Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 141 Curse Talisman? PokéMon’S Happiness! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

If it is Meloetta, then it is indeed worthy of such harsh conditions.

Collecting the complete Dark Sonata and giving birth to Meloetta seems to be quite worth the action.

Not to mention that Dark Sonata's Death Thought can also increase Gengar's strength.

Moving his thoughts away from the Meloetta that he had not yet obtained, Lin Ke found two things on the ground.

This is what was left behind after the black shadow was swallowed by Gengar.

One of them is a bit bigger, but it looks very weird. If you look closely, it will make your scalp numb.

This is a mummy!

I don’t know how long it took after the breath of life was sucked out, but the whole person had already become a mummy.

The shriveled body was only skin and bones, much smaller than a normal person's body.

It seems that his previous guess was correct!

Presumably, this mummy is the person who played the Dark Sonata, and most likely it is the crew of this broken ship.

It was previously used as a carrier and became the body of Dark Sonata, and this was how Black Shadow was born.

There is nothing interesting about the mummy, and it has no other effect except to confirm Lin Ke's conjecture.

What attracts Lin Ke even more is another item.

It was a piece of yellowed paper with crooked notes written on it.

Just from the appearance of the words, you can feel that it contains a strong meaning of madness.

Come to think of it, this is the legendary Dark Sonata!

Originally Lin Ke thought that the appearance of Dark Sonata should not be that simple.

Perhaps it is some kind of item that requires input of mind energy to reveal its contents.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lin Ke felt that this was only reasonable.

If you need to enter the mind energy, you can see the content of Dark Sonata.

In other words, only the worthy can see it.

Then Melody's friends and this crew must be talented people.

This probability is a bit low.

I don't know what kind of material this paper is made of. It is very tough, which does not mean that it is as hard as stone.

It is indestructible and extremely resilient.

This Dark Sonata is not useless to him, it can still be useful in some special circumstances.

For example, if you are surrounded by others, you will take out a violin and start playing.

It would be fine if I opened the blood lock myself, but others would be in dire straits.

It was originally a method of injuring the enemy by eight hundred and damaging himself by a thousand, but this was not the case for him who had unlocked the blood.

Putting together a complete Dark Sonata, apart from the possibility of giving birth to Meloetta, has another benefit.

Legend has it that if all the dark sonatas could be gathered together and played together, something unexpected would happen. 800

Lin Ke is quite interested in this point.


After completely swallowing the black shadow, Gengar released his super evolved form and came to Lin Ke's side.

After eating the black shadow, Gengar seemed to have overdone it all of a sudden, with a strange black mist constantly dispersing from his body.

The pair of scarlet eyes stared at the dark sonata in Lin Ke's hand, revealing obvious desire.

"It can increase the power of your skills..."

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, grabbed the Dark Sonata in his hand, and said thoughtfully.

Gengar just said that this Dark Sonata can improve the power of its skills.

But it mainly works on ghost-type skills. After all, Dark Sonata is similar to ghost-type skills.

Dark Sonata, as a musical score created by the Demon King, has been surrounded by a large number of thoughts of death all year round.

It is reasonable to leave such an ability behind.


Dark Sonata is a piece of paper, and it has the effect of amplifying ghost skills.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke's expression was a little strange.

Isn't this equivalent to the Curse Talisman in the Pokémon world?

The Curse Talisman, also called the Curse Talisman, is a prop in the Pokémon world.

From the outside, it looks like a paper talisman with red dots drawn on it, revealing a ghostly atmosphere.

For a Pokémon carrying this item, the power of ghost-type moves can be increased by 20%.

According to Gengar, this dark sonata coincides with the cursed talisman!

This is the second thing Lin Ke has encountered that has similar effects to Pokémon props.

The first item is a light stone, which can reduce its own gravity by inputting thought energy.

But this Dark Sonata is different. Gengar does not need to spend his energy to enhance the power of his skills.

The effect of pumice is active and requires energy to be activated.

The effect of Dark Sonata is passive and can be exerted as long as it is worn on the body.

Generally speaking, there are some differences with Pokémon props. After all, this is the Hunter X Hunter world.

But this makes Lin Ke more confident in the future.

As you continue to explore later, you will even go to the unknown dark continent.

He will encounter more magical things, and there will definitely be many items suitable as Pokémon props.

Since it is useful to Gengar, it goes without saying that Dark Sonata must be given to Gengar for safekeeping.

Gengar suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed Dark Sonata, storing it in his stomach.

This will trigger Dark Sonata's amplification effect.

This Dark Sonata is not bad and has many uses for me.

It can not only increase the power of Gengar, but also can be used as a trump card at critical moments.

You can also breed Pokémon, which may allow you to obtain the mythical beast Meloetta.

It is indeed a piece of music composed by the Demon King.

This visit to [Carter Harbor] was really full of rewards, so much that Lin Ke couldn’t list them all at once.

First of all, I got a lot of weird and weird items.

For example: Gathering Water Beads, Pumice Stones and Dark Sonata.

Secondly, the experience value of Pokémon has increased overall.

The most important thing is that the three evil dragons and Gengar have all reached S-level from S-level.

Now he has three S-level Pokémon on hand!

After Mega Evolving, S-level Gengar can reach S+ level, becoming the strongest Pokémon in his hand.

The last and biggest reward was that he gave birth to two new Pokémon.

One is a water-type mount bred from [Carter Port]——Chenglong.

He successfully filled the vacancy of Shanghai Ocean Mount.

The other one is even worse. All the previous gains are not as good as this Pokémon.

That is the sturdy ghost cicada bred from the [Demon Realm].

Gui Chan has the same devouring ability as Kirby, and merging with Lin Ke can make him as immortal as Gui Chan.

This has brought Lin Ke's life-saving ability to the highest level, reaching a level that cannot be higher.

He won't be killed.

Of course, if the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too large, the enemy can also adopt the method of confinement.

At that time, it will change from being unable to die to being worse off than alive.

So it can't be called invincible. You have to get more powerful Pokémon to improve your strength.

Southeast corner of the Republic of Batrogia,

This is the city where Sky Arena is located.

The lively streets of Japan are even more crowded during this time, and tourists from six continents can be seen everywhere.

Even the shops on both sides of the street have opened a large number of new ones, and they are ready to take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

The so-called opportunity is the biennial Sky Arena Fighting Conference.

This is a famous event famous throughout the six continents, and it attracts the attention of countless people every time it is held.

This year's martial arts competition is particularly popular.

That's because almost everyone is waiting to see that one person!

The one who only appeared in the eyes of the public last year, and who made great progress until he defeated the champion of the last martial arts tournament.

He is the legend of Sky Arena——Lin Ke!

This is also the reason why when Lin Ke was officially invited, his status was placed so low.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the people who came to see this martial arts competition, at least ninety-nine out of one hundred people came for Lin Ke.

If news is released that Lin Ke is not coming, this will be the worst martial arts tournament in history.

Maybe it's Lin Ke's influence, or maybe it's the trajectory of the original work.

It has been a year since the last time Lin Ke was in the Sky Arena, and the host's position has also changed a lot during this year.

All the posters who have played against Lin Ke have left the Sky Arena.

Such as "Tennis Queen" Sally, "Plant Queen" Lina, "Iron Man" Jim and others.

Some left to pursue their ideals, while others wanted to go to other parts of the world to meet more powerful people...

In the end, the author's strength has become increasingly weak over the past year.

The position of the original poster, which is not very valuable, is even more useless.

Even Zooci, a child who has just been exposed to "Nian", has become a member of the poster.

Therefore, if Lin Ke does not participate, this martial arts conference will be the worst one ever held.

Because everyone is here for Lin Ke!

Although Lin Ke (bhcb) defeated the champion of the last martial arts competition, he made an exception and became the owner of the 251st floor with the recognition of people and even the official.

But people all want to see the moment when Lin Ke truly becomes the champion.

So I can't help but say that the official words are not humble. If Lin Ke is not happy, it will be over.

Fortunately, Lin Ke planned to harvest Jade's experience and agreed to the invitation from the Sky Arena.

This also made many senior executives overjoyed, and they quickly spent a large amount of money to publicize the news.

They want people across the six continents to know that Lin Ke will participate in this martial arts competition!

Even Sky Arena learned the name Lin Ke [The Strongest in the New World] from the Hunter Association.

This title was directly included in the promotional slogan!

Legend of Sky Arena!

The new world is the strongest!

Lin Ke is about to participate in this martial arts competition!

It is precisely because of Sky Arena’s sparing no effort in publicity.

As a result, the martial arts competition, which was supposed to have poor results, was actually much more popular than in previous years.

The martial arts convention brought benefits to the entire city, and a steady stream of tourists promoted economic development.

Among them, there is a kind of store that is incompatible with the surroundings, but it is the most popular and has the highest sales volume.

That is the stall opened by the Sky Arena, and the items sold there are all peripherals of popular players.

Among them, the one with the most peripheral items is the legendary Lin Ke!

How exaggerated is it?

Most of the items on the entire stall are Lin Ke's merchandise, and the number of other posters' merchandise is pitifully small.

Even these Lin Ke peripherals are still in short supply, and many of them were sold out as soon as they were put up.

On the contrary, no one cares about the small number of other surrounding areas, and they have been staying there without anyone caring about them.

“Boss, boss, give me three pendants of the legendary Lin Ke, no, no, no, I’d rather have five!”

A pretty white-collar woman said with a fanatical expression.

She works at a famous law firm in the Urubian continent.

In order to witness with her own eyes the moment when Lin Ke won the championship, she took a long vacation to come here.

"Boss, do you still have the portrait of the legendary Lin Ke? If not, I will go to another place!"

“Boss, the legend Lin Ke…”

The smaller vendors were surrounded, and their frenzied looks were like a zombie siege.

And this is just a microcosm of countless surrounding vendors.

Just selling Lin Ke’s peripherals creates more value than the Sky Arena spends on publicity!

Of course, a considerable part of this money will be distributed to Lin Ke.

The difference between a full meal and a full meal.

The top management of Sky Arena can still tell the difference.

As long as you hold Lin Ke's thigh tightly, you won't worry about not having the opportunity to make money.

"Did you see that at the next martial arts competition, people will make more Mr. Lin Ke's peripherals?

"Those assembly lines should stop making peripherals for other posters. Give them to me to make peripherals for the legendary Lin Ke!"

A certain senior executive stood in the corner observing the sales situation, and said to the casual secretary with great satisfaction.

It seems that it was too conservative before, and all of them should be used to make peripherals of the legendary Lin Ke.

After a year of fermentation, the reputation of the legendary Lin Ke has not diminished, but is still at its peak.

Especially after the name "The Strongest in the New World" appeared, Lin Ke's reputation reached a new peak.

The number of Lin Ke's fans is still rising.

The white-collar woman is just one of the countless fanatic fans.

If Lin Ke were to see these fanatical fans, he would probably think of the Yin Beast Earthworm from before.

The expressions are surprisingly consistent, they are all so fanatical.

In the world of Hunter X Hunter, people believe in power zones.

Otherwise, a place like the Sky Arena, which is a gladiatorial arena, would not be so popular.

The top floor of Sky Arena,

This is where the legendary Lin Ke belongs.

The entire 251st floor belongs to him.

The spacious 251st floor has many types of rooms.

After Lin Ke took over the 251st floor, he directly asked official personnel to renovate the entire floor.

Completely redesigned and decorated according to his aesthetic and style.

At the same time, the use of Pokémon is also taken into consideration.

There is a gym for fitness, which has a lot of fitness equipment, and Lucario is exercising in it.

There is a swimming pool for swimming, and Chenglong is happily playing in the water, with Kuailong accompanying him next to him.

Although they all have dragon names, only Kuailong has dragon attributes.

It is the only Lin Ke Pokémon that is suitable for moving in water.

There is a large kitchen, which is filled with "hills" of delicious food.

Kirby lay flat in the middle, squinting his eyes as if he was dozing, and looked extremely comfortable.

From time to time, when I feel hungry, I grab a handful of food and stuff it into my big mouth. With my big hands, I can grab a big handful at will.

There is a desert room full of sand, and Banjira stands quietly in the center, with occasional sandstorms blowing around him.

Being in the desert will make Banjira feel comfortable and feel like home.

Lin Ke and Men Qi stayed in the living room, eating afternoon tea and watching TV.

"The Sky Arena Fighting Tournament is about to begin, and the legendary Lin Ke is waiting for you there!"

An excited word came from the TV, causing Lin Ke's head to be covered with black lines and the corners of his mouth to twitch.

Of course, the propaganda is correct, but is your slogan too embarrassing?

And why are they all advertisements for Sky Arena?

Lin Ke changed several channels in a row and it was like this.

It seems that all TV stations are surrounded by Sky Arena.


Men Qi, who was also sitting on the sofa, was laughing so hard that her arms and legs were constantly shaking to attract Lin Ke's attention.

"If you laugh again, I will deal with you according to the family law!"

Lin Ke looked Men Qi up and down and threatened in a sinister tone.

"bring it on."

Menqi puffed up his chest and said, but his cheeks were stained with a touch of pink, a little shy.

"Then I'll come."

Lin Ke was ready to "dispose" of Menxian on the sofa.


Just at this moment, Gardevoir came over with a tea cup and asked slightly confused.

Gardevoir fulfilled her role as a maid perfectly, and was very competent in serving tea and pouring water. .

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