Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 124 Samsung Hunter Lin Ke! The Master Of The Network Porygonz! (2/2, Please Subscribe

"Is Pariston the only one who voted no?"

Netero looked around and said in a normal tone.

He readily accepted Pariston's negative vote.

After all, the reason why he let Pariston stay in this position was to add some challenges to his life.

As for others, it is very simple, that is, whatever Pariston wants to do, stop him from doing it!

I will definitely not support Pariston anyway.

"It seems that there is still one person who has not arrived? I wonder what his thoughts are? Maybe they are the same as mine."

Pariston said pretentiously.

Although he didn't take the initiative to say his name, everyone knew that he was referring to Jin.

As if he had expected it, President Netero took out a mobile phone from under the table and played a recording.

"Discuss whether Lin Ke can be promoted to Samsung Hunter?"

"Then I will definitely vote for it!"

After just two sentences, the recording stopped abruptly.

Although there are only two short sentences, everyone present can hear that this is Jin's voice.

“Choose yes………………

Pariston murmured in a low voice, roughly thinking about some joints.

And judging from Jin's tone just now, it seems that Lin Ke's strength may exceed his estimate?

【Did that guy choose to agree? 】

This is the thought of most members of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

If it were originally because of Pariston, they could still vote in favor unswervingly.

After Jin's words came out, they began to waver.

These two guys, neither of them wants to support

But if they had to choose one, they would still prefer Jin's side.

After all, Lin Ke's achievements are there, and he should be given a sufficient title both emotionally and logically.

"Now it's a no vote and a yes vote."

"Anyone who agrees with Lin Ke's promotion to Samsung Hunter, please raise your hands."

President Netero put away the phone when he saw it, glanced at Pariston who was thoughtful, and continued to speak.

This time there were many more people raising their hands than last time, a total of five people.

They are Pjorn, Gel, Chidor, Potterwhite and Miloston.

If you add Jin who was not present, that would be a total of six votes in favor.

Six to one, the same side had an overwhelming advantage.

"Hohoho, it looks like the conclusion has come out~"

Netero picked his ears and said lightly.

The remaining people who did not vote by show of hands obviously abstained from voting, so there is no need to ask more questions.

This situation often occurred in the past, with many people abstaining from voting.

Because everyone in the twelve earthly branches has different opinions, there are radical hawks, conservative doves, and balanced liberals.

So basically three types of tickets will appear in every meeting.

Different from the one-star and two-star Hunter, the three-star Hunter has two ways of expression.

One is to list the three-star Hunter in which field. For example, Chidor is the three-star intractable disease Hunter.

The other is collectively called Samsung Hunter, and it does not list which field it belongs to.

This usually occurs in the upper echelons of the Hunter Association.

For example, Vice Chairman Pariston is a Samsung Hunter, without specifying what field he is in.

The same goes for Netero as chairman.

Lin Ke's achievements cover a wide range of areas, including food, relics, bounties and other fields.

It is not convenient to call it the Samsung Hunter in which field.

Therefore, it is directly called "Samsung Hunter"!

Same as Chairman Netero!

Since then, a new three-star Hunter has appeared in the world again!

Lin Ke's name will also be accompanied by this title, once again causing a big stir in the circle of nemesis.

Gambling City - Dulias.

Lin Ke sat in front of a slot machine and casually pulled the handle, and the picture on the slot machine began to scroll rapidly.

This place lives up to its name as a gambling city, with casinos everywhere in the streets and alleys.

This can't help but make Lin Ke think of Omen on Blue Star, which is particularly similar to the situation here.

Now Lin Ke is in the largest casino in Dulias, where there are various types.

Lin Ke was dazzled by it.

Finally, he picked the one that interested him the most—slot machines.

It can be said that there is no operating skill when playing slot machines, it is all about luck.

If you are lucky, you will win a big prize; if you are unlucky, you will lose all the money you invested.

What is used now is not money, but the chips they exchanged.

The chips here are roughly the same as those in the outside world, but the details are slightly different, with the abbreviation of Greed Island engraved on them.

As he thought about it, the scrolling speed on the slot machine gradually slowed down until it stopped.

To Lin Ke's surprise, he didn't win any prizes.

Losing money is the norm in Dubo.

He didn't come here specifically to lose money, but to try out a certain prop.

Earn some money to spend on the way.

Lin Ke pulled it out with his backhand, and a multi-sided dice appeared in his palm.

[Risk Dice], B-level card.

This is relatively easy to obtain among B-level cards.

It is also the rarest card among the obscene male cards.

The black dice has a total of 20 sides, 19 of which are good luck and one side of which is bad luck. If good luck appears, very good things will happen.

But once a big disaster occurs, all the previous bad luck will completely turn into unfortunate things.

Therefore, many gamblers rely on [Risk Dice] to make money in Dulias, but in the end they all die due to "big disaster".

This prop is a double-edged sword.

Lin Ke just learned through the slot machine that under normal circumstances, his luck is average.

So what if we use [Risk Dice]?

Lin Ke rolled the dice gently, and the top of the twenty-sided dice finally settled on Daji.

"It's lucky."

Men Qi, who was sitting next to Lin Ke, said softly and put the dice on Lin Ke's slot machine.

This means that Lin Ke will have very good luck in the future.

"Then let's see how this great luck works."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Ke felt that after drawing the fortune, he seemed to have the confidence to succeed in whatever he did.

With inexplicable self-confidence, Lin Ke pulled down the lever again, and the picture on the slot machine continued to scroll.

After a while, the picture freezes, showing a row of 777s that are very pleasing to the eye.

At the same time, the slot machine began to shake violently, and a colorful music came from it.

This caused other players who were playing slot machines to cast their gazes and notice what was going on here.

Whenever there is such a movement, it means someone has won the jackpot.

But when they saw the [Risk Dice] placed on the slot machine, the envy in their eyes turned into ridicule.

These people have been gambling in Dulias for a long time, so they naturally know the pros and cons of [Risk Dice].

The big prize you get with [Risk Dice] will have to be returned sooner or later!

Now they are ready to stay away from Lin Ke and the two of them, before the backlash of [Risk Dice] affects them. 013803008 Feilu 000002420]

Lin Ke glanced at the ignorant people and had no intention of paying attention to them.

Because the fertility bar in my mind is about to reach its end!

After winning the jackpot, a steady stream of chips came out from under the slot machine, and they piled up into a hill in the blink of an eye.

Looking at this small mountain of chips, Lin Ke couldn't help but recall the situation when he first came to the world of Hunter X Hunter.

At that time, I got my first pot of gold in Pies' casino.

After a while, I came to the casino again.

In addition to the mountains of chips of various colors, another card emerged.

[Rainbow Diamond], A-level card, is also the 79th limited edition card.

You can use [Risk Dice] in front of the slot machine in Duliasli to win the big prize and get [Rainbow Diamond]

Because [Risk Dice] has a good luck rate of 19/20.

Therefore, this card is relatively easy to obtain among A-level cards.

[Rainbow Diamond] is a gem that shines with seven colors of light.

It is said that if you use this diamond as a gift to propose, the success rate is 100%.

As long as the gem is in hand, two people will never be separated.

Looking at the above introduction, Men Qi's pretty face turned red, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing this, Lin Ke raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said softly:


As the sound sounded, the card in Lin Ke's hand disappeared instantly and was replaced by a large colored diamond.

It is colorful and exudes magnificent colors under the light, which is very eye-catching.

Although it is not as good as one of the seven beauties in the world, it is still a top gem outside.

"gave it to you."

Lin Ke casually put the colored diamond into Menqi's hand.

Although Lin Ke thinks that the above is most likely just a cliché, similar to "a diamond is forever, a diamond will last forever".

But it does look pretty and is just right for Menqi, a woman.

You can't give this diamond, which is usually used for proposals, to Bisji, right?

Menqi looked at Lin Ke beside him, then at the large diamond in his hand, and smiled.

Then he quietly admired the diamond Lin Ke gave to him.

As for why this thing can't be taken out?

Logically speaking, you have to clear the level before you can take away the cards inside.

However, he knew Jin.

Not to mention higher-level SS-level cards, or cards with special abilities.

This is an A-level card, which is a good-looking diamond. It is not difficult for Jin Arrangement to take it out.

Then Lin Ke planned to continue throwing dice and then play slot machines.

He plans to try out what it would be like to throw a "big bad"!

That's part of why he's here.


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

Just as he kept trying, the fertility bar in his mind reached its end.

0............Please give me flowers......

I don’t know if it’s because of the “good fortune” of [Risk Dice], but Lin Ke always feels like good things happen one after another?

What Lin Ke didn't know was that while he was playing slot machines, the twelve earthly branches had already passed his three-star Hunter resolution.

Stopping his movements, Lin Ke focused on the newly conceived Pokémon.

The new Pokémon looks like a toy duck, and its overall color is composed of red and blue.

Its head is separated from its body, its body is upside down, and its yellow eyes have target patterns on them.

Its legs look like wings, and the blue pattern on its chest is connected to its feather-shaped legs.

The inflated body makes it look like an inflated toy duck.

It is Porygon Z who is also known as the "Balloon Duck"!

Alias ​​called 3D Dragon Z type.

Being able to give birth to this Pokémon was also expected by Lin Ke. After all, Porygon is a virtual Pokémon.

It is closely related to games and the online world.

Pokémon that are data types.

A Pokémon similar to it is Rotom, but Rotom is more reflected in highly intelligent furniture or illustrations.

At present, Rotom’s reputation is more

High is not only the reason why Rotom performs better in battles.

Also due to the TV station's original broadcast error, Porygon was in a semi-hidden state.

It's a very unfortunate Pokémon, and Lin Ke also likes it very much.

The most important thing is that the arrival of Porygon has filled ten gaps in his Pokémon.

As Lin Ke has more and more Pokémon, he has all kinds of abilities.

Such as treatment, main attack, mount, support, etc.

But Polygon Z is different. First of all, its own strength is not low. Secondly, its network data capabilities are very helpful to Lin Ke.

As long as he owns Porygon Z, Lin Ke is almost equivalent to mastering the Internet!

If you want to know any information, you only need a thought [Polygon] to be conveyed to your mind.

Different from the real world, the main role of Porygon Z is reflected in the virtual world.

At that moment, Lin Ke began to strengthen the restrictions and oaths on Porygon Z.

Name: Porygon Z

Features: Download

Attribute: General system


Skills: Triple Attack, Hundred Thousand Volts, Shadow Ball, Wave of Evil....

As a general type, Polygon Z also has a relatively wide skill pool and can use moves from multiple types.

Moreover, its special attack racial value is as high as 135, so it can be used as a turret for attack.

You can not only fight on the field, but also control the virtual world. Porygon Z's cost performance can be said to be very high.

After gathering his thoughts, Lin Ke concealed the excitement in his eyes and continued to throw the dice.

It was his sixth throw.

The dice rolled quietly, no longer the same "good luck", but "bad luck"!

"Oh? Is it finally here?"

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, which was quite revealing.

The sixth time I voted was "big bad", the probability was pretty normal.

According to the instructions of [Risk Dice], the danger you face next is the sum of the previous five good lucks!

Men Qi next to him had put away the [Rainbow Diamond] and was also curious about what would happen next.


Lin Ke suddenly looked up at the ceiling. Judging from Yuan's observation, the ceiling showed signs of looseness.


As if to confirm Lin Ke's thoughts, a series of rustling sounds came from the ceiling.

"Is it just the ceiling collapsing? I thought something more interesting was going to happen."

Others can clearly hear Lin Ke's disappointed tone.

"Perhaps it's because five good fortunes have been superimposed?"

After Menqi pondered for a moment, he felt that the risk limit of [Risk Dice] should be quite high.

The rustling sound suddenly stopped, like the calm before the storm.

Some people who noticed something was wrong had already moved away from here and looked at the two people with playful eyes.

Seems like he wants to watch a good show.

There was so much gambling here that this kind of thing was nothing new, so they regarded it as their usual pastime.

After a pause, a long series of cracks suddenly appeared on the ceiling, and a large piece of stone suddenly fell down!

The heavy stones made bursting sounds under the influence of gravity, as if they could overwhelm everything.

Some people even squinted their eyes slightly. At this juncture, they didn't want to see the bloody scene.

The next second, a breath rose into the sky!

Suddenly, the large stone was completely wrapped in a ball of pink thought energy, and stopped directly in mid-air!

It seemed that it was blocked by something and could not continue to fall.

Super skill - telekinesis!

With a loud noise, the stone was thrown aside directly under the command of telekinesis, causing bursts of dust.

There was a sudden silence in the casino!.

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