Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 149: Guess Who Doesn’T Have A Dragon Dance? Bangila Is Famous All Over The World! (2/2, Plea

At this moment, the hearts of countless people in the six continents were tightly hung up, staring intently at every move in the picture.

Especially those who can see the picture clearly, they are even more worried about Lin Ke.

Those who were eligible to go to the last [New Five] meeting were the top leaders of each force, and only a few capable people were present.

So not every Nin person knows the strength of Lin Ke.

In the past, Lin Ke could only be known by reputation and a few public battles in the sky arena.

Although his name is very resounding, he is both the "strongest poster in Sky Arena" and "the strongest in the new world".

But there are still only a few people who truly understand Lin Ke's strength.

Breath cannot be felt by others through the screen.

At this moment, in their eyes, Jade's huge Rakshasa is even more powerful!

Only a small number of people know that this is just a last ditch effort for a dying man.

"finally coming?"

Netero's bright eyes looked directly at the huge Rakshasa, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

He seemed to have seen the scene when he attacked Jade decades ago.

Countless grievances gathered in the palm of Rakshasa's hand, and his huge body formed waves of howling wind, blowing suddenly in all directions.

The cold wind alone was unbearable for several people watching the battle, and Leorio was blown directly to the wall next to him.

"It hurts."

Leorio rubbed the back of his head.

In the sudden impact just now, his head was hit, making the uncle's face full of bitterness.

What on earth did he come here for?

Aren’t you here to be Zooci’s personal physician?

Why was he knocked unconscious and thrown into the sewer first, and now he had to endure "wind and rain"?

Gon, on the other hand, chose to lie down on the ground to reduce the impact of the wind on himself and endure the cold wind. Because Zhou advised Er

"Lerio, it would be better to lie on the ground."

Hearing this, Leorio quickly imitated Gon and lay on the ground, feeling much more relaxed all of a sudden.

Relatively speaking, among the few people, Xisu is the one who behaves most naturally.

As the most powerful person among them, his method of resisting the wind is much more elegant.

Hisoka waved his hand casually, and four playing cards flew towards the two pillars on the left and right.

The playing cards with deep thoughts attached to them cut through iron like mud, just like cutting tofu, and were easily inserted into the stone pillars and embedded on the surface.

There are four playing cards in total, just at the upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right.

Nen——Stretchable love!

Coupled with Hisoka's sticky mind energy, the four playing cards are connected to each other by mind energy.

Forcibly forming a pink mental energy barrier in front of him, intercepting most of the wind force.

"Can coercion alone produce such strong wind force?"

Facing the strong wind, Hisoka narrowed her already narrow eyes with a hint of surprise.

Looking at the mental energy barrier formed by himself, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

The sticky mental energy barrier is like a balloon, which is constantly deformed by strong winds.

Especially the middle part is shrinking crazily backwards.

If the mental energy wasn't tough enough, I'm afraid the mental energy barrier formed by the four playing cards alone wouldn't be able to stop it.

Lin Ke glanced at the people in the corner and didn't say much, but focused more on Jade in front of him.

He was thinking about which Pokémon would be better to attack.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Ke decided to let Bangila take action!

Bangila is still at S level, but it is not far from S+ level. You can overcome this hurdle by getting rid of Jade.

He can also take this opportunity to verify whether his guess is correct.

When Gengar reaches a certain level of strength, he unlocks the super evolved form.

Then Bangira, who also has a super evolved form, is likely to reach a certain level and can also super evolve.

However, there is no guarantee that it will be enough to reach S+ level. It may require higher strength to super evolve.

Wait until Bangira gets rid of Jade, and then the remaining resentment will be absorbed by Super Gengar.

Don't waste any bit of it and maximize the value.

The sky-covering Rakshasa has a pair of golden pupils, exactly the same as Jade's, and also filled with a dark look.

Lin Ke and Jade were naturally aware of the existence of Gon and others, but they were just too lazy to pay attention to them.

I hope they won’t be able to bear the aftermath of the battle, right?

Jade was like driving a Gundam, and he was in a huge Rakshasa.

The strange thing is that even though Jade used [Hundred Ghost Rakshasa], the movement was quite terrifying.

However, the violent attack like heavy rain and wind that countless people imagined did not appear, and an extremely strange scene appeared on the field.

Neither Lin Ke nor Jade made a move, but stood quietly.

If it weren't for the dark wind that filled the sky still sweeping up pieces of dust, people would have thought that the screen was stuck.

Only a few people present and some powerful people knew that this was building momentum!

At their level, every move can cause great damage to the campus.

A battle at this level will naturally not be so casual. If you want to use a full blow, you will naturally need a certain amount of time to gather momentum.

The audience can't feel it, but Gon and others can clearly feel the changes in the surrounding environment.

Originally it was just the dark wind that affected them, but now the momentum from both sides has a greater impact.

Resentments as thick as pythons lingered around Rakshasa, and they were increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jed knew the gap between the two sides and didn't think about the future, so this was his last resort!

This move determines the outcome!

Therefore it takes a little longer to build momentum.

However, Rakshasa is gathering momentum, so why is there no action on Lin Ke's part?

Banjila took a deep breath, concentrated her energy, and looked even more fiercely into her scarlet eyes.

The dark green steel armor suddenly flashed with light.

Immediately, several streaks of pure white thought energy rose up around him.

General skills——Gathering Qi!

[Qi Gathering]: Put yourself into a gas gathering state, making it easier for attacks to hit vital points.

This is not over yet, it is just the beginning!

Immediately, Banjira's feet began to move again, stepping rhythmically, and the heavy stepping made sounds.

The dull sound of footsteps seemed to hit people's hearts with every step. Their hearts shrank unconsciously and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Although from the outside, it is just an ordinary pedal, just like people warming up before running.

But Jed can feel that the aura of this steel-eyed beast is rising!

What Bangira is using now is the special skill of dragon-type Pokémon!

It can be called the most important skill of dragon-type Pokémon-Dragon Swing to Death (Dragon Dance)!

However, even non-dragon-type Bangela can learn Dragon Dance, but a certain Pokémon whose original type is dragon-type cannot.

Isn’t this a bit unjustifiable?

That is the earth dragon known as the "little dragon head ground rat" - biting the land shark fiercely!

He obviously has dragon attributes, but he can't use his signature skill Dragon Dance. He only has a sword dance as a consolation.

Maybe there will be a chance to breed earth dragons in the future, and then cooperate with Bangila.

Even if there are more Pokémon in the future, maybe we can form a Sandstorm team?

There are currently not many Pokémon suitable for placement in the Sandstorm Team.

That is to say, Bangela, who is the weather player, is the nut dumbbell who serves as the zone defense.

Happy eggs can also be placed inside to serve as a special shield and can also clear status and restore blood.

Feeling Jade's reaction, Lin Ke quickly gathered his thoughts and narrowed his eyes.

Just when Lin Ke was thinking about this, Jed had already finished gathering his momentum. This was the strongest state he could achieve!

And even if he was given a lot of time, he would not dare to waste it any more.

During this period of time, the aura of the mind beast covered with dark green steel became more and more powerful.

If this continues, he will be the one who suffers.

The Rakshasa's two pale pointed hands gathered in front of him, and the sight of the huge pointed hands made people shudder.

The resentful baby bird that was originally entangled next to him rushed towards his hands as if returning to its nest.

After a few breaths, it turned from a small trace of resentment into an extremely huge bomb of resentment.

If it was a small grenade at first, it looks like a big missile now!

It was a ball of resentment that gathered countless negative emotions. Even if the attack could not cause much damage, the resentment above it would be difficult to resist!

The blue-black resentment bullet is like the heart of Rakshasa, still beating between his hands.

And that's not all Jade's power!

In the past, in order to save his resentment, he only used resentment bombs one by one, but this time he didn't use them.

Because it's the last resort.

Therefore, he did not need to save his resentment at all, but tried his best to use all the resentment in his body in this move.

“Take the move, Lin Ke!”

Jade's roar became hoarse. It was a word full of death wish, and the tone was extremely firm.

It will also be his last words.

There will be no miracle of resurrection after death this time, because this is what he got by selling his soul to the devil.

What appeared on the field was not a huge resentment bomb!

Instead, it was an extremely thick purple-black beam!

The huge resentment bullet changed shape in the hands of Rakshasa.

It quickly moved from the spherical state to the columnar form, and then launched wildly.

Jed's strength was really quite impressive, and he was only a little weaker than the young President Netero during his lifetime.

The resentment after death is even greater, and the strength is even higher than before life, so his full attack is quite exaggerated.

This is the largest beam of light Lin Ke has ever seen!

The purple-black beam of light was like a black dragon, rushing towards Lin Ke with overwhelming force.

This is probably the largest beam that humans can use.

As one of the strongest people among humans, Jed's own strength goes without saying.

Although it is different from the normal Nian system, it adopts the "resentment" system.

But it can also be seen from his attack method that he is similar to the Transmuter in the Nian system. He is extremely good at long-range attacks and uses bullets.

The superposition of many factors resulted in an attack that could be called the largest beam of light in mankind.

Jed calls it————Baisha!

It just contrasts with the "".Zero style" in Netero [Hundred Styles Guanyin]!

Facing the attack that horrified countless people, Lin Ke's expression remained unchanged and he stood still with his arms folded across his chest.

Because there was a figure as heavy as an iron tower standing in front of him, and its heavy aura gave people a strong sense of security.


Bangila suddenly stepped on the ground, and a roar suddenly came from his ferocious mouth.

Under this huge roar, the resentment that formed the "Hundred Sha" stagnated slightly, suddenly became smaller, and its power became weaker.

Evil skills——Roar loudly!

After being strengthened by Dragon Dance many times, Bangila's whole body is now filled with dazzling light.

The breath has increased many times compared to before!

One second it was still there, and the next second Bangela disappeared in front of Lin Ke.

Only wisps of sand were left on the ground.

Almost instantly, Bangila was in vain

appeared in front of the "Hundred Brake" beam.

Bangila's speed was not outstanding at first.

However, the strength is too high, and the Dragon Dance has the effect of increasing speed.

Now Bangila can achieve shoulder-to-shoulder teleportation by just stepping hard.

Banjira appeared in front of "Baisha" with a ferocious face, like a furious beast.

His whole body was covered with countless yellow sand, and waves of dark and scarlet light gathered from his body.

The violent black thoughts formed a horrifying image in the sky in the blink of an eye - it was a demonic face!

General skills——Grimace!

The illusive giant face floated in the air, and everyone who saw it stopped breathing at the same time, and their pupils couldn't help but shrink.

This is the effect of grimace!

It can instill fear in the hearts of those who see it, and the speed of action will be greatly reduced.

Jade was also obviously affected, and Rakshasa's hands were releasing a steady stream of "Hundred Shas"

But under the stimulation of the grimace, the flow of resentment stopped for a moment, resulting in the "Hundred Dramas" not being able to be continued.

Gathering Qi, Dragon Digging, Big Meat Choking, and Grimace, these are just appetizers.

Next comes the highlight!

Today's battle will make Banjila's appearance deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone who has seen it.

Let them deeply realize that the name of [Desert Tyrant] is not in vain!

Bangila's left and right hands simultaneously condensed two groups of dense, slightly black thoughts, and the residual energy flowing on them was darker than the resentment!

With Bangila's combined force, two sharp claws that were countless times harder than steel suddenly tore apart the "Hundred Kun"!

Facing the terrifying beam of light, Bangila's response was not to escape or defend.

Instead, attack directly!

Covered by evil thoughts, Banjila's hands seemed indestructible.

It was easy to tear apart the mighty "Hundred Sha".

The beams of Pokémon may not be as big as "Haksha", but they will be more powerful, which is equivalent to condensing the power.

Although "Baisha" has a large range, its concentration is not high and its power is relatively scattered, so it was torn apart by Banjila's concentration point.

Evil skills - dancing and slapping wildly!

At the same time, Benjira's ferocious mouth covered with steel was also covered with a layer of dark energy.

The already terrifying face was stained with darkness and paired with scarlet eyes, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell!

That hard giant mouth can crush anything, and anything can be chewed into pieces in its eyes.

Evil skills——Bite to pieces!

Stone blades suddenly formed around Banjila's body, rapidly rotating in a counterclockwise direction around her body.

Rock skill——pointed stone attack!

The real world is not a game. With Bangira's strength, he can already use multiple powerful moves at the same time.

Banjira's performance is far more terrifying than Rakshasa!

It can be said that Banjira's current appearance is more suitable to be called Rakshasa than [Hundred Ghosts Rakshasa]!

Facing Jed, Lin Ke gave him enough respect.

Although I didn't need so many moves, I still did it.

Since Jade gave his best, Lin Ke responded in kind!.

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