Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 153 Volcanoes And Fossils! Two Fossil PokéMon! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Firestone Island,

Located in the eastern part of the Republic of Bartokia, this is an island separated from the mainland.

This is just a little east of where the Sky Arena is.

Although it looks relatively small on the map, in fact the area here is still very wide.

Although this place is not among the top ten tourist attractions in the six continents, it can still be regarded as a popular tourist attraction.

There are not a few people who come here every year, and it can even be said that the number of people here is greater than that of some of the top ten tourist attractions.

The reason why it is not rated as one of the top ten tourist attractions is also strange.

The official selection of tourism is that most people in the past were not tourists.

Because many people planned to move there in the past, they were not considered tourists.

Those who plan to move there are the largest number of elderly people.

Because Yanshi Island is known as the "Island of Volcanoes and Fossils".

As the name suggests, the most famous things here are volcanoes and fossils.

There are several small volcanoes on this island, known as the Chimney Mountain Volcano Group.

It is precisely because of the extremely rich geothermal resources that there are a lot of hot springs for people to use.

Sounds the same as Kila Volcano.

It's just that Kira Volcano is one big volcano, while the Smoky Mountains volcanoes are several small volcanoes.

These chimney hills erupt very rarely,

Even if there is an eruption, it will only erupt in a small area and will far not affect the places where people live.

It can be said that the island is quite safe.

The island has the famous landscape "Red Rock", coupled with the unique volcanoes, the scenery is also very beautiful.

Because they are almost all distributed in the form of small towns, there is no urban style.

In addition, I don’t know when the concept was formed.

It is widely regarded as the best place for retirement in six continents.

There are many fossils here and a long history, which some elderly people like.

Moreover, most of the people who come here come here for retirement, and the neighbors are very friendly to each other.

The old people spend all day soaking in hot springs together, playing chess, and basking in the sun

The lifestyle on the entire island is slow-paced.

These are two opposite styles to those bustling cities in Sky Arena.

However, besides the elderly, there is another kind of people who have been waiting here for a long time.

That’s the archaeological type of person!

Including but not limited to archaeologists, fossilologists, historians, and even some customary hunters will also be interested.

"Island of Volcanoes and Fossils", one represents the elderly, and the other represents the archaeologists.

Although this Flame Stone Island is not very big.

But it has the largest fossil resources among all the six continents.

The number of fossils distributed on this island can account for almost one-third of the entire six continents.

The world of Hunter X Hunter is not like Blue Star. The fossils on Blue Star are just ordinary fossils of ancient creatures.

The fossils in Hunter X Hunter are not that simple.

Because there are all kinds of creatures such as wild beasts, magical beasts, rare beasts, etc., the fossils are also all kinds of strange.

Therefore, a considerable number of archaeologists, fossil scientists and others from the six continents have been waiting on this Yanshi Island for a long time.

"In other words, does the news of Dark Sonata come from the fossil area of ​​Qian?"

Lin Ke looked at the surrounding environment and asked for further information.

Lin Ke and Pyorn are currently in Firestone City, the largest and only city on Firestone Island.

Although it is called a city, it is more like a relatively large town.

The architectural style of Yanshi City is also very suitable for the elderly. Basically, they are old-fashioned wooden villas.

The houses are not high, basically one to two stories, and it is rare to see a three-story house.

Most of the houses are painted with green or red paint, red and green.

Because they are all old people, they have old-fashioned ideas and like bright red and green colors.

It was originally a relatively bright color, but over time, the house was vaguely covered with a thin layer of gray.

That's volcanic ash.

The ash on the slopes of the volcano is blown by strong winds to various parts of the island.

Whether it's on the roof of a house or some corners on the road, volcanic ash can be seen everywhere.

Those "forgotten" volcanic ash seem to remind people that it is a volcanic island.

"Yes, according to the information, some people have reported that there will be strange music sounds from time to time in an area.

"Because the fossil area has been excavated, collapses occasionally occur."

"So even a dead person won't be particularly noticeable. If there is a Dark Sonata hidden here, it will be difficult for anyone to find it.

"But I can't guarantee that it will happen."

Pyorn recalled the information he had collected before and explained his inferences.

At the end, fearing that he had said too much, Pjorn added another sentence.

After all, these are all her guesses based on all kinds of information. It cannot be said that there must be a Dark Sonata.

"Well, I still have to thank you. I searched for so much information. I must be quite tired during this period."

Lin Ke nodded slightly, his tone was very sincere, and they were all his true words.

The details that Pyorn showed were very superficial, and she really put in a lot of effort to help herself.

Even if he didn't discover Dark Sonata in the end, he wouldn't say much.

This is someone taking the initiative to help themselves.

"not bad."

Pyorn lowered his head, and even the bunny ears on his head were slightly bent downwards, as if he was a little shy.

The two of them had just arrived here and were not in a hurry to go to the specific location. Instead, they chose to visit Danshi City first.

“Don’t miss it when you’re passing by. The best glass. Each one only costs 10,000 ringgit.

"The freshly unearthed tooth fossils are quite beautiful after polishing. Don't miss it if you like fossils."

"The asparagus grass can only be harvested in ten years. Now is the time to harvest it, so sell it cheaply~"

When Lin Ke and Lin Ke walked around a corner, a series of shouts filled their ears with the wind.

This is a specially designated market area in Yanseok City, where countless vendors, large and small, sell local specialties.

This scene couldn't help but remind Lin Ke of his experience in the Samok Desert. The market here was as lively as there.

But the style of the market is quite different.

The climate in the Samok Desert is hot.

Therefore, vendors will put up a large white sheet to block the sun.

The items for sale are also local specialties from the desert, such as multi-ball cactus, dried sandworms, etc.

Although Yanshi Island has a volcano group, it is surrounded by the sea and the volcanoes rarely erupt.

It has one of the best suitable climates on the six continents, and the year-round temperature is within the suitable temperature for humans without major fluctuations.

This is also one of the main reasons why the elderly choose to retire here - the climate is suitable.

Therefore, the local people do not need to be as troublesome as the residents of the Samok Desert.

There is no need to put up a white sheet to shade the stall.

But the stalls on Firestone Island still have their own style.

Looking around, many vendors have one thing in common, that is, they are located on small rocks.

The whole rock is red, and the red is a little bit orange. It is a warm color and looks very comfortable.

This is one of the unique landscapes of Yanshi Island——[Red Rock]

[Red Rock] is one of the most important types of rocks on Yanshi Island. It is said that more than half of the rocks on the island are made of it.

Therefore, [Red Rock] can be seen everywhere on Yanshi Island.

It is said that the origin of the name "Flame Stone Island" has two meanings.

One is to show that there are several small volcanoes here, which means scorching flames.

The second is because the island is full of [red rocks], and everything you see is red, looking like burning rocks.

Therefore, it was named "Flame Stone Island".

Because [Red Rock] is a local characteristic landscape, and there are so many of them, they are distributed almost everywhere on the island.

Therefore, [Red Rock] can still be seen even in towns.

What appeared in front of Lin Ke and the two men was a group of stalls placed on the [Red Rock].

It is said to be a stall, but it is actually a layer of cloth spread on the stone, and then the items are placed on it.

Most of the [red rocks] here are not big, with a height of only half a meter at most, mainly to highlight their beauty.

A few of the [red rocks] will be larger, and there will be specially carved steps on the rocks.

For guests to come up and select items.

Seeing Lin Ke's interested look, the knowledgeable Pjorn said with a smile.

"Those are the local red rocks. I heard that the bigger the red rocks, the harder it is to sell things on them."

"Oh? Why is that?"

Pyorn's words made Lin Ke even more interested in this [Red Rock].

Obviously there are still a lot of open spaces in this market area, but most people choose to place their stalls on the [Red Rock].

The remaining stalls looked like they had not been robbed by those people, and they had no choice but to sell things in ordinary open spaces.

"This goes back to the history of this place. It is said that when people discovered this place in the past, they were shocked by the red rocks on the island.

"Even if the red rock is covered with volcanic ash, it still cannot hide its fiery red color."

"People were shocked at the time and thought they saw an island that was continuing to burn."

“It wasn’t until they tried it that it became clear that this was just an illusion caused by the bright colors of the rocks.

“But people’s admiration for red rock has not diminished at all.”

"Later, because of the concept of doing business in a prosperous manner, countless people chose to place their sales on Hongyan.

"They think it will make business more prosperous."

"Over time, selling things on the red rock has become an established custom on Yanshi Island."

"The larger the red rock, the more popular it is. It is said that the rent required to sell things on it for a day is quite expensive.

"…々Therefore, people can roughly tell the price and quality of the goods sold from the position of the vendors."

"The larger the red rock, the better and more precious the things sold on it are, and the higher the price will naturally be."

Only then did Lin Ke understand why people sold the items on the [Red Rock] instead of leaving them in the open space.

This is a special local custom, the same as in other areas.

Not only are the vendors in the market uniquely located, but the items sold are also very local.

There are various glass products made of volcanic ash, including bowls, cups, jars, and even more elaborate figures.

As an island with a volcano group, Tanshi Island is most indispensable for volcanic ash.

Local people have used volcanic ash to develop many derivative industries, such as cement industry, glass industry...

The most famous one is undoubtedly the medicinal materials industry.

Volcanic ash is rich in nutrients and is beneficial to the growth of many medicinal materials and plants. It is one of the main sources of medicinal materials on the six continents.

Therefore, the job of many elderly people here is to grow medicinal materials and sell the harvest to tourists, or they are specialized collectors.

Introduction in Pjorn

Under the introduction, Lin Ke has a deeper understanding of this "island of volcanoes and fossils".

Pjorn is like an encyclopedia.

When Lin Ke is curious about local cultural customs and other things, he can give accurate answers.

Volcanoes, old people, fossils, hot springs and medicinal materials, these things can't help but remind Lin Ke of Caoyan Town in Pokémon.

These factors all fit perfectly with it!

Although there are many differences, at least the fossils here do not require people to enter the mine from someone's house.

There is no Meteor Falls next to Flame Stone Island, and no Elf Gym has been opened.

But it's already quite similar.

From the moment he came here, two new breeding conditions quietly emerged in his mind.

This is the second time that two fertility bars appear at the same time!

After in-depth understanding, Lin Ke felt that the appearance of these two gestation bars was completely unsurprising.

In such a strange place, it is normal for two Pokémon to be born.

As for what kind of Pokémon it is?

(King Zhao’s) Lin Ke felt that he didn’t even have to guess.

A Pokémon that was bred on "Firestone Island", which has about one-third of the total fossils on the six continents.

These two Pokémon must be two of the fossil Pokémon!

After all, there are so many fossils on "Firestone Island", so it makes perfect sense to give birth to two fossil Pokémon at once.

Even two more Lin Ke wouldn’t be too much.

If you take a quick glance at this market area, you will see fossils for sale at basically every stall.

Except for a few stalls specializing in medicinal materials.

If there weren't a few fossils on those stalls, they would be embarrassed to say that they were vendors on "Flame Stone Island".

The number of fossil Pokémon is not small. There are currently more than a dozen species, including some that are powerful and some that are useless.

Fossil Pokémon mainly refer to those Pokémon that were once active in the Pokémon world but later disappeared.

They can only restore this type of Pokémon from fossils through technology or other techniques.

The powerful ones include fossil pterosaurs, and the smaller ones include Archeopteryx.

Archaeopteryx's racial values ​​are pretty good, with attack 140, special attack 112, speed 110, and a total of 567.

However, it is different from other Pokémon. Archeopteryx's weakness is mainly reflected in its characteristics.

Possessing one of the worst traits among Pokémon—weakness.

[Weakness]: When the blood volume is less than half, the double attack will be reduced by half.

This is as bad as the Toilet King's (Regichicas)'s machine activation and the Leave King's laziness.

Lin Ke has a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he doesn't know which two Pokémon he has.

The fossil pterosaur is quite good, and it can be super evolved later, so it has full potential.

Cradle Lily is also good, but it must have good water-drawing properties and can be placed at the end of his sandstorm team.

In the Pokémon game he used to play, there was a Cradle Lily in the Stone Gym Cuckoo. .

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