Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 147: Is That Your Mind Beast? (1/2, Please Subscribe)

"Hehehehe, Netero! Do you think I will forgive you if you say this?"

"Take the move!"

Jade sneered a few times, and when [Netero] said this, the resentment accumulated over the years suddenly burst out!

The Rakshasa's face, outlined by resentment, became even more ferocious, and the sky was filled with resentment, turning the venue into a dead place!

The already dark night was filled with blue-black resentment.

But right opposite him was [Netero] who was glowing with golden light.

On the left is Guanyin, which emits golden light, and on the right is the strange and resentful Rakshasa.

The real Netero is like a decoration, sandwiched between the two of them.

It forms a world-famous painting.

Lin Ke had already thought of a name, so it was called "The Imprisoned Netero".

This position is just enough to avoid the attacks of two people.

Even if there will be some aftermath, it will be blocked by the cross made of resentment.

Along with Jade's roar, the huge Rakshasa began to move.

But instead of waving the pointed hands as imagined, he straightened his hands and pointed his palms at Netero.

Infinite resentment suddenly gathered in the pale palm, and in an instant it turned into a huge flame bomb.

The two blue-black ghost fires are like flames coming out of hell. Just looking at them gives people a soul-stirring feeling.

The frightening dim light illuminated the dark night, like a will-o'-the-wisp, making people shudder.

This is the true use of [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa]!

[Hyakki Rakshasa] is actually best at long-range attacks.

That is similar to how the Ninner uses mind bombs.

[Hundred Ghost Rakshasa] can gather resentment in the palm of his hand and launch giant resentment bullets.

Just because the airship that appeared in front was too weak, he didn't need to use the grudge bomb at all.

Just a casual wave of his pointed hand can blow up several spaceships.

Now facing [Netero], he must use his best attack method!

In close combat, he is not as good as Netero's (Hundred-Shiki Guanyin Gong!

But for long-range attacks, his [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa] is even better!

From the faint flame to the huge flame bomb, all this was completed in just a few seconds.

Because they are formed by the gathering of resentment, these attacks have abilities that ordinary Nian Qi does not have.

That's corrosive!

Resentment is energy composed of almost all negative emotions in the world, including but not limited to anger, horror, weirdness, death...

It is precisely because of this that Jed and the others were able to come up with the "Grudge Potion" and turn those defective posters into resentful puppets.

The power of the Rakshasa condensed from these negative emotions cannot be underestimated!

Decades ago, there was a decision to clean up the Shadow Force, and this ability also played a large part in the reason.

The essence of mind energy is the life energy that people escape from the body, and they can be manipulated to achieve their goals.

It comes from the fundamental source in the human body and is a very normal ability.

Resentment is different. It can be said that they are completely opposite.

Resentment is filled with countless negative emotions, based on persistence on something, so as to use this ability.

This is the innate ability to stand up to Nen!

【Netero】concentrated his eyes, staring at Rakshasa's hands, quietly waiting for the opponent's attack.

After a moment, Rakshasa's palms were like Gatling with blue fire, firing shots continuously.

Countless giant ghost flame bombs seemed to use no energy, shooting at [Netero] like crazy.

Everyone who could see this scene was horrified by the horror of the scene.

Faced with such a terrifying offensive, how can we cope with it?


A low sigh sounded.

I saw that [Netero]'s originally clasped hands had been released at some point, and the Guanyin statue behind him also changed in some way.

Under the extremely fast movement, the two arms shook and created a series of afterimages. The fast and slow look had an inexplicable sense of absurdity.

[Netero]'s eyes were very firm, staring closely at the countless resentful bullets that were coming at him quickly.

As his hands shook, the giant Guanyin statue vaguely appearing behind him also moved.

Thousands of hands used various postures to quickly perform different moves, steadily catching every resentful bullet.

One palm!

Two palms!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

There are two distinct auras on the field!

Jade's active attack, [Netero]'s passive blocking.

The rich golden thought energy and the strange black resentment were intertwined and constantly colliding.

These two forces that seemed capable of destroying the world began their first real confrontation!

This scene is no longer like a battle in Hunter X Hunter, but more like a battle in the world of Naruto.

Whether it is [Hundred-Shiki Guanyin] or [Hundred-Ghost Rakshasa], their bodies are very large.

The battle between the two is also interesting.

Rakshasa is a ruthless "Gatling", constantly firing at the Guanyin statue.

The Guanyin statue waved its golden arms and blocked the flaming bullets one after another.

Since there was not much difference in strength between the two, they were in a stalemate for a while.

No one can do anything to anyone.

But if we fight a protracted war, the loser will definitely be [Netero].

After all, the Variety Monster only has half the energy of the Transformer.

Netero looked at this familiar picture with mixed feelings in his heart.

He had been a participant in such scenes in the past, but this was the first time he watched such a scene as a bystander.

After calming down, he had some vague guesses in his heart.

It can not only imitate the appearance, but also use the abilities of the imitator Nen. From the current point of view, the strength is almost the same as his own.

It can be said to be quite rare to be able to do this.

Everything he could think of could do such a thing.

There is only Lin Ke!

Lin Ke's mind beasts have a variety of special abilities.

Being able to completely imitate others doesn't seem to be something unacceptable?


"Avalokitesvara of Hundred Styles?"

Jin raised his eyebrows and murmured in a low voice.

The moment [Netero] used [Hundred Styles of Guanyin], even he couldn't tell who was real and who was fake.

Now it seems that either one is still possible to be true.

After all, it is almost impossible to completely imitate, even Nen can copy it.

But that doesn’t mean there is none at all!

At least in his opinion, there was one person who might be able to do this.

While surprised, Jin was also thinking about this ability.

There must be a lot of restrictions for such a heaven-defying ability?

Can you change into someone else?

Or can you only imitate one person?

If everyone can become a target, the practicality is very broad.


Countless people across the six continents were watching the battle between the two.

Anyone who could see clearly was filled with emotion at the horror of the battle.

"Is this really a state that Nin people can reach?"

This is a common thought among many worthy people.

The difference between the poor and the poor is often greater than the difference between the poor and ordinary people.

Just when Netero was concentrating on admiring the battle, a figure suddenly appeared next to him.

"President, you look a little too embarrassed."

Netero's current look isn't much better.

It was placed on a shelf made of resentment in the shape of a cross, with strange black resentment lingering around it.

Although resentment will reach some of the aftermath, it will not stop dust and other things.

Although President Netero was not harmed, his clean robes were already stained with gray dust.

Even his face and beard were stained with a touch of gray-brown dust.

"How was it? Did you like the drama?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Netero's attention shifted from the battle on the field to his side.

When he caught a glimpse of the figure, Netero's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and then a flash of relief flashed through him.

"It's really you~"

"Lin Ke!"

Appearing next to Netero was Lin Chen, whom people had longed for!

"Hey! Look! Isn't that the legendary Lin Ke?"

"Really! The legend Lin Ke is here!"

"Come on! Legend Lin Ke, defeat him!"

The audience in the Sky Arena cheered and shouted, excited that their idol finally appeared.

"Has it finally come out? It seems there's really no need to worry."

Bisji breathed a sigh of relief. With Lin Ke appearing, no matter what happened, it could be controlled.

Feeling the appearance of the master, [Netero] also slowly restrained his thoughts, and his breath became stable.

The faintly emerging golden Guanyin statue also slowly disappeared, leaving only [Netero] in place.


"What's wrong Netero! Why don't you continue the attack?"

Jade frowned, not knowing why [Netero] suddenly stopped moving and released [Hundred-Shiki Guanyin].

Are you planning to admit defeat?

After a moment, [Netero] instantly dissipated in his eyes, turning into balls of pure cold air and dispersing in the air.

[Netero]'s body was like a bubble, disappearing from Jade's eyes in an instant.

"This is!"

Jade's pupils shrank first, then suddenly dilated, and his originally cold expression was full of horror.

"how so?!"

Having experienced many battles, he naturally knew what this was!

This is clearly what happens when the thought energy dissipates!

"How was it? Did you enjoy the battle with my mind beast?"

Lin Ke slowly walked out from Netero's side, with an interesting smile on his face.

Especially seeing Jade's astonished look, Lin Ke felt even more interesting.

Nian beast?!

"That is to say...the person I fought with just now is not the real Netero..."

……………………Please give me flowers.0

"Is it your mind beast?!"

Jade's golden pupils stared at Lin Ke and spoke word by word.

"Do you like it? This real and fake Netero drama."

Lin Ke crossed his arms and stood directly opposite Jed. The smile on his face made Jed even more angry.

"So...he was the real Netero all along!"

Jed glanced at Netero, who was imprisoned beside him, and said angrily.

"Hoo ho ho ho, do I turn out to be the real one?"

Netero let out his trademark laugh again.

It can be seen that he does find this interesting.

The scene specially staged by Lin Ke really shocked him, but overall he still enjoyed watching it.

This kind of interesting thing doesn't happen often.

"Shut up Netero!"

After learning the truth of the matter, Jed became angry and became even more ferocious. He angrily scolded Netero and told him to shut his mouth.

"Boy, he can possess such a mind beast. It seems that he is not a simple person."

"Say your name

Say it! Although you are destined to die in my hands, you deserve to be remembered by my name.

Jed's arrogant words echoed around him, but judging from the huge resentment contained in him, no one thought he was joking.

He really thinks so!

"Jade, he is the fishiest person in the new world that I mentioned to you before!"

"As one of the new five Nen, the mind beast master——Lin Ke!"

Netero's energetic voice came from the side, making Jade look at Lin Ke seriously again.

"So you are the Lin Ke? With such strength, it is reasonable to be called the strongest in the world."


Jade observed Lin Ke with sharp eyes and said in a serious tone.

Netero's words made him put away some of his contempt. To be called the strongest person in the world, he must not be much weaker.

Is the title "Nen Beast Master"... is it the Nian Beast that turned into Netero just now?

Coupled with this person's own strength, he is indeed enough to be called the strongest in the new world.

You just took the initiative to disband the mind beast. It must be because the mind energy was consumed too much, right?

That kind of heaven-defying Nian beast must consume a lot of Nian Qi.

Jade kept thinking in his mind and came up with an analysis result that he thought was reasonable.

"Are you the strongest in the new world? Then let me see your strength!"

Jed suddenly opened his mouth and revealed a bloodthirsty smile. This time he came back from the dead just to destroy!

no matter who!

Anyone who dares to stand in front of him will have only one end!

That is death!

As Jade's desire for revenge becomes stronger, more resentment bursts out from his body and the color becomes darker!

The majestic resentment soared into the sky, like water columns surrounding Jed's body, constantly rotating clockwise.

Even without the ability to express resentment, just this scene coupled with his weird smile gave people the feeling of a living Rakshasa.

"Netero! Watch out for me! I will do what I say!"

"If you say you're going to tear him apart, you'll definitely do it!"

Netero couldn't help but shake his head secretly after hearing Jade's words.

There is nothing wrong with Jade's resurrection from the dead in exchange for greater power.

But the person you are Lin Ke!


"Want to rip me to pieces?"

"Let me think about it, what happened to the last person who said that?"

Lin Ke held his chin with his right hand, looking thoughtful.

"Oh, it seems like it was crushed into pieces!"

A strong look of ridicule appeared on Lin Ke's face, and he directed it at Sheng Ran Jade without concealing it.

"Hey! You can only tell lies! Just die!"

Jade casually grabbed the two pillars of resentment beside him and transformed them into long whips in his hands.

The long whip made of resentment exudes a dark atmosphere, with blue fireworks attached to it.

Jade suddenly swung his whip, and the two long whips were slapped on the ground.

The ground suddenly shattered, revealing a large pit covered with dense spider web fragments.

In addition to the cracks that made people's scalp numb, there was also a layer of blue-black substance on the ground.

That is resentment with extremely corrosive power!

For an ordinary weak person, let alone receiving the attack, the resentment attached to the attack would be enough to eat a pot.

The springing whip was like two black dragons, dancing up and down, hitting Lin Ke accurately.

The thick and long resentment whip blocked most of Lin Ke's directions, and it seemed difficult to escape from this "drag and earth net".

"Guess why I'm called the Mind Beast Master?"

Faced with Jade's fierce attack, Lin Ke didn't even bother to raise his eyelids and said something that Leng Jade was confused about.

What does it mean?

Jed's doubts did not last long, and soon he knew what Lin Ke meant.

The next moment, several terrifying auras shot into the sky one after another!

Jade's body suddenly shook, and his golden pupils were full of shock!

How is this possible?! Only!.

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