Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 133 The Legend Of Blood Pearl! I Didn’T Expect You To Be Here Too! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

When Lin Ke opened the treasure chest completely, the contents were exposed to the two of them.

"Is this...a pearl?"

A pearl is lying quietly in a dark brown treasure box, and its condition is not very good.

In order for a pearl to sell for a high price, it needs to meet standards in all aspects, such as shape, color, size, etc.

The one in the treasure chest is not big, and its shape is quite different. There are many small pits on the surface.

The only thing worthy of praise is that the color and quality are good.

This pearl is white, with a pure white color and a slight brightness. The color is of the highest quality.

It's a pity that it doesn't work in other aspects.

Obviously Lin Ke made a loss by spending 50,000 ringgit to buy this defective white pearl.

But Lin Ke doesn't care about Bai Zhenzhu's shabby appearance.

What he was more concerned about was the slight thought of death entwined on the surface of the white pearl.

The eerie and dark thoughts of death were like a dark little snake, twisting and floating on the surface of the white pearl.

The two completely different colors of white and black form a sharp contrast on the pearls.

It seems that my perception is correct.

Lin Ke took out the pearl casually and threw it directly into the shadow.

The calm shadow suddenly stirred up a layer of ripples, just like throwing stones into the lake.

As if the pearl was thrown into water, it sank quickly until it disappeared.

Handing the empty treasure box and key to Auntie, Lin Ke asked again:

"Auntie, where did the pearls inside come from?"

If you know where the pearl was obtained, you can roughly locate the location of Dark Sonata.

"I picked up this pearl on this beach. It must have been washed up by the waves."

Picked up on the beach………………

Could it be that Dark Sonata is in the depths of the sea?

Lin Ke frowned slightly, and a bad thought flashed through his mind.

If the Dark Sonata "203" is in the deep sea, it will really be difficult to find it.

Then Lin Ke scanned the other treasure boxes, but in the end he couldn't sense the breath of death thoughts.

It seems that the scope of the influence is not wide, but some things have spread here.

"Young man, the things here are not very good, you can go to the auction house and have a look.

When the aunt saw that Lin Ke no longer bought the treasure box, she kindly reminded her.

If the things sold in [Hai Market] are all for ordinary people, then the things in the auction house are extraordinary.

Either high-level ingredients are usually handed over to gourmet hunters.

Or some antiques salvaged from the ocean that contain mind energy.

Because it is close to the Dark Continent, other things will appear here from time to time.

Some are "hopes" that will bring benefits to people, and some are "disasters" that will bring danger to people.

Of course it will appear here, and it will definitely not be to the extent of [Five Major Disasters and Hopes].

Otherwise it would have been blocked by V5 long ago.

The most famous one is the blood-colored pearl that appeared in the auction house a few years ago.

This pearl is particularly unique.

Ordinary pearls are basically white, purple and other colors.

And this blood-colored pearl seems to contain blood, with the blood's bright red color everywhere.

Some people feel disgusted and uncomfortable with it, while others are very interested in it and think it is very beautiful.

The size is not like ordinary pearls, it is the size of a whole fist, and it is a well-deserved giant pearl.

If we estimate according to common sense, it means that the shell from which this pearl was born should be very large.

This is indeed the case. The shell found by the discoverer was very huge, and the bloody pearl was taken out from it.

The shells are large in shape and the patterns look gorgeous.

Judging from the shell alone, there must be very thick shell meat inside.

The strange thing is that when people opened it, they found that there was almost no shell meat inside.

There were only shrunken shell meat like mummies, and some pieces of seafood that were also mummy-like.

The blood-colored pearls sit quietly among a pile of "mummy corpses", exuding a strange and charming color.

Such a strange thing was naturally handed over to the auction house.

There are also talented people working in the auction house. After a series of inspections and experiments, the truth was finally clear.

This bloody pearl can replenish itself by absorbing the life breath of surrounding creatures.

The richer the blood color, the more life breath has been absorbed.

After absorbing enough life breath, wearing it with you can delay aging and improve your appearance.

You only need to replenish the breath of life regularly to delay the aging of the wearer.

In disguise, it is to transfer the life breath of others to the wearer, which is a relatively evil thing.

It is said that this bloody pearl was taken away by a senior official of V5. I don’t know where it is now?

After the bloody pearl incident, the reputation of the auction house in [Port Carter] became increasingly prosperous, and it was directly famous in six continents.

Many people still come to this day.

The auction house also took this into consideration, so after many renovations, it now occupies a very large area.

The large building is divided into three floors and can accommodate a large number of people at the same time.

The first floor is a trading place, which mainly provides some people with the opportunity to exchange with each other, and only needs to pay part of the rent to the auction house.

The second floor is the auction hall, which is divided into one large and two small ones, with a total of three auction halls.

The third floor is used for entertaining guests, appraising goods and other matters.

In this auction house where countless things are circulating, you will definitely be able to find more things related to the thought of death.

Once inside, you can notice the difference from the outside.

Outside, most people just lay a piece of cloth on the ground and start selling.

There are dedicated vendors here, and the goods are neatly placed on the counter.

Most of them are tourists who come here to satisfy their curiosity.

The outfit is similar to Lin Ke, wearing beach-style short-sleeves and casual clothes.

On the surface, Lin Ke was just looking around, but secretly, Geng Gui was trying to find out where the aura of death thoughts was.

In the seemingly ordinary shadow, Gengar's scarlet eyes vaguely appeared, as if they could devour the soul.

Gengar, who was extremely sensitive to the aura of death thoughts, soon discovered it.

It was a blue jellyfish placed on the stall, covered by a transparent cover.

Some items on the vendors are covered with transparent lids, which neither affects people's viewing nor threatens them.

The arrangement is like this, indicating that this thing is probably unusual.

The blue jellyfish has stopped moving and is obviously dead.

But the way of death was very interesting. From the outside, there was no injury at all, as if he was asleep.

There is a relatively strong thought of death attached to the blue surface, which can be seen with just a little more concentration.

"Boss, how do you sell this jellyfish?"

Before Lin Ke could speak, someone suddenly came next to him and asked.

The voice is slightly deep and feminine.

Lin Ke turned his head slightly and realized that he was also an "acquaintance".

It's just that this "acquaintance" has been seen in the original work.

The man is wearing a large purple robe, which looks a bit like Fujitora's costume in One Piece.

His face was slightly thin and pale, he seemed a little malnourished, and he had a ponytail on his head.

The most unique thing is his empty sleeves, which shows that he is a "one-armed hero" like Yang Guo.

Yang Guo's arm was cut off accidentally, and his arm was related to his Nen.

It was Xiu Tuo from the original Ant Crusade Team, who, like Naku Lu, was a disciple of Mo Lao Wu.

He is a UMA Hunter who tracks down unidentified creatures.

He is usually very proud, but becomes timid when he is in a panic. it a coincidence that he appears here?

I don’t know why, but Lin Ke always feels that this show is the same as the unitary chicken Clook I saw before.

It’s not a coincidence that it appears here!

【Looks like this one is too】

Xiu Tuo's indifferent eyes stared intently at the jellyfish in the transparent cover.

At this time, the surface of his eyes was covered with a strong layer of thought energy, so he was able to discover something was wrong with the blue jellyfish.

"Have you finally found something?"

"Sure enough, it's more efficient to work separately."

A bold voice came from behind Xiu Tuo.

Mo Laowu, who was holding a big pipe, came with another disciple Na Kulu.

To say holding it is not appropriate.

Mo Laowu is like Wukong in Saiyu, holding the big pipe across his shoulders and placing his hands on both ends of the pipe casually.

At this time, the big pipe was wrapped in a long and wide cloth. Judging from the appearance alone, others might not necessarily guess that it was a pipe.

More like the shape of a big hammer.

It seems that he is wearing a pair of sunglasses no matter where he is, and his bronze skin symbolizes his status as a sea man.

Mo Laowu always looks like a businessman, wearing a light-colored suit and black trousers.

He has no eyebrows, a square nose, a square chin, and amazing muscles. He is a standard image of a big man.

Nakulu's appearance will be even more peculiar, with a square airplane head, a fierce face, and a pair of thick eyebrows.

Similar to the delinquent students in Japanese comics.

He has a kind-hearted character, is informal and has a great sense of justice.

Like Gon, he has a natural attraction to animals, and he also takes great care of wild and other small animals.

This is why he became the Beast Hunter.

"Yes, there is a clear desire to die in it."

Xiu Tuo pointed to the blue jellyfish on the stall and said in a gloomy tone.

Mo Laowu's two apprentices are very strange, completely different in appearance and heart.

Neither Xiu Tuo nor Naku Lu looks like good people, and they have similar styles to the angry and jealous two.

But in fact they are all righteous people.

They all performed well in the ants chapter.

"It seems that the information is probably correct."

Mo Laowu glanced at the blue jellyfish, and he could tell that the strong desire to die on it was unusual...

"You have to be mentally prepared!"

As soon as Mo Laowu's rich voice came out, the expressions of the two disciples became serious.

What they have to face next is not simple.

"Oh? I don't know what it is? Can you tell me about it if it's convenient?"

Hearing this, Mo Laowu and the other two people all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

After seeing Lin Ke's face clearly, Mo Laowu's pupils under his sunglasses suddenly shrank, and he subconsciously held the big pipe with both hands.

From these small actions, we can see his inner peace.

"I didn't expect you to show up here?!"

Xiu Tuo and Naku Lu didn't recognize them for a while, because they were not qualified to go to the announcement site of the new five Ninjas.

Moreover, Lin Ke's current casual dress is inconsistent with her usual style.

But Mo Laowu, who had only met Lin Ke a few days ago, recognized him.

The terrifying five breaths that day made Lin Ke's appearance deeply imprinted in his heart.

Even if I don't remember it deliberately, I'm afraid I will never forget it in this life.

"I'm just here for a trip. Your name is Mo Laowu, right?"


A flash of surprise flashed in Mo Laowu's eyes, he didn't expect Lin Ke to know his name.

Now Mo Laowu has not experienced the ant crusade, and his reputation

Not that big yet.

"Master, who is this?"

Nakulu next to him looked hesitant and said that this was the first time he had seen someone treated with such respect by his master.

I'm afraid this is how we treat Chairman Netero, right?

"This is [The Strongest in the New World], the strongest owner of the Sky Arena - Mr. Lin Ke."

Seeing that the two of them hadn't recognized it yet, Mo Laowu quickly repeated it, which finally made the two of them remember.

"So it's the legendary Lin Ke!"

Nakulu said in an excited tone.

It's just that his fierce face became less like a good person and more like a street gangster when he was excited.

Mo Laowu looked around and saw that there was a large flow of people, and said in a warm voice:

"This is not a suitable place for conversation. Please follow me to a quiet place."

The first and second floors were not suitable for talking, so Mo Laowu led everyone directly to the reception room on the third floor.

As a one-star Hunter, Mo Laowu still deserves the high-end reception room provided by the auction house.

"In fact, we came here to accept the association's task and come to check for danger."

"According to a series of reports, there seems to be a possibility of Dark Sonata appearing here."

"So we are considered the vanguard, here to investigate. We can apply for support at any time if needed."

Facing Lin Ke, Mo Laowu confessed almost without reservation, there was no need to hide it from Lin Ke.

As one of the five new Nin who was personally ordained by President Netero, even the strongest in the new world, Lin Ke can still be completely trusted.

And Mo Laowu still had some expectations in his heart.

If Mr. Lin Ke is interested in this matter, he may be able to get him to work together.

If Mr. Lin Ke is in the team, there will not be any safety issues.

3.7 This title of "The Strongest in the New World" is not for nothing!

Because he had witnessed Lin Ke unleash his momentum with his own eyes, Mo Laowu was determined to do so.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Lin Ke's five auras, if he hits him casually, he will be crushed.

"So that's it."

Lin Ke sat on the sofa and said thoughtfully.

What Mo Laowu described was consistent with the information he discovered earlier.

In about the past two weeks, the missing rate of ships going out to sea in [Carter Port] has gradually increased.

After sending people out to search one after another, nothing was found, and many people were even found.

Even V5 paid attention to it and sent people to investigate, but still found nothing.

The only news I got was that deep in the sea, there was a fog with extremely low visibility.

You can vaguely hear music coming from the outside of the fog, but there is no other information.

As long as the ships and people entered the fog, they did not appear.

So the people sent behind retreated after obtaining this bit of information.

This time it was the Hunter Association's turn to take action, and it was not easy once it took action. There were no idlers waiting to take action.

Considering that it might be related to the legendary Dark Sonata, Xijigu, one of the twelve earthly branches, was sent.

At the same time, because they appeared on the sea, Mo Laowu, the leader of the ocean hunters, and his disciples were added.

An elite team of four people.

It is very suitable to be responsible for exploration, and it is also convenient to retreat when the situation is not good.

Mo Laowu's Nen——Purple Smoke Mobile Team is also very suitable for exploration.

This can also explain why Youji Clook appears here.

It seems that Hisoka is also quite concerned. This should be regarded as blocked information.

I never thought I could find this for myself. .

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