Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 152 The Real Champion! Pjorn's Hard Work! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

After Mashaduo's explanation, Lin Ke understood the meaning of shaking his head first and then nodding.

It does have the power to control.

However, its ability can only control Pokémon. Humans and other creatures are not within this range, so naturally it cannot.

Otherwise, in the theatrical version, Pokémon would not be controlled to attack Xiaozhi and others, but instead, they would directly use their abilities to control them.

Hearing this, Lin Ke was not too disappointed. After all, being able to own Marshado was already very profitable, and it didn't matter if he didn't have the ability to control it.

And this is only not possible at the moment. Who dares to guarantee that it will not work for Marshado in the future?

Maybe you can control other creatures in the future?

After seeing it with his own eyes, Marshado followed Lin Ke's expectation and jumped into Lin Ke's shadow.

The dark shadow was like a calm lake. After Mashado jumped in, it broke the tranquility and caused ripples.

The movement quickly disappeared and did not last long.

But the Gengar inside was not so calm.


Suddenly I have a roommate?


Marshado looked Gengar up and down, then raised his little right hand and greeted his partner.


Gengar also responded quickly, looking very honest.

Even though he knew he was a companion, Gengar still couldn't help but feel nervous when facing Machado, who was the messenger of the Phoenix King.

Fortunately, Marshado's proactive greeting relieved his nervousness a lot.

It seems that this new partner is quite easy to get along with.

Thinking of this, Gengar patted his belly and showed a smile that looked scary to outsiders, but was actually quite cute.

It's good to have an extra partner to stay in the shadows with, and you won't be as lonely as before - "people".

They can play and chat together in the shadow.

On the surface, there is no clue about Lin Ke's shadow, and no one can see any problem.

I’m afraid no one would have thought that “there is an S-level and an $S strongman hidden in Lin Ke’s shadow!”

Without Lin Ke's permission, no one can get close to him.

If you want to do something to him, you must first ask Gengar and Marsha if they are willing!

"Hoo ho ho, it's really...horrible~23

Netero slowly came to Lin Ke's side. It could be seen from his facial expression that he was still frightened.

Netero glanced at Lin Ke's shadow without trace. Netero pondered for a moment, and then said with great emotion:

"Although I have had this premonition before... I thought that with your strength, you should be able to explore the dark continent well.

"Now it seems that I was wrong."

"Your strength is not only able to explore the Dark Continent, but you may also be able to do better!"

"I'm afraid no one can know your full strength."

Netero stroked his beard and wiped off a trace of dust.

All the strength......

Lin Ke thought of a lot at this moment.

Think of the powerful fat-headed fish (Kyogre), the mighty flightless (Groudon)

Even the handsome sky dragon——Rayquaza, Xerneas who controls life...

Originally, Lin Ke didn't have much confidence.

But when he saw Marshado appear in front of him with his own eyes, this idea suddenly changed.

I haven’t even been there yet.

How can we arbitrarily think that the Dark Continent cannot allow us to obtain those legendary Pokémon?

Maybe I can get them in the future?

Then my strength may really have no upper limit!

The upper limit of your future strength depends entirely on whether the Dark Continent is big enough and whether the environmental level is high enough.

After a few breaths, Lin Ke shook his head and said nothing more in the face of Netero's emotion.

Upon seeing this, a flash of pity flashed in Netero's eyes, but this was reasonable, after all, no one could directly reveal their strength.

Netero interpreted Lin Ke's shaking head as not wanting to reveal his strength.

Lin Ke has never shown all his mind beasts, which is obviously because he doesn't want to show his full strength.

Netero still agrees with this, and it never goes wrong to keep some trump cards on your side whenever possible.

It's just a pity that his curiosity cannot be satisfied, because his heart feels like there are countless cats scratching it.

He really wants to know what level Lin Ke has reached!

Although he knew very well that he would never reach Lin Ke's level,

But in pursuit of power, he doesn't want to know what a higher realm looks like.


Has it reached the point where there is no danger in the world that can hurt him?

As soon as this idea came up, Netero was frightened by his own thoughts.

If this guess is correct, then even the dark continent night, which is a [human forbidden area], cannot threaten Lin Ke!

I'm afraid Lin Ke didn't expect that Netero's random thoughts actually guessed Lin Ke's current situation.

When it comes to defeating all creatures, Lin Ke can't guarantee it. After all, he has never been to the Dark Continent.

But with Ma Shaduo by his side, it is estimated that it will be difficult to encounter any enemies of sufficient weight.

But when it comes to threats, there really is nothing that can threaten Lin Ke's life.

Since acquiring the fruity ghost cicada, Lin Ke has maintained a state of integration with it.

With the blessing of special effects, Lin Ke now seems to have unlocked the blood lock and has become a truly immortal body!

It's just that Netero misunderstood a little bit.

Lin Ke shook his head not because he didn't want to reveal his strength.

The real reason is that even he himself doesn't know how high his strength will be in the future.

Maybe in the future, after having a group of legendary Pokémon, he will be equivalent to a god in the world of Hunter X Hunter!

So in the silence of the two people, this sudden attack came to an end.

It's just that one of them is thinking about the various Pokémon partners he will meet in the future.

The other one was frightened by Lin Ke and it took him a while to recover.

the next day,


Han Jilu's strong body fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound.

The huge body fell and caused a gust of wind, blowing up wisps of dust on the field.

"Contestant Han Jilu fell to the ground, and the winner is——the legendary Lin Ke!"

When the referee saw that Han Jilu was completely unconscious, he immediately declared Lin Ke the winner.


Lucario gave a final martial arts salute and followed Lin Ke towards the player aisle.

Behind the man and the beast are the cheers and applause of countless spectators!

People's enthusiasm came like a tide and was extremely enthusiastic.

Not only the audience at the scene, but also those watching the broadcast felt the same way.

Their idol!

Legend Lin Ke!

I finally became the legitimate martial arts tournament champion today!

Although this is the ending that everyone knows very well.

But people still cannot conceal their inner excitement and express this emotion through words, actions, etc.

This martial arts conference is destined to become the most influential martial arts conference in history!

Although it was attacked by Jed and others just yesterday, the Sky Arena was not affected too much.

The only thing to say is that the uppermost floors have suffered some damage and need to be rebuilt.

As the 251st floor, Lin Ke's floor naturally suffered considerable damage.

But this is all a trivial matter, because the official will take the initiative to help him rebuild it.

It is said that due to the serious damage, the official plans to hire someone to build a top-notch floor for Lin Ke.

Lin Ke doesn't care anymore.

If you destroy a floor once, you can get a fantasy beast.

Then he can demolish the entire Sky Arena, then build it again and then demolish it.

Because after Jade died, the power of [Resentment] completely disappeared, and those posters were able to recover.

Except for the injuries sustained during the fight with Gon and others, everyone has regained consciousness.

Therefore, just like the movie version, Sky Arena immediately held a supplementary martial arts tournament the next day.

This scene appears at the end of the theatrical version, and it is not as many people thought that the martial arts tournament was canceled directly.

In fact, because the owners were only slightly injured, only the highest floors of the Sky Arena were being damaged.

Neither the players nor the venues are subject to many restrictions.

Therefore, this Olympus Martial Arts Tournament can still continue to be held.

In the plot, every poster wears bandages to fight, so it is also nicknamed the "Paralympics" by many people on Blue Star.

However, the addition of Lin Ke has somewhat changed the direction of things.

Because of the healing given to Zooci by Gardevoir yesterday, he recovered faster than other posters.

Therefore, Zooci's competition ranking has reached a higher level, but it still cannot reach the top three.

The first one is Lin Ke, there is no doubt about this.

The second was Han Jilu, who had just fallen under Lucario's fist.

Although he performed poorly against hungry ghosts, Han Jilu was already the most powerful among these posters.

If Lin Ke hadn't appeared, he would most likely have become the new champion of the martial arts tournament.

But in front of Lin Ke, it was still hard to catch his eye.

In addition, Lucario only had the last point of experience left before the next stage, so Lin Ke simply let Lucario fight in every battle.

As expected, none of Lin Ke's competitors could survive Lucario's move.

The audience didn't say anything about Lucario's ability to solve the battle at the speed of light, but instead praised it repeatedly.

After all, the main purpose of their visit this time was not to watch the battle, but to see Lin Ke officially crowned the champion!

Lucario's approach was in line with their ideas, directly speeding up the progress of the game and shortening the waiting time.

The fall of each poster brought a little bit of experience to Lucario.

Although these experience points are not much, the accumulation still brings Lucario's experience bar to the end.

As Han Jilu fell, a promotion notification sound that only Lin Ke could hear sounded.

Lucario finally crossed that hurdle!

Promoted from A+ level to S- level!

Become a genuine S-class strongman!

In this place where it was born, it officially became one of the ceiling powerhouses in the six continents.

player channel,

"So, can we super evolve?"

Lin Ke stared at the handsome Lucario with extremely expectant eyes. Lucario was in high spirits at this moment.


Lucario nodded heavily, indicating that he now indeed has the power of super evolution.

Lucario...can also super evolve!

"it is as expected!"

Lin Ke murmured to himself, the surprise on his face difficult to conceal.

Lucario's confirmation completely confirmed his suspicion.

It seems that as long as their Pokémon reach a certain level of strength, they can use Mega Evolution.

A-level Pokémon must reach the S-level range.

As for the S-level Pokémon in Bangira, they must be promoted from the lowest S- level to S+ level.

However, the one I currently own is in the S-level range and has a super evolved form.


It seems that there are only three Gengar, Lucario, and Bangela.

Neither the three evil dragons nor the fast dragon have super evolved forms.

This is also one of the reasons why super evolution is criticized.

Because it's not fair, some Pokémon have it and some don't.

However, the Gardevoir on hand still has the possibility of super evolution.

The super enchanting eye itself is a super evolved form, so it is not included in it.

All in all, he gained quite a lot from this martial arts competition.

Bangira has been upgraded to S+ level and has the ability to super evolve.

Lucario was promoted to S-level and gained the ability to super evolve.

The biggest gain is undoubtedly Ma Shaduo, which is my first fantasy beast.

Lin Ke also firmly believes that this is the first legendary Pokémon and will definitely not be the last.

He will definitely have more legendary Pokémon in the future.


At this moment, Lin Ke's cell phone rang suddenly. He pressed the answer button and a crisp sound floated out.

"Congratulations to you, our grand champion, how does it feel to be crowned?"

The voice has a high pitch of 457, is penetrating, and has a touch of coquettishness in it. It is obviously a female voice.

"It's okay. Thank you for calling me to congratulate me, Pyoern."

Lin Ke held the phone and said with a smile.

Although the Pyorn did not appear before him.

But her voice is very personal, and just listening to the phone feels like a real person is next to her.

The person calling now is none other than Piyon the Rabbit, one of the twelve earthly branches who was in a meeting not long ago.

"As your good friend, it's only right that I call you to congratulate you.

Pyorn's sweet voice echoed in the dim passage.

"However, my call to you this time is not all for celebration, I have another good news to tell you.

Pyoern said in a mysterious tone, Lin Ke seemed to vaguely hear a proud tone?

"Oh? I wonder if our rabbit has any good news to tell me?"

Seeing Pyoen talking like this, Lin Ke also became interested, but he didn't show any interest.

If I really want to talk about it, it’s delicious food.

Could it be that she found some top-notch ingredients for herself?

While Lin Ke was thinking, Pyoen had already taken the initiative to tell the good news.

"Hmph, it's information about Dark Sonata~"

Is it actually Dark Sonata?!

This is indeed a bit unexpected by Lin Ke, but it seems to be a reasonable answer.

I have also revealed my thoughts on Dark Sonata before.

Especially during the last trip to [Port Carter], Clook and others knew that they planned to eliminate the idea of ​​Dark Sonata.

It is not unusual for Pyorn to know this.

"Not to mention, this is indeed good news for me."

After hearing Lin Ke's words, Pyonn's nervousness calmed down and was replaced by joy.

Lin Ke's affirmation shows that his efforts these days have not been wasted.

Because it involves Dark Sonata, Clook and others' mission reports are all handed over to her.

Therefore, we also learned the general content of this trip from their mouths, and Lin Ke was naturally the protagonist of this incident.

Pjorn also learned about Lin Ke's thoughts on the Dark Sonata, and immediately decided to help him find the Dark Sonata.

This is also the reason why Pyoen was able to be present in person when the meeting was held yesterday.

She happened to be looking for relevant information in the Hunter Association.

Unlike Hisoka, Pyoen, as one of the twelve earthly branches, is also a person specifically responsible for paperwork.

It is very easy to get all kinds of information about the Hunter Association.

She can query even the secret Dark Continent information, but only the information owned by the Hunter Association.

Just this information alone is not enough to find the extremely mysterious Dark Sonata.

In the end, she connected some documents and information, and discovered the information that seemed to be Dark Sonata!

All the efforts made by Lin Ke are meaningful, and they are not in vain!

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