Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 150 The Phoenix King’S Envoy! The Phantom Beast Mashado! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

So in people's frightened eyes, Banjira was like a demon coming, spitting out pillar-like white smoke every time he breathed in and out.

The metallic luster of the body is now shrouded in clouds of dark energy, but this black is not as dark as the night.

Even at night, people can still clearly see the bright black luster on his body.

【Did you just tear away the resentment~? 】

Netero's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it, and his heart was filled with a rare shock.

After all, he is an old man who has lived for more than a hundred years, and he also has the experience of going to the dark continent.

There were very few things in the world that shocked him.

But after meeting Lin Ke, the probability of this emotion suddenly increased.

For example, when I first met Bangela in the Hunter exam, or when I felt the five auras at the [New Top Five] meeting...

Lin Ke always shocks him.

He was naturally familiar with Benjira, it was this mind beast that he had fought with before.

Originally, he thought that Bangila would still use the green barrier (guard) he used when he faced his "99th Form" last time.

Who would have thought that he would just rush forward and attack instead of avoiding!

In addition to being shocked, Netero also noticed something was wrong. He felt it when Bangila first appeared.

It seems that its aura is even higher than when it first fought against him?

"Take the move! Jade!"

The strong wind blew Lin Ke's hair away, giving it a rather bohemian look. Lin Ke responded loudly.

Watching the demon-like Bangila walk towards him step by step.

My own "Baisha" is like a gentle stream of water, easily separated by Bangila.

Various complex emotions appeared in Jade's completely dark eyes, and finally they all ended in a sigh.


All the emotions were contained in this sigh.

The next moment, Bangila's body appeared not far away from him, and countless attacks fell on him as quickly as raindrops.

Bite into pieces!

Dancing and slapping wildly!

Sharp stone attack!

The huge Rakshasa is a target that you don't need to aim at. Hitting it casually can cause huge damage.

A dazzling light flashed, and Jade's consciousness was completely destroyed along with the Rakshasa.


Amidst the loud noises, [Hundred Ghosts Rakshasa] was like a rag doll, torn to pieces by Bangila.

Baisha and Bangila, two extremely terrifying forces collided with each other, creating a sound like a missile exploding.

Countless gravel and dust were blown in all directions by the hurricane, and the strong wind seemed to never stop and was getting stronger and stronger.

Gon and others clung directly to the ground.

A large amount of thought energy burst out from his body, and he thrust his hands and feet into the ground to fix his body.

Facing the aftermath of the battle between Bangira and Rakshasa, even Hisoka could not be as graceful as before.

Half-crouching, in front of him is a "chewing gum" thought wall formed by countless playing cards and thought energy.

A pair of coquettish eyes stared intently at the field, focusing especially on Bangila, who was full of power and beauty.

Now he is extremely grateful that Lin Ke only used his momentum to intimidate him.

If he releases the thought beast directly, I'm afraid he will die directly in that underground tunnel, right?

At this moment, it seemed that even the gentle wind had become violent, invading everything in sight.

Gon and others couldn't even speak, because if they opened their mouths even slightly, strong wind would pour in.

If you are not careful, your mouth and even other parts of it will be damaged.

After all, this is not an ordinary strong wind, it is also carrying countless dust and gravel.

Using strong wind to describe it is no longer appropriate, it should be called a rock storm!


"Are you leaving now?"

Ikshampe still stared at the picture and asked curiously.

This kind of scene can be said to be rare in a century, but it is not something you can see casually.

The scale of the battle between Lin Ke and Jed is comparable to that of Hollywood blockbusters on Blue Star.

It was so enjoyable to watch Ikshanpe that he didn’t want to miss every scene, and even recorded it so that he could watch it again and again in the future.

"Teleport me back. The dust has settled."

Jin's voice sounded behind Ikshampe, and the scene of Rakshasa disappearing was playing on the screen.

"Yes, it seems that it has been solved."

"If you can't even deal with such an attack, your strength is really scary."

Ikshampe strongly agreed, and the abstract head also made a nodding-like movement.

[Mind Beast Master~]

[It should be the pinnacle that a Nianju style Ninja can reach, right? 】

Jin glanced at Bangila standing proudly on the screen and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Each of Lin Ke's mind beasts is enough to make his memory fresh.

I remember that when I hit the last gold and silver ingot last time, it seemed that this mind beast also took action.

Although he has only seen it take action twice so far, each time it left a very deep impression on him.

This mind beast gave him the feeling of a tyrant!

A tyrant in the desert!!

This can be judged from the countless yellow sand it brings with it every time it appears.

This mind beast must have some connection with the desert.

Therefore, Jin gave the Nian Beast the title - Tyrant of the Desert!

This title is completely qualified and not exaggerated at all.

At the same time, he also found that Lin Ke's Nian Beast was very unlike the mainstream Nian Beast.

Normally, a Nin's mind beast has a single function, usually only one or two abilities.

But Lin Ke's mind beasts are different. Not only are they numerous, each one also has multiple special abilities.

This desert tyrant alone shows several different abilities.

The ability to fight against gold and silver ingots (one hundred thousand horsepower), the warm-up just now (Dance of Dragons), the terrifying phantom face (Ghostface...

You can see the leopard in the tube.

Lin Ke's Nian Beast is far beyond people's understanding of Nian Beast!

It can be said that it is not the Nianju style, but the stronger one is just because that person is called——Lin Ke!

Lin Ke is an extremely special being!

top of sky arena,

The devastated venue finally returned to calm, and Gon and others finally adapted.

Because Jade returned to the world by selling his soul to the devil.

Only then did he use his resentment to reshape his body, but it was not a normal body after all.

After being knocked down, just like in the original work, it turned into a pile of gray dust and dissipated in the wind.

Rakshasa's body also turned into streaks of resentment floating in the air, and then they all flew into Super Gengar's mouth, where they were completely cleaned up.

Super Gengar also cleared away the resentment that imprisoned President Netero.

After being trapped for a long time and watching a series of exciting scenes comparable to blockbusters, old man Netero could finally stand on the ground again.

It's a pity that the appearance of the immortal spirit has long disappeared.

There were marks on his face stained by dust, and the clothes on his body were also black here and there.


Netero slowly walked to the place where Jed disappeared just now, and saw half a coin with the Hunter logo left there.

Bending down, Netero held the half coin tightly in his hand, with a look of memory on his face.

Thinking back to the beginning, he and Jed were friends with each other. When they were young, they had a competition to determine who was standing in front of the light and who was hiding in the darkness.

In the end, Jed lost and willingly took up the position of "dark side" of the Hunter Association.

But he still has the obsession to defeat Netero in his heart.

Jade's hair was still yellow at that time, but when his hair turned white, he still couldn't defeat Netero.

The two people each hold half a coin, which is proof that the two people are positive and negative, and they are each other's internal and external proofs.

Netero slowly put away the half coin and said in a low voice:


"You can become a Buddha in the realm of Nirvana where there is no right or wrong."

For a moment, both Netero and Lin Ke stood there motionless, looking like they were in a daze to outsiders.

In fact, President Netero was remembering the passing of Jade, while Lin Ke was counting the harvest.

After defeating Jed, just as he originally expected, the huge experience value allowed Bangila to advance to the next stage.

Successfully reached S+ level!

This is the first S+ level Pokémon he has on hand, not counting the Mega Evolved Gengar.

In addition to Jade's experience, [Hungry Ghost] Shura also brought a lot of experience points to Lucario and Duomai Z respectively.

The two Pokémon are just one step away from reaching the S-level gate and reaching the S-level gate!

Lucario had the experience of killing the devil cicada in the demon realm before, and now he defeated the hungry ghost again.

The experience points are just a little short of reaching S-level.

If Lin Ke's guess is correct, then when Lucario officially reaches S-level, it will be the same as Gengar.

Unlock the super evolved form!

The super evolved form of Gouzi is still very cool, Lin Ke is already looking forward to it.

Porygon Z absorbs data from the online world every moment, so its experience points continue to increase over time.

Now we are very close to S-class.

The difference between A-class and S-class is undoubtedly the distance between heaven and earth.

Perhaps when Porygon Z reaches S-level, it can grow from using the network to creating the network.

By then, the places that can travel are far more than just the six continents!

Maybe we can cross directly to the dark continent!

It is a pity that Porygon Z does not have a super evolved form, and it is estimated that it will not unlock super evolution like Gengar.

Fortunately, there is now an extra Mega Evolved Pokémon, which gives Lin Ke a lot of comfort.

Just as Lin Ke thought, when a Pokémon's strength reaches a certain level, a Pokémon that can mega-evolve itself can change its state of development.

Bangira who has reached S+ level can finally use Mega Evolution!

Laoban's super evolved form is also very handsome, adding a bit of domineering to his already handsome appearance.

Lin Ke, who had itchy hands, even thought about super evolving Bangira on the spot.

As for who the training target is?

The old man next to me who had been watching the show for a long time was pretty good.

Although I can no longer gain experience points from him, as an S-level strongman, he can at least resist beatings.

At least it's more suitable than Gon and others who are in a daze over there.

Netero, who was lamenting how time flies, didn't know yet that the young man next to him who had just rescued him was planning to use him to practice his skills.

…Please give me flowers…

I'm afraid no one would believe this kind of thing.


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

At this moment, the new Pokémon was finally successfully conceived, and Lin Ke had no choice but to put away the "evil" thoughts in his heart.

When he focused on the new Pokémon, his first reaction was surprise.

The second reaction was shock.

The third reaction was ecstasy!

It is no exaggeration to say that with this Pokémon, he can rush directly to the dark continent and go crazy!

sky arena,

"Lin Ke...won!"

A faint murmur sounded in the audience, directly breaking the original dead silence.

Facing the confrontation between Lin Ke and Jed, even though most of them couldn't understand the moves used.

But you can still feel the tense atmosphere from the picture, and even the rhythm of the heart beats a little faster.

I watched the whole process with bated breath and became a very qualified "movie watcher".

For them, it doesn't matter whether the martial arts tournament can be held or not. After all, they just want to see Lin Ke.

Compared to fighting those relatively weak posters, it would be obviously better to fight this villain who appeared out of nowhere!

Masters fight with masters, masters fight with rookies.

These viewers would definitely prefer to watch the former.

So under Bangila's fierce attack, Jade's body turned into dust that dispersed in the wind in the eyes of countless people.

Only then did the man murmur just now.

Then there was a scene of Lin Ke releasing President Netero and the two of them standing proudly at the top.

Obviously, this is a big win!

They all saw clearly that Lin Ke was completely vulnerable in front of Lin Ke's "pet".

With those who have started, the next development seems to be a matter of course.

The auditorium became a sea of ​​cheers, and everyone was shouting Lin Ke's name.

After today, the figure of the legendary Lin Ke will be completely engraved in their hearts!

Because the mood of admiration has completely changed!

In the past, they only liked Lin Ke because of his experience and strength in defeating the poster all the way.

Mainly due to the pursuit of the strong.

It's different now.

Arguably their idol, the legendary Lin Ke saved them from an attack by unknown forces.

Although they were not harmed in the original work, the hungry ghosts went to deal with Gon Killua later.

The remaining robots were easily killed by Bisgi, without even needing to transform.

But they don't know.

Without Bisji taking action, they would only think that if Lin Ke was not present today, they would probably die.

As a result, these people's love for Lin Ke became stronger and stronger!

This is a life-saving grace!

Lin Ke is not only an idol to them, but also a lifesaver.

"Huh~ Is it finally solved?"

"But I have to say, the strength is really scary~"

Sitting in her seat, Bisji couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Jade wiped out in ashes. At the same time, she also lamented the horror of Bangila.

"That Nian Beast gave me such a strong sense of oppression. However, Lin Ke even has three Nian Beasts like that."

"And this is only on the surface. Who knows if there are more that have not been exposed."

Bisgi's wine-red eyes were full of surprise, and she said with her chin in her hands.

Lin Ke’s strength is really exaggerated!

"I remember Lin Ke told me about the mind beast, it's called Bangila."

Men Qi next to him agreed.

"I know this."

Bisgi nodded. His good friend Pyoern had told him this a long time ago.

That was said after the Moros ruins incident, which was quite a long time ago.

She only knew the names of the three telen beasts, Benjila, Gardevoir, and Geng Gui.

“But you probably don’t know the title of Banjila. According to Lin Ke, Bangila is the king of the desert.

"That's why he is called the 'Desert Monarch', or he can also be called the 'Desert Tyrant'!"

Menqi said matter-of-factly while recalling what Lin Ke had said before.

"Desert Monarch......"

Bisji murmured softly and wrote down both titles.

I have to say that these two titles are very consistent with the mind beast called "Bangira".

Lin Ke looked at the new Pokémon and almost lost control of his facial expressions.

It's not that he is exaggerating, but the Pokémon conceived this time is really amazing.

Although he had guessed before, this time the Pokémon might be a ghost type plus a fighting type.

But that's just a guess, we can't be sure.

And even if it’s a ghost type plus a fighting type, it might be a new Pokémon—the Abandoned Monkey.

He never expected that the Pokémon conceived this time would be a legendary Pokémon!

It's out of the range of ordinary Pokémon!

Thinking of the various monsters she had conceived before, Lin Ke could barely understand.

I think the Pokémon born in the movie version will be able to handle it.

It's a pity that there are only two theatrical versions of Hunter X Hunter. It would be great if there were more.

The new Pokémon this time is the legendary Mythical Pokémon!

The messenger of the Phoenix King——Masha Dodin!.

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