Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 128: Evil Throwing! Let You See Gold Now! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"Have you been caught..."

Leza slowly stood up straight, still looking at Bangila with his narrow eyes, but his smile was gone.

They all say that Narrow Eyes is a monster, so it seems true. Leza's strength is fully worthy of it.

It's a pity that I met Bangela, this Pokémon is even more monster than a monster.

In front of Bangila, it seemed that no matter how fierce the attack was, it could be easily received.

Although he had expected it beforehand, Leza was still surprised when this scene actually happened in front of his eyes.

Leza's already unsmiling face became more gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pulled down, feeling a little tired.

Are all the attacks with all your strength having no effect at all?

The difference between the two is like a cloud and mud.

Facing such an enemy, no matter who you are, you will feel powerless, right?

"Then, it's my turn next."

Lin Ke said in a calm tone.

He was prepared to give this game an ending that everyone already knew.


Bangila suddenly stepped on the ground, and spider web-like scratches suddenly appeared, and a pit suddenly formed.

Holding the dodge ball with one hand, a dark, deep air suddenly appeared on his thick arm.

Just looking at it gives people an uncomfortable feeling. This black thought energy is filled with countless evil auras.

The jet-black thought energy quickly covered the dodge ball like a tide, and the movement was even louder than Leza just now.

In the blink of an eye, a huge black cold bomb appeared in Bangui.

Banjira gently raised his right hand, and the huge mental bomb slowly rotated in the palm of his hand.

The huge mental bomb even blocked a patch of light, making the gymnasium suddenly dark.

For a moment, everyone held their breath, and everyone looked at Nian Dan with a look of horror on their faces.

If this mental bomb goes down, I'm afraid not to mention the gymnasium, even the lighthouse outside will be destroyed!

Dwun and Dwun, who were gathered around the TV to pay attention, also panicked.

Didn’t you say that person was a friend?

How could this be a fatal blow?

Sure enough, you shouldn't listen to that bastard Jin. Maybe Jin is still this person's enemy.

So with countless people tensed, Bangila took action again.

Banjila leaned back slightly, holding the dodgeball-wrapped telekinesis bomb in his right arm, making a gesture of preparing to throw it.

Evil skill - Throwing!


"I surrender." 930

Before Benjila could wave out his thought bomb, Fu's words of surrender came from the opposite side.

The tone was a little trembling, but it also contained a sense of relief.

Facing an enemy like Banjira, it is not shameful to admit defeat.

As Leza surrendered, the giant teleportation bullet in Bangila's hand suddenly disappeared, leaving only one soul falling to the ground asking for help.

Leza's surrender not only allowed Lin Ke and the others to win the game, but also gained a certain amount of experience points.

Because only Bangila took action from beginning to end, all the experience belongs to Bangila.

"You are strong."

"Much stronger than the strongest person I know."

Leza's narrow eyes flashed with nostalgia, recalling the scene when he was defeated by Jin.

After so many years, this is the second person who has convinced me.

Facing Lin Ke alone, it felt like facing several Jin at the same time.

"Jin's strength is indeed good."

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and pointed out the object of his nostalgia.


"Do you know Kim?"

Leza did not expect that just by saying this, Lin Ke could guess who he was referring to.

"We know each other. Before entering Greed Island, I went to explore a ruins with him.

"Even this Greedy Island game console was given to me by him."

Lin Ke told about his previous acquaintance with Jin, which made Zha, who already admired Lin Ke, feel more cordial.

So they are all friends?

"Lin Ke! Did you just say gold?"

"Did you meet Kim?"

Gon, who was next to him, heard the conversation between the two. He was startled and asked quickly.

"Yes, speaking of Jin's invitation to me, Kurapika also knows about it, hasn't he told you yet?"

Lin Ke nodded, thinking that Kurapika should have told the two of them before.

"Then what kind of person is he?"

Gon's eyes shone slightly, eager to know what the gold he had been looking for for so long looked like.


"He's quite an out-of-touch guy."

Recalling his previous experience with Jin, Lin Ke still vividly remembers the image of him taking out a piece of fruit at every turn.

Just when Gon was a little confused, Lin Ke added something else.

"But he is still a relatively reliable person at critical times."

Gon was even more dizzy. Are these two sentences considered a compliment?

"Is it possible that you are not consistent at ordinary times, but reliable at critical times?"

"Your evaluation is really accurate. Jin is just such a person."

As he said that, a smile appeared subconsciously on Leza's face, as if he was recalling those scenes of getting along.

At the same time, in the online world,

"Are you sure you don't want to go out and take a look? Your son is over there."

Ikshampe's teasing words echoed in the blank online world, and the person next to him was Jin.

"No need, my son will come towards me step by step, I just need to wait quietly for the day to come.

Jin, who was wearing a dark blue robe, sat cross-legged on the ground and said confidently while looking at Gon and others on the screen.

Although he had confidence in Lin Ke, he still went to his old p and observed the scene there through the online world.

I also want to see how far Gon has grown now.

Judging from Gon's progress, maybe it won't be long before he reaches the top?

No, no, no, let him grow up for a while.

"When you say wait quietly for that day, do you mean to change (the companion's) goal to Kate?"

As a friend who has been together for such a long time, Ikshanpe naturally knows the true character of this guy Jin and said directly sarcastically.

This man is a bastard who is familiar with outsiders and shy around his son.

It is easy to become friends with such people, but it is difficult to make deep friends.

The more people he cares about, the more difficult it is for Jin to express his emotions and he will only avoid them.


Jin coughed twice, trying to get rid of this matter.

"Don't think that I don't know that I was involved in the production of Greed Island."

When Gon was still a baby, Jin took the infant Gon to Greed Island.

Therefore, Gon's address book has Jin's pseudonym [Nigu].

In the end, Gon and others worked hard and resorted to deceitful tactics to bring [fellow] out.

I just want to meet my best friend Killua.

As a result, Jin's shyness broke out.

The original setting was that if you use [Magnetism], it will fly to Jin.

If you use [Come Together], you will fly to Jin's apprentice "Kate".

Jin glanced at Gon who was asking him questions on the screen, then looked at Killua beside him, showing a satisfied smile.

These two will definitely run to Kate.

You can postpone your meeting with Gon and others a little longer.

When a father reaches this level [Jin can be regarded as a scorpion daddy - the only one.

He treats his son like a scourge and is afraid of avoiding him.

Just a second ago, Jin was still watching the conversation between several people with a smile.

Jin's expression changed in the next second.

His expression darkened like a storm, like a summer afternoon when the weather changes at a moment's notice.

"If you want to see Jin, I can help you~"

"I can let you see him now!"

"right here!"

Lin Ke suddenly said in a strange and unpredictable tone, seeming to tempt Gon to make a choice.

Just now, Porygon handed him a piece of information.

Now Ikshanpe and Kim are in the online world, watching here through the monitor in the corner.

In other words, as long as you let Porygon Z open the passage between the two realms now, Jin and Gon will see each other!

Isn't this more fun than dodgeball?

"Can I see Jin now?"

Facing Lin Ke's temptation, Gon was indeed moved and murmured in a low voice.

"That's right!"

"Kim is here now."

Halfway through Lin Ke's words, he turned to look at the monitor on the other side with a playful smile (ajfa).

"Kim, you're looking at this, right?"

"Don't bother trying to quibble, I know you and Ixhampe are staying together."

"How about it? Put on a good show of father-son affection for everyone?"

"Let Gon meet the father he misses so much?"

Kim, is he looking at this?

Gon and others followed Lin Ke's line of sight and focused on the monitor.

【What kind of person would Gon’s father……………… be?】

Killua thought to himself, thinking that he would be able to see the true face of Gon's father today.

"This guy! Lin Ke, how did he know I'm here?"

Jin pulled the scarf around his neck, first lost his temper, then realized something and said curiously.

"Did you inform him, old p?"

After thinking about it, Jin finally focused on Ikshanpe as the "criminal" suspect.

"It wasn't me, it should have been Lin Ke Nian Beast who did it."

"Lin Ke has a strange-looking mind beast that can control data better than me. It can freely travel between reality and the Internet."

Ikshampe didn't intend to take the blame, so he quickly explained.

"Does he actually possess such a strange mind beast?"

Jin couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes narrowed and he stared at Lin Ke.

People with this kind of ability have never heard of it, let alone mind beasts.

Lin Ke can always do something that surprises him.


"You said he can travel between the real world and the online world at will?"

Jin's face tightened and he asked eagerly.

"Yes, his mind beast can open the passage between the two worlds, and people and objects can pass through it.

After receiving Ikshanpe's approval, Jin's uneasiness became stronger.

According to what p said...

If Lin Ke opens the channel now, wouldn't he appear directly in front of Gon?

"Old p, take me back quickly!"

"I don't want to stay here anymore."

Jin scratched his head and urged, coming here today was a wrong decision.

But Ikshanpe was unmoved, but wanted to watch a good show.

That bastard Kim should have suffered a long time ago.

When Jin felt anxious and uneasy, the situation on the court took another new change.

"Thank you, Lin Ke."

"But it's no use, I want to rely on my own ability to meet Jin.

Lin Ke's words were very tempting, but Gon finally chose to shake his head and refuse.

This also made a certain bastard father feel relieved.

That is, when facing Gon, otherwise Jin would not show such an expression.

Even when faced with the terrifying gold and silver ingots, Jin Du's expression remained unchanged and he wanted to go up and try his moves.

Lin Ke seriously doubts that if he wants to be elected as the Jin

If you choose.

He would definitely rather meet "disaster" than meet Gon.

"That's it, then forget it."

Lin Ke waved his hand, and all the Pokémon he originally released were put away.

This time he came here only at the invitation of Bisji to help them overcome this challenge.

Now that I have finished my work, I can leave with Menqi.

With Lin Ke's great help, Gon and others successfully won the challenge of "Zha and the Fourteen Demons".

I also got an SS-level card that no one has ever gotten before [One Ping of Coastline]

Next, Gon and others have to face the bomb demon and others who are eyeing them.

Although the wealthy Batra canceled the bounty on Greed Island, there was no reward of 50 billion yuan.

Bomb Demon and others still have not given up, they want to obtain the qualifications for the optional card to pass the level!

These cards may not be anything to Lin Ke, but they are too precious to people like them.

The Bomb Demon's strength is just that, and Lin Ke doesn't like it at all.

In the end, the development generally followed the original work.

Gon and others were the first to gather the designated cards. After a quiz, they successfully obtained the 0th card [The Ruler's Blessing].

Greed Island, a game that has gone through countless struggles since its release, has finally been cleared!

Countless players have mixed emotions.

Either relieved or unwilling.

But in the end, we can only accept reality.

In a certain sea area between the Six Continents and the Dark Continent,

This is like a new world in the One Piece world, with extremely bad weather everywhere.

One second it was clear skies, and the next second there were dark clouds.

There seem to be countless crises lurking beneath the dark and deep ocean, and everyone will be aroused in fear when they see this scene.

A creature that looks like an ant but is much larger than ordinary ants and about the same size as a human fell into a coma.

It was seriously injured, but it was not fatal. It could recover as long as it was given a period of time and food.

It is moving towards somewhere in the six continents unconsciously.

Or it was luck, or it was someone's plan.

Chimera ants, rated as dangerous level B, are coming to the six continents.

And it will come to the NGL autonomous country, which is most suitable as a hotbed.

"What? Old man, do you want me to come over?"

"Is something wrong?"

A few days after Lin Ke came out of Greed Island, he received a call from President Netero.

President Netero asked him to come to the Hunter Association in two days. It was said that he wanted to find something good for him.


It should be said that he was asked to come with Menqi.

I don’t know what would be a good thing?

It was also made mysterious.

After receiving the call, Lin Ke did not set off directly.

If he went by the time, he should be setting off almost now, and would have to take an airship to get to the Hunter Association.

But after passing through Greed Island, he got Porygon Z, a Pokémon that defied the odds.

As long as Polygon Z opens the channel, Lin Ke and Menqi can reach the Hunter Association in a very short time.

It can be said to be an essential ability for traveling.

It would be better if Porygon Z's strength increases to a certain level in the future and it can switch from using the network to creating the network.

One minute you’re exploring the Dark Continent [and the next ten minutes you’re dining in a gourmet paradise.

Needless to say, the convenience of this ability goes without saying.

But it seems that there is still a long way to go, and it will not be as fast as expected. .

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