, there were two more.

After being shocked, Netero also realized the real key thing. His pupils dilated slightly and he looked at Jin opposite in shock.

"Old man, have you noticed it too?"

"These are just the parts of Lin Ke that have been revealed, no one knows how much more he hides?!"

Jin's face was tense and his eyes were dark as he spoke.

Getting along with Lin Ke is really a huge blow.

It seems that no one else can compare with him in any aspect, and he is even far ahead of others.


As if they had a clear understanding of each other, Jin and Netero subconsciously sighed together.

They are already the top powerhouses in the six continents, but when facing Lin Ke, they will still be defeated.

Lin Ke is well-deserved "the strongest in the world"!

Lin Ke's strength alone can already be listed to a higher level.

People like them who were originally top players can only retreat to the second level.

"So what are the ruins you are exploring this time about?"

“I remember that even V5 couldn’t fully explore that ruins, so there must be something extraordinary there.

"I don't think you came to me, an old man, just to express your admiration for Lin Ke?"

Netero said slowly, he no longer wanted to talk about Lin Ke, it was too shocking.

"This time we saw the 'ancient labyrinth city' inside!"

Boom, boom.

"I remember that the "Ancient Labyrinth City" seemed to be a place on the Dark Continent."

Netero lightly knocked on the table twice and said thoughtfully.

"That's right, what we encountered this time was a small ancient labyrinth city.

"I also encountered gold and silver ingots, one of the 'disasters', and vanilla, one of the 'hopes'!"

Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed in Netero's eyes, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Have you encountered disaster and hope?

Netero's first reaction was that the situation inside must be very dangerous.

If the people who went in were not Jin and Lin Ke, they probably wouldn't be able to get out.

The members of V5 are a lesson to others.

The second reaction is on Vanilla, which Netero naturally knows as one of the "hopes".

It is said that it is distributed in the ancient labyrinth city and has the effect of curing all kinds of diseases.

After a while, Jin finished telling the story and left, leaving only President Netero alone in the office.

President Netero and Lin Nie looked so similar at the moment.

Sitting quietly on the sofa, Netero's heart was not at peace.

Vanilla has the effect of curing all diseases. If you have it, you may be able to cure Lin Nie's disease!

Now Netero is thinking about what should be better to use to trade vanilla with gold.

Lin Ke can do it too, but after all, the two of them have only met a few times and are not as familiar with Jin.

I'm afraid the probability of closing the deal is not high...

Just as Netero was thinking about it, the ringtone of his cell phone suddenly rang, revealing that the caller was none other than Lin Fu.

After answering the phone, before Netero could speak, a loud voice came from the other side.

"I'm healed!"

After a while, Netero hung up the phone as if waking up from a dream, and it still feels unreal until now.

If Jin Cai hadn't mentioned it earlier, he would have been even more unbelievable.

“Thank you so much, Lin Ke!”

Netero looked out the window leisurely and murmured.

Not long after, Netero made another call.

Lin Ke has paid so much for his old friend, he must be grateful.

Let him, an old man, give Lin Ke a higher title!

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