Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 148: Shadow Trampling Characteristics! Determination To Die! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Hunter Association,

"So that's the fake president?"

Weiyang Ginta's big eyes were full of confusion. He really didn't expect that this was the fake president.

"Is it actually Lin Ke's Nen Beast? His Nen Beast can also imitate other people's Nen?"

Even Chidor, a dog known for his calm image, could not keep calm and was frightened by the sudden turn of events.

Even she thought it was the real president just now.

After all, even [Hundred Styles Guanyin] was used.

In the Ninner circle, especially senior Hunters, they all know this.

[Hundred Styles Guanyin] is President Netero’s signature, very personal style.

Among the twelve earthly branches, everyone's expressions showed surprise, among which Pyoern and Gel were relatively good.

Because they have all had experiences with Lin Ke, they have gradually gotten used to it after being surprised again and again.

Lin Ke is just like his name, he is a "legend".

No matter what happens to him, whatever ability he shows is understandable.

【Not only can you imitate others, you can even use Nen...】

[It seems that the strength is not much different from that of the imitators? 】

Pariston had an eternal smile on his face, but he was constantly analyzing Lin Ke's abilities in his heart.

The more he analyzed it, the more shocked he was by the conclusion.

Because this is completely a heaven-defying ability!

Lin Ke shows almost no shortcomings!


【There are still some!】

Pariston thought of the previous situation when [Netero] disappeared.

Did you cancel it voluntarily?

Or is there a time limit?

Maybe that's one of the limitations of that ability?

At this moment, time seems to have stopped, frozen at this moment.


Four thoughts of different colors suddenly burst out behind Lin Ke!

In Jade's panicked eyes, four mind beasts of different shapes suddenly appeared behind Lin Ke.

Although each mind beast has a different shape, they all exude an extremely terrifying aura!

Some Nian beasts are giant beasts that are dark green all over and wrapped in steel armor.

Piles of yellow sand were produced inexplicably around him, forming sandstorms that lingered next to him, as if he were the king of the desert.

Some mind beasts have three heads, and their whole bodies are filled with an aura that is darker than their resentment.

The endless evil thoughts in his body seemed to want to destroy everything, more like a creature crawling out of hell than him.

Some mind beasts have a dragon-shaped appearance. Although their faces are naive, they exude the arrogance of dragon-shaped creatures.

The last Nian Beast was also the Nian Beast that frightened him the most!

It was a purple-black gas, which looked more like resentment than the resentment on his body.

It makes you feel the most dangerous!

It feels like meeting a natural enemy!

His body shape was still small at the beginning, but at this moment when he was in a daze, he had undergone huge changes.

The body is like blowing air, constantly expanding, expanding, and expanding again!

In an instant, the body became larger, and the aura emanating from the body became deeper.

Mega evolution——Super Gengar!

Super Gengar suddenly opened his mouth and sucked in, creating a powerful wind in vain.

The strong wind pressure brought up strong winds, and the environment that had just calmed down a little suddenly stirred up waves again.

The two long whips Jed waved kept shaking in the strong wind and flew uncontrollably towards Super Gengar's mouth.

Jade, who was deeply surprised, could not hold himself steady for a moment, and the two long whips were directly eaten by Super Gengar in the form of spicy sticks.

What appeared was Super Gengar, Bangira, Kuailong and the three evil dragons!


Jade's face became even gloomier when he came back to his senses, and his body was trembling uncontrollably under the cover of these four auras!

【How can it be!】

【How could you have such a powerful mind beast?!】

【There are still so many!】

Unable to accept the reality, Jade roared crazily in his heart, and his facial expression became more and more ferocious.

Whether before or after his death, he had never seen so many terrifying auras appear at the same time!

If it was a volcano about to erupt just now, it is now an extinct volcano.

The fighting spirit was like his backbone being ripped out, and it was gone when Lin Ke released those mind beasts.

"How is it? My strength is pretty good, right?"

"Can you somewhat understand the origin of the 'Mind Beast Master'?"

Lin Ke spread his hands and was surrounded by four mind beasts containing the energy to destroy the world.

Looking at the mind beasts whose aura was stronger than his own, Jade felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

His belief in revenge is strong.

There is no doubt about this.

But faced with this Lin Ke, it is undoubtedly a mantis trying to beat the chariot.

For now, he can only choose to leave first. Later, he can slowly carry out revenge against the Hunter Association and even the V5 country.

Jade's expression was uncertain, but he finally settled on an idea.

That is to leave here first!

With Lin Ke here, I think today's work won't be possible.

Jade estimated that Hungry Ghost and Shura would most likely be solved by Lin Ke.

"Netero! Let you live a little longer!"

"Lin Ke, right? I may not be able to beat you, but if I want to leave, you can't stop me!"

Jed finally let go of his harsh words, and immediately strong resentment gathered in his legs.

Jade turned around and immediately planned to leave here. He would be in great danger if he stayed here for a second longer!

Although it seems very embarrassing, there is no better way!

The strongest ability in this new world has far exceeded his expectations!

According to his expectation, this Lin Ke's strength is probably not as strong as the young Netero.

Relying on his stronger strength after resurrecting from the dead, it shouldn't be a big problem to solve.

But the reality is exactly the opposite of what I thought.

It’s not a big problem for him to solve himself!

Why is it that after decades of death, young people of this level appear in the world?

Jade cursed secretly in his heart, but did not stop moving his feet. With his resentment gathered, every move of his feet would have a greater effect.

As he stood there, the ground under his feet kept making clicking sounds, and he looked quite overwhelmed.

However, just when Jed was about to leave directly, what happened next completely destroyed his confidence.


"Why can't you move?"

Jade stared at his legs and wanted to take steps away from here, but they didn't move at all, as if they were nailed to the ground.

After taking a closer look, Kun Dewen discovered the clues.

A strange black shadow appeared under his feet. He looked in the direction he came from...

It's the gas mind beast next to Lin Ke!

Jade's breath was stagnant, and he suddenly thought of the reason.

"Want to escape? It's a pity you can't."

Lin Ke's words reached Jade's ears, and they sounded so harsh.

Jed was indeed right.

Normally, he just wants to leave with all his life, even if he faces several enemies of the same realm.

It's a pity that he faced Lin Ke.

Lin Ke can easily name several ways to prevent the other party from escaping.

For example, use Gardevoir and nut dumbbells.

Use the magic space to force Jade's speed to slow down, so naturally you can't run away.

The method he used this time was a very disgusting feature in Pokémon game battles—shadow stepping!

[Step on Shadow]: Step on the opponent's shadow to prevent the opponent from escaping and replacing.

There are not many Pokémon with this skill, the most common one is Guo Shen Guo Ran Weng.

But as it happens, Super Gengar's characteristic is also to step on shadows.

So before Jade's escape plan could be implemented, he was forced to declare failure.

"Is it possible to control the ability to move?"

"When exactly was it? Did it start in an instant?"

Jed spoke through gritted teeth, and anyone could hear his resentment and confusion.

Although I don't want to admit it.

But he has become a fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

Can't even escape!

"Hohohohoho, what an amazing ability~"

President Netero next to him looked like he was just watching the excitement and was still laughing.

When he saw Lin Ke's four mind beasts fully revealed, even though he was tied up, he couldn't help but feel a tremor.

That is the instinctive reaction that a creature will have subconsciously when facing a more powerful creature.

But some people will take this reaction as motivation and take the initiative to face difficulties and challenge them.

Some people will be restricted by instinctive reactions, become timid and their strength is greatly reduced, and they only want to escape.

Obviously, President Netero belongs to the former.

At the same time, Luo was not too surprised by his old friend's decision to leave.

What really surprised him was that Jed couldn't even escape.

Lin Ke's telekinesis abilities are really all kinds of weird, and they have all kinds of things.

[There is no way to escape, so we can only fight to the death? 】

Jade subconsciously clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, making a loud clicking sound.

"I won't bully you either, let's choose one?"

"I only have one mind beast. If you can defeat it, I will let you go.

Lin Ke silently looked at Jade, who looked as embarrassed as constipation, and said "with good intentions".

There was a sudden silence on the field, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Only the strong wind formed by the momentum of the Pokémon was blowing around.

"Hahahaha, the more I live, the more I go back!"

"Netero yo!"

After a while, Jade burst into bursts of laughter as if he was insane.

Laughter contains both relief and determination.

"Ugh... Jade.'

Netero looked at his former old friend and couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

He heard what Jade meant.

If nothing else, this meeting is a real farewell!

After laughing wildly for a moment, Jade slowly calmed down his expression and said calmly:

"Boy, you are very strong, I admit that!"

"Among all the people I have ever met, you are undoubtedly the strongest!"

"The strongest person I have ever seen was Netero when he was young!"

"But it's different now. You have replaced him, and you have far surpassed him!"


Jade's conversation suddenly changed, his calm eyes became sharp, and the resentment on his body began to encourage crazily.

"I will never give in like this!!"

"In this last battle, let me fight with the determination to die!!"

"The curse of a hundred ghosts! Rakshasa!!!"

Jed raised his head and shouted, a sad and determined voice resounding through the sky, reaching the ears of Gon and the others who had just come up.

In Jade's last shout, more resentment than any before rose to the sky!

Jade's golden pupils were covered by the surrounding black parts, turning into completely black eyes.

His face was originally as pale as paper, but now there are black streaks on it

The lines glowed with a strange cold light.

The resentment all over the sky quickly intertwined with each other, filling it into a giant Rakshasa that was even bigger than before!

This time, Jed used all his resentment and used the [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa] with the determination to die!

It’s also the final swan song!

In the corner next to the other side,

"Is that the enemy Lin Ke is facing?"

Leorio swallowed his saliva and hesitated with a look of horror on his face.

Just the smell that spread here made him feel chills and unable to move.

There is absolutely no intention to fight, let alone face it.

In the evening, he was stuffed into the sewer by hungry ghosts. He crawled out not long ago, and there was even some fruit and vegetable garbage stuck to his body.

It happened that Kurapika and others met, and Kurapika and others had just finished dealing with the posters who had been eroded by resentment.

"That's... Lin Ke's Nian Beast!"

Gon stared at the motionless mind beasts facing the Rakshasa on the field, his eyes becoming more determined.

He also wants to become stronger!

Gon has lived in the natural environment since he was a child, often getting along with wild beasts in the mountains.

Therefore, his ability to sense breath is stronger than that of ordinary people.

So what he can feel is far deeper than what Leorio feels547!

Also feeling the same way as Gon is the silver-haired "cat" Killua.

The current timeline is between Greed Island and the Ant Chapter, and the two have just met Kate.

So at this moment, he has not noticed the thought needle in his mind, and will still react greatly when facing danger.

Not to mention the breath of Lin Ke and Jade.

Under the influence of the mind needle, Killua's reaction was even greater than Leorio's.

Different from the original movie version, now there is one more person, Lin Ke, but there are several more powerful auras.

The pressure on the field was several times greater than before!

Comparatively speaking, Kurapika is relatively the calmest person among them. After all, he knew Lin Ke's toughness when he was in Youkexin.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Phantom Troupe" was repelled by him, and half of the spiders died in his hands.

If he hadn't run fast, more people might have died.

But when Kurapika sees this movement that is comparable to a "movie blockbuster", there will still be a hint of surprise in Kurapika's eyes.

"Hehehehe... the mind beast master and Rakshasa."

Hisoka's upper body was slightly tilted back, but at first glance it was an extremely enchanting posture.

This posture is to better see the whole view of Rakshasa.

"If I go in the middle, I'm afraid I'll be torn into pieces by the aftermath, right?"

Hisoka put a playing card to his mouth, his coquettish eyes fixed on the action on the field, and let out a sigh from the bottom of his heart.

That playing card was the king card he drew not long ago!

His eyes were particularly focused on the four mind beasts around Lin Ke, with an extremely strong look of fear in his eyes.

Lin Ke's strength has far exceeded his expectations!

He originally thought that Lin Ke's strongest mind beast was the steel giant.

Although other mind beasts are powerful, they have not reached a similar level.

But today, when he saw it, it was not what he thought.

There are three mind beasts that are in the same realm as that giant steel beast... He has three more!

No one even knows if this is the full amount!

"Sure enough, my prediction was right."

"This is the most perfect fruit I have ever encountered in my life~"

"It's a pity that I never have the chance to take it off..."

Due to his identity and hobby as a "fruit farmer" [Hisoka has developed extremely superb eyesight.

It can more accurately evaluate other people's strength, potential, etc., and score them.

Not to mention himself, he is very clear about his level of strength and the height he can probably reach in the future.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy to pick the fruit called "Lin Ke"!

Lin Ke's title has no trace of moisture, he is completely "The Strongest in the World"!

And it is the strongest in the split type!

Hisoka's words attracted the attention of Leorio next to him. After being stunned for a while, he strongly agreed with his statement:

"Yeah, even someone like Hisoka can't get close, let alone us."

"The battle between them is already the pinnacle of battle between humans..."

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