Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 121: First Meeting With Old P! The Legendary Greedy Island! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Rescue Lin Nie, the founder of Gourmet Paradise, the best gourmet Hunter, and the senior executive of the Hunter Association.

After all, it can be considered a worldwide great undertaking, right?

Especially a feat in the field of Food Hunter.

You must know that Lin Nie's importance in Food Hunter is too high.

Coupled with Lin Ke's contributions in other fields, it is enough for him to be promoted to the level of a three-star Hunter!

So this time Netero plans to award Lin Ke the title of Samsung Hunter!

Whether it is based on personal feelings or objective contributions, Lin Ke is fully worthy of this title.

Three-star Hunter, there are no more than ten people in the world!

Normally, it is not easy to rate someone as a three-star Hunter, and many times it requires meetings and discussions.

But Netero is confident that this is just a formality.

Lin Ke's achievements are real and fully worthy.

Lin Ke didn't know that through his random move, he not only gained a top chef, but also became a three-star Hunter inexplicably.

"So do you have any spare Greed Island consoles there?"

"I'm quite interested in this game."

Menqi’s small shop,

Lin Ke is on the phone with Jin.

After curing Lin Nie yesterday, Lin Ke and Menqi returned to Menqi's shop.

Next, I planned to stay with Menqi for a while, but just staying here was a bit boring.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to him that there was a special place that he had not been to yet.

It is the dream game created by King and his companions - Greed Island!

In this game, you don’t need to run around by yourself. As long as you use "Lian" in front of the game console, you can automatically teleport people.


It's perfect for him to go in and play with Menqi.

Pokémon are likely to be born in this special place.

And there is a high probability that it is a Pokémon related to technology, data, etc.

But these game consoles are rare in number, and most of them are still in the hands of the wealthy Batra.

Lin Ke didn't bother to look for it, so he simply asked Jin, the producer, for it.

Fortunately, we have the experience of exploring together, otherwise it would not be difficult to speak directly.

"Island of Greed? Yes!"

"I always make a few spares of this kind of thing."

Jin has a habit of doing things with a backup plan, and can deal with it calmly no matter what situation he encounters.

"Okay, then where are you? I'll go find you."

A flash of understanding flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, just as he thought, he indeed had a backup plan.

"No need to bother, do you have a screen over there? If not, a mobile phone should be fine.

After a pause, Jin slowly spoke.

He felt that it was too troublesome for Lin Ke to come all the way, and there was a more convenient method here.

"Huh? There is a screen, what do you want"?

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and glanced at the TV in Menqi's living room. He had a screen here.

Just...what does this mean?

“Hahaha, see you later, I’ll introduce you to a friend by the way.

Jin's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone, and he hung up after saying something puzzling.

Seeing that Jin had hung up the phone, Lin Ke stared at the turned-off TV. The screen went dark when it wasn't playing.

Ask yourself if you have a screen?

And you want to introduce a friend to yourself?

Could it be that?

Lin Ke suddenly remembered that a person might not even be called a human being.

That person only appeared once in the election chapter and entered the top eight in the president election.

The reason why he may not be called a human is because he is not a living person, but a resident of the computer world.

The name is: Ikshanpe Katocha.

It's Hunter, a two-star hacker.

It can be seen from his few conversations during the election that he is not interested in the real world.

Even thinking that the real world is not real.

He also revealed his acquaintance with Kim and mentioned words related to games.

Obviously, this is a game-loving friend of mine.


Is Jin going to use him to take Greed Island into his own hands?

"What did Kim say?"

Men Qi next to him said slightly curiously.

Since hanging up the phone, Lin Ke has remained silent and stared at the dark TV screen.

Men Qi has no doubt that Lin Ke can get the Greed Island.

In her mind, her man is an omnipotent existence!

"If my guess is correct, I may have to go inside the TV later."

Lin Ke pointed at the TV and said thoughtfully.


But there's nothing there?

Just as Menqi was about to say this, he saw the TV that was not turned on suddenly emitted a bright white light.

But no picture appeared, just empty white.

The white light is a bit unusually bright. Even if the screen brightness is adjusted to the maximum, it probably won't be this bright.

Something felt wrong at first glance.

Lin Ke secretly thought that indeed, this was exactly what he thought.

I think the people behind the screen are Ikshampe and Kim.

"I'll go there, don't worry.

Lin Ke gave Men Qi one final warning, and then stood in front of the TV.

As if feeling Lin Ke's breath, the TV screen suddenly emitted a strong suction force.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ke, a living person, disappeared in front of Menqi and appeared in the online world.

"Did you really get into the TV?"

A look of surprise appeared on Menqi's delicate face, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

When Lin Ke opened his eyes again, he saw himself in a blank space.

There seems to be no edge here, just infinite blank space.

Standing in front of him was Jin... and the strange-looking Ikshampe!

"Hey! How about it? Can I move quickly?"

Jin said hello to Lin Ke, and the two met again after only two days apart.

"It's really fast."

Lin Ke nodded, satisfied with Jin's quick closing.

It took less than a minute after making the call to have the item delivered to me, which is really fast.

If it is put on Blue Star to deliver express delivery, it will definitely have a bright future.

"Jin, you bastard, it's obviously my fault, right?"

Ikshampe next to him couldn't stand it, so he directly attacked Jin.

Perhaps because of Ikshampe's identity as a resident of the computer world, he was unable to speak like a normal person.

Speaking now feels very robotic.

Usually, Ikshanpe is more used to writing and talking on cardboard.

"Hahaha, don't take it to heart."

"Let me introduce you, this is my friend and one of the producers of Greed Island.

"His name is Ixhampe, just call him Lao P."

Jin bypassed this matter and introduced Ikshampe to Lin Ke.

Ikshanpe's appearance is very abstract, which may also be related to the fact that he is not a real person.

If Lin Ke had to describe it, Ikshanpe looks like Mickey Mouse with the style of a runaway comic.

He has a pair of round ears like Mickey Mouse, but his facial expression is as exaggerated as that of a runaway cartoon.

There is also a mark on the forehead with the letters "Pe" written on it.

This is why Jin calls him Lao P.

"Hello, Ixhampe."

Lin Ke did not follow Jin's words, but greeted him normally.

"You're nice, unlike Kim, who's an asshole."

Seeing Lin Ke calling him by his name normally instead of calling him a nickname, Ikshampe showed an exaggerated smile.

When they met for the first time, Ishanpei had a good impression of Lin Ke.

"It's boring."

Jin curled his lips and took out the Greed Island from his pocket.

"Here, this is the Greedy Island you want. I still have it in stock here, so I will give it to you directly.

Lin Ke took over the Greed Island, which looked like an ordinary iron box from the outside.

"Then I'm welcome."

"Lin Ke, do you also like games?"

Ikshampe next to him asked Lin Ke. As a game lover, he likes to make friends with people who love games.

"Yes, this time I was interested in Greed Island, so I took a copy from Jin to try."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ke suddenly thought of something and said in a somewhat esoteric way.

"Do you want to know more fun games?"


In the blank online world,

Only Ikshangpei was left here, and both Jin and Lin Ke left here.

Ikshampe looked at countless cardboard sheets full of pictures and text explanations, with a huge smile on his abstract face.

“Lin Ke is so awesome!”

"I must make these games!"

Lin Ke just described the general content of some games on Blue Star to Ikshampe.

These epoch-making games caused a huge sensation for Ikshampe, who was still stuck in the concept of stand-alone games.

It turns out that games can have so many tricks?

The most complex game he has encountered in the past is Greed Island.

He believes that no game can surpass this.

Greed Island is indeed good, but according to Lin Ke, the real fun of Greed Island lies in the fact that real people are transported to the venue.

This is something that cannot be done on Blue Star yet, and there is something "cold" about it.

In addition, the items inside are set up to be weird.

In other aspects, there are many masterpieces on Blue Star that can surpass him.

Lin Ke told him more about the game type and asked him to broaden his thinking.

For example, card games, competitive games, etc.

As another white light suddenly appeared, Lin Ke's figure appeared in front of Men Xian again.

"came back?"

Men Qi hurriedly greeted him, but inevitably felt a little worried when he saw that Lin Ke hadn't come back for a long time.

"I'm back and I brought my things with me."

Lin Ke raised the "iron box" in his hand.

Only then did Menqi realize that this humble-looking box was the island of greed that could be sold for sky-high prices.

"I just chatted with my friends for a while, now let's try this legendary Greedy Island.

Lin Ke placed the Greed Island on the table and handed a ring to Menqi.

"This is the ring we need to use during the game. Let's put it on and go in."

After he just revealed that he was going in with others, he took two rings to them.

Anyway, the game consoles are already given, so I might as well just give them the whole set at once.

The main purpose of the ring is to use [and [gain]] in the game

It can be said to be a very important thing, second only to the Greed Island game console itself.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Wait a moment, we have to go in one by one."

Judging from the original work, because there is only one receptionist, Eta, but the rules must be explained.

Therefore, the previous person must pass before the next person can officially enter.

Menqi nodded obediently, a little curious about what the game would be like.

Menqi still doesn’t know that the Greed Island is actually somewhere in the world.

Lin Ke held his breath and concentrated, standing in front of the Greed Island game console and using "Lian"

With waves of thoughts

After contacting the Greed Island, Lin Ke disappeared where he was.

"Is this the Greed Island?"

Lin Ke looked around and found himself in a space full of black and white lines, with a door in front of him.

Walking along the passage, "Lin Shi also came across the Greedy Island's reception string - Eta.

"Welcome to the world of G-I."

What appeared in front of Lin Ke was a machine floating in mid-air, with the cute-looking Eta sitting on it wearing a receiver.

[This is the legendary Lin Ke. Jin even gave a game console as a gift]

Looking at the handsome Lin Ke, Eta recalled the message Jin just conveyed to them.

The so-called "them" are all the producers who stay in the game to maintain order.

It means someone special is coming!

This is the first time that Jin Ke pays so much attention to someone

As Jin's words were recalled in her mind, Eta's systematic language still did not stop.

"Do I need to introduce you to the specific gameplay?"

"Well, just give it a rough outline."

Lin Ke should listen to it for a while. Although there is a more specific introduction in the original work, he has forgotten a lot of it after so long.



"The above is an introduction to the gameplay of Greedy Island. Please explore more detailed content while playing.

"You can go down the stairs next to it."

As Eta finished her last sentence, Lin Ke also completely recalled the specific introduction.

He glanced at Eta with a slightly sympathetic look, and immediately Lin Ke walked down the stairs next to her.

Leave only one sentence.

"It must be very hard to stay here for so many years."

Eta stared blankly at Lin Ke's leaving figure.

What kind of person is Lin Ke?

At this moment, Eta's curiosity about Lin Ke reached its peak.

"Dong dong

Lin Ke walked down the spiral staircase, stood on the soft lawn, and looked quietly into the distance.

This is the original place of Greed Island, G-I Island.

It is equivalent to a place like Pure White Town in the Pokemon single-player game.

Looking around is the endless grassland, and the fragrance of fresh green grass penetrates the tip of the nose as soon as you smell it.

Lin Ke did not move forward directly, but stood there waiting for Menqi to come out.

Not long after, Men Qi arrived as promised and came down from upstairs like Link Ke.

"Is this the Greed Island? It's really amazing, just like a real place."

Looking at this picturesque and beautiful scenery, Menqi couldn't help but sigh.

“It’s indeed amazing, but unfortunately, this is not a game world.

"But the real world!"


Lin Ke officially revealed the truth about Greed Island in front of Men Qi.

I'm afraid only the producers know about it now.

Greed Island is actually somewhere in the world, not the virtual world as people think.

"Is that so? Is it actually a way of teleporting people to a certain place in the world through mind energy?"

After Lin Ke's explanation, Menqi finally understood why everything seemed so real.

Because this is indeed the real world.

"Generally speaking, we need to spend some time to get the cards. After all, the cards are very important here."

"But now it seems that we don't need to waste time."

Lin Ke seemed to sense something and showed a meaningful smile.

Following Lin Ke's line of sight, he saw a white light landing in front of the two of them like a meteor.

It was a wretched man with dreadlocks and yellow clothes.

It was the wretched man who appeared in front of Gon and Gon in the original work, who specialized in bullying newcomers.

"It's a new face, I don't know how many craftsmen there are?"

The wretched man looked at the two of them and spat.

Lin Ke stared at the wretched man coldly without making any move.

Men Qi next to him didn't say much when he saw this, and looked at the clown with the same indifference.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the cards first."

As the wretched man called, Japanese books suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is the book used to store the cards.

Before the wretched man could make his next move, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he wanted to speak but could not make a sound.

His throat was pinched!

"You seem to be very arrogant!"

Looking at the wretched man whose neck was being strangled by Lucario, Lin Ke showed a hint of ridicule.

"Now you know who is the Hunter and who is the prey, right?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Ke came to the side of the wretched man and swept away the cards in his book.

This was the reason why he didn't kill the obscene man from the beginning.

Because he still has great use value. .

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