Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 122: Old Friend Bisji! Two Girls Fighting Over Lin Ke? (2/2, Please Subscribe)

The wretched man stared at Lin Ke with obvious regret and fear in his eyes.

But Lucario pinched his throat so tightly that he couldn't even make a whimper.

The cards in the book need to be spoken to be activated, which is why Lin Ke asked Lucario to do this.

At the same time, after the player dies, the cards inside will disappear automatically.

This is also a method used by many people.

After shouting the book from the other side, directly control him, and wait until all the cards in the book are taken away...

The only possibility waiting for him is death!

Now the wretched man was extremely regretful, and he was shouting crazily in his heart, why did he come to rob these two people?

As a guy who only bullies newcomers, he doesn't have the courage to fight to the death.

Although even if you do this, you cannot avoid the end of death.

"It's really poor. No wonder. After all, he is just a small character who makes a living by bullying newcomers."

Lin Ke took out all the wretched men's cards and put them into his and Menqi's books.

The card cannot be taken out for too long. If it is left out for more than one minute, it will automatically materialize and can no longer be turned into a card.

This wretched man's cards are basically spell cards and other cards.

There are only a few designated cards that are really important.

Everyone's book slots are limited. In addition to the 100 designated card slots, there are only 45 free slots left.

Usually used to store spell cards and other cards.

Due to the "occupation" requirements, the wretched man's cards are either basic movement types, such as [Magnetism], [Rewind]

Either it is used to read and steal other people's cards [Peeping], [Stealing Factory]

They are basically low-difficulty cards, roughly C-level and below.

Cards are divided into ten levels according to difficulty.

The highest is SS level and the lowest is H level.

Lin Ke waved his hand, turned and left.

This was also the last scene the wretched man saw.

An afterimage flashed past.

A hole suddenly appeared in the wretched man's neck, and countless blood flowed out. He felt that his body was getting colder.

Facing a weakling like the wretched man, Lucario didn't even need to use any skills, he could just seal his throat with a casual move.


Until he completely lost consciousness, he fell straight to the ground, crushing 07 a large expanse of green grass.

Make this green grass dyed with a layer of blood.

Lucario's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot, leaving only a gradually cooling body.

After a while, the body of the wretched man completely disappeared from the spot.

If a player dies in the game, not only will the card disappear, but the body will also be transported back to the place where he logged in.

Glancing at the wretched man who disappeared, Lin Ke called out the wind speed dog.

The next step is to take the Wind Speed ​​Dog to the nearest city.

[Travelling] can only move to places that have been visited before.

[Magnetism] can only go to players you have seen in the game.

It sounds like the flying skill in the Pokemon game, which can only fly to cities or small towns that you have visited.

I remember that Gon and I came in on September 10th, and now it is September 8th, which means that I came in two days earlier than them.

There is a map in the card of the wretched man. According to the map, you can easily reach it by riding the wind speed dog.

It's just a little slower than these cards from [Comers].

There is a [Drifting] card that allows you to go to places you have never been before, but the wretched man does not have this card.

Even if there were, there was no guarantee that he and Menqi would end up in the same place.

Not long after, the two of them rode the Wind Speed ​​Dog to the nearest city - the bounty city of Anduo Qiba.

Seeing that he finally saw a different scenery, Lin Ke also turned his attention away from the pregnancy bar in his mind.

From the moment you enter Greed Island, a brand new breeding bar appears.

It's called a city here, but Lin Ke thinks it should be more appropriately called a town.

At first glance, this place is not very big. Most of them are two or three-story houses, and there are very few high-rise buildings.

Stepping into the interior of Anduoqiba, the architectural style inside is also more intuitive.

Lin Ke feels like a western style, full of taverns and bounty lists.

It lives up to its reputation as a "reward city".

At the same time, Lin Ke also saw the flyer for the monthly competition.

In the original work, Gon and Gon won the [Sword of Truth] after participating in the competition.

But Lin Ke was not interested in this.

They come to Greed Island more to taste the weird food there.

The props in Greed Island are very powerful, most of them will make you yearn for them.

Unfortunately, Lin Ke is not included.

Those props are certainly interesting.

But for Lin Ke, who is already at the top of the list and has many Pokémon, the appeal is just that.

Lin Ke thinks that what is really useful is [Recycling Room], [Witch’s Rejuvenation Medicine], and [Golden Scale]

This time I came to Greedy Island just to taste the delicious food, travel with Menqi, and then give birth to Pokémon.

So their first stop was the famous restaurant in Andochibali——Cat Restaurant.

There is an event going on here right now, and you can get prizes as long as you finish the Big Mac spaghetti within 30 minutes.

"Boss, please have two giant pasta dishes."


The person in charge of the cat restaurant is really a cat.

It is a round, round cat standing on two legs and wearing a chef's uniform.

Not long after, two large plates of Big Mac pasta were served.

The surroundings were suddenly filled with a strong fragrance, and just smelling it made people appetite.

This Big Mac pasta is a lot, but Lin Ke and Menqi are not ordinary people, so they can easily handle it.

Lin Ke even ordered some ice drinks to quench his thirst.

“It’s really amazing to be able to make such delicious food.”

Even though Menqi is picky about food, she couldn't find any shortcomings. As a piece of pasta, it was already very good.

"Huh? Did you finish eating so quickly?"

Cat Chef was shocked by the speed of Lin Ke and the two of them. After confirming that he had really finished eating, he took out two cards.

"This is your prize."

[Garuga Fight], F-level card.

It is one of the three delicacies on the island.

Just looking at the appearance, you can't imagine its delicate taste. Everyone says that eating the eggs of male fish can help you live longer.

Garuga's appearance looks a bit like the "Scavenger" on Blue Star, so it's hard to think of it as a delicacy.

"Mr. Cat, can I lend you the kitchen? I plan to cook the prize right here."

Menqi glanced at the introduction on the card, and after a while he said to the round-faced cat chef.

"This is okay..."

Cat Chef's cute tail flicked, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

After working for so long, this is the first time he has seen someone borrowing the kitchen to cook.

So Menqi walked into the kitchen with her and Lin Ke's [Garugata].

She wanted to try out what was special about the ingredients on Greedy Island.

At the same time, Geng Gui suddenly jumped out of Lin Ke's shadow and was about to hand the condiments to Menqi.

Many of Menqi's condiments are stored in Gengar's belly.

After a while, Menqi came out with two plates of boiled fish.

There is a reminder on the card of [Garuka] that the flavor will be better if it is boiled or lighted.

Menqi followed the above suggestion and cooked it by boiling.

Menqi’s cooking skills + the deliciousness of the ingredients + precious condiments.

When the three are added together, what appears in front of Lin Ke is an excellent beauty.

"This...this is really amazing!"

The cat chef next to him seemed to have seen a ghost, and his squinting eyes that were originally covered by the fat on his face suddenly opened wide.

Menqi’s cooking skills far exceed that!

"This F-level card is okay. It's a C-level ingredient that we usually see. I don't know what will happen to ingredients with higher difficulty?"

Men Qi came to Lin Ke's side and expressed her feelings about [Garuka Beat].

Lin Ke nodded slightly, this makes sense.

After all, [Garuga Fight] is only an F-level card, so it’s pretty good to have C-level ingredients.

“In addition, this garuga is fundamentally different from ordinary ingredients.

Menqi also added that the next thing is really important.

"The essence of Garuga is actually Nian! It is an ingredient made of Nian."

When handling the ingredients, the experienced Menqi clearly felt that these were different from normal ingredients.

"These cards are actually made of Nen, and the items inside are naturally made of air-conditioning.

Lin Ke was not surprised by Menqi's words. So many strange things could not be true.

I think they are all formed by thoughts.

"Eating this ingredient composed of mind energy may be more helpful for improving your strength.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. After Lin Ke ate it, he felt that it was significantly higher than C-level ingredients.

Although it was influenced by Menqi's cooking skills and condiments, the two of them could still feel that the ingredients themselves were extraordinary.

Normal high-end food ingredients undergo a transformation process in the body, converting food into mind energy, and then improving the mind energy of the eater.

But the ingredients in Greedy Island are themselves thoughts. Without the step of transformation, there is no consumption.

It can provide reading energy to others with very little loss.

However, this level is still low. It can basically only replenish the consumed energy, and can hardly increase the upper limit of air conditioning.

I guess I need more advanced ingredients.

After paying the money, the two came out of the cat restaurant and planned to take a stroll in the bounty city.

With the help of the wretched man, the two of them don't have to wash the dishes to pay off the debt like Gon and the other two.

Only money used as cards is valid in Greed Island. Normal coins cannot be used normally if you bring them in.

The NPCs here only recognize money that looks like cards.

The highest limit is a card with a limit of 10,000 ni.

Although the wretched man didn't have much money, it was still enough to feed the two of them a few meals.

If that doesn't work, you can still rely on cards to pay off your debt.

"It seems to have attracted attention?"

Menqi talked with Lin Ke with a natural expression.

Perhaps because they came here on wind speed dogs, they were targeted by some people with ulterior motives.

But they are all rookies. Not to mention Lin Ke, even Men Qi is far superior to them.

According to Lin Ke's estimation, those people were probably only C-level in strength, and he didn't know where he had the confidence to target them.

"It's okay. Let's not talk about whether they have the courage to take action. The moment they take action, they will die."

Lin Ke glanced around leisurely, his tone was full of ridicule, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

It's not that he is arrogant, he would not be afraid even if Jin, Netero and others are targeting the two of them now.

Not to mention the offal.

When the two of them came to a corner, Lin Ke showed a playful expression on his face and said:

"Come out, we are all old friends, there is no need to be secretive."

"Yes, Bisgi."

After a while, a little lolita wearing a burgundy princess dress slowly walked out from around the corner.

The little loli has a spiral ponytail

Her braids and big, exquisite eyes look very cute.

The little girl still had a smile on her immature face, and she was saying hello to Lin Ke:

“Long time no see, Lin Ke!”

The person who appeared in front of him was Lin Ke's good friend - "Muscular Girl" Bisji.

Now Bisgi should be looking for [Blue Planet] in Greed Island.

Bisgi also met Gon and Gon for the first time in this Anduoqiba.

But didn’t Bisgi come in the same group as Gon and others?

Why are you entering Greed Island now?

With so many thoughts in his mind, Lin Ke finally thought of a possibility.

Because he cleaned up the spiders in advance, Changji entered the Greed Island earlier.

"It's true that we haven't seen each other for a while. The last time we met was at the Sky Arena."

Hearing this, Lin Ke also sighed with emotion.

It's been several months since we last met.

Fortunately for Lin Ke, Bisji really didn't expect to meet Lin Ke here.

This was the first time she met an acquaintance in the game.

"Lin Ke, do you know Senior Bisgi?"

From the conversation between the two of them, Menqi seemed to have known each other before?

She had also heard of Bisgi's name. He was a senior Hunter in the Hunter Association, a veteran with a heart full of heart.

"Yes, I met Bisji when I challenged him in the Sky Arena.

"You are Menqi. I have heard of you. You are the youngest one-star Hunter in the Hunter Association."

Bisji recalled Menqi's name and also said hello to Menqi.

"It's just a false reputation. I have admired you for a long time."

Men Qi was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Senior Bisji had heard of him.

In fact, she also wanted to meet Bisgi, not only because of her person, but also because of her Nen.

It is said that Bisgi's Nen can beautify and maintain her appearance. She relies on Nen to achieve her current appearance.

Eternal youth is a great temptation for any woman.

Seeing Lin Ke explaining to Menqi, a hint of understanding appeared in Bisji's burgundy eyes.

The reason why she didn't appear directly before was because she was worried about disturbing the two people's relationship.

As an old woman, she could naturally see that the relationship between the two was unusual.

If Lin Ke hadn't spoken out, she might not have appeared.

Bisgi recalled inexplicably the praise his friend Pyoen had given Lin Ke when he called her on the phone.

Looking at the two people who were behaving intimately, Bisji couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Subconsciously, he imagined the scene of the two women fighting over each other.

It seems like there will be a good show to watch?

As a female Conjurer, reading gossip is one of Bisgi's few interests besides beautiful men and gems.

"Bisji, Bisji?"

After listening to Lin Ke's reminder, Bisji came back to his senses from his imagination and quickly put back his strange smile.

"Ahem, what's wrong?"

Bisij coughed twice, his expression returned to normal, and the original exaggerated smile disappeared.

Seeing Bisji's expression suddenly returning to normal, Lin Ke and Lin Ke were a little confused as to what she was doing.

Even Gardevoir, who can detect the soul, just told Lin Ke that Bisji seemed to be interested in watching a good show.

What good show to watch?

Whose show are you watching?

This is something Lin Ke is confused about.

Bisji's appearance just now was similar to the expression he had when he saw "Shui Liuli" before.

Just not that exaggerated.

"By the way, Lin Ke, why did you come to Greed Island this time? Is it also to clear the level?"

Throwing out the thoughts in his mind, Bisji suddenly realized a serious problem.

If Lin Ke plans to clear the level and get rewards, what else will he have?

Bisji still knows his position very well, and his strength can already be ranked at a very high level.

But it also depends on who you compare with?!

Lin Ke is a monster, incomparable

If that's the case, I don't have to think about [Blue Planet] and just leave.

"No, Menqi and I are just here for a trip this time, to taste delicious food, and have no interest in passing customs.

Lin Ke looked at Menqi next to him and smiled.

This also rekindled Bisgi's confidence in [Blue Planet].

Without Lin Ke's obstruction, she must get the gem!

At the same time, Bisgi also noticed another important point!

【Are you traveling with Menqi...】

[It seems like the progress is faster than I thought? 】

Bisji frowned slightly, then relaxed.

Anyway, this matter is something that her friend Pyorn should worry about and has nothing to do with her.

As a middle-aged aunt, Bisji has a very open-minded view of this kind of relationship between men and women and has no prejudice. .

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