Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 142: Ghost And Fighting! Nine Times Out Of Ten You Lose, But This Is The Tenth Game! (2/2)


Facing Gardevoir's blank eyes, Lin Ke coughed twice and stopped, then picked up the tea brought by Gardevoir.

When you don't go out, it's nice to let the Pokémon out and play together like this.

After all, although they are essentially composed of thoughts, they also have their own consciousness.


Happy Egg stood behind the sofa wearing clothes similar to those of a nurse, squeezing Lin Ke's shoulders with a smile on her face.

As a happy Pokémon, Happy Egg loves to give happiness to others.

Like this kind of massage that can relieve other people's fatigue, it also enjoys doing it.

This nurse uniform is also very suitable for it. In the Pokémon world, Happy Egg often works in the Pokémon Center.

His job is to save lives and heal Pokémon.

While enjoying the massage from Happy Egg, there was Gardevoir serving tea and water next to me.

The Pokémon in the room were either eating or playing in the water... This gave Lin Ke a different sense of satisfaction.

Unconsciously, it turned out that he already had so many Pokémon.

This is what a Pokémon Master should look like!

He will have more Pokémon in the future, which can satisfy his collecting mentality.

Unlike Pokémon games, there is no limit to carrying only six Pokémon here, all Pokémon are on your person.

One person is an army!

After Lin Ke came to the Sky Arena, a few days passed.

The biennial martial arts competition in the Sky Arena is finally ushered in here, which can be said to be the most lively time.

There are still a few hours before the agreed start time, it is now afternoon, and the opening ceremony will be in the evening.

Today, the gate of Sky Arena was packed with people from morning to night.

This is the first time such a long queue has appeared in Sky Arena since its establishment.

All of this is because of Lin Ke!

In order to cope with the endless flow of people, there seems to be no end in sight.

Sky Arena specially sent extra manpower, doubling the number of ticket checkers.

There are no other events in the entire Sky Arena today, only the biennial martial arts conference.

In order to welcome the huge crowd, the officials had already renovated the venue in anticipation.

It has been expanded a lot to accommodate more people watching on site.

At the same time, a large screen has been installed to allow people to better watch the activities on the field.

Naturally, the most unique gambling game in the Sky Arena has not yet been completed, and has long been opened for people to place bets.

Interestingly, even though the betting market was opened, it was almost the same as not being opened.

Because most people beat Lin Ke to win, basically no one beat others to win the championship.

Even Sky Arena kept Lin Ke's odds very low.

It can be said that even if you spend a lot of money on Lin Ke, you won't make much money.

Still no one tried to suppress other posters, but chose to suppress Lin Ke to win.

After all, this is an event where the champion has already been determined.

Everyone knows who the champion is this time, they just want to witness the scene with their own eyes.

Among them, "I love the second dimension most in my life" is the most popular. If others think of him, he should be an extremely fanatical fan of Lin Ke.

But in fact, he just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a sure profit without losing money to make a few bucks so that he could buy two-dimensional peripherals.

"Hey, hey, since that Lin Ke is participating, it goes without saying who will win the championship title."

"Since it is so in line with the philosophy of our Zoldyck family, I must not miss it this time and make a good profit!"

Inside the Zoldyck family, somewhere in a dark room,

Miji Zoldyck, Killua's second brother and Silva's second son, sat in front of the computer screen and muttered to himself.

In rooms without lights, the illumination depends entirely on the faint light emitted by the computer screen.

There were several computers around Mi Ji alone, all of them playing live broadcasts of the Sky Arena.

Mi Ji stared at the screen closely, his eyes covered by the fat on his face.

Mi Ji is the person least likely to be a member of the Zoldyck family.

With all the fat on his body, no one would believe him if he was a killer.

Not to mention that he is a member of the world's number one killer family.

Unlike other members, Miji is lazy and doesn't spend much time on exercise.

He prefers the Internet and games, and his hobby is collecting calendars of beautiful girls.

The method of assassination is also very consistent with his style. He will use network means to control the bomb to kill the target.

He has also developed some technological weapons, which is a breath of fresh air in the Zoldyck family.

He is a rare high-tech talent in their family.

Because the times are progressing, and Mi Ji does have talent in this area.

The family members do not force him to follow other people's patterns.

Usually, he is mainly responsible for the Zoldyck family's intelligence search and network control.

If we want to talk about Mi Ji's biggest feature, besides being fat, it is his hairstyle. When combined with it, he looks like a fat Captain Levi.

Jeno Zoldyck put his hands behind his back and stood hunched behind Mi Ji.

The pair of sharp eyes looked around at the layout of the room.

There is a tall stack of pizza boxes, drink cans scattered on the ground, and beautiful girl figurines all over the wall.

Seeing this, the old man Geno couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Also help me pressure Lin Ke to win.

"The money will be transferred to you later."

Geno's old but still powerful words came from behind.

After a pause, a look of astonishment appeared on Mi Ji's fat face.

What did he just hear?

"Grandpa, can you win by overpowering Lin?"

Mi Ji turned his chair and said to Jeno, with a look of disbelief on his face.


Geno glanced at the shocked Mi Ji and spoke slowly.

He is not stupid. Since Lin Ke participated in the martial arts competition, wouldn't he be sure to make money without losing anything?

Different from those on the Internet, most of them are ordinary people who have watched Lin Ke's battle videos.

He had really experienced the explosion of Lin Ke's full aura up close and personal!

Not to mention competing with the so-called "posters" in the Sky Arena.

Even old friend Netero has only one outcome - losing to Lin Ke!

This is clearly an opportunity to make money.

In this case, what reason does he have for not pressing Lin Ke to win?

"Grandpa, didn't you say that nine out of ten bets will result in losing?"

Mi Ji hesitated slightly.

"This is game ten."

"But didn't you say that you shouldn't get into the bad habit of gambling, or you will lose everything?"

"Not knowing the outcome is called gambling, knowing the outcome is called investing!"


Mi Ji looked shocked and wanted to say something, but saw the look in his grandfather's eyes and swallowed the words on his lips.

It's getting dusk,

The afterglow of the setting sun gave the city a honey-like color.

The Olympus Martial Arts Tournament in the Sky Arena finally kicked off.

"Then, let us welcome back the 21 floor student contestants with warm applause!"

Following the command given by the commentator, many hosts walked out of the dim player passage.

They were greeted with sparse applause.

It should be said that any applause is not bad, because everyone knows very well that a martial arts competition is just for Lin Keli.

Because the normal poster contestants refer to the posters from the 230th to 250th floors.

The 251st floor is used as a prize.

So there is no Lin Ke in this.

Of course, there is no need to think about how enthusiastic the audience will be.

As the posters came out step by step, people were able to see the full picture of the posters.

It can only be said that there are still limitations in the pictures, and it is impossible to perfectly show the appearance of these strange posters.

The new landlords who have appeared in the past year all have strange shapes and crooked melons and cracked dates.

A big-headed poster with a head like a butt.

There is a mummy whose whole body is wrapped in bandages and whose mouth is the mouth of an insect.

There are also enchanting men in yoga clothes mixed in.

It's obviously a contestant from the original poster, but at first glance it looks like an alien invasion scene.

Even the children Zooci is one of the most normal-looking among them.

In addition to Zooci, there is another blonde woman dressed as a queen who has a more outstanding appearance.

Everyone else's appearance is basically horrible.

The event was in full swing inside the Sky Arena.

A man who was obviously young but looked very anxious was coming in a hurry.

"It's broken. It's late."

"I don't know which scene Zooci is in? It seems Gon and the others are here too."

Leorio walked quickly in the old streets, looking at the time on his watch and speeding up his pace.

"But having said that, is it really necessary to hold a martial arts tournament?"

"It must be Lin Ke who wins the championship, right?"

"It's a pity that Lin Ke's odds are too low. Even if I invest all my money, I won't get much money."

Leorio muttered something in his mouth, only focusing on speeding up, but did not pay attention to his steps.

"Alas! Alas!"

Leorio, who was thinking about being late, tripped over the uncovered sewer manhole cover and fell to the ground.

"Really! It's so dangerous that it must be properly covered!"

"What if a child trips and falls?"

The gentle Leorio's first thought was what to do if the child tripped, and he quickly put the manhole cover in place.


Several crows' cries came from above, adding a bit of a strange atmosphere.

At this moment, Leorio seemed to feel something in his heart, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction he was walking in.

I saw four mysterious people wearing black cloaks, their entire bodies shrouded in them walking towards here.

Their destination is the same as Leorio's, the Sky Arena.

It's just that Leorio is here to treat people, and they are there to kill and injure people.

Leorio pushed up his small round glasses and squinted at the people approaching. He didn't know why he suddenly felt heart palpitations.

The four of them looked like ghosts. One moment they were far away, and the next moment they were in front of Leorio.

Before Leorio could react, he was knocked unconscious by the knife of one of the strong men.

"What to do with this guy?"

"There's no need to kill him. Looking at his stupidity, he can't be Hunter anyway."


As soon as he finished speaking, the strong man opened the lid and locked the fainted Leorio directly into the sewer.


"Hello everyone, I'm Netero."

President Netero also came to the Sky Arena as a special guest.

…………Please give me flowers………………

Now he is talking to the audience through the television broadcast in a reception room specially arranged by the official.

"It's really strange. You are quite serious this time."

Sitting in the audience, Bisgi was quite surprised and said that according to Chairman Netero's usual style, it should have been over after two rounds.

"It's a formal occasion after all."

As a disciple of Bisji, the poster Zooci’s

Master, Yun Gu sat next to Bisji and responded.

"I want to clarify something here."

Halfway through his words of encouragement, Netero suddenly looked solemn and turned to talk about another thing.

Clarify something?

Chairman Netero’s words attracted the attention of countless people.

"Some people think that Lin Ke's title of "The Strongest in the New World" is groundless and not true.

"I want to clarify here personally that Lin Ke has indeed surpassed me."

"I'm no longer the strongest in the world."

After finishing speaking, Netero's picture disappeared from the screen, but it left people with countless emotions of surprise.

The president of Netero, who is said to be the strongest in the world, actually admitted it himself!

Admit that Lin Ke is better than him!

Whether it's people watching live or people who paid to watch the broadcast.

After a brief moment of daze, they all reveled enthusiastically. Their idol is the strongest in the world!

At this moment, no one doubts Lin Ke’s reputation as the “Strongest in the New World”.

After all, this was acknowledged by the [Former World’s Strongest] himself.

President Netero's words completely aroused the enthusiasm of the audience, who shouted "Legendary Lin Ke" and other words.

Seeing this, Bisji and others couldn't help but secretly marveled at Lin Ke's influence.


"What do you think when you see this scene? That's your man~"

Bisji covered her mouth with her hands and chuckled, teasing Men Qi beside her.

Most people will have a lot of feelings when they see their lover being so popular, right?

"It's okay, because he is Lin Ke~ It is natural for him to be popular.

Menqi smiled, not having too many emotional fluctuations about this.

In her eyes, these are all things that should be done.

Because of Lin Ke's deeds, the audience regarded Lin Ke as their idol and became a fanatical fan.

As Lin Ke's woman, she naturally goes without saying.

If you want to rank Lin Ke's fandom, she must be the well-deserved number one!

It's just that I don't show it much.

Menqi came here just to chat with Bisji. With Lin Ke's reminder, she also knew that this martial arts competition could not be held.

"Oh, is he stronger than you? Netero, you are also old!"

In a corner, a mysterious man in black robe sneered and said through gritted teeth.

They came here today to take revenge on Netero and the Hunter Association!

Glancing at the [Fairy's Prayer] that was used to warm up the field, Shura, who looked as cold as Orochimaru, said:

"Purgatory, you are strong."

The little girl's body trembled slightly when she heard that it was called purgatory, and a look of fear appeared on her immature face.

"See you in Nirvana."

Shura's cold words echoed in her ears.

They are a revenge quartet, each with a different division of labor.

They are Jed who is the leader, the evil ghost who cleans up the miscellaneous soldiers, and Shura who controls the machine.

Purgatory has the most special function. It can imprison people by sacrificing their lives.

This trick will be used on President Netero.

The next moment, Hungry Ghost, Shura and Purgatory disappeared from the spot, leaving only Jed, the leader, with a sinister smile.


Hunter Association!

Wait for their revenge!


"Okay, okay, stop splashing water on me."

Lin Ke, who stayed on the 251st floor, was playing with Chenglong in the swimming pool.


From the narrowed eyes of Chenglong, it can be seen that it is having a lot of fun with Lin Ke.

Lin Ke turned over and jumped out of the swimming pool.

Under Lin Ke's deliberate stimulation, the thoughts on the body's surface continued to surge, directly playing a role in transpiration.

The water drops originally hanging on the body disappeared in an instant.

For Lin Ke, the towels next to it are like decorations, useless.

Glancing at the big screen on the wall, which was playing "The Prayer of the Fairies", Lin Ke knew it was about to begin.

Jade and the others are about to take action.

Until the first two days, their experience points were not Lin Ke's main goal.

It's different now.

Because another new pregnancy bar appeared in his mind!

Originally, he thought that Lucario had been born in the Sky Arena, and there would be no new Pokémon.

Who would have thought there would still be.

Probably because of the plot of this movie, this is another Pokémon that can be bred.

The plot of the last theatrical version gave birth to a variety of monsters that defy the heavens.

So what will the Pokémon be this time?

The Sky Arena should be considered a fighting type. Jed, who came to take revenge, is a being who has been resurrected from the dead, so it should be considered a ghost type.

There aren’t many elves that match up like this~

Thinking of this, the look of anticipation in Lin Ke's eyes almost condensed into reality!

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