Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 134 PokéMon Props? Give And Get! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"So, I wonder if you are interested..."

Mo Laowu pushed up his sunglasses and said solemnly, with a flash of light in his eyes.

This was related to their life safety in the future, so he couldn't help but be rude.

As long as Lin Ke nods and agrees, their safety issues no longer need to worry.

With [The Strongest in the New World] in the team, this will be the safest team.

"Okay, tell me when you are going to leave, and we will go together."

Lin Ke glanced at Men Qi next to him and accepted Lao Wu's invitation.

Anyway, I will go no matter what, and now I have a dedicated guide to take me.

"Great, with your joining, this exploration will go very smoothly."

Mo Laowu seemed very excited after receiving Lin Ke's accurate answer, and his two apprentices were almost the same.

They all know what Lin Ke's joining represents.

"No, my goal is not just to explore, but to solve the source of death thoughts."

Lin Ke shook his head, his goal was not just exploration.

"Solve the source? But it's probably Dark Sonata..."

In the middle of speaking, Mo Laowu suddenly remembered the name of Lin Ke [the strongest mind-killing master].

There was a trace of hesitation on Fangzheng's face. Guo Lin, are you kidding me?

Is he really sure?

"Okay, it would be great if we could solve the problem directly!"

Mo Laowu did not question whether Lin Ke could solve it, but agreed with Lin Ke's idea.

In any case, even if Lin Ke can't solve it, there is still no problem if he wants to leave smoothly.

It's also too late to decide whether to leave by then.

After exchanging contact information, Lin Ke and Mo Laowu and others parted ways.

Just call when you leave.

Before leaving, Lin Ke also bought the jellyfish. After all, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

Successfully showed his ability to eliminate Nian in front of Mo Laowu and others, which made Mo Laowu more confident in Lin Ke.

Watching Lin Ke and the two leave, Nakulu softly said:

"Master, Mr. Lin Ke is really amazing."

Staying with Lin Ke, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that Lin Ke's whole body is full of unusual aura.

Every move has a great sense of shock.

When facing him, people will always subconsciously lower their status and show a low attitude.

This undoubtedly caused an extreme shock to Nakulu, who pursued power.

Even when faced with the seemingly frightening Dark Sonata 13, Mr. Lin Ke is not as worried as they are.

It seems that Dark Sonata is just something that can be easily erased to Lin Ke.

Not only will you not be afraid, but you will also take the initiative to face it.

This is the real strong man!

"Yes, you must know that the top five talents have all said that they are not as good as Mr. Lin Ke.

"It is precisely because of this that Mr. Lin Ke's team will be called the strongest in the new world."

In the next few days, Lin Ke and Men Qi spent time playing in [Carter Harbor].

Not only did I eat a lot of delicacies that are rarely seen outside, but I also discovered some weird items.

Among them, Lin Ke finds two things most useful.

They are water beads and pumice.

[Water collecting beads]: They are water beads half the size of a fist formed by being surrounded by a transparent film.

Just taking one pill can provide an adult with the moisture he or she needs throughout the day.

It is especially suitable for replenishing body moisture when there is not enough fresh water. .

It is also rich in other nutrients, which can save lives in critical moments.

This is obtained from a special fish in [Carter Harbor].

Local people call it water bead fish.

Because this fish has a very strange appearance, there is almost no fish meat on its body, but its body is formed by water droplets.

Only some body structures such as internal organs are hidden deep inside.

Because the outside is filled with transparent water droplets, people can easily see the internal organs inside through the water droplets.

It seems that because of the special body of the water bead fish, it can secrete a strange membrane to compress and purify the water body.

The originally salty sea water has been purified and turned into water droplets that are the same as fresh water.

Unfortunately, this kind of fish is extremely rare and only exists in the depths of the sea, so the price of each water drop is very high.

For most people, the money spent on one water-collecting bead is enough to buy water several times more effective than the water-collecting bead.

Only a few people will buy it.

Apart from rich people who buy out of curiosity, there is only one type of people left.

That is the person who is targeting the Dark Continent!

Not everyone has a space system Nen, so this kind of water collecting beads with the effect of concentrated fresh water highlights its use.

In a place like the Dark Continent, nothing is surprising.

Even if you try every possible means to test a bowl of water, there is still a possibility of sudden death on the spot if you drink it again.

There are extreme risks in eating anything from the Dark Continent.

In that kind of place, even if someone dies if they step on the ground, Lin Ke won't be particularly surprised.

The four words "Dark Continent" itself mean endless unknowns and possibilities.

The film outside the water collecting beads is relatively tough, otherwise the water beading fish would not be able to live in the sea.

This is also suitable for people to carry. The only disadvantage is that the quantity is too small and the price is a bit expensive.

Lin Ke estimated that the magical water bead fish is most likely the minister of the sea from between the six continents and the dark continent.

Unlike others, Lin Ke doesn't have a particular need for water collecting beads. After all, Gengar can store a lot of water.

Mainly because I didn't have any shortage of money and to satisfy my curiosity, I bought some.

Although this collection of water beads is rare, it is also known to everyone.

Next, the pumice stone is different. It was found by Lin Ke from the treasure chest in [Hai Shi].

It was sold at the Auntie's stall that previously sold Death Nian Pearl.

At first I thought it was just a pretty amber stone.

It wasn't until Lin Ke noticed that it was absorbing the energy in his hand that he realized the magic of this stone.

[Pumice]: It looks like just a beautiful stone.

But as long as you hold it in the palm of your hand and continuously transmit thoughts into it, the gravity on the holder can be reduced.

Lin Ke has tried it before. Under full infusion, he can reduce about 50% of the gravity on his body in ten seconds.

Suddenly my body felt much lighter.

As long as you adapt to it in advance, it will be very helpful for your own experience.

Although it only has the effect of reducing gravity and not increasing it, it is not bad.

In some strange circumstances, it may work wonders.

This kind of thing that achieves magical effects by absorbing thought energy is called a "secret treasure" among ordinary people.

It is called a "thought tool" in the circle of nuns.

That is, "props that use mind energy".

The cloth bag Jin once used falls into this category.

But that bag involves the use of space, so it is definitely more precious than the pumice stone in Lin Ke's hand.

Although the use of pumice is not bad, the idea it gives Lin Ke is more important.

After testing, this pumice stone can also be used by Pokémon.

This can't help Lin Ke thinking of the "light stone" in Pokémon props. Except for the different appearance, the other effects are the same.

In other words, the telekinesis tools in the Hunter

This seems very reasonable and very likely to be achieved.

After all, anything can happen in the Dark Continent, and anything with any effect can appear.

Maybe you can find things with the same effects as [Leftovers], [Aura Belt], etc. later.

With the cooperation of props, the strength of Pokémon will be even higher.

Many times, there will be a big difference in the strength of Pokémon with and without props.

Many tactics require the use of props.

For example, if a Nut Dumbbell is paired with leftover food, if someone hits it and the blood is deducted, the damage caused will be restored immediately.

After playing for several days, Lin Ke finally received a call from Mo Laowu - get ready for action!

The blue sky stretches as far as the eye can see, and below is the equally boundless sea.

The golden sandy beach and the blue sea water are adjacent to each other. From time to time, waves hit them again and again, and then fall back.

There was no one on the beach in the early morning, so this was the agreed place that Mo Laowu had agreed upon.

They will board the ship at the port next to it, and Chen Mo Laowu will sail to the location of the labyrinth.

Only Xiu Tuo, Naku Lu and Clook were seen on the field, but Mo Lao Wu was not seen.

Before he could ask, he saw a sudden and terrifying movement in the distance.

Above the sea, the strong wind swept up a huge wave. The mountain-like huge wave was like a wall, heading towards the beach.

As the waves rolled, the scene became extremely grand and spectacular.

This can be regarded as one of the characteristics of [Carter Harbor].

This [Carter Harbor] has a probability of having giant waves a few days a month, which is an extremely spectacular scenery.

"Where is Mo Laowu?

Lin Ke narrowed his eyes slightly and saw an extremely tiny figure in the semi-circular arc waves.

It’s Mo Laowu!

Mo Laowu rode his surfboard and rode the waves leisurely, without even leaving his big pipe.

It is still carried on the shoulders in the same posture as the Monkey King.

Although he was carrying a heavy pipe, Mo Laowu could still rely on his superb surfing experience to make no mistakes.

This chilling giant wave seemed like a small wave hitting the beach under his feet.

As the waves continued to approach, Mo Laowu was able to reach the crowd on his surfboard.

"Huh, I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting."

Mo Laowu put away his surfboard, looked slightly embarrassed, and slowly apologized to everyone.

The probability of giant waves appearing is relatively low, and he really doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

The apology here is mainly directed at Lin Ke and others. After all, he was the one who invited Lin Ke and others.

"It's okay, let's get ready to go."

Lin Ke shook his head. He didn't feel anything bad. On the contrary, Mo Lao Wufang's actions reminded him of an interesting thing.

To put it bluntly, Mo Laowu's movements are "surfing".

Coincidentally, Capmon can also surf.

Do you want Kirby to show off its skills in front of everyone?

Lin Ke found it very interesting when he thought of Kirby's fat body and its appearance of surfing wantonly in giant waves.

I'm afraid the expressions of Mo Laowu and others will be more interesting, right?

However, it is still important to sail now. There are many opportunities for Kirby to perform on the sea.

Because there will be huge waves in the past few days, Lao Wu did not dock the boat on the beach.

Instead, it docked at a nearby port.

The ship they took next was not small, it was a medium-sized ship.

Although they only have six people on board, the association has said that it will try to bring back the missing people as much as possible if the ability allows.

If you only take a small boat, you will easily be in a situation where there is not enough space.

Although it is a medium-sized ship, the ship Mo Laowu got is top-notch in every aspect.

The speed is much faster than ordinary small speedboats

The interior decoration is also very luxurious, and all supplies are available.

Under Mo Laowu's control, the ship began to sail away from the coast and headed towards the depths of the sea.

"I really didn't expect you to appear here."

"When Mo Laowu told me, I couldn't believe it.

Holding red wine in hand, Clook took the initiative to greet Lin Ke.

During the meeting to discuss whether Lin Ke could become a "Samsung Hunter", the arrogant Clook was disapproving of Lin Ke.

Thinking that one person could not have so many feats.

But at the [New Top Five] meeting some time ago, Lin Ke’s Five Auras completely shattered Clook’s arrogance.

It turns out that there are really people who can reach that level of strength!

Lin Ke's power not only deterred Pariston and gangsters who wanted to find fault.

Everyone present was shocked by Lin Ke's strength.

You must know that the people present are all high-level officials from all parties, and even they were shocked.

In the past, the most powerful people Clook had met were President Netero, Jin and others.

But they are not on the same level as Lin Ke.

With the joining of Lin Ke, she also has great confidence in this industry.

Not to mention solving the danger, at least it will be no problem to come back with all tails intact.

"It's just a coincidence. I like to travel to various places, and I happened to meet you here."

"Actually, we met you once after we came here."

Lin Ke recalled the scene when Gu and Menqi first arrived here and performed impromptu performances for everyone on the street 490.

The influence of the twelve earthly branches is indeed unparalleled in the six continents, and most of them are kind people.

Therefore, he is loved by the people.

Just showing up on the street can cause such a sensation.

In fact, if Lin Ke takes the initiative to show up, it can cause even greater commotion.

After all, the publicity of Sky Arena is not false.

It's just that after arriving at [Carter Port], Lin Ke took the initiative to reduce his presence, and his points were also different.

Otherwise, how could I travel with Menqi if I was surrounded by people when I went out?


"I wonder when we met? I don't have any memory of it.

Clook pondered slightly, with an unexpected look on his face.

She never thought that Lin Ke and Lin Ke had already seen her here.

"You had an impromptu performance on the street a few days ago, and those pigeons were so controllable.

"Even as soon as the performance ended, people gathered around me asking for autographs."

Menqi tucked the ends of her hair that were blown away by the sea breeze behind her ears and said with a smile.

She remembers that day equally well.

"It turned out to be that day."

Clook then realized which day it was.

It sounds like it was fate, but she only performed on the street that day, and nothing happened after that.

Lin Ke and Lin Ke just happened to meet at that moment.

"Speaking of which, I also have something to ask you."

Halfway through the conversation, Lin Ke asked what he wanted to know.

Professional questions should be asked to professionals.

"Please say."

"I would like to ask about Dark Sonata."

Dark Sonata…………

Clook glanced at Lin Ke thoughtfully, feeling surprised in his heart.

With such strength, would Lin Ke still take risks to find Dark Sonata?

But she soon figured it out again.

Judging from what Mo Laowu said before, it seems that Lin Ke wants to get rid of the dead thoughts in Dark Sonata.

The purpose is not the effect of Dark Sonata.

"I don't know much about Dark Sonata, after all, it's too mysterious."

After a while, Clook told all the information he knew.

Dark Sonata is said to be a solo piece composed by the Demon King.

It can be played by four musical instruments including piano, violin, flute and harp.

When humans play or listen, they will inevitably encounter unimaginable and terrible disasters.

The melody in the original work is that after listening to a short passage on the flute, it becomes like a groundhog.

Clook’s statement also coincides with Lin Ke’s conjecture.

"Dark Sonata now seems to have its own [pay] and [get]"

"The only thing that's clear right now is the flute part."

"It seems that listening to the flute chapter will cost health and gain some special abilities."

"As far as I know, this is the case for a nun named Melody."

Melody has also sought help from the Hunter Association, so Clook also knows about this.

It's a pity that even if he sought help from the Hunter Association, Melody still couldn't be saved, and was finally eliminated by Lin Ke. .

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