Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 129 The New Top Five In The World! Pride Is Ready For Revenge! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Hunter Association,

From the outside, it looks unusual. It is a relatively tall and large office building.

On the top of the office building is the Hunter Association's special logo, which looks like it consists of two Xs.

This is a place where countless people want to join~.

Although there are many "associate experts" with lower strength inside.

But compared to ordinary people, they are still people from two different worlds.

The Hunter Association, which has countless people trying to get into it, has welcomed a group of people today.

There are elite representatives sent by V5, leaders from world gangs, and senior officials from the Hunter Association.

They were gathered here to witness the announcement of a great event.

In a corner of the Hunter Association,

Suddenly, a tiny hole appeared out of thin air, and then quickly expanded around it, centering on it.

In the blink of an eye, it went from an imperceptible hole to a hole that could easily accommodate one person.

Looking out from the entrance of the cave, there is a vast white world inside.

There are glass-like shards at the edge of the hole, and there are vaguely lines of tiny green numbers flowing inside.

It seems to give people an unfathomable feeling.

This is the channel between the real world and the online world!

"Looks like we've arrived."

Lin Ke walked out of the cave first, looked around, and spoke slowly.

Men Qi followed closely and walked out behind Lin Ke, sighing from the bottom of his heart.

“Going from foodie wonderland to Hunter Society in such a short time.”

"If I hadn't experienced it myself, I would really have difficulty believing it."

After receiving the invitation from President Netero, the two did not set off immediately, but waited until the agreed Wen medical team arrived.

"Lin Ke? And Menqi?"

Just as the two were about to go find President Netero, a clear voice suddenly came from the other side.

"It turns out to be Gel, long time no see.

Hearing a familiar voice, Lin Ke turned around and found that it was Gel whom he had met at the Foodie Paradise.

It's normal for her to appear here. After all, Gel is a member of the twelve earthly branches.

"What are you doing?"

Gel pointed at the closing passage between the two realms, a flash of doubt flashed in his beautiful eyes, and asked softly.

how did you do that?

"Oh, this is the channel connecting the real world and the online world."

Seeing that Gel was confused, Lin Ke gave her a rough explanation.

After the explanation was clear, Gel's mood changed from confusion to shock.

Is it possible to achieve this level?

She has heard about the online world. After all, she is a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches and knows many things.

But this was the first time she heard that someone could use the online world to travel to various places.

Not to mention that Lin Ke did it through his own mind beast.

Doesn’t that mean that Lin Ke can come and go freely in most places on the six continents?

Gel really didn't expect it.

After such a long time, the first scene when she saw Lin Ke again gave her such a big surprise.

"Lin are really amazing."

After a long pause, Gel finally spoke slowly.

In fact, she would rather say that Lin Ke is a monster.

Lin Ke and Lin Ke were also surprised. They didn't expect to meet friends as soon as they came out. It was quite a fate.

"That's probably why you came here this time."

Gel blinked and asked softly.

Most of the new faces that appeared in the Hunter Association today came because of that incident.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what happened. President Netero invited me here."

"You also said that I am the protagonist and must be there?"

Lin Ke recalled the call that President Netero made to him. Judging from his tone and words, it seemed to be a good thing?

How did you become the protagonist?


"It seems that the new replacement this time is you."

Gel murmured softly.

Knowing that the two of them were still unclear about this matter, Yuan'er explained it carefully to them.

It turns out that this important event is about the "selection of the world's top five talents."

The list of the world's top five talented people was selected many years ago.

Just like the literal meaning, this list refers to the five most powerful telekinesis users in the world.

Of course, this refers to the person on the surface. As for whether there are other powerful people behind the scenes, it is unknown.

These five people are:

The current president of the Hunter Association, and the president of Netero, who once had the title of "the fishiest in the world".

Known as the "Prodigal Son", he lives in the two-star ruins Hunter Gold, which is the Pig of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

As a three-star terrorist Hunter, Chenlong Bobai is also one of the twelve earthly branches.

As the eldest Hunter in the Hunter Association, Lin Zhe, a senior gourmet Hunter.

Finally, there is Geno Zoldyck, who was born into the world's number one killer family, the Zoldyck family.

But only a few people know that Geno is not really one of the top five.

This title is assumed by him.

One of the real top five refers to Geno's grandfather, also known as Maha Zoldyck.

Except for Lin Nie who was seriously ill, the other four people all had S-level strength.

The world's top five talented people are well-deserved.

The purpose of calling people here this time is to announce the new top five talents in the world.

At first, people didn’t know the specific content.

But from what Lin Ke just said, Gel estimates that Lin Ke should take the place of one of them.

With Lin Ke's strength, it is more than enough to become one of the top five talents in the world.

It is even the strongest in the world by a long way.

"Did I become the new top five?"

Only then did Lin Ke understand why President Netero said that he was the protagonist this time.

However, this position seems to be a top five position that has such a great honor to outsiders, but to him it is just like that.

It's just a false name.

As for who will be replaced, Lin Ke also has a rough guess.

Probably Lin Nie?

Lin Nie was affected by the disease. Even if he is cured now, he still suffers a lot of effects and is not suitable to stay up there.

At the same time, I could repay Lin Ke's kindness, so I thought about withdrawing my seat and letting Lin Ke sit on it.

"Yo, Lin Ke."

On the way to the conference room, Lin Kexi also met Bi Jie who was also going there.

Speaking of which, the two of them had not been separated for a few days, and now they met again.

"It's Bisgi-senpai. Did you finally get the [Blue Planet]?"

Menqi asked with a smile. Bisji had told the two of them before on Greed Island that they must get the [Blue Planet Worker].

"Hohoho, of course I got it."

Bisji said "arrogantly" and at the same time took out the gems for several people to appreciate.

It lives up to the name of [Blue Planet].

It is a brilliant gem with a round shape and an icy blue light.

It is said that this is a unique gem, and the material that makes up the gem is a rare element that is rare in the universe.

This can't help but make Lin Ke think of liquid ore, which is "one of the seven most beautiful colors in the world".

It is also an extremely rare mineral, and its color is ice blue.

Perhaps when designing this card, the skill and its partners drew on the appearance and characteristics of liquid ore.

"It seems that it is really well made for Bisgi-senpai to appreciate it."

Just as several people gathered around to watch, Jin happened to see everyone here and came over to join in the chat.

"You just said the word "old", right?"

Bisji's eyes changed and she stared at Jin with sharp eyes. If the eyes could cause harm, she was afraid that Jin's body would be covered with sword holes.

"Haha, no, no."

Jin Qian laughed twice and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't say anything.

"It's really strange that you would come to attend the meeting."

Gel said slightly curiously, and his tone sounded like the sun rising from the west.

Gel himself didn't know how long it had been since he saw Jin.

Even though they are colleagues in the same position, they can not see each other for a long time.

"I happen to be free, and the protagonist is Lin Ke, so I still have to give him some face."

Jin patted Lin Ke's shoulder and said it was true.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin remembered what Lin Ke had said in front of Gon before, and his expression suddenly darkened.

"Lin Ke, were you really planning to let Gon see me before?"

"I was really scared at that time, and I didn't even want to let me go back."

"No, I just want to scare you."

As a few people moved away, the voices gradually became quieter.

In the corner where Lin Ke and others were just staying,

A gangster wearing a standard suit and wide sunglasses looked troubled.

At this time, he was leaning against the wall and typing on his mobile phone.

The person conveying the message is none other than the former "Seven Deadly Sins" [the current Ten Old Men]" Arrogance!

Thinking back to how Lin Ke was chatting and laughing with Jin, Gel and other twelve earthly branches just now, this gang member felt uneasy.

Arrogant Boss...can he really win that person?

"It seems like some little mice are paying attention to you."

"How about it? Do you want to deal with it directly here?"

After several people walked out for a distance, Jin suddenly asked Lin Ke a question.

It seems confusing and I don't understand what he is talking about.

But the strength of the few people present was not low, and those little mice hiding in the shadows thought they were hiding well.

In fact, it's all right under their noses.

I just couldn't be bothered to pay attention to them.

"No need, it won't be long before we can catch them all."

Lin Ke shook his head, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

I don’t know how much experience points arrogance can bring to me when I become a ten old man?

Now Lin Ke doesn't even bother to call them people, so he just uses experience points instead.

A few days ago, President Netero’s phone call was followed closely by Earthworm’s phone call.

After becoming the Ten Old Man, Arrogance has been increasing day by day, both in terms of personal strength and the size of his subordinates.

Strength is growing every day.

And this finally rekindled Arrogance's confidence, and he planned to take revenge on Lin Ke for the second round.

After killing four members of the "Seven Deadly Sins" one after another, Arrogance already hated Lin Ke to the core.

··Request flowers 0……

The most important thing is that if Lin Ke is killed, he can avenge his shame.

At that time, Nen can be used to greatly help improve his strength.

Not to mention that Lin Ke is already quite famous, especially the "Legend" of Sky Arena, which is almost a household name.

If you can die in his arrogant hands, your strength can reach another level!

So Earthworm's message can be summed up in one sentence: Arrogance is ready to attack him!

The members who came here on behalf of the world gang this time were subordinate to Arrogant.

"Catch them all in one fell swoop... It looks like there will be another sensation in the circle before long."

Jin said thoughtfully, his eyes subconsciously glanced at Lin Ke who looked calm.

He also knows the grudges between Lin Ke and "The Seven Deadly Sins".

Kill Fury and Envy from the ruins of Moros.

When it comes to revenge in "The Seven Deadly Sins", greed and gluttony are equally inevitable.

Since then, "The Seven Deadly Sins" has been reduced to four parts and has become a joke.

The leader, Arrogance, cooperated with the world's gangs and transformed into one of the ten old men with a high status.

Is your wings full and you plan to take revenge again?

I don't know about Arrogance and Nen's gold. I just think that Arrogance is a person who must retaliate for his anger.

As a criminal, it is normal to have such a character.

In fact, Arrogance's attack on Lin Ke was more to improve his own strength.

There was one sentence that Jin didn't say.

I'm afraid that they won't be the only ones making a splash by then, and perhaps the influence will exceed his expectations.

After all, arrogance has become a ten-year-old man. If the world's gangs don't have a sharp eye, maybe...

But these have nothing to do with him.

After thinking for a while, Jin's slightly frowned brows relaxed again.

With Lin Ke's strength, it's his turn to worry.

Even if Lin Ke provokes the entire six continents, he can probably be easily settled.

Speaking of which, Lin Ke is not only powerful, but the mind beasts he possesses are even more powerful than the last.

Each has different special abilities.

This is so helpful for exploring the dark continent!

It seems that I have to ask Lin Ke about his next wishes. I must take Lin Ke with me when I go to the Dark Continent in the future.

With Lin Ke alone, you can compete with a master with well-equipped equipment and different abilities!

Judging from the information collected so far, Lin Ke's mind beasts include but are not limited to abilities such as healing, teleportation, mind eradication, storage, etc.

You can live without anyone else, but you must have Lin Ke!

What Jin didn't know was that when he was eyeing Lin Ke, others were also eyeing Lin Ke.

Want to win him over to join his team.

Not long after, several people arrived at the door of the special conference room.

Only then did Lin Ke realize that not long after arriving at the Hunter Association, a group of people had gathered inexplicably.

From the original he and Menqi, Gel and Bisji were added, and then they met Jin.

It turned into five people and walked towards here in a mighty manner.

In the eyes of others, this group of people is not simple.

It can be said to be a heavyweight combination.

Even Menqi, who has the lowest reputation, has the title of "the youngest one-star Hunter in the Hunter Association".

You must know that compared to the number of starless Hunters, star Hunters can be said to be very few, and each one is an elite.

After walking into the conference room one after another, Lin Ke discovered that there was something special inside and it was quite spacious.

It should be considered a large conference room.

Now there are more than ten or twenty people scattered inside.

There were probably dozens of people in total.

They are roughly divided into two categories of people,

One is the top leaders of various forces, such as the twelve earthly branches of the Hunter Association, V5 officials and nobles, and the heads of world gangs.

The second is some scattered, titled Hunters.

For example, Bisji and Menqi fall into this category, and even Lin Ke saw some familiar figures inside.

Like Mo Laowu with a big pipe, he didn't smoke because he was indoors.

He has not yet been defeated by the Ant King, so he is only a one-star Ocean Hunter.

After the chimera ant incident, he will be promoted to a three-star Hunter.

These people gathered in this conference room for the announcement of the new top five sages in the world!

In the spacious conference room, there is a large rectangular conference table that can seat many people.

But only named people can sit down, and some who are less qualified can only stand behind them.

Probably half the people were sitting and half were standing.

"Hoo ho ho ho, is the protagonist finally here?"

"Come and sit down."

President Netero gently put down the teacup in his hand and greeted Lin Ke with a smile.

He had already reserved a seat for them in advance.

Walking in, Lin Ke found more familiar faces sitting next to President Netero.

First of all, Lin Nie looked much better and was looking at him kindly.

Lin Ke's guess was correct. This time it was Lin Nie who took the initiative to ask Netero for a return or exchange.

Obviously, Lin Ke is more qualified to sit in this position than her. .

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