Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 145: Hundred Ghost Rakshasa! True Or False Netero! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

"My request is to make the Hunter Association's dark record book public!"

"Until then, I'll stay with Netero."

Without Shura's control, and with the change in Jade's inner thoughts, he did not cut off the scene like in the original work.

The scene of Netero being imprisoned is played all the time, which can make the lies in people's hearts flourish even more.

Maybe we can also use the power of the people to put pressure on the top management of the Hunter Association.

After finishing speaking, Jed closed his eyes and waited closely for the reaction of the Hunter Association, even V5 and other countries.

It would be better if they just obeyed his request.

If you don't obey...

Then after Netero dies, it will be their turn!

Everything recorded in the Dark Record Book is what the Hunter Association assigned them to do.

It contains not only the Hunter Association to the dark side, but also a series of dirty things in V5 and other countries.

Today he is going to make the contents public to the public!

Let people know the "good things" done by those superficial hypocrites!

It was obviously arranged by the senior management, but they were allowed to take the blame!

Releasing the Dark Record Book is just the first step in his plan.

It's not enough for his reputation to be ruined, he has to make those people pay the price with their blood!

Jade's words were an understatement, but they caused an earthquake-like movement throughout the six continents.

Jade's live broadcast is connected to Sky Arena.

In other words, everyone watching the live broadcast of Sky Arena will see this picture.

The president of the Hunter Association that they respected the most——President Netero was being imprisoned and being slaughtered by others.

This silver-haired man also said that Chairman Netero would be executed!

Will President Netero be okay?

What is the dark record book he talks about?

This is what countless viewers watching the live broadcast are thinking.

So after Jed’s speech, the Hunter Association’s hotline was almost overwhelmed with calls.

This is not an adjective, but it is really about to be blown away.

Countless people from all over the six continents have doubts and want to know the situation from the Hunter Association.

Not only the audience at home, but also the audience at the Sky Arena saw this scene.

The big screen they originally used to show the battle was now showing Jed's picture.

Suddenly, Jade seemed to feel something, and suddenly opened his eyes, with a flash of light in his eyes.

I saw several spaceships flying in from the horizon in the distance, carrying the soldiers sent by V5 to kill them.

"I'm really underestimated~"

Looking at the airship flying here, Jade raised his eyebrows and murmured in a low voice.

"Then let me show you what happens if you challenge me!"

Jade's words were directed at the countless people behind the screen.

Jade's face became more and more crazy, and he spread his hands outward, looking like Shura who had just fallen.


Along with a shout, rich blue-black resentment burst out from him.

The extremely frightening aura expanded from the center to him.

Even the soldiers who were still in the sky could feel an aura that was like falling into an ice cellar surrounding them.

The next moment, a blue beam of light shot into the sky!

At first glance, it looks like Digimon has evolved.

This beam of light shoots straight into the sky. No one knows how far this beam of light can extend upward, and no one cares about it.

"The curse of a hundred ghosts——Rakshasa!"

As Jade's deep voice sounded, Jade's golden pupils were quickly dyed with a thick layer of ink.

There is extremely majestic resentment in the blue-black beam!

This endless resentment, like the roaring Yellow River, began to condense in Jade's roar.

Black lines made of resentment intertwined.

"What the hell is this...?"

Many Nin people who were watching the live broadcast subconsciously exclaimed.

Even the soldiers on the airship had the same question.

It can be seen from this that the soldiers on the airship are not all ordinary people, but also capable people.

The blue beam of light soaring into the sky suddenly disappeared, replaced by a huge and strange monster!

The giant monster wears a yellow costume and has long red hair hanging down both sides.

The most eye-catching thing is the scary mask on its face, which is quite like a kabuki-type mask.

The huge body looks like a giant kabuki-shaped monster.

Its entire body is outlined by endless resentment.

This is Jade's ability————The Curse of Hundred Ghosts, also called Jusha!

This ability, both in its name and in its expression, is completely opposite to Chairman Netero's Hundred Styles of Guanyin.

Jade controlled the huge Hundred Ghost Rakshasa, and with a casual grab of his pale pointed hand, he blew up the airship flying in the sky.

In front of the Gundam-like large body, the airship was as fragile as paper.

Under the waving of the Hundred Ghost Rakshasa, the airship directly turned into beautiful fireworks blooming in the dark night sky.

But people didn't think it was very beautiful. Instead, they were filled with fear.

A large airship is just a matter of a wave of his hand, how can we defeat him?"

Even President Netero, whom people had longed for, was filled with surprise at this moment.

But it was different from others. He was shocked for two reasons.

"Is that really the case?"

"I originally thought it was the embodiment of past resentments."

"I didn't expect that the resentment left in the world was so heavy that it couldn't be dissipated."

"So this resentment not only reawakened the soul, but even reshaped the body?!"

"I didn't expect that I would meet you again in this state... Jade!"

Netero looked shocked and could tell it just from his tone.

Netero thought this person was a descendant of Jade, or a descendant of that group of people.

did not expect………………

He is Jed himself!

That old friend who I once solved personally!

Hearing Netero's words, Jade curled up his lips and turned to look at this old friend.

"Have you finally recognized me?"



In the online world,

There are two figures staying here, watching Jade's scene quietly.

"Don't you need to go over and help? Is it really okay to just watch the show like this?"

Ikshampe's mechanical voice sounded, and a hint of curiosity could be vaguely heard.

"No, Lin Ke is enough there."

"If even Lin Ke can't solve it, then it's useless for me to go."

Jin shook his head and stared at the huge Hundred Ghost Rakshasa in the picture.

Just from this picture, you can tell that this person is very powerful!

There is a high probability that he has the same level of strength as Mr. Netero!


Looking at the resentment all over the sky, Jin subconsciously whispered.

He had also heard about this former underground dark force, but he didn't expect that it would appear again after so many years.

"Forget it, I'm just watching the show anyway."

Seeing what Jin said, Ikshampe let him go.

As a resident of the online world, it is not interested in what the real world will become.

Zoldyck family,

"Hundred Ghost Rakshasa... I haven't seen him for a long time."

Ma Ha, who looked like an old naughty boy, sat on a small horse, staring closely at the huge figure on the screen, recalling the past.

"I really didn't expect to see you again... Jade!"

Maha's eyes narrowed with a look of nostalgia.

Naturally, he also knew Jade, and the two were relatively familiar friends.

As the dark side of the Hunter Association, Jade has to deal with killer families like them.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference in what they do, they are all assassinations and the like.

Sometimes Jade would hire him to help when he was too busy.

Maha has not seen Jade since he was disposed of by Netero many years ago. 013803018 Feilu 210062030]

did not expect………………

To meet an old friend in such a scene!


Looking at Jade with a ferocious expression, and then at Netero who was imprisoned, Maha couldn't help but sigh.

This old friend will probably disappear again soon.

After all, Lin Ke is staying there.

Even though Jade came back from the dead, Maha still didn't think Jade could compare to Lin Ke.

Jeno told him after the meeting last time.

With Lin Ke's strength, there are five of them!

Jade is no better than one of them at best, how can he compare to five of them?

Maha is not optimistic about Jade.

"You finally recognized me! Netero!"

Jed looked at Netero with a half-smile. Looking at Netero's shocked expression, his heart was filled with joy.

"Even if the resentment is still lingering, shouldn't he be able to come back from the dead?"


"Did you sell your soul to the devil?"

Netero murmured to himself, and every time he said a word, he became more sure of his guess.

"That's right, in order to avenge you, I sold my soul to the devil!"

Jed's words confirmed Netero's guess.

In the world of Hunter X Hunter, all signs can show that there is indeed a demon king.

Dark Sonata is a piece of music composed by the Demon King.

Jade was able to resurrect from the dead because he sold his soul to the devil.

After hearing Jade's words, Netero didn't know what to say and fell silent again.

He just glanced at the corner with the corner of his eye, quietly waiting for the figure to appear.

Until now, he still didn't understand why such a figure appeared there.

Give him a creepy feeling.

At the same time, Jade also noticed a sudden aura around him and quickly followed the aura.

But the scene he saw couldn't help but make his pupils shrink.

sky arena scene,

Countless spectators were frightened by Jed's attack, and he easily eliminated several spaceships in succession.

How can we defeat him and rescue President Netero?

"Don't worry, we still have the legend Lin Ke!"

Suddenly, an impassioned voice came from the audience, and the tone was full of praise for Lin Ke.


They also have the legendary Lin Ke!

It’s not that there is no hope!

"Look, there's new news!"

"Someone showed up!"

Another voice came out, causing everyone to focus on the screen.

What everyone is thinking about is the appearance of Lin Ke, even Bi Youji and others are no exception.

"Now that Lin Ke takes action, President Netero will be saved soon."

Bisji smiled and said to Menqi and Yungu beside him, while looking at the screen, ready to enjoy the battle between Lin Ke and Jade.

However, the development of things was beyond everyone's expectations.

Because the figure that appeared was not Lin Ke at all!


Chairman Netero!

"Hoo ho ho ho, what a wolf


"What are you playing? How about letting me join in, old man?"

A figure slowly walked out of the dark corner, wearing a familiar smile, winking and joking.

There is a funny smile on the kind-faced face, and there are longer ears on both sides.

The visitor was wearing the same blue and white uniform as Chairman Netero used to wear.

That is the president's clothing with the Hunter Association logo printed on it.

Usually only one person can wear it————Chairman Netero!

".."what on earth is it!"

Jade's eyes went back and forth between the imprisoned Netero and the [Netero] that had just appeared.

A rich look of confusion appeared on his face.

Why did another Netero appear?

The newly appeared [Netero] is exactly the same as the Netero next to him in terms of tone, voice, appearance, and breath!

Who is the real one?!

"Hoo ho ho ho, it's really incredible? Are there two me in the world?"

Netero, who is bound by resentment, has been shocked before, so his emotions are not fluctuating much now.

This was the second reason why he was shocked earlier.

With the moonlight, he caught a glimpse of [Netero].

Because the other person has the same appearance as me, I was surprised.

The emotion of surprise has passed, but the emotion of doubt still remains.

Am I a substitute??

"Netero! Which of you is the real Netero?"

Jade shouted at the two of them, his head a little confused and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Well, maybe I'm a fake?"

The tied up Netero laughed, feeling that things were getting more and more interesting.

"No, no, no, I am the fake."

[Netero] stroked his beard, laughed similarly, and admitted that he was a fake.

But the more this happens, the more difficult it is for others to distinguish who is the real Netero!

Their tone, speaking style, and facial expressions are all the same as the usual Netero.

No one can tell who is real and who is fake!

Except for one person, that is——Lin Ke!

Somewhere in the sky arena,

Lin Ke quietly looked at the shocked and confused Jade on the screen, with a slight smile on his lips.

"How about this real and fake Netero drama? Hope you like it... Jade!"

Naturally, there cannot be two Neteros, and one of them is naturally fake.

The one who was originally imprisoned was the real Netero, and the [Netero] that appeared later was the one who transformed the Variety Monster.

(Definitely) From the current point of view, the effect is still very much in line with his expectations.

At least no one can tell the difference. They don't know who is real and who is fake.

This is the big show he arranged——real and fake Netero!

Jade took a deep breath to calm down her inner emotions.

His eyes passed over the bound Netero, and finally settled on [Netero].

Although in every sense of the word, both are true Neteros.

But because of the previous conversation with Netero, Jade felt that the Netero who appeared later was most likely a fake.

"No matter what, I just need to arrest you first!"

"Whether you are true or false, we will be executed together when the time comes!"

Jade stared at [Netero] with indifferent eyes and his tone was extremely cold

He didn't want to think about who the real Netero was.

Just kill them all!

"Just be honest and be arrested by me! Netero!"

Jade yelled angrily, and the resentment that had just been suppressed suddenly burst out.

Blue-black resentment wrapped around him like a python, and the majestic momentum swept away in all directions.

The strong wind blew [Netero]'s robes whistling, and the surrounding air suddenly seemed to be stagnant.

[Netero] narrowed his eyes slightly, and the muscles under his robe tightened unconsciously.

Adjust your alertness to the highest level and enter a state of battle at any time!

"The curse of a hundred ghosts——Rakshasa!"

Jade's low roar reached [Netero]'s ears, followed closely by an even greater explosion of resentment!

Jed didn't show any mercy, nor did he use any simple tests, he immediately used his big moves!

Or maybe this is his temptation!

In [Netero's] calm eyes, Jade's figure quickly enlarged.

Blue and black resentment intertwined with each other, and the body of the giant monster was outlined in a very short time.

Because the person facing this time is probably Netero.

Therefore, the [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa] that Jade used this time was countless times more powerful than the last time!

Are you really Netero?

It depends on whether you can stop me!

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