Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 154 Miracle Seed? Blood Rhizome! Miraculous Blood Fruit! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

The speed of the two incubation bars is fast and slow, and they are not synchronized.

One Pokémon will come out first, and the other will be hatched a few steps behind.

Moving his attention away from the breeding bar, Lin Ke began to formally look at this so-called market area.

There are many things sold at these stalls, and one of the signature industries that Lin Ke is most interested in is | medicinal materials!

Like Cauldron Town in Pokémon, many of the medicinal materials sold here have healing effects.

The difference is that the types and effects of medicinal materials here exceed those in the Pokémon world.

There are four medicinal materials in the Pokémon world, namely vitality powder, vitality root, all-purpose powder and resurrection grass.

The effect is either to cure or to remove abnormal conditions, there is no other effect.

If props are also included, then the "big rhizome" will be added.

The medicinal materials sold here have all kinds of strange effects. In addition to the above effects, they can also relieve paralysis, extend life, and improve concentration...

If Lin Ke had to describe it, he felt that the medicinal materials here were like a combination of two things.

It is roughly equivalent to combining the tree fruits in the Pokémon world with the Chinese medicine on Blue Star.

Of course, their effects are not as powerful as the medicinal materials in the Pokémon world.

For example, as long as the Pokémon's all-purpose powder is eaten, any abnormal status can be relieved.

Naturally, it is impossible for the medicinal materials here to reach that level, and it must be judged based on the specific situation.

To reach that level, Jingji needs to come up with a chapter of "Hope" that he has on hand.

Moving a little closer, the stronger smell of medicinal herbs penetrated Lin Ke's noses.

The whole street, as long as you are careful, you will find that it is basically filled with the smell of medicinal materials.

After the two casually looked around at the other stalls, they went straight to those large [Red Rocks] to order a doctor.

Now that we know about their traditions, it is easy to understand one thing.

Compared with other vendors, these items that can be sold on the large [Red Rock] will most likely be better.

"As I got closer, I realized it was a bit big."

Lin Ke looked at the large [Red Rock] in front of him and said.


Pyorn nodded slightly, looking at the same thought.

At this moment, under the cover of [Red Rock], there is a large shadow part 773 next to it, which can be used to enjoy the coolness in summer.

It is said to be a large [red rock], but that is just compared to the surrounding small rocks.

The real large [Red Rock] on Yanshi Island is a continuous existence standing on the ground.

But the one in front of them is not too small.

It is about three meters high and covers a large area. The other [Hongyan] is just a vendor.

And this [Red Rock] can accommodate two stalls on it at the same time.

It can be seen that this rock is much larger than other rocks.

It can be regarded as one of the best [Hongyan] in this market area.


The two walked up the steps specially carved on the [Red Rock], making crisp sounds one after another.

I don’t know if the steps have been polished or if the interior of [Red Rock] is just like this.

The steps were surprisingly bright, as if they were faintly emitting some light.

It's daytime now, Lin Ke guesses that at night, these [red rocks] might emit some light?

Sounds a bit like fluorite?

When the two officially reached the top, they were already three meters above the ground.

Looking sideways at the surroundings, even the field of vision is much wider. It is a suitable place for enjoying the beautiful scenery.

In addition to the two vendors at the top, there are three or five customers who are selecting items.

Compared to other stalls, the stalls here are relatively popular.

The entire market area is quite large, and there are a lot of vendors, so some vendors may have only three or five customers all day long.

Both vendors are engaged in a single business, and vendors like them specialize in a certain field.

One specializes in selling medicinal materials, and the other is a business related to fossils.

Out of curiosity about medicinal materials, Lin Ke first started shopping at the medicinal materials stall.

Some medicinal materials are fruits, exuding the aromatic fruit smell, which is more attractive than ordinary fruits.

Some medicinal materials are similar to common traditional Chinese medicine and smell more refreshing.

After glancing around the stall, Lin Ke focused on the only medicinal material that was slightly glowing with thought energy.

Does this medicinal material have mind energy attached to it?

It was a rhizome about the size of a fist, with densely packed branches intertwined together, like a disturbed spider web.

The normal color of the rhizome (cdce) should be yellowish.

But this rhizome is glowing with strange blood, and most ordinary people will feel palpitations when they look at it.

This stem always gave him a coquettish feeling.

For some reason, this stem reminded him of the parasitic plants he had encountered in the ancient labyrinth ruins.

The strange bloody light and the presence of thought energy were enough to make Lin Ke curious.

Lin Ke turned his head slightly and looked at Pyoen. The two of them looked at each other as if they had a tacit understanding, and they both knew that the other party was aware that something was wrong with Rhizome.

"Uncle, how do you sell this thing?"

The stall owner is a thin old man with dark skin, the kind of skin that comes from years of exposure to wind and sun.

I think this man must work very hard.

Now he is holding a pipe and smoking. This may be a rare rest time for him in his daily life.

"I'll give you 10,000 nuns."

The old man glanced at the roots on the stall, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and after pondering for a moment, he spoke slowly.

His voice was a little hoarse, probably due to years of smoking.

"Okay, I bought it."

After speaking, Lin Ke took out 10,000 Jie Ni and handed it to the old man.

This time, the old man didn't dare to accept it.

He just picked up this stem casually. He thought it looked strange and put it on the stall. Unexpectedly, it was noticed by others on the first day.

A rhizome of unknown use, exchanged for a full 10,000 ghats, was nothing for him.

Money and goods are worth two cents.

Lin Ke holds such a strange-looking rhizome in his hand, and the meager amount of thought energy attached to it is even more conspicuous.

Thinking of the pumice stone he bought at [Carter Harbor] before, Lin Ke immediately used air conditioning to wrap it.

Sure enough, under the input of thought energy, the bloody rhizome finally changed, exposing its hidden secrets.

Pyoern next to him looked sideways frequently when he saw this, his pair of pink eyes staring closely at the rhizome.

Some people are curious about what will happen if I input Nian Qi?

After a few breaths, Lin Ke's expression changed slightly, and he looked at the rhizome in his hand with slight surprise.

On the surface, there is no clue about this stem, but if you look carefully, you will find that the blood color on it is more vivid.

At this moment, this stem is constantly absorbing his thoughts, like a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

It will only absorb thought energy and have no other effects?

After a while, Lin Ke frowned slightly as he looked at the rhizome, which was just absorbing the thought energy without showing any effect.

At this moment, a message came to his mind.

This is the response coming from Nut Dumbbells.

It turns out that the effect of this stem is mainly reflected on plants.

By absorbing thought energy, the blood color of the rhizomes will become more abundant.

With enough energy, this stem can speed up the growth of the plant and the ripening of the fruit.

That is to say…………

Is this a crop instrument?

It sounds pretty good. If you are someone who grows rare medicinal materials, you will probably like it.

This kind of thing is an artifact to them.

Usually the older the medicinal materials are, the more effective they are.

The older the medicinal materials are, the rarer they are and the more expensive they are.

This thing that can shorten the growth time and speed up the harvest is simply an artifact.

But it seems to be of no use to him?

The next moment, another message from Nut Dumbbell came, and this time it was useful to him.

Not only is it useful, Lin Ke also has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Because the effect of this stem is quite similar to the "Miracle Seed" in Pokémon.

All of them can enhance the power of grass-based skills!

To put it simply, the rhizomes absorb the thought energy and then transform it into vegetation-type life energy.

For ordinary plants and trees, this stem can promote their growth, adapt to the growth environment, and improve their survival rate.

For grass-type Pokémon like Nutbell, the effect of the roots can enhance their grass-type skills.

It is equivalent to wearing a miracle seed in disguise.

This is the second telepathy tool that Lin Ke has obtained. The first one is a pumice stone, which can reduce the burden of stress.

The second one is this rhizome, which Lin Ke plans to call "blood rhizome", which can speed up plant growth and enhance the power of grass-based skills.

Compared with the former, the practicality of blood rhizomes is wider.

First of all, when he goes to the Dark Continent in the future, he will definitely encounter many magical plants and trees with various effects.

There must be a reason why those plants and trees only grow in the Dark Continent but not in the Six Continents.

The high probability is due to environmental factors.

Once upon a time, President Netero's son, Biyande, went to the Dark Continent and brought back an alchemical plant.

This is not only a symbol of his successful return from the dark continent, but also the harvest of his hope.

He brought it back not just for use, but an alchemy plant wouldn't accomplish much.

He wants to cultivate it and achieve mass production. Only when the quantity is large will it become truly valuable.

However, due to changes in the environment, there is no place suitable for cultivating this alchemical plant on the six continents.

The alchemy plants finally brought back were basically dead.

Once you have the blood rhizome, you can solve this problem.

The blood rhizome can absorb a large amount of one's own thoughts. This is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it is a good thing.

The more thought energy it can absorb, the more powerful its effect will be.

The success rate of cultivating your own plants will be higher.

When exploring the Dark Continent in the future, you can put the harvested plants into Gengar's belly.

At that time, you can use the blood roots to grow them.

Secondly, this blood rhizome is also helpful for the strength of Pokémon, which is equivalent to a "miracle seed"

Currently, I have no plants that need to be cultivated, and I don't have any other grass-type Pokémon on hand.

Naturally, I put on the nut dumbbells first.

"How about it?"

Pyoen brought his head closer and murmured softly, and even Lin Ke could smell a faint fragrance.


Lin Ke nodded heavily, with a smile on his face. The harvest this time was beyond his expectation.

Originally, I just bought it when I saw that there was a mental energy attached to it and thought it was interesting. Who would have thought that it would turn out to be a very good mental tool.

Although he didn't say anything, Pyorn knew from his expression that the harvest this time must be quite big.

Seeing Lin Ke happy, Pyoen also became happy and chuckled.

In addition to the blood rhizomes, Lin Ke also bought some local medicinal materials under the introduction of the old man.

For example, asparagus grass can prolong life, and ironwood powder can treat bruises and injuries.

The most special one is undoubtedly the blood fruit.

It is said that this is a very special medicinal material that can only be found on Yanshi Island.


It is the fruit of the blood tree, a characteristic plant on the island, which has grown over many years.

It takes a full twenty years for the blood tree to grow from seed to fruit.

It will take another ten years before it officially bears fruit.

A tree takes twenty years and bears fruit every ten years.

The number of results each time is determined by the size of the blood tree, but it is basically single digits.

Rarely will there be more than ten at a time.

This blood fruit looks very much like an apple, but its color is redder than an apple, as bright as blood.

The skin is very soft and feels like the skin of a tomato.

It is said that although the skin is soft, it is not easily broken and has toughness.

The reason why it is called "blood fruit" is not only because it is as red as blood, but also because of its unique effects.

As the name suggests, blood fruit has a strong ability to replenish blood.

If ordinary people encounter heavy bleeding, they can replenish the lost blood in a few breaths by just taking one pill.

It can be called a life-saving medicine!

The cause of death for many people is heavy bleeding, such as heavy bleeding during surgery or heavy bleeding when encountering a car accident on the road...

When encountering this situation, if there is a blood fruit, it is equivalent to a square.

Of course, it is precisely because of its heaven-defying effect and rare quantity that the value of each one is extremely high.

At least not something that ordinary people can afford.

Only those who are not short of money, such as V5 executives or nobles, can use it at will.

This blood fruit is regarded as the old man's "treasure of the stall", and it is the most valuable thing in his place.

Lin Ke, who was not short of money, naturally paid for this kind of thing.

I also listened to the old man’s introduction.

It is said that the reason why this blood tree only grows on Firestone Island is related to the [Red Rock] on the island.

With the evidence from Pyorn next to him, Lin Ke also knew that everything the old man said was true and he did not exaggerate the effect of the blood fruit.

No matter how many of these things you have, you will never have too much.

Although I probably won’t need it.

With the blood rhizome thing just now, Lin Ke suddenly thought, would this blood fruit also have any effect?

When used by humans, it can restore a large amount of blood in a short period of time.

But what about Pokémon?

Recover a large number of injuries in a short time?

Is it possible to achieve the same effect as Happy Egg’s egg-laying skill?

This will only be known by trying it later. .

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