Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 123 Lin Ke’S Contribution! Does She Like Lin Ke? (1/2, Please Subscribe)

night falls,

There is no noise in Anduoqiba at night, which means there is no excitement.

The main feature of this place is the reward. Many people who are short of money will choose to come here to receive the reward.

There are all kinds of tasks here, including fields and everything.

Lin Ke even saw the reward list for the old thief Togashi on it, thinking it was arranged as an easter egg.

Since meeting Bisji during the day, the three of them have been playing together in Anduoqibali.

Bisgi would be a little more familiar than they had been the day before.

The scale of Anduoqiba is a bit smaller than other cities, and apart from the main bounty, it has no other features.

So Lin Ke and Menqi plan to leave for the next city tomorrow.

As for Bisji, who still wanted to search for the whereabouts of the [Blue Planet], he had no plans to go with the two of them.

At the same time, I still have the idea that I don’t want to be a light bulb.

Seeing the rare opportunity, Menqi put forward her long-standing wish-to feel Bisji's Nen.

"Are you ready?"

Looking at Menqi lying flat on the bed, Bisji asked again.

Menqi nodded slightly, indicating that he could start at any time.

Seeing this, Biscuit activated her Nen——Miss Cookie.

As the pure pink thought energy emerged from Bisji's body, the thought energy gradually gathered into a human shape.

Lin Ke also stayed next to Menqi and could once again feel the fun in the memory.

This was also proposed by Bisgi. You have to use Nen anyway, there is not much difference between one or two.

Just come together.

Miss Cookie stood beside the bed, a scent of peach fragrance emerging from her white hands.

Lin Ke was gradually surrounded, as if they were in a top-notch hot spring.

It can wash away people's fatigue all at once.

One of Miss Cookie's abilities——Peach Breath!

At the same time, Bisgi also manipulated Miss Cookie to give Menqi an additional effect.

That’s the lotion that can whiten your skin!

The lotion gently covered Menqi's face, and instantly, a cool feeling spread from his face to his brain.

Menqi's already fair face became more delicate.

the next morning,

Lin Ke and Menqi said goodbye to Bisji.

"Then let's go first. If you have any questions, you can contact us through [letter]."

After finishing speaking, the majestic Wind Speed ​​Dog suddenly appeared in front of Lin Ke, and the two of them got on it with ease.

"Happy travels."

Bisji waved goodbye to the two of them, feeling no reluctance in his heart. 540

Although Lin Ke is my only acquaintance here, it is too easy to meet him in the game.

Only one piece of [Magnetic Force] is needed to teleport people to players they have met in the game.

Whenever I want to meet you, it’s just a matter of [magnetism].

Quietly watching the figures of the two people and the dog disappear at the end, Bisji sighed slightly.

[Already several steps behind others]

[Forget it, don’t think about this anymore]

[Focus on finding gems]

What Bisgi doesn't know is that her good friend Pyoern is now promoting Lin Ke's relationship.

In a conference hall of the Hunter Association,

The largest conference in recent memory is about to take place here.

Because the content of this meeting is whether a Hunter can be promoted to three-star level.

There are not many three-star Hunters in the entire six continents, so this can be considered a big meeting.

Naturally, Netero, the president of the Hunter Association, is needed.

Discuss with the Twelve Earthly Branches and others who are already senior members of the Hunter Association.

There were chairs placed next to the rectangular conference table, most of which were occupied.

"Really! Didn't that guy Jin come?!"

Kanzai, who was dressed like a tiger and had yellow and black stripes on his hair, yelled angrily.

Kanzai has a very hot temper and will yell at him if he doesn't get his way.

I am especially disgusted with people like Jin who are free and unruly.

I saw a panda stuffed doll placed on the empty seat on the other side, with a note on its head that said "gold".

In nine out of ten high-level meetings of the Hunter Association, Jin will not appear, but will be replaced by a red panda puppet.

It's not just the meetings of the Hunter Association. It should be said that Jin is more afraid of trouble and is too lazy to take part in most things.

In particular, he was least interested in formalistic and boring things like meetings.

In the original work, it was also because of respect for President Netero that Jin attended the meeting to discuss the election of a new president.

"Okay Kanzai, it's not like you don't know that that person has this kind of temperament.

Weiyang Ginta, who looked like a good old man, spoke softly.

His tone was completely out of proportion to his majestic body.

Ginta is not only the largest among the twelve earthly branches, but also the most emotional.

At the election meeting, I was very sad because of the death of President Netero, and even cried in public.

"Speaking of which, why are we so suddenly and inexplicably asked to gather for a meeting this time (aibg)?"

Clook said slightly dissatisfied with the chicken dressed up like a birdman with feathers all over its body.

Clook is a dancer and musician, and her favorite style is a swimsuit with an Indian headdress.

Among the twelve earthly branches, they are similar to Kanzai in that they are both people with a rather irritable personality.

"It seems to be related to Lin Ke, who has become famous recently."

Chenlong Porter, who wore thick facial makeup and a strange hairstyle, said in a deep voice.

As a powerful being among the twelve earthly branches, Porter's every move will make people feel oppressed.

Especially his straight and serious face, anyone who faces him looks like a prisoner on trial.

As a three-star terrorist Hunter, Porter White is one of the rare three-star Hunters on the six continents!

He is also said to be the man closest to Chairman Netero in terms of reputation and strength.

When he mentioned Lin Ke's name, Porter also glanced at Pyonn the Rabbit who was playing with his mobile phone next to him.

He had been paying attention to Lin Ke as early as after the incident at the Moros ruins.

Therefore, compared to Kanzai, Clook and others, Porter will know Lin Ke better.

He was aware of every move Lin Ke made.

It is precisely because of this that Porter's curiosity about Lin Ke becomes more and more intense.

Lin Ke is a "legend" just like the name of his Sky Arena!

The abilities he has and the things he has done.

Any one of them is enough to make others ecstatic.

However, all these things are gathered in Lin Ke!

Unknown to him, Potter was deep in thought next to him, while Anti-Yon was playing with his mobile phone boredly.

I am also thinking about Lin Ke.

She naturally supports Lin Ke. She alone is not enough. She will have to think of ways to convince others later.


With a slightly sharp sound of opening the door, a person that many members did not want to see appeared.

"Good morning everyone, I'm really sorry, I seem to be a little late."

Pariston, with a sunny smile on his face, opened the door and walked in slowly.

Pariston, who has blond hair, a handsome face and a sunny temperament, has many fans.

As the vice president of the Hunter Association, Pariston even has his own bodyguard.

His politeness is reflected in his words, and he will apologize well when he is late.

However, just such a person is hated by the other twelve earthly branches.

This is mainly because his true character is different from his sunny and cheerful appearance. He is actually a "pervert" who loves to play with others.

He has superb negotiation skills and strategies to manipulate people.

I once said personally, "You will only feel happy when you are hated by others."

To a certain extent, President Netero put him in this position to have some fun for himself.

Pariston also likes this.

The two have the same interests and hobbies at this point.

When President Netero died, Pariston completely lost interest in the Hunter Association.

It is worth mentioning that Pariston, like Chenlong Porter White, is a rare three-star Hunter.

"Why are you sorry? It's best if you just don't come!"

The hot-tempered Kanzai scolded Pariston directly.

Among the twelve earthly branches, the only two he disliked were gold and Paris.

Jin was not present, so scolding was of no use.

He had no choice but to vent his anger on Pariston.

Surprisingly, Ginta, who originally spoke up for Jin and asked Kanzai to stop scolding, also became silent at this moment.

As for others, they will not speak for Pariston.

This shows how disgusting Pariston is among the twelve earthly branches.

The twelve earthly branches were all pursued because of Chairman Netero’s charisma.

These people who are devoted to Chairman Netero are willing to change their names and even their appearance in order to match the code name.

Basically, everyone has a high level of respect for Chairman Netero.

Therefore, I hate Pariston who loves to oppose Chairman Netero.

Pariston's expression did not change, and he still maintained a sunny smile, but it looked very fake in the eyes of others.

There was a flash of amusement in those pair of deep pupils, as if the disaster was thinking about how to have better fun later.

"Isn't the president here yet?"

Looking past Pariston who didn't know what he was thinking, the ugly cow Milostone turned to ask the bean-faced man next to him.

"President, he should be arriving soon."

As a secretary, the cute-looking bean-faced man usually serves as an observer in meetings and is responsible for recording the contents of the meeting.

"Hoo hoo hoo, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Now the meeting officially begins."

With a burst of laughter, the long-awaited President Netero finally arrived in the conference room.

Netero came to sit down next to Pariston and asked the people behind him to introduce the protagonist Lin Ke in detail!

"The main content of this meeting is to select whether Mr. Lin Ke will take up the position of Samsung Hunter."

"Mr. Lin Ke's deeds and contributions so far include the following..."

Under Dou Mianren's description, the expressions of the Tian Er Earthly Branches changed from surprise to disbelief.

"That's about it."

When the bean-faced man finished his last words, no one spoke in the room, and it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Is this true or false? How can one person do so many things?!"

The arrogant Clook found it hard to believe that these were true, and immediately raised questions.

"It's true. There are several things in it that even I was involved in."

Pyoen frowned slightly, opened his lips slightly, and took the initiative to speak for Lin Ke.

Clook curled her lips and said nothing more. It was obvious that she still had doubts about this.

"Since it is information searched by the association, the accuracy can be guaranteed."

The ugly cow with an upright character, Miloston, said solemnly.

Although he was also shocked by these deeds, he thought about it and thought that there were almost no errors in the information responsible for the association.

Come to think of it, these are indeed true.

【Lin Ke...】

The smile on Pariston's face became brighter and brighter, as if he had thought of something fun.

Such a powerful being seems to have to take it easy, otherwise he might die if he goes too far, right?

As the vice president, Pariston knows more than the other twelve earthly branches and also pays attention to Lin Ke.

Even the more secretive things such as Lin Ke's defeat of President Netero are known.

After a while, after seeing that everyone was clearly aware of Lin Ke's achievements, Netero touched his beard and formally said:

"Then the voting can begin. First of all, those who do not agree with Lin Ke's promotion to three-star Hunter can raise their hands."

The twelve earthly branches looked at each other, and finally saw Pariston raising his hand.

"Can you give me a reason?"

Netero glanced at Pariston lightly and asked without changing his tone.

"Mr. Lin Ke's achievements are certainly sufficient, and even I am ashamed of this."

"But... it seems that Mr. Lin Ke has not been a full year since he joined the Hunter Association, right?"

"Is it unfair to promote someone to a three-star Hunter so quickly?"

Pariston spoke logically, and it must be said that every time he spoke, it would be difficult for the other twelve earthly branches to refute.

The one who can usually compete with Pariston is the wise dog Chidor.

But before Chidor could speak, he saw Sheyuan Wu next to him speaking first.

The pair of snake-like pupils stared at Pariston, filled with dissatisfaction with Pariston.

"The many deeds Lin Ke has done have far exceeded Samsung Hunter's requirements!"

"In this case, you can't say that you don't have enough time to join?"

"I think you just want to find trouble!"

Gel's tone was cold, and the pair of snake eyes made people shudder.

In the original work, she looked down upon Pariston and even used Nen to take action.

Along with Gel's cold tone, waves of dark thoughts surged out of her body, transforming into snakes with teeth and claws around her.

It seems as if the snakes will be commanded to swarm up in the next moment!

Pariston's breath stagnated, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing an even more uncomfortable smile.

It seems to be provoking Gel.

Seeing the tense atmosphere on the field, everyone focused their attention on the two of them.

Chidor, the dog, frowned, pushed up his round glasses, and his brain was working rapidly.

She was analyzing Pariston's deeper purpose.

Now the direction of the field is gradually being controlled by Pariston.


Netero's voice was like some kind of pause button, accompanied by a coughing sound that sounded like a reminder, and Gel also withdrew his thoughts.

The conference room became calm again, as if the tense atmosphere just now had never appeared before.

Pyorn, who was wearing a rabbit costume, looked at Gel thoughtfully, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

In the eyes of other Earthly Branches, Gel was angry because Pariston blocked President Netero's idea.

But in Pyoern's view, Gel's behavior is probably related to the person being discussed at this meeting - Lin Ke!

She likes Lin Ke?!

Pyorn couldn't explain why he felt this way. Maybe it was a woman's sixth sense?

It's also possible that she's overthinking.

But she did feel that Gel's reaction should be more than respect for Chairman Qian Netero.

There is a high probability that it is related to Lin Ke.

Did it turn out that the two of them knew each other?

Pyorn felt inexplicably nervous.

Pyorn's idea was half successful, and Gel's reaction was indeed related to Lin Ke.

But not to the point of liking them. After all, the two were just friends who met in the foodie paradise.

It was more out of protection for his partners and because he couldn't stand Pariston's disgusting appearance.

Then he couldn't control his temper. .

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