Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 151 The First Ss-Class! The Heaven-Defying Machado! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Fantasy Pokémon are very rare Pokémon, sometimes ranked alongside Legendary Pokémon, and sometimes classified as Legendary Pokémon.

Marshado is one of them.

In addition to Machado, the fantasy Pokémon include Jirachi, Celebi, Fiona, Deoxys, etc.

Most fantasy Pokémon will appear in animations as one of the protagonists of Pokémon movies.

It is said that it is the messenger of the Phoenix King, and its level is higher than that of Suicune's three holy beasts.

Responsible for supervising the testers in King Ho's "Rainbow Trial", and usually hides in the shadow of the testers.

This ability is the same as Gengar's, except that Marshado's latent ability is much stronger than Gengar's.

If the trialist goes astray during the "Rainbow Trial", Marshado will choose to take action.

As the top thug under the Phoenix King, it goes without saying that Marshado is very strong!

The combination of ghost type and fighting type is also quite rare and very practical.

If Lin Ke remembers correctly, the only ones who currently possess these two attributes are the Abandoned Monkey and Marshado.

Marchado is a humanoid Pokémon that appears to be made of smoky gray shades, with the area around its face resembling a helmet.

There are two curved horns on the top of the helmet, and there is a small horn between the ears.

Its eyes are orange-red with yellow pupils, and there is a yellow oval mark above each eye.

There is a collar around the neck that keeps emitting smoke, and there is a shadow on each foot.

The illustrated ability is activated!

Name: Machado

Characteristics: Technical expert

Attributes: Ghost type, fighting type


Skills: Shadow Fist, Shadow Stealing, Impersonation, Draining Fist, Close Combat…………

SS level strength!

This is the first S "660" S-level Pokémon he got!

Lin Ke had no objection to Marshado's ability to reach SS level, and even thought it was low.

After all, Marshado is a fantasy Pokémon.

There are some differences between fantasy beasts and mythical beasts.

If we have to use the level of mythical beasts to divide their strength, then most of the mythical beasts are probably in the second-level god category.

Fantasy beasts like Xie Mi naturally do not belong to them.

Therefore, Machado can be roughly understood to be a Pokémon in the second level god category.

As the "gods" of the Pokémon world, few are simple!

Possess abilities far beyond human imagination!

From this point of view, the gap between S-level and SS-level is much larger than he expected!

However, it is understandable that there is a world of difference between A-class and S-class, and the gap between S-class and SS-class is even more unimaginable.

At this point, the human sea tactic is completely useless.

If there are a lot of A+ levels, they can still kill S- levels by sheer numbers.

Then no matter how many S+ levels there are, they cannot pose the slightest threat to the SS- level!

This is an absolute crush!

The current experience value from Bangila can also prove it.

After successfully being promoted to S+ level, Bangira's new experience bar also appeared.

To reach the next stage, the experience points required are endless, absolutely a massive amount of experience points.

Just looking at it gives people a sense of powerlessness.

The gap is too big.

Most of the time, after Banjira's super evolution, the strength will not reach SS level and can only be between $ upgrade and $S+ level.

But Lin Ke was not disappointed, but even more excited.

The harder it is to reach SS level, the stronger the Machado he has!

Judging from this, even if the Dark Continent is large enough to have such strength, there are probably only a few.

After all, he is the top thug of the famous Phoenix King. Although it is a fantasy beast, it is comparable to the level of a second-level god.

Although he is the god of the Pokémon world, he is still a god!

At the same time, Lin Ke also discovered a problem.

Even though he had not made any restrictions or oaths yet, all the information about Marshado came out.

This was the first time he had seen this happen.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Ke felt that it was probably because restrictions and oaths were useless to legendary Pokémon.

To be on the safe side, Lin Ke still used restrictions and oaths on Marshado.

The final result was just as he thought, Marshado's strength had not improved and was still SS level.

Obviously, as a legendary Pokémon, restrictions and oaths have no effect on Marchado.

However, Lin Ke was already very satisfied. The strongest combat power at hand suddenly jumped from S+ level to SS level.

Marshado has also become his strongest Pokémon at the moment!

The difference between them is not as simple as one more letter. The difference is so great that it is difficult to describe in words.

This is just the strength of Mashado, it also has extremely unique and exclusive abilities.

Marshado can sneak into the opponent's shadow, imitate the opponent's movements and strength, and understand the mood of the person he infiltrates.

In the process of imitation, it will become stronger than its original form.

Because it would not show its appearance in front of people, no one discovered it for a long time.

The specific manifestation of this is Marshado's exclusive skill——Shadow Stealing!

[Shadow Stealing]: Sneak into the enemy's shadow to attack, and steal the enemy's ability improvement effect.

This attack first steals the opponent's improvement effect, and then determines the attack.

Not only uses the enemy's improvement to strengthen his own attacks, but also transfers his improvement effect to himself.

This skill is quite unreasonable and overbearing, and you can grab whatever you ask.

Especially for those enemies who use enhanced flow.

The other party had worked hard to strengthen it for a long time, and just one shadow theft was enough for Ma Shaduo.

You must know that Nen is full of strange things, and there are not a few that have amplifying effects.

For example, the hip-hop guy he once met at the Harimu Ruins.

His Nen is [Scar is a man’s medal]

You can get stronger strength by constantly being beaten, which is a bit similar to the weird monk Urji in One Piece.

This is the augmented Nen.

After the hip-hop man was beaten for a long time, Masha could steal the boosting effect with one more [Shadow Steal].

Even among the many exclusive skills, Shadow Steal is considered a very good skill.

Marshado's ability to lurk in the shadows is also pretty cool.

Both in terms of strength and hidden ability, it far surpasses Gengar and is very suitable as a personal bodyguard.

Marshado should be considered one of the most suitable Pokémon among Pokémon as a bodyguard.

But Gengar has an ability that Marshado does not have, and this ability is also very important to Lin Ke.

That's space storage capacity.

The main reason why Lin Ke can travel around without carrying big and small bags is undoubtedly Gengar.

In that belly are most of Lin Ke's belongings.

There are also some Menqi condiments and ingredients.

Therefore, the appearance of Marshado cannot completely replace the existence of Gengar.

Lin Ke plans to let Ma Sha stay in his shadow.

I wonder if Gengar will be frightened when he notices a friend suddenly appearing in the shadow?

Lin Ke glanced at the "old man" next to him who was still sighing, and his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in the corner box invisible to the screen.

He couldn't wait to see his first fantasy beast with his own eyes!

Because fantasy beasts basically appear in the theatrical version.

So Lin Ke is more familiar with fantasy beasts than many mythical beasts.

For example, when I was a child, I watched "The Prince of Canghai, Manafei" and "Celebi, Encounter Through Time and Space"

Lin Ke's favorite anime when he was a child was Pokémon, which was still called Pokémon at that time.

I also watched every theatrical version without missing a beat.

His favorite is undoubtedly "Mew and the Heroes of Bogui". After this movie, he also completely fell in love with Lucario.

There are no opportunities on Blue Star. Who would have thought that their dreams would come true after coming to the world of Hunter X Hunter.

Not only do they have Lucario, Wifemon, and other Pokémon, but now there are even phantom-level beings.

A white light flashed, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Lin Ke. His petite body looked very cute.

Who could tell that this is a "god" level Pokémon just from its appearance?


Mashaduo tilted his head, looked at Lin Ke in front of him, and let out a soft cry.

Mashado's call is rather peculiar and not very fixed. When the mood is more exciting, the pitch will be higher.

At first glance, it sounded a bit like Guo Ranweng was shouting.

"So cute."

Lin Ke leaned down slightly and touched Ma Shaduo's head.

Although Masato is petite, if others look down on him because of his size, they will definitely eat him.

Machado's head is very supple, which may be related to its body structure.

Lin Ke felt like he was touching a ball of marshmallow.

Marshado squinted his eyes and could see that it was very thick.

Netero on the other side finally broke away from the emotion of memories, looked around and found Lin Ke staying in the corner.

At the same time, I also found Marshado next to Lin Ke.


"Another mind beast?"

Netero whispered, curious about this petite mind beast.

Among the Lin Ke Pokémon he has ever seen, this one should be the smallest telepathic beast.

Although it is small in size, Netero does not think that this mind beast is inferior in strength.

None of Lin Ke's mind beasts are simple.

Netero firmly believes in this.

Sure enough, after careful observation, he found a clue.

The mind beast was clearly not far away from me, and I could see it, but it felt like there was nothing there.

Except for Lin Ke, there is only air.

How can this be?

At this moment, Netero suddenly thought of a person, an old friend of his...

That's Maha Zoldyck!

Maha Zoldyck's breath masking ability can achieve a similar effect. He can be in front of others, but it just feels like he is not there.

And Lin Ke, the mind beast, has a breath masking ability even higher than Maha!

At least facing Maha, he could still detect some aura, but facing this mind beast, he really couldn't detect it.

This means that if this mind beast chooses to attack secretly, it may be difficult for him to defend against it!


Is this a mind beast that specializes in assassination?

Netero, who did not believe in evil, chose to use "circle" to sense, and wanted to try to see if he could sense the existence of the strange mind beast.

This move also became something Netero regretted.

Netero stood naturally, holding his breath and concentrating. The thoughts on his body surface quickly floated out, expanding towards the surroundings in the form of space opening.

Twelve meters, ten meters!

In an instant, "Yuan" came to Lin Ke's side. At this moment, Netero did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

The moment Netero's "circle" touched Marchado, something terrible happened!

Netero's pupils shrank suddenly, shrinking rapidly from their original size, and all the muscles in his body tightened in an instant.

Drops of cold sweat broke out quickly on the head, back and other places, and the body became completely stiff, unable to even tremble.

He was like a corpse, with no place to move.

, I can only see the terrifying picture in my mind.

Netero's "circle" also quickly recovered like a tide.

Although it only touched for a moment, the impact it caused was still difficult for Netero to recover for a long time.

Under the perception of "circle", he saw a vague figure, but the hazy picture gave him a huge sense of shock.

Because what is scary is not the picture itself, but the atmosphere of the picture!

That aura that made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar was the key point!

He has seen many people, many bizarre creatures, and once visited the Dark Continent.

I have witnessed many terrifying creatures that are unimaginable.

But even if it was the most terrifying creature I had seen there, his aura was far inferior to the aura just now!

From this moment on, the owner of this aura will become the new most terrifying creature he has ever seen!

That breath will be deeply imprinted in his heart, and he will never forget it until the day he dies.

That kind of fear has penetrated deep into his bones!

In the original work, Netero was still able to have the will to fight when facing the Ant King, but it was difficult for him to have the will to fight when facing Masha Duo.

It's not that his martial arts heart is not pure enough.

But when facing creatures that were too many beyond him, there was no room in his heart for fighting.

All filled with fear!

This is... a mind beast with extremely terrifying strength!!

Netero remained motionless on the surface, seemingly nothing happened.

The premise is to ignore the shrunken pupils and the wet back.

What is completely different from the surface is the 3.1 heart of Netero.

Shock, horror, and many other emotions seemed to turn into reality, forming waves of waves that swept through Netero's heart.

His previous guess was correct!

Lin Ke's strength is much more than what appears on the surface!!

The mind beasts he released in the past were just the "weaker" ones in his hands.

He also has a stronger mind beast!

This number is still a mystery, no one knows how many there are.

The only thing Netero knows is that Lin Ke is strong enough to ride on the Dark Continent!!

The six continents are no longer a problem for him.

Just a touch of breath made it difficult for him to move. Netero really couldn't imagine what would happen if the mind beast attacked?

It should be easy to destroy a large area, right?

"Put it away."

Lin Ke whispered to Machado, and the orange-red eyes that could not see the meaning were closed slightly, and then opened again.

When he opened it again, Netero felt his body relax, and the original stiffness disappeared.

He quickly took a few breaths to calm himself down.

Glancing at Netero who finally recovered, Lin Ke had a deep look on his face.

The scene where Netero was shocked just now suddenly reminded him of something.

In the theatrical version, Marshado controls a large group of Pokémon to surround Ash and others.

So it should have the ability to control other creatures?

So can I do it with my own Marshado?

If possible, wouldn't it be possible to manipulate people into being thugs?

After understanding what Lin Ke meant, Mashado shook his head first, and then nodded.

This action made Lin Ke feel confused.

Is this OK or not?

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