Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 146 Am I A Substitute? He Said All My Words! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"Hoo ho ho, a hundred ghosts and Rakshasa?"

【Netero】I don’t know when, but he put down the hand holding his beard and his expression became serious.


Along with Jade's cry, the monster as huge as a Gundam stretched out its sharp hands and suddenly grabbed [Netero].

Seeing the pale pointed hands dilating in his pupils, [Netero]'s body surface began to surge violently.

The thought energy boiled violently like boiling water, and the terrifying momentum was immediately released outward.

Along with the momentum, there is also the golden light of the Dao Eye!

That dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed and filled the entire sky in an instant!

It was forced into the dark night sky, tearing open a golden crack!

"How could such a thing happen?!"

Seeing this scene, Netero was shocked again, his mouth opened slightly, like a demented old man.

He originally thought that someone used Nen to transform into him.

Although rare, it is not uncommon for Nen to transform into someone else.

But he didn't expect... that he could even use his own Nen!

The ability [Netero] is currently using is his [Hundred-Shiki Guanyin]!

In a meeting room of the Hunter Association,

Due to the unexpected situation in the Sky Arena, President Netero and the Dark Record Book were involved.

So the Doumian people urgently held a meeting of the twelve earthly branches to discuss how to solve the problem.

The incident happened suddenly, and all the twelve earthly branches could not arrive in time, and only nearly half of the people were in the conference room.

The remaining twelve earthly branches communicate smoothly with other people through video calls.

As for Jin, who was also a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches, he couldn't be contacted at all, so no one paid attention to him.

He probably wouldn't attend the meeting anyway.

"The situation is very clear now."

"Chairman Netero was controlled by the other party through unknown means and was unable to resist.

"Judging from the other party's methods, it is very likely that the descendants of the black shadow from back then came to take revenge."

As the "brain" among the twelve earthly branches, Chidor, the dog, analyzes and explains many matters.

"Now we must figure out how to deal with the shadow forces and rescue President Netero."

"The harmful effects must be minimized."

Halfway through, Ginta, who was also at the scene, raised her hand, and Chidor stopped talking.

"What is that dark record book that the culprit talks about?

"Can we exchange this thing for the president?"

987 Weiyang Ginta said slightly confused. In his heart, President Netero's life is undoubtedly countless times higher than any record book.

Chairman Netero’s life is what matters!

"No, for now, we can't make that dark record book public."

Chidor shook his head and did not agree with Weiyang Ginta's suggestion.


The grumpy Yinhu Kanzai yelled angrily, because he didn't have enough time, so he made a video call.

Even if no one is present, everyone can see his angry expression from his angry tone.

As a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches, we hold this position because of our respect for President Netero.

Let's not mention Pariston for the moment. His relationship with Netero is not like other earthly branches, but more like finding a rival.

There is such a simple method, but President Netero must be put in danger?

Therefore, Kanzai, who was already irritable, could not restrain his inner anger.

"Let me explain."

As an observer and the initiator of this meeting, Doumianren took the initiative to explain.

“After the culprit’s live broadcast, the Hunter Association received a meeting invitation from V5 countries.

"During the meeting, one thing was clear, that is, the Dark Record Book cannot be made public."

"This is a price that neither the Hunter Association nor the V5 countries can bear."

The bean-faced man changed from his usual calm, his expression became very serious, and the people around him could also feel it.

"What exactly is written in it? Will it have such a big impact after it is made public?"

Gel, who was also present, frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask directly.

Even as a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches, not everyone knows this buried weight.

The people who know about the Dark Record Book now are either those with more seniority and have experienced those eras, such as Bisgi.

Either he is in a high position and has someone who knows him, such as Jin.

Among the twelve earthly branches, only Jin and Qiduoer... Liao Liao and a few others had heard of the Dark Record Book.

Among them, Pariston, who is the vice president, knows it best.

"It writes about the dark side of the Hunter Association. It has done a lot of bad things in the past~"

"Of course there are also requirements for V5..."

Pariston spoke slowly, briefly describing the Dark Record Book and the Shadow Troops.

After a while, the field fell into dead silence.

Except for a few Earthly Branches who had already heard about it (bicg), everyone else was still digesting the amount of information contained in Paris' call.

Has this kind of thing been done before?

The Hunter Association also has a shadow force that is responsible for the dark side?

It's no wonder they didn't know, after all, the black shadow was dealt with decades ago.

At that time, President Netero was not that old, and some of the twelve earthly branches might have just been born.

Chidor pushed up the glasses on his face and looked quite cute in a green dog costume.

"The fact is what Secretary Dou and Pariston said, there are too many things involved in the Dark Record Book."

"If this is made public, the public's trust in V5 and the Hunter Association will decline."

"It could easily lead to riots or even something more serious."

"So this is not only a requirement of V5, but it is also best for the Hunter Association not to do this."

No one will speak out now, because it will affect public security and stability.

Even so, judging from the expressions of Kanzai and others, they still cannot accept this decision.

"You don't have to worry so much, Lin Ke is right there!"

Pyoern's clear voice came from the side, and she was also present in the conference room.

In Pyoern's view, the family's worries are unnecessary.

With Lin Ke there, President Netero must be fine.

"Yes, I agree with Pyorn. With Lin Ke there, President Netero will definitely be saved."

Gel nodded, feeling that what Pyonn said was correct.

Pyoern's words can be regarded as inspiring the confidence of other earthly branches.


Lin Ke is there too.

You must know that all the twelve earthly branches have been to the [New Five] meeting, and naturally they have felt Lin Ke's five terrifying auras.

Lin Ke is also convinced that he can surpass the president and become the "strongest in the new world".

After mentioning Lin Ke, the atmosphere on the court suddenly relaxed and there was no sense of solemnity before.

After all, he is the strongest man in the world!

If you can't even solve him, then you should honestly hand over the Dark Record Book.

"What you said makes sense, but the situation seems to have exceeded our expectations~"

"The person who appeared was not Mr. Lin Ke~"

Pariston looked at the scene of [Netero] appearing on the big screen, and his originally sunny smile faltered.

Then his eyes flashed with light, and a more playful smile appeared on his face, which made people feel sick.

Another Netero………………

After hearing this, the twelve earthly branches all turned their attention to Jade's live broadcast.

It's okay if you don't watch it, but you will be shocked if you watch it.

Two Netero presidents appeared on the screen at the same time!

"Who is that person?"

"Why does this person look exactly like President Netero?!"

Weiyang Ginta, who was not quick-thinking, was directly confused by the sudden change.

Why are there two Netero presidents?

"Does he look exactly like President Netero?"

"I think what you said is a bit unreasonable. How can you be sure that the person imprisoned is the real Netero?"

"Why can't it be revealed later that this person is the real one?"

Pariston had a very intriguing smile on his face and spoke slowly while analyzing.

As soon as these words came out, several earthly branches realized that they had preconceived notions.

Yes, the two presidents are exactly the same, no one can be sure who is real and who is fake.

Chidor frowned, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

What Pariston said makes sense.

But maybe it's because I hate him and don't want to admit his statement.

Just when the Earthly Branches were arguing about who was the true president, Jade's temptation had already been launched!

After seeing that extremely dazzling golden light, no one doubted that the Netero transformed by the Variety Monster was fake.

The appearance can be imitated, but I have never heard of someone imitating Nen as well.

Even Pariston doubted his own judgment.

Is the imprisoned Netero fake?

Sky Arena Level 245,

In a dark room with weak light, there is a "clown" with abnormal makeup staying here.

Originally, Hisoka hated the noise and ran outside the sky arena wall because of Shura's control over robots and the like.

Now both Shura and Hungry Ghost were taken care of by Lin Ke in advance, so he stayed in the room peacefully watching the show.

Sitting in front of the screen in his room, Hisoka's narrow eyes stared at the two Neteros in the screen.

This scene couldn't help but remind him of something that happened before!

He has never forgotten the impact of that time!


His worries were not wrong. It seemed that the target of change was not fixed.

In other words, as long as certain conditions are met, "people" can change into any person.

Hisoka's eyes were slightly lowered, and his hands were twitching the playing cards quickly.

The speed of his hand was so fast that afterimages appeared.

After flipping it over countless times, Hisoka pulled out three cards at once.

Without exception, they are all old K.

The three cards correspond exactly to the number of people in the picture.

After staring at the three kings for a while, Hisoka raised the corners of his mouth slightly, flipped his palm, and another card appeared in the concubine.

That's a king!

In the eyes of others, there are only three people on the field.

But in his eyes, there were clearly four people on the field!

This real and fake Netero scene is too similar to what happened in Youkexin City that night.

He still remembers what the fake Feitan said -

"I follow the master's order and come here to monitor you."

"My master's name is Lin Ke!"

Others thought Lin Ke didn't take action and didn't know where the second Netero came from.

Only he knows that this is the trick Lin Ke used!

Although Lin Ke did not appear, he had already taken action!

"Is that really the case?"

"Netero, you hide so well!"

Jed look

Looking at the scene in front of him, he scolded with a frosty face.

I saw that his [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa] attack was blocked by someone and could not take a step closer.

After the golden light that tore the sky dissipated, the spectacular scene underneath was completely revealed.

[Netero] stood upright behind the sharp hands, but the huge sharp hands could not move him to share.

I saw his right palm touching the pointed hand, and it was this right palm that defused the attack of the pointed hand.

At this moment, [Netero]'s whole body was shining with golden light, and a large Guanyin statue vaguely appeared behind him.

[Netero] Pushed hard with his right palm and pushed his hand back directly.

The next moment, an even stronger golden light soared into the sky!

The expressiveness is not weaker than Jade’s [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa] just now!

[Netero] waved his hands gently, one on the left and the other on the right, in front of him.

In the eyes of others, this is an extremely slow and long process. I don’t know why President Netero’s movements are surprisingly slow.

But when people realized it, [Netero] had already made its move.

It seems very slow, but that's just because it's so fast that afterimages appear.

In fact, [Netero] moves quite quickly.

When the last action is still lingering on people's retinas, he has already completed the action.


When [Netero] closed his hands completely, a dull collision sound suddenly sounded.

Suddenly the golden light shines!

Behind Netero, shrouded in golden light, there is a golden Guanyin statue with thousands of giant hands standing faintly!

It is Chairman Netero’s signature Nen————[One Hundred Styles Guanyin]!

If Jade hadn't been able to determine who the real Netero was before.

Then when this [Hundred-Style Guanyin] appears, there will be no more doubts.

Having worked with Netero for so long, he still recognizes [Hundred Styles Guanyin].


"You fake! You still talk to me so much!"

Jed glanced at Netero who was tied up next to him and cursed directly.

Unexpectedly, he was just a fake, and he wasted so much of his emotions for no reason.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Netero's mouth. Why did he suddenly become a fake Netero?

To be honest, the moment he saw [Hundred Styles Guanyin], even he had doubts.

Are you real?

How can he use [Hundred Styles of Guanyin]?

At that moment, even Netero himself doubted himself, let alone others.

Except for Liao Liao and a few others, everyone else thought that the one who appeared later was the real Netero.

On the field, Netero's [Hundred Styles of Guanyin] and Jed's [Hundred Demons of Rakshasa] were in sharp contrast.

One exudes strong black resentment, and the other shines with dazzling golden thought energy.

One good and one evil, confronting each other.

"How many years have we not seen such a scene at the same time?

Seeing this familiar scene, Jade couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.

"It's been a few decades. I remember the last time you and I fought like this was when I was cleaning you up!"

[Netero] said in a deep voice.

"Jade, I know the resentment in your heart! Let go and attack me!"

"I was indeed sorry for what happened back then!"

[Netero] looked solemn and his tone contained a sincere tone.

Anyone who heard it felt that this was what he thought from the bottom of his heart.

Anyone who sees this is the real Chairman of Netero.

It's not abrupt at all, and it's very reasonable, especially in the eyes of those Twelve Earthly Branches and others who know the inside story.

Except...the real Netero.

【Netero】Every time he speaks a word, there is one more black line on Netero's forehead, which makes him unable to stretch it.

These are all correct and are all his inner thoughts.

But this is what he should say.

These are all my words!

You have finished saying what I want to say, what should I say?

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