Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 144 Skill Substitute! The New Era Is Called Lin Ke! (2/2, Please Subscribe)


The moment the wave bomb containing strong fluctuations hit the hungry ghost, a loud noise suddenly appeared.

The hungry ghost's body was suddenly shrouded in dazzling light, and the movement caused by the fluctuation blew him away completely.

Countless rubbles rose into the sky with thick smoke and dust, centering on the explosion point, and quickly swept away in all directions.

The aftermath of the explosion set off gusts of wind, causing people in the audience to hold their arms in front of their faces and could only look at the field with squinted eyes.

When the smoke and dust slowly dispersed, the hungry ghost's bruised appearance appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

His condition was even worse than that of Zooci before, with multiple fractures on his body and blood flowing out like pillars.

Very few places on his body were intact, and his breath was quietly missing.

He is dead!

Under Lucario's trick + full force wave missile, the hungry ghost who had been injured by the comet punch died directly.


"The legendary Lin Ke wins!"

This time people's reaction speed was much faster, and after a moment they realized that the enemy had been hit by Lucario!

The audience showed enthusiasm and cheered for Lucario and Lin Ke.

It was Lin Ke who saved them!

After this battle, Lin Ke's reputation will be more deeply imprinted in people's hearts, and Lucario will be the same.

Lin Ke's pet defeated the enemy in just two moves!

With Zooci in front of him, Lucario's strength is even more highlighted.

“Pah, pah…………

Just as people were shouting for joy, countless robots surrounding them suddenly fell to the ground without moving.


Bisji looked at the robots that suddenly lost control, with a look of surprise on his face.

Immediately an idea came to my mind.

This should also be done by Lin Ke, right?

Although people didn't know what was going on, seeing that there were no robots to stop them, they decided to leave here first.

But some people think that with Lin Ke in the Sky Arena, there won't be any big trouble.

They wanted to see Lin Ke up close, so they did not choose to leave.

So some people chose to leave early, and some people chose to stay in the audience.

People still don't understand that the matter is bigger than they thought, and the hungry ghosts are not the only ones causing trouble.

Quite a few people still hold the idea that the game will continue and they can see Lin Ke play.

As everyone knows, except for Lin Ke, there is no other poster who can compete.

Zooci was injured. Although she was fine after treatment with Gardevoir, she was still in a coma.

Other posters were even controlled by the potion of resentment and turned into puppets that could be manipulated by others.

Somewhere in the sky arena,

"Why did the passage suddenly open again?"

Kurapika frowned and looked at the open passage with confusion.

Originally, all the passages in the sky arena were closed urgently, and he was on his way to the central console.

As a result, only halfway through, these restrictions were lifted again.

It was precisely because the passage was opened again that the audience who chose to leave were able to leave smoothly.

What happened?

Could it be that………………

Has the person who hacked the center console been taken down?

Kurapika had a lot of thoughts in her mind, but her steps still did not stop and she was still moving towards her original goal.

We are already halfway there, so we might as well go over and take a look.

For some reason, Lin Ke suddenly came to his mind.

I remember that Lin Ke, as the owner of the 251st floor, seemed to have also come to the Sky Arena.

What is he doing now?

Would he have done the center console restoration?

center console,

"I always felt like something was holding me back...

"No matter what I do, there is an inexplicable feeling of stagnation."

"You have to spend three times or more of the usual amount of resentment to achieve the same effect."

"I couldn't get the screen control rights, and even the channel control rights I originally got, and even the robots, were out of control...

"There is indeed something!"

Shura suddenly looked towards the dark corner, his cold face falling into an endless look of madness.

I saw space fragments suddenly appearing out of thin air in the corner. As the fragments fell, Porygon Z's body slowly emerged.

Porygon Z's balloon-like body floated out of it, with humanized playfulness flashing in its tiny eyes.

Seeing this made Shura even more angry!

Just now, I looked like a fool, and every move I made was exposed to this devil.

"It seems you are the one causing the trouble in secret!"

Seeing Porygon Z appear from the void, Shura's eyelids couldn't help but twitch wildly.

As a person responsible for controlling networks and machines, he has naturally heard of the online world.

But he has never heard of something that can travel between the online world and the real world!

Thinking again about how he hadn't noticed any clues for a long time just now, Shura's face became even more gloomy and gloomy.

This ghost's ability in networking is far superior to his!

But so what!

Since you dare to take the initiative to show up, you will destroy it today!

Look at this thing that looks like an inflatable duck, where can it go with its strength?

"If you dare to hinder our revenge, no matter who you are, you will die!"

"Die to me!"

Shura's long hair suddenly fluttered, and with his disheveled hair and pale face, he looked like a monster crawling out of hell.

Even greater resentment burst out from his body, and when facing those who hindered his mission, Shura displayed even more terrifying resentment.

Countless dark grievances intertwined into thick ropes, like tentacles, capable of launching countless attacks in an instant.

Without the use of machines, he can still show his impressive combat experience by relying on his use of resentment!

At this moment, Shura, who was completely crazy, was somewhat worthy of his name.

Facing the horrified Shura, Porygon Beast Z had no wave in its eyes. In its eyes, Shura's fate was already doomed.

Since its birth, Porygon has been absorbing data from the online world.

After so long of absorption, it has already reached A+ level, and even S- level is very close.

Shura is very strong.

But it is far stronger than him!

A deep black wave appeared in front of Porygon Z. The aura contained in the ink wave made Shura feel palpitated.

【He actually has such strength!】

[You must not let it use this trick!]

Shura shouted crazily in his heart.

Driven by the full force of resentment, countless dark whips of resentment whipped towards Porygon Beast Z!

Porygon Z's revealed strength far exceeded his expectations.

From the aura that spread out, he could tell that he couldn't take this move!

So no matter what, we must defeat it before this happens!

Fortunately, he acted quickly. "Countless whips of resentment successfully hit Multilateral Z before it was released!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

The resentment whips hit Porygon Z crazily. With the blessing of resentment, the power of each blow was extremely powerful.

The rapid strikes of the Resentful Whip turned into afterimages in the air, like a big dark net that was about to envelop Duomai 2 in it.

After a long time, Shura slowly stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just to be on the safe side, he even whipped him continuously for a minute!

Shura saw with his own eyes that Porygon Z was hit!

He will definitely not survive!

It's probably been broken into pieces, right?

With a happy mood, Shura waved his hand and swept away the smoke and dust in front of him.

Completely reveal the scene under the smoke and dust.

There was no scarred Porygon Z, nor were there broken limbs scattered here and there.

There is only a puppet of mind energy that is slowly dissipating.

The puppet looks very cute, it is a small green dinosaur puppet.

"A puppet?"

Shura stared blankly at the disappearing puppets and murmured.

Could it be that this puppet is the original body of the inflatable duck?

It's a pity that Shura doesn't play Pokémon, so he naturally doesn't know what this puppet represents.

General skills——Stand-in!

Suddenly, Shura suddenly realized something was wrong and suddenly turned his head to look at the other corner.

He saw a dark and deep wave suddenly hitting him!

The waves of ink were like the black sea, hitting him one after another like a tide.

Evil skill——Evil wave!

Shura's golden pupils were full of evil fluctuations, mixed with panic and panic.

He fell into the trap!

That's a cover!

The real enemy has long since moved!

It's a pity that Shura didn't realize this until he died.

After a moment, Shura's consciousness was completely swallowed up by the waves of evil, and he fell to the ground silently.

Polygon Z glanced at Shura who was completely dead, turned around and entered the online world, disappearing directly here.

"Is this.........a battle has really taken place?"

Kurapika held her breath, slowly walked into the control room, and looked around at the environment.

When Kurapika rushed to the central console, she only saw the staff and Shura lying on the ground.

As well as the rather exaggerated aftermath of the battle, the entire center console seemed to have been swept through by a tornado.

Except for the most important machines that were not damaged, other places were more or less affected.

Although it is reasonable to say that there will be such a scene in the battle.

But Kurapika always feels that this has something to do with Lin Ke.

After all, in this sky arena, there are not many people who have the ability to deal with such enemies.

The rooftop of Sky Arena,

This is the highest place in the Sky Arena. Standing on the rooftop and looking down, you can have an unobstructed view of the entire city's night view.


Jade held the communicator in his hand, his eyes lowered, and there was a deep haze in his golden pupils.

He just tried to contact Hungry Ghost and Shura.

The result was no connection.

In such a situation, it doesn’t take much. It’s very likely that the person is gone…………

Jed put the communicator back into his pocket, turned to look at Netero who was fixed next to him and sneered:

"It seems like your people still have some strength."

Jed gritted his teeth and clenched his fists subconsciously, now he was the only one left.

"Oh? My people?"

Even though he was imprisoned, Netero still didn't worry too much and looked like he was smiling.

"He shouldn't be considered mine. How can I make him mine?"

Facing the blowing night wind, Netero couldn't help but sigh.

He could probably guess that it was Lin Ke who took action.

This is why he is not nervous, because Lin Ke is in this sky arena!

"Why! Why can you still act like nothing happened!"

"Tell me! Netero!!"

Netero's leisurely appearance angered Jed, who was originally unhappy because his companion died, but he was even more angry.

"Hoo ho ho ho, the main thing is that someone will come to save me."

"Otherwise I wouldn't be so calm."

After finishing speaking, President Netero blinked in a funny way.

Lower your eyes.

If his hands hadn't been fixed, he would have wanted to stroke his beard.

"Oh, Netero, you are still old. Tell me, who else can save you now!"

"With the two children I left behind just now?"

"You've probably been beaten to a pulp by me now, right?"

Jade sneered and laughed at Netero's words.

What Jed doesn't know is that he was not really defeated by Gon and others in the original book.

But that was a plot kill.

Jed, who was originally fighting with Netero, was knocked down by Gon who had an inexplicable explosion of sex.

He was even eroded by resentment before, so he should be in the same state as those posters.

As a result, he was suddenly awakened by the "power of love" with Killua, and exploded into a "Super Saiyan" to defeat Jed with one punch.

"I'm not saying Gon them."

"You probably pay little attention to current affairs, right? Don't you even know Lin Ke?"

"He is a person whose strength is far superior to mine~"

Netero recalled Lin Ke's various deeds, and the final impression was fixed on that meeting.

Those five auras really scared him~

"Hoo ho ho, it's true that the wave behind me catches up with the wave before me. I am indeed old."

"My era has passed, and the name of the new era is————Lin Ke!"


Hearing the name, Jed thought of Netero's speech to everyone earlier.

Among them, it was mentioned that he actively admitted that he was not as good as this person named "Lin Ke".

"Since you have such high hopes for this Lin Ke, it's best that he has the courage to come over.

"This way I can tear him into pieces in front of you!"

Faced with Jade's arrogance, Netero remained silent.

Jade will only realize the reality after being beaten severely by Lin Ke. No matter how much he says, it is meaningless.


Jade raised his cloak and turned his back to Netero, his pale face darkening.

The original plan was to have Shura lock down the communications of the entire Sky Arena, and then negotiate with the Hunter Association himself.

But now Shura can't count on him, so he can only do it by himself.

In this case, the information will not be blocked!

Show the pictures here directly to everyone in the six continents!

Show them how disgusting their trusted Hunter Association is.

Let them see how miserable the fate of Netero, whom they admired!

Hunter Association,

"Sorry, we have no comment right now."

"Sorry, I have no comment yet."

Inside the huge office, there were the same replies everywhere.

Faced with people's questions, the Hunter Association cannot give an accurate answer.

As the secretary to the president of the Hunter Association, the bean-faced man was even more busy, running around with his little legs.

Maybe they are all complaining about why they don’t grow more legs.

On the other hand, Pariston, as the vice president, looked like he was watching a show, sitting in his chair without moving.

"It's really unlucky that the Sky Arena was invaded and President Netero is nowhere to be found."

"Fortunately, Mr. Lin Ke is there, and it seems that the situation is under control."

The bean-faced man answered V5's call once and Kangzhong's call ten times.

There is still some spare time in the busy schedule to reflect.

While running, the bean-faced man also caught a glimpse of Pariston sitting in his office, doing nothing, and murmured in a low voice:

"The differences between people are really big."

"How can there be someone like you?"

At this moment, a female staff member suddenly shouted to the bean-faced man:

"It has appeared. The mastermind behind the scenes has started a live broadcast to the six continents, and President Netero is also on the screen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jed's figure appeared on the big screen in the office, and behind him was the imprisoned Netero.

And this scene was broadcast live to six continents!

In other words, everyone who followed the live broadcast saw the scene where President Netero was caught!


The bean-faced man looked at Netero with his head lowered in the screen, with a worried look on his face.

"Everyone from the Hunter Association, everyone from the Six Continents, good evening."

In the dark night, only the bright moonlight shed a layer of hazy light.

What appeared in front of everyone was the mastermind behind the commotion in the Sky Arena——Jade!

"In a dozen hours, that is, at five o'clock, I will execute Netero here!"

While Jed was giving his speech, Netero suddenly had something in mind and turned slightly to look at the corner next to him.

A figure suddenly appeared in the shadows.

With the help of the faint moonlight, Netero was able to see some features of the figure clearly.

The next moment, Netero's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly!

This is?!.

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