Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 130 The Top Five In The New World? The Strongest In The New World! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Netero sat directly in front of the table, Lin Nie sat on the right, and Geno Zoldyck sat on the left.

Seeing Lin Ke's arrival, he also squinted his eyes and secretly observed the young man.

Geno has heard a lot about Lin Ke, but this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

What impressed him most was that when he came home from doing errands that day, he learned from his son Silva that the two

My own grandfather, Maha Zoldyck, lost to a young man!

And this young man is now the strongest poster in the Sky Arena, Lin Ke, who is known as the "legend"!

Although he was shocked, he also agreed with Grandpa Maha's approach. Such people can only stay on the banned list.

This is why when Chrollo wanted to hire them, they resolutely refused.

Some lists are destined to be impossible to follow.

Geno looked at Lin Ke, but Lin Ke didn't notice this old man.

Geno, like Silva, has pure white hair, not a single black hair mixed in.

It is said that this is proof of the strong bloodline of the Zoldyck family. Each generation of white-haired people will be much more talented than black-haired people.

The angular face is slightly thin, but the pair of eyes are bright and focused, looking at the two white beards standing straight down.

Wearing the same special training uniform as in the original work, Geno seems to be dressed like this no matter where he is.

What attracts the most attention to others is the four big characters on his chest【One Kill a Day】

This is his work philosophy, and sometimes he will change it to "career active".

Jeno Zoldyck is an old man who seems friendly but has a hidden edge, which can be seen from the words written on his chest.

These are not the focus of Lin Ke's attention.

The point is that the words on Geno's chest are not in the common fonts of the six continents, but in Chinese!

This is not the only place where Chinese is represented in the original work.

Chrollo's Nen——[Thief's Ultimate Will] will conjure a book.

These five words are written in Chinese on the cover of the book.

It seems that it is either a random Easter egg by the old thief Togashi "660", or there is a similar country in this worldview.

After hearing President Netero's words, several people sat down one after another, all at the front of the table.

As soon as he sat down, Lin Ke seemed to have something in mind and suddenly looked diagonally across the table.

Sitting there was none other than Pjorn, wearing a rabbit headdress.

At this moment, she was smiling and saying hello to Lin Ke.

Lin Ke also nodded and responded.

Lin Ke took a cursory look and saw that many people were dressed in unique styles, as if all the twelve earthly branches were here.

Menqi also noticed that Pyoen, who greeted Lin Ke, did not speak, but smiled at Lin Ke.

Gel on the other side was somewhat interested in this, his eyes moved between the three of them, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


A laughter similar to President Netero's, but crisper and more feminine came.

I have to say that Bisgi is worthy of being President Netero’s disciple, and their laughter is exactly the same.

If there is anyone who is most happy to see this scene, it must be Bisgi who is sitting next to Pjorn.

Bisji, who was wearing white gloves, was covering his mouth, smiling so hard that his wine-red eyes were bent.

Even though he was suppressing it deliberately, the laughter still came out uncontrollably.

She had wanted to see this scene as early as Greed Island.

To her surprise, it seemed that the male and female protagonists were expected to be missing one.

Thinking of this, Bisji couldn't help but glance at Gel on the other side.

She did not expect that Gel, a snake from the twelve earthly branches, seemed to be related to Lin Ke.

Now instead of two girls fighting, it seems like there are three girls?

She must have done good deeds in her life and Lord Qing must have rewarded her.

Otherwise, I would never have the chance to see such a scene with my own eyes!

Bisij's erratic eyes and weird laughter couldn't help but stir up a dark streak in Lin Ke's head.

Is this the time to watch the excitement?

No, what’s so exciting about this?

He looked at Menqi with a gentle smile, then at Pyoern with a sweet smile, and finally at Gel with interesting eyes.

Lin Ke suddenly discovered something.

It seems, it seems... something like Shura Field has happened to me?

Maybe I am too worried.

Putting aside Menqi for the moment, Pyoern has a good impression at most, while Ge Wu and Bisji are both watching the fun.

The elderly people on the other side were silent about this, just watching the gossip.

Old people seem to care more about gossip than young people.

Bisji can also be regarded as an old man.

"Hoo ho ho ho."

President Netero stroked his beard, looked at the situation on the field, and couldn't help but laugh with emotion.

It’s great to be young~

Time passes bit by bit,

As more and more people arrived in the conference room, the pre-agreed time finally came.

"Then, the time has come, let me explain the specific matters."

Seeing that the pointer had reached the scale line, President Netero spoke directly to everyone.

Now that everyone is in place, everyone is listening carefully to Netero's speech.

The place was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and only Netero was talking.

Naturally, as the exclusive secretary of the President of the Hunter Association, the bean-faced man stood behind President Netero.

Meticulously doing the recording work that belongs to its job.

"Everyone must also know about the five most powerful people in the world."

“This is a list that was decided in this conference hall many years ago.

"Among the five people are me, Lin Nie, Geno, and Potter White."

"The top five Nen in the world are not necessarily the five strongest people in the world, but they are definitely among the strongest ones."

Netero spoke slowly, speaking slowly so that everyone could hear him clearly.

Even though it was a huge conference hall, there were many people gathered inside.

Netero's words can still be heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"After so many years, this list lacks timeliness and is somewhat inconsistent with the current situation."

"So today one of the members will be removed from his seat and another person will take it."

While Netero spoke carefully, he glanced at Lin Nie with a calm expression from the corner of his eye.

These words did not cause much trouble. After all, it was just a change of position.

It's not like all five people have to retire and be replaced by others.

Judging from this list, it makes sense to replace one or two people after so many years.

Except for a few people who have already made some guesses, others have raised their attention and are waiting for Netero to announce the candidate.

"Lin Nie is old and his abilities in all aspects are no longer what they used to be, so he took the initiative to abdicate."

No one has any objection to this. Lin Nie is the oldest Hunter in the Hunter Association, so his strength has naturally declined a lot.

They are more concerned about who will be the next top five?

The list of "the top five Nen in the world" is not like a position like the president of the Hunter Association. It is made through strict voting by everyone.

Instead, it was proposed verbally by President Netero for everyone to witness.

It is best if there are no objections, but it is not easy to resolve if there are objections.

After all, this kind of list is a reflection of personal strength.

Just because you are not among the "Five Strongest People in the World" does not mean you are weak.

But if you are in it, it means you must be strong!

In this regard, everyone will have a candidate they support. If the candidate who appears is not in line with what they think, it will inevitably lead to conflicts.

The "Five Great Wits in the World" are not like the Twelve Earthly Branches, whose names even ordinary people have heard of.

Because of the four words "Nen", this list is destined to only be circulated in the circle of Nin people.

Lin Ke still doesn't know when he first proposed the "five great talents in the world".

This concept was only mentioned by Bisgi in the original book when he mentioned gold to the two little ones on Greed Island.

Bisji said that Jin is one of the five most powerful people in the world.

So this is an official reform proposed by President Netero and witnessed by people from various forces.

Despite this, the five elites recognized by the former "World's Strongest" still have extraordinary influence.

As a Nen, you don’t have to know what a one-star or two-star Hunter is.

But you will definitely know the "Five Great Men in the World"!

This kind of list can also better inspire others to pursue martial arts and always keep an upward climb.

Among the nervous eyes of everyone, there was one person whose eyes were unusual.

It is Pariston, who is the rat of the twelve earthly branches and the vice president of the Hunter Association.

He still had that sunny smile, and he was looking at Lin Ke with a deep expression at this moment.


【It’s really strong~】

Pariston's own strength is not low, and he still has some sharp eyesight.

Some of Lin Ke's subtle actions unconsciously made him feel a sense of oppression.

Just based on this strength, it is enough to be rated as one of the top five talents in the world!


He wants to make things more interesting!

Maybe he will die?

Pariston stared at Lin Ke intently, with a touch of excitement in his deep pupils.

It's strange to say that Pariston once said personally that his favorite thing to do is to make others hate him.

And he succeeded in doing so.

Of course, not everyone is eligible for "hate" here.

Only those with high strength or those he is interested in are worth messing with.

In a sense, Pariston and Xisu are similar in some aspects.

It's just that Pariston simply enjoys the feeling of being hated but having no choice but to do anything about it.

Hisoka did that just to keep challenging others and enjoy the battle.

"As for the candidate to replace Lin Nie, I have already made arrangements."

"It's the Samsung Hunter sitting here————Lin Ke!"

Netero pointed to Lin Ke next to him with a smile, successfully attracting everyone's attention to Lin Ke.

For a moment, most people were surprised, feeling something unexpected but reasonable.

Lin Ke's reputation is greater than he imagined.

Everyone present has heard of Lin Ke's reputation, the difference is just how much they have heard of it.

Only the name of the strongest poster in Sky Arena is one that everyone has heard of.

This is mainly thanks to Sky Arena's crazy promotion in the streets and alleys of the six continents in order to make money.

So this title has become Lin Ke's most widely known title.

[Is it Lin Ke, the "legendary" of Sky Arena? It would make sense to let him take the position]

This is the psychological activity of most people..

This title alone is enough to prove Lin Ke's strength.

But there will still be people who question it, but it’s not clear what the thinking behind this question is.

"Mr. Lin Ke, right?"

Pariston, who was harboring evil intentions, smiled gently.


Lin Ke agreed casually.

Seeing Lin Ke respond to him, Pariston's smile became even brighter.

"Mr. Lin Ke's reputation is really loud ~ I guess there must be many

Few people have heard of it.

Pariston did not question Lin Ke when he came up, but affirmed Lin Ke first.

Netero, who was sitting in the main seat, said nothing, but quietly listened to the conversation between the two.

There was no emotion on the surface, but secretly he was sighing:

[It’s okay to play with an old man like me, there are some people you can’t afford to offend~]

Netero has no intention of opening his mouth. Some people have to suffer losses before they can remember.

Next to him, Jin, who had followed the principle of "silence is golden" since he sat down, also remained silent. An Chen looked at the two of them.

The mouth covered by the scarf was slightly raised unconsciously, revealing a playful smile.

[Paris Stone, you’re going to hit the wall this time!]

When I think about what might happen later, I feel refreshed.

This hypocritical guy should have suffered a long time ago.

Lin Ke did not continue to respond, but looked at Pariston talking to himself.

"It is said that Mr. Lin Ke is the strongest poster."

"However, it seems a bit inappropriate to be named one of the "Five Greatest Ninjas in the World" just based on the title of the original poster, right?"

Pariston said pretentiously.

"Everyone knows that the position of the owner of Sky Arena is not very valuable."

"Being the strongest poster doesn't seem to guarantee strength, right?"

There is some truth to what Pariston said, and some people in the crowd agreed.


To others, the poster of Sky Arena is quite a powerful being.

But for most of them who are not weak, the poster's strength is just that.

Anyone who stays in this room, even the one with the lowest strength, can be a building guard in the Sky Arena.

"So... I wonder if Mr. Lin Ke can show everyone his strength?"

"This will help convince everyone."

Pariston finally revealed his plans.

By guiding everyone, Lin Ke is forced to perform in public, otherwise everyone will doubt Lin Ke's strength.

After all, seeing is believing and hearing is believing.

Just when everyone thought Lin Ke was going to take action, President Netero chose to speak.

"Ahem, I know Lin Ke's strength very well."

"In fact, I once played against Lin Ke, and the result was a disastrous defeat!"

Netero looked like he didn't take it seriously and said words that surprised others in an understatement.

Known as "the strongest in the world", President Netero, as the President of the Hunter Association, lost to Lin Ke!

Such a well-known figure who was considered invincible actually lost to a young man!

Doesn’t that mean that Lin Ke is the new “most fishy person in the world”?!

"Lin Ke's strength far exceeds mine."

Before others could digest the amount of information in Netero's words, Lin Nie, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly spoke.

3.1 Geno glanced at Netero and Lin Nie, thinking that he had become friends with Lin Ke, and he also said:

"Lin Ke's strength is above me."

Seeing that the three elderly people had expressed their opinions, Jin, who had seen Lin Ke's incredible strength with his own eyes, also chose to speak:

"It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Ke can easily defeat five or six of me by himself."

Jin's words shocked everyone even more, and their heads were all confused.

For a moment, I couldn't even tell whether what Jin said was the truth or a lie.

If it is true, is it too exaggerated?

Although many people hate King and don't like his character.

But I have to admit that Jin's strength is indeed strong enough, otherwise he would not be called "one of the five most powerful people in the world."

But this is the kind of person who says Lin Ke can defeat five or six of him...

Four of the top five talented people have taken a stand.

Although Chenlong Bobai originally had no intention of speaking.

But seeing that everyone was focusing on him, he had no choice but to express his stance:

"I have never played against Lin Ke."

As soon as these words came out, many people breathed a sigh of relief. If all five people admitted that they could not compare to Lin Ke.

Then why are you running for the "Five Greatest Men in the World"?

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to just declare Lin Ke “the strongest in the world”?

Before the others could finish breathing, Chenlong Potter added another sentence in a low voice.

"But I definitely can't beat Lin Ke, because I can't beat President Netero."

Potter's words were very to the point.

I have never played against Lin Ke, so I don’t know who will win and who will lose.

But I have fought against President Netero, and I can't beat him.

As for who is more powerful compared to Lin Ke who is better than President Netero...

It goes without saying.

The top five sages in the old world all said they were not as good as Lin Ke!

At that moment, countless people couldn't figure out why they came here this time.

Aren't they announcing the new top five?

How did it turn into announcing that the new world is the strongest?!

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