Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 143 The Brave Man Who Comes To The Rescue! A Must-Have Medium-Wave Missile! (1/2, Please Sub

waiting room,

Almost all the owners of Sky Arena stayed here to warm up before the game.

Some are playing with sandbags, some are skipping rope, and some are stretching their waists to form a bridge...

Only Zooci and Han Jilu, who were the first contestants, are not here, and are preparing to appear in their respective player tunnels.

"Is it really necessary to hold this martial arts tournament? Everyone knows who the final champion is anyway, right?"

The yoga host stretched out his slender arms, twisted his body left and right, and said in a helpless tone.

He had the same idea as Leorio, feeling that there was no need to hold a martial arts tournament.

"No, this martial arts tournament still has a purpose."

The frog poster next to the yoga poster, who looked like a frog, shook his head and responded.

"First of all, hosting a martial arts competition is the most profitable event in Sky Arena."

"Let's not talk about the gambling market. This year we have made a lot of money just from selling merchandise and tickets."

"Secondly, this martial arts tournament is an opportunity to prove it. Many people want to see the legendary Lin Ke actually get the trophy."

"So you don't have to hold any martial arts conference, but this one must be held."

"If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Seeing Frog Host speaking something unusual, Yoga Host looked surprised in his little eyes.

"What's wrong with you today? Why are you so bright?"

"Haha, actually these words are analysis I saw on the forum beforehand."

The frog owner said a little embarrassed, and touched the back of his head to relieve his embarrassment.


At this moment, the door of the waiting room was gently opened, revealing a figure wearing a black cloak behind the door.

"The strength is not very good? Forget it, it's just a matter of convenience."

Jade's sharp eyes like an eagle glanced at each of the landlords, and the result of "one, six, seven" made him very disappointed.

These posters look quite strange, but their strength is not that high.

In front of Jed, their fate has already been determined.

That is, he injected it with a syringe containing [Grudge], and finally transformed into a controlled "Wood".

[Resentment] is the opposite of [Nian].

If [Nian] refers to the breath of life, then it can be understood that [Resentment] refers to the breath of death.

This is an ability that only exists in extreme situations.

The ability to resent is completely opposite to Nen's performance in many places.

The ability to resent requires setting a restriction and an oath for oneself to complete a task.

Then using this as strength, it is called "Resentful Worker"

This is a force that is opposite to Yin and Yang.

Without the constraints of the six major systems of [Nian], the more demanding the task you set for yourself, the stronger your power will be.

It can be understood that the ability to resent is the restriction and oath in Nen.

By imposing "must-do tasks" restrictions, you can gain powerful resentment abilities that suit you.

For Jade and others, this task restriction is naturally to take revenge on the Hunter Association.

In the contestant channel,

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

"Hey, did you hear that?"

Han Jilu, who had a sinister face, shouted at the hungry ghost blocking his way,

Han Jilu clenched his fists, preparing to teach this person who blocked the way a lesson.

Han Jiru also looks very special, like a fusion of Lara G and Green Pepper from One Piece.

It's a pity that even with just a head, he is still vulnerable to hungry ghosts.

Not many people know that apart from Lin Ke, the only other owner of Sky Arena is Zooci.

The central control room on the 230th floor,

Shura, with a gloomy face, was standing here, with staff lying on the floor beside him.

This is the central hub of the entire Sky Arena, in charge of the power supply, monitoring, passage, etc. of the entire building.


Shura sneered, and with those feminine lines, he looked very much like the cold Lord Orochimaru in Naruto.

"Mechanical Devourer!"

Shura faced the machine, his hands suddenly spread out, and countless resentments intertwined from him and rushed towards the console.

Lines made of resentment are like tentacles, attached to each machine.

Thought energy is usually white or transparent, while this resentment energy is frighteningly black.

Ordinary people will die suddenly on the spot even if they just brush against it. It is an extremely dangerous force.

[Mechanical Devourer] is Shura's resentment ability.

You can cover the machine with resentment, achieve extremely fine control, and create a robot with combat capabilities.

Under Shura's power of resentment, the firewall of the Sky Arena was as fragile as paper and could be easily invaded.

In the blink of an eye, red images of being invaded appeared on countless screens.

Shura was concentrating on controlling the machine, but he didn't know that every move he made was exposed to the sight of something.

"Let us welcome the contestants to the stage!"

"The first game, player Han Jilu vs. player Zhiyuan!"

"It's a super heavyweight versus heavyweight fight."

With the command of the commentator, the game started amidst people's applause.

The hungry ghost also took this opportunity to lift off his cloak, and his appearance was directly exposed to the public.

The hungry ghost has razor-shaped hair, with colors ranging from blue to white, and a fierce expression on his rough face.

The two hands are particularly thick, and at first glance they look like Popeye in the cartoon.

"This is!"

"The one who showed up was not player Han Jiru?"

"Who is he?"

Even the commentator was confused. Wasn't it Han Jilu who arranged it?

Who is this?

"Is this the so-called Sky Arena?"

"It seems pretty good."

As a hungry ghost from the main fighting faction, he likes this kind of fighting venue the most. Just standing here makes him full of fighting spirit.

The hungry ghost's bloodthirsty eyes glanced around, and finally stopped at Zooci, who was in a fighting posture in front of him.

"I hope it can bring me some fun!"

In Zooci's dilated pupils, a fist filled with resentment quickly hit him.

The terrifying resentment wrapped up in it made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and he could hardly move.

Even if I try my best, I can only barely dodge it!

"This is!"

Bisji's expression was no longer as leisurely as before, his eyes were focused, and he was looking at the hungry ghosts on the field with great seriousness.

Seeing countless dark resentments wrapped around the hungry ghost's body, he couldn't help but recall the past events.

As a veteran of Shingenryu and a senior Hunter of the Hunter Association, she also knows some of the inside stories of those years.

In the past, the Hunter Association not only had President Netero on the bright side, but also Jed, who was responsible for the dark side.

The Qinglin team led by Jade is responsible for doing some shameful things that are controlled by the Hunter Association.

However, Jed and others are doing more and more things to the extreme.

After several communications with no results, President Netero had to deal with his old friend personally.

It stands to reason that the ability of [Resentment] has been dealt with by Chairman Netero and others.

Why did it appear again today?

A trace of confusion flashed in Bisji's burgundy eyes, and she couldn't figure out how they appeared.


Suddenly, rapid footsteps sounded, and the audience looked around, only to realize that they were inexplicably surrounded by robots!

"It seems something really happened!"

Bisgi glanced at the hungry ghosts on the field, and then at these heavily armed robots.

Now even ordinary people in the audience have reacted.

The Sky Arena has been invaded!

center console,

Staring at the many screens, Shura couldn't help but frown.

The order was clearly given to block the passage to the Sky Arena, and the robots controlled the people and the screen.

Why is the last one silent?

Moreover, Shura inexplicably felt a huge resistance affecting his ability to control the machine.

Even if he uses all his resentment, he can't do it!


"Bang bang!"

While Bisgi was thinking, the one-sided battle between Hungry Ghost and Zooci was coming to an end.

Zooci was basically being beaten throughout the whole process. Except for a lucky hit on the hungry ghost's nose, there was no progress.

"Hey, you are really tenacious!"

Looking at the little child Zooci who wanted to get up again even though he was scarred, the hungry ghost's face darkened.

Terrifying resentment lingered around him, like a devil crawling out of hell.


The hungry ghost gathered a lot of resentment into his fist, preparing to give Zooci the final blow!

The expressions of Bisji and others on the stage changed.

Especially since Bisji has planned to transform into a muscular woman in front of everyone and rush out to save people.

It's okay to say that he was injured, but he might not be able to be saved after this punch.

Although Zooci was seriously injured in the original work, there was no threat of death.

So Bisji just went with Yun Gu to rescue Zooci without choosing to transform.

Now the hungry ghost is angered by Zooci's persistence and is ready to kill him.

Compared with her disciple's life, Bisji didn't care about her image.

At the critical moment, a figure quietly appeared in the hungry ghost's body.

The figure appeared completely out of thin air, without any warning in advance.

The hungry ghost could only watch helplessly as the attack from the side came.

It was an attack like a meteor.

The fist surrounded by the bright thought energy was carrying the force of falling meteors, and suddenly hit the hungry ghost's side!

Steel skill——Comet Fist!


The hungry ghost's huge body immediately flew backwards, as if it had been hit by a speeding truck, and hit the wall next to it.

A big hole was made!


Lucario put away his fists and stood proudly on the ring. Under the spotlight, his handsome appearance was highlighted even more...

There was dead silence on the field.

Whether it was the audience at the scene or the people from the six continents watching through live TV, they were all surprised by the sudden change of things.

Originally, the host was surprised when he was replaced. Judging from the commentator's words, it seemed that this strong man was here to cause trouble.

Who would have thought that things would turn around again?

The strong man who beat the owner of Zooci so hard that he couldn't fight back was directly hit and flew away?

"That's...that's the legendary Lin Ke's pet!"

After being stunned for a moment, someone in the audience finally recognized Lucario.

Unlike other Pokémon, Lucario is the only Pokémon Lin Ke has appeared in the Sky Arena.

So everyone can recognize it.

Because it is difficult to explain the mind beast, the official introduction of Sky Arena to Lucario is Lin Ke's pet.

"It's the legendary Lin Ke who takes action! The legendary Lin Ke is here to save everyone!"

As a shout of surprise appeared in the audience, everyone became fully aware.


Isn’t this the legendary Lin Ke’s pet?

The legendary Lin Ke is here to save everyone!

All of a sudden, the sound of carnival and shouts came and went in the audience, even in front of the screen

The audience is the same.

"Huh~ Lin Ke has chosen to take action, then it's none of my business."

Bisji breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat back in his seat.

If you can avoid exposing yourself, it is better not to expose yourself.

Also, with Lin Ke here, the situation will definitely be under control.

Gardevoir behind Lucario and Zooci on the field disappeared at the same time, and the next moment they all appeared in front of Bisgi and others.


Menqi greeted Gardevoir, who responded with a smile and looked at Zooci.

Now Zooci is taking in less air and outgoing more air. If he does not receive treatment in time, his life may be in danger.

Waves of pink circles emerged from Gardevoir's hand.

Under the light wave, Zooci's injuries are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Super skill————healing wave!

Just now, Lucario was able to appear next to the hungry ghost instantly because Gardevoir did it through teleportation.


"I'm going to tear you apart!"

A roar came from the wall.

The hungry ghost slowly walked out of the ruin-like hole in the wall, its rough face becoming more ferocious and terrifying at the moment.

His left arm was broken after being hit by Lucario's comet punch, and it was hanging by his side unable to move.

Drenching blood flowed from his arms.

On the contrary, other parts that were hit against the wall were almost undamaged.

Seeing that the hungry ghost can still move, the audience cheered for Lucario.

"come on!"

"Beat him! Handsome dog!"

Under the cheers and cheers of everyone, a rich waveguide appeared on Lucario's body surface.

The four receivers on his head also subconsciously floated by 0.2, and his true aura was exuding all over his body!

After seeing this scene, for some reason, the same word flashed through the hearts of countless people - brave!

A steady stream of fluctuations emerged from Lucario's body, and at the same time, the aura on his body was mixed with a touch of black.

Evil skills——Trick!

Lucario's already majestic aura suddenly surged!

Then he gathered his hands in front of him and made a wave, and an extremely dazzling light emerged from it.


The hungry ghost's pupils shrank, his throat was beating up and down, but he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Lucario's aura at this moment is far superior to his!


This was the second opponent that Hungry Ghost had encountered besides Jed that made him think this way.

"Damn it!"

Facing Lucario's attack, the hungry ghost no longer had the intention of destruction just now, and only thought about this use.

He saw a piercing ball of light hitting him.

The hungry ghost quickly gathered a lot of resentment on his feet and ran to the side quickly.

He thought he could avoid it by just running to the side.

But he was wrong.

The ball of light seemed to have eyes. No matter which direction he ran, it would follow him.

"Damn! What the hell is this!"

If the hungry ghost and Maha could meet, they would definitely have a common language.

Somewhere in the dark room of the Zoldyck family,

Maha opened his cloudy eyes and stared at the ball of light chasing the hungry ghost on the screen.

This made him recall the scene of his discussion with Lin Ke.

That weird star attack has exactly the same effect as this ball of light!

All have tracking effects!

Fighting skills——wave missile!

The effect is sure to hit!.

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