Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 132 The Largest Bay! Water PokéMon? (2/2, Please Subscribe)

The southern part of the Ochima Federation,

This is a continuous coastline called [Carter Harbor]

Carter Harbor is a long bay that occupies a large area of ​​coastline of the Ochima Federation.

Because of its unique topography, it is also known as the largest seaport in the Liuren Continent.

The southern part of the Ochima Federation is the southeast corner of the Six Continents, and beyond that is a vast ocean.

Most people don't know what is at the end of this ocean.

Only a few people know that at the end of the sea is a dark continent.

Perhaps it is the geographical location closest to the Dark Continent.

So strange things often happen here, or strange things appear.

Among them, the most well-known is the [Hai City], which is famous in six continents.

Sea market is a local activity, just like other coastal areas.

Every morning, fishing boats go out to catch fish and bring the caught seafood to the market for sale.

Fishing boats are roughly divided into two types according to the time they go to sea.

One is a short voyage, which is usually a small boat. It goes out to fish on the same day and comes back the same day.

The other is long-term voyage. This kind of ship is generally larger and the return time is not certain.

Usually in about a week.

Long voyages make it easier to catch rare ingredients and things, but they are also more dangerous.

If any special items are caught, they will be sold to a local auction house and auctioned after evaluation.

The most special thing is that the seafood here is unusual, and strange items often appear.

Most of the ordinary coastal cities can only catch ordinary food, but many of the fish here have C grade.

Even higher-grade seafood ingredients are rare.

Coupled with the name of the largest bay, [Kashi Port] is also rated as one of the six major tourist attractions in the mainland.

A large number of people come to visit every year, and the local tourism industry is also developing quite well.

"Boss, please have two portions of the sizzling king squid."

Menqi was wearing a white dress and looked like Xiaojiabiyu, which was a little less charming and a little more cute.

There was also a straw hat on his head with a small yellow flower on it.

[Carter Harbor] has a large annual temperature difference, with the highest temperature reaching 30 degrees in summer and below zero in winter.

Also because of the diverse temperatures, the fish species here are quite rich.

It is now April, which is one of the few places in Carter Harbor where the temperature is neither too cold nor too hot.

Many people take advantage of this time to travel here.

"Well, I will participate when the time comes."

Lin Ke was on the phone and took the squid from Men Qi.

"Then we look forward to your visit."

The tone on the other end of the phone was extremely humble, and he spoke to Lin Ke as if he were his servant.

Putting away the phone, Lin Ke was ready to taste his first delicious food in [Carter Harbor].

King squid is one of the local signature ingredients, and its quality is unparalleled. It is a C-level ingredient from six continents.

This also shows how high the quality of local food is.

C-grade ingredients are already relatively rare ingredients.

But in [Carter Harbor] they are used as ingredients for making roadside snacks.

I think the two of them can enjoy a good meal.

"Did you just call Sky Arena?"

Seeing that Lin Ke finally finished the call, Menqi, who only heard a few words, asked curiously.

"Yes, the Inku Arena's biennial fighting hall is about to be held."

"The official invites me to come over and make an appearance. Whether I go or not is up to me."

"In two weeks, it will be enough for us to finish the work."

After Lin Ke finished eating the king squid, he went to a nearby stall to buy a cup of sea sweat to quench his thirst.

The quality of this king squid is really good. Even if it is not caught fresh that day, it is probably not that long ago. It is very fresh.

The only drawback is that the person responsible for cooking is only the roadside vendor uncle.

His lack of cooking skills made him cook the king squid poorly.

"A martial arts competition? It seems like you can win the real championship justifiably."

Men Qi smiled and seemed to have seen Lin Ke standing on the trophy and holding the trophy.

Although Lin Ke is now the highest building owner in Sky Arena, after defeating his predecessor, the 251st floor is now his.

But because he did not participate in the last martial arts competition, Lin Ke's title is only the strongest poster.

He is not the champion of martial arts competition.

"No, if nothing else happens, I'm afraid this time the Great Cold War will not be held smoothly. 2

Lin Ke lowered his head and took a sip of seaweed juice, and a smooth and fresh taste penetrated his heart.

The cold and delicious seaweed juice directly wiped away Lin Ke's residual thirst after eating sizzling squid.

"Is that so? That's a pity."

Men Qi really didn't expect that there would be twists and turns in the martial arts competition, but with Lin Ke's reputation, there was no shortage of such a martial arts competition.

Several days have passed since the day they went to the Hunter Association.

Lin Ke's name as "The Five Great Ninjas of the New World" is also continuing to spread.

Even what most people are talking about when spreading the word is not the [Five Great Ninth Persons in the World]

But [the strongest in the world]!

The news that the old five great masters also stated that they were not as good as Linke also spread out.

It is clear to everyone with eyesight.

Even if there is no special announcement, Lin Ke is already the new "World's Strongest".

However, this martial arts competition is quite interesting and totally worth the trip.

First of all, this martial arts competition is the plot of the theatrical version of "The Last Mission".

The last time I participated in the plot of the theatrical version, I went to deal with the shadow with Hisoka, and then I got a versatile monster with incredible abilities.

Naturally, you can’t miss the plot of this theatrical version.

Secondly, the villain Jed in the theatrical version is also a very powerful being, with at least an S-level strength.

Such experience points cannot be let go.

They came to [Carter Harbor] this time not just to eat.

Nearly a year has passed, and Hisoka finally has the information about Dark Sonata in her hands.

It's quite timely, otherwise I would have to "visit" myself.

Lin Ke didn't know that since he destroyed half of the "Phantom Troupe", Hisoka had made Lin Ke's matter his top priority.

As a fruit farmer, he didn't want to die in vain.

So Hisoka began investigating various regions on the six continents, and finally set his sights on the southern part of the Ochima Federation.

It is said that bizarre accidents have occurred in the deep waters of [Carter Port].

After various investigations and searches, Hisoka finally came to the conclusion related to Dark Sonata.

But when Lin Ke came here, he found that there seemed to be an unexpected surprise.

That is the new Pokémon that is being nurtured in your mind!

As the largest bay in the six continents, it is also qualified to breed Pokémon.

There is no need to think too much about what attribute it is, it must be a water Pokémon.

But the more specific details are unknown.

Lin Ke hopes to have a water-type Pokémon that is more suitable as a mount, so that he can make up for the lack of his own water-type mount.

[After playing here for a few days, buy a boat and go out to sea]

Just as Lin Ke was thinking, bursts of lively cheers came from the road on the other side.

It seemed that they had seen some amazing street performances. A large number of people gathered around to watch, and applauded from time to time.

Because [Marine Market] is the key signature project of Carter Port, the layout of [Marine Market] in Carter Port is very wide.

It can be said that except for residential areas, all other places are used for the layout of [Hai Shi] or the layout of industries within meters of [Hai City].

Since [Hai Shi] covers a large area, the streets are relatively spacious, with neat rows of tents on both sides of the streets.

Under the tent are small vendors with various seafood on them.

The roads are paved with gray and white tiles, and the spacious roads without garbage are refreshing.

The local government still attaches great importance to environmental cleanliness.

Lin Ke and Men Qi were both curious about people's reactions and couldn't help but stepped forward to see what happened.

Taking a closer look, Lin Ke and the two realized why people were so amazed.

I saw a woman with an Indian-like headdress on her head and white feathers all over her body standing in the crowd.

Her costume, which looked like a swimsuit, matched the local environment very well.

Coincidentally, they had just met this man at the Hunter Association meeting not long ago.

It is Clook, the unitary chicken, one of the twelve earthly branches.

Clook, who looked proud, stood in the center, with pigeons circling above him.

Sometimes they fly, sometimes they pause, and they can't even form a word by arranging each other.

This control of birds can be said to be second to none, which amazed the people present.

Ordinary people might not be able to hear it, but only Lin Ke and Men Qi could hear it.

While the pigeons were flying, [Hu Gu's long feathers were swaying gently.

At the same time, waves of imperceptible thought energy turned into music and spread to the pigeons.

After the impromptu performance ended, many people rushed forward to get Clook's autograph.

As a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter Association, Kan's reputation is equally high.

If Lin Ke remembers correctly, Clook's hobbies and occupation are quite different.

She is a musician and dancer, as well as a plant hunter.

It is understandable that musicians and dancers do not conflict after all.

But with plant Hunter, it feels weird.

It's far less suitable than Gel's pharmacist and poison Hunter.

Seeing that Clook was surrounded by people after the performance, Lin Ke and Lin Ke stopped staying and walked towards the next stall.

Clook's performance was good and interesting, but that's not what Lin Ke really focused on.

But why does she appear here?

Is it just a coincidence?

Lin Ke doesn't think Clook came here just to perform on the street.

Consider again the career of a Clook musician.

Lin Ke feels that Hisoka’s information is likely to be stable this time!

Members of the twelve earthly branches have their own areas of expertise.

They may not necessarily be very powerful, but they must be leaders in their respective fields.

At the same time, in order to avoid duplication, President Houtero also deliberately planned that each earthly branch belongs to a different field when selecting the twelve earthly branches.

In this way, when facing most situations of the twelve earthly branches, professional people will be able to provide suggestions.

For example, the ugly cow Milostone is a lawyer. When it comes to legal matters, others will listen to his opinions.

Clook as a musician.

If there is information about Dark Sonata's appearance, it would be perfect for the Hunter Association to send her out.

Of course, you can't be 100% sure based on this.

But Lin Ke felt that there was a high probability that his guess was correct.

In the following stalls, the two also further discovered the strange and weird products in [Hai Shi].

It seems that one can see anything related to the ocean here.

Among these vendors, Lin Ke finds the most interesting two ways to play.

The vendors not only sell things, but some also sell some flowers.


There are roughly two types, namely opening treasure chests and gambling on shells.

The essence of these two ways of playing is the same, they are betting on whether the value of the things inside is high.

The boxes inside the treasure chest all look the same from the outside. You choose a box that you like.

The same price is 50,000 ringgit.

Whatever you find inside depends on your luck.

It may be C-grade or even B-grade ingredients, which will increase their value countless times.

You may also find a broken white stone or a pile of rotten seaweed.

The values ​​of the things here vary, but what can be guaranteed is that the things must have been obtained from this sea.

As for betting on shells, it's easier to explain.

This kind of thing is similar to the gambling stones on Blue Star. You pay for the shells you like.

After prying it open, look for any valuable pearls inside.

The cost of gambling on shells is generally higher than that of opening treasure chests. It is possible to spend tens or even millions to open a shell.

But with high risks and high rewards, there are many people who have found the best pearls worth tens of millions from the shells.

These two are considered the most famous ways of playing in [Hai City].

Compared with gambling on shells where the items are fixed pearls, Lin Ke is more interested in opening treasure chests where the items are unknown.

There was a middle-aged aunt sitting in front of the treasure box stall.

The aunt was sitting on the pony, with a straw hat of the same style as Menqi's on her head, her head slightly lowered (Li Nuo was good) as if she was taking a nap.

The treasure boxes are scattered on the stall, and it can be seen that they were originally placed one by one according to the number.

After selling for a period of time, only about half of the treasure chests are left, almost fifty.

After roughly passing through several treasure boxes, Lin Ke finally fixed his eyes on a certain treasure box.

He vaguely felt something was wrong from the treasure box.

There seems to be a dark atmosphere?

"..Auntie, I bought treasure box No. 66."


It wasn't until Lin Ke spoke that the aunt came to her senses and reached out to take Lin Ke's 50,000 ordination gift.

Then hand Lin Ke the key corresponding to treasure chest No. 66.

There are a hundred treasure chests in Auntie's house, and each one has a key with a corresponding number.

One treasure chest corresponds to one key.

When the customer pays for it, the aunt will give the key to the customer so that he can open the treasure chest.

After the customer takes away the items inside, "the elder sister will put items in the treasure box again and continue selling."

What she sells is only the contents, and the treasure chest cannot be taken away.


As a deep voice sounded, Chen Xiang followed suit.

Perhaps due to long use and the humid air at the seaside, some parts of the interior of this treasure chest are rusty.

Even the opening sound has changed.

"What could it be?"

Men Qi moved closer to Lin Ke, a pair of green eyes flashing with anticipation.

I wonder what Lin Ke will buy when he opens the treasure chest for the first time?

When Lin Ke saw clearly what was inside, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate slightly.


His perception was not wrong.

This thing is stained with thoughts of death and has a dark aura.

Hisoka's information.

The emergence of Twelve Earthly Branches Clook.

Items tainted with darkness.

A variety of factors combine to make the possibility of Dark Sonata becoming more and more powerful. .

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